Cari colleghi,
vi segnalo che il Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Padova
ha bandito un posto di ricercatore di tipo B nel settore MAT/06.
Il bando è disponibile alla pagina
La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 25 agosto 2016.
Marco Ferrante
_First Call for Papers_
*7-9 July 2021, Venice, Italy*
The organizers are delighted to invite you to ECSO – CMS 2021 that will
be held in Venice, Italy, 7-9 July 2021, at the Department of Economics
- Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, in the San Giobbe Economics Campus.
/This is the rescheduled event for the Conference ECSO – CMS 2020,
suspended due to the COVID -19 pandemic emergency. We are planning to
organize the conference in presence in 2021./
ECSO - CMS 2021 is jointly organized by the Department of Economics of
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, the CMS Journal and the EURO Working
Group on Stochastic Optimization.
ECSO 2021 is the 3rd edition of a stream of conferences organized by the
EURO Working Group on Stochastic Optimization (EWGSO). The previous
editions were held in Paris (2014) and Rome (2017). The scope of the
conference is to bring together researchers and professionals in
Stochastic Optimization and its applications in different fields spacing
from economics and finance to supply chain, logistics, etc.
CMS 2021 is the 17th edition of an annual meeting associated with the
journal of Computational Management Science published by Springer. The
aim of the conference is to provide a forum for theoreticians and
practitioners from academia and industry to exchange knowledge, ideas
and results in a broad range of topics relevant to the theory and
practice of computational methods in management science.
This joint event will provide a forum for fruitful discussions and
interactions among researchers and professionals from industry and
institutional sectors on decision making under uncertainty in a complex
world.The conference will be within the scopes of both CMS and EWGSO
and, in particular, it will focus on models, methods and computational
tools in stochastic, robust and distributionally robust optimization and
on computational aspects of management science with emphasis on risk
management, valuation problems, measurement applications. Traditional
fields of application, such as finance, energy, water management,
logistics, supply chain management, and emerging ones, such as
healthcare, climate risk and sustainable development, will be included.
VENUE: Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
San Giobbe Campus – Cannaregio 873, 30121 Venice, Italy
Webpage: <>
Conference Secretariat: ecsocms2021(a)
Conference hashtag: #ecsocms2021
Abstract submission: *March 31, 2021*
Notification of acceptance: *April 20, 2021*
Early registration: *April 30, 2021*
Conference: J*uly 7-9, 2021*
DARINKA DENTCHEVA, Stevens Institute of Technology (USA)
DAVID MORTON, Northwestern University (USA)
GAH-YI BAN, University of Maryland (USA)
DANIEL KUHN, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (CH)
GIORGIO CONSIGLI, Università di Bergamo (I)
A *prize for the student best paper* will be awarded. Papers should be
nominated via e-mail by the students’ supervisors
(ecsocms2021(a) *Deadline for the submissions to the prize is
May 15.* The program will include a devoted session for presenting the
best papers to compete for the prize, such that the jury could make the
final choice. The paper does not have to be published. The papers should
be principally authored by the student, but co-authors are permitted as
long as their contributions are clarified. Only registered participants’
papers will be considered for the prize.
Jury for the Student Best Paper Prize: Stein-Erik Fleten (NTNU Norwegian
University of Science and Technology), Milos Kopa (Charles University of
Prague), Francesca Maggioni (University of Bergamo), Ruediger Schultz
(University Duisburg-Essen).
We are looking forward to seeing you in Venice.
Best Regards,
Diana Barro, Stein-Erik Fleten and Martina Nardon
Organizing and Program Committee Chairs
Dr. Martina Nardon
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
San Giobbe - Cannaregio, 873
30121 Venezia, Italy
tel. +39 041 234 7413
Care colleghe e colleghi,
vi informo che è uscito in Gazzetta Ufficiale un bando da RTDb in
S.C. 01/A3 Analisi matematica, Probabilità e Statistica matematica
- S.S.D. MAT/06 Probabilità e Statistica matematica
presso il Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita"
dell’Università di Padova.
Trovate informazioni sul bando e su come applicare alla pagina
Marco Ferrante
Prof. Marco Ferrante
Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita"
Università degli Studi di Padova
Via Trieste 63 , I-35121 Padova - ITALY
Tel: +39-0498271366 Fax: +39-0498271499
E-Mail: ferrante(a)
Dear Everyone,
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of TU Eindhoven (Netherlands) has an open Ph.D. position in Mathematical Statistics. We are looking for a motivated candidate with a solid theoretical background in Probability/Statistics to join our group and conduct research in the area of dependence modeling and copulas under my supervision.
