Prof. Quentin Berger (Universita' Parigi 6)
When: Mercoledi 13 maggio ore 11,
Where: Aula 211, Pal. C
Dip. Matematica e Fisica, RomaTre,
Largo San L. Murialdo, 1 - 00146 Roma
Disorder relevance for the pinning model (joint work with Hubert
A central question in the study of disordered systems (and in
particular of their phase transition) is that of disorder relevance:
one wants to determine whether an arbitrarily small quantity of
disorder affects or not the critical behavior of the system. The
physicist Harris provided a simple and general criterion to know
whether disorder was relevant or irrelevant for a given d-dimensional
In this talk, we will introduce the pinning model, a family of
disordered systems, which has attracted much attention in the past
decade: it considers a 1-dimensional polymer chain interacting with an
inhomogeneous defect line, undergoing a localization phase transition.
For this model, Harris' prediction has been rigorously proved, but the
marginal case (for which Harris criterion gives no prediction) was
partially left open. We will present here a necessary and sufficient
condition for disorder relevance for the pinning model, solving
completely the question for this model.