scusandomi del ritardo, vi annuncio il seminario di oggi di geometria. Come sempre, alle 14.30 in aula seminari.
SEMINARI DI GEOMETRIA 14:30-15:30, Sala Seminari (Dip. Matematica) Rational Blancheld forms, S-equivalence, and null LP-surgeries Délphine Moussard (Università di Pisa)
Abstract: A QSK-pair is a pair (M,K) made of a rational homology sphere M and a null-homologous knot K in M. We will introduce a move on the set of QSK- pairs called null Lagrangian-preserving surgery. In order to study finite type invariants of QSK-pairs, it is interesting to describe the classes of QSK-pairs up to null Lagrangian-preserving surgeries. We will state that these classes are caracterised by the Alexander module of the QSK-pairs equipped with its Blanchfield form, and we will give the main ideas of the proof.