Salary Range: EUR 2395 to EUR 3061 gross per month
Duration: 4 year
Application deadline: July 11, 2021
Job description and how to apply:… <…>
Please forward this email to any potential candidate, and reach out to me at e.perrone(a) <> for further information on the position.
Thanks and best regards,
Elisa Perrone, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Eindhoven University of Technology <>
We announce the following webinar from the Statistics Series at Università Bocconi:
Date: Thursday, June 3rd, h17:00 (Italy time)
Speaker: Stanislav Volgushev (University of Toronto)
Title: Structure learning for Extremes
Abstract: Extremal graphical models are sparse statistical models for multivariate extreme events. The underlying graph encodes conditional independencies and enables a visual interpretation of the complex extremal dependence structure. For the important case of tree models, we provide a data-driven methodology for learning the graphical structure. We show that sample versions of the extremal correlation and a new summary statistic, which we call the extremal variogram, can be used as weights for a minimum spanning tree to consistently recover the true underlying tree. Remarkably, this implies that extremal tree models can be learned in a completely non-parametric fashion by using simple summary statistics and without the need to assume discrete distributions, existence of densities, or parametric models for marginal or bivariate distributions. Extensions to more general graphs are also discussed.
The webinar will be on zoom at:
Meeting ID: 979 4263 2075
Passcode: 627490
Kind regards,
Giacomo Zanella
[La tua firma può scrivere un futuro. Aiuta gli studenti meritevoli a costruire il proprio. Dai il tuo 5x1000 alla Bocconi C.F. 80024610158]
Please note that the above message is addressed only to individuals filing Italian income tax returns.
5x1000 is a percentage of Italian personal income tax that taxpayers can allocate to Universities, scientific research and non profit organizations.
Dear colleagues,
I forward this conference announcement I’ve just received.
Best regards,
Gioia Carinci
Dear colleagues,
We are writing to announce an online conference on the topic of algebraic
duality methods in probability. There are 9 talks that will be held at 10am
and 11am central standard time on June 2, 4, 7, 8; and 5pm central standard
time on June 3. The website, containing the zoom link, titles and abstracts
can be found here:
Please feel free to circulate this announcement to anyone else you
think might be interested in attending these talks.
Ivan Corwin and Jeffrey Kuan
Probability mailing list
Cari colleghi
il prossimo incontro per il ciclo di seminari Prisma (speaker: Francesco
Caravenna e Maurizia Rossi) si svolgerà lunedì 7 Giugno alle ore 16
sulla piattaforma Teams; qui sotto il link, i titoli e gli abstract.
Grazie per l'attenzione,
Domenico Marinucci e Claudia Ceci
Link collegamento:…
Speaker: Francesco Caravenna (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
Title: Central limit theorems in disordered systems and stochastic PDEs
Abstract: I will present some recent convergence results toward Gaussian
processes, that arise from statistical mechanics models and stochastic
PDEs connected to the so-called KPZ equation. These results may be
viewed as generalised central limit theorems and they can be proved with
a blend of old and new techniques, whose wide interest I will try to
Speaker: Maurizia Rossi (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
Title: The geometry of random waves
Abstract: In this talk we investigate the behavior of the "typical"
eigenfunction of a compact Riemannian manifold. In particular, motivated
by both Yau's conjecture on nodal sets and Berry's ansatz on planar
random waves, we consider random spherical harmonics and study the
distribution of the length of their nodal lines for large eigenvalues.
These results raise several questions regarding both the distribution of
other geometric functionals of excursion sets at any level and the
behavior of nodal statistics of random eigenfunctions of a "generic"
manifold. In this talk we answer some of these questions, relying on
recent developments in the theory of local geometry of random fields and
Gaussian Kinematic Formulae à la Adler & Taylor.
Domenico Marinucci
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università di Roma Tor Vergata
A tutti gli interessati
lo Sportello Matematico per l'Innovazione e le Imprese
<> sta organizzando la terza edizione del
corso in “Trasferimento delle Tecnologie Matematiche per l’Innovazione”. Il
corso si svolgerà in modalità online durante il periodo *da lunedì 6
Settembre a venerdì 17 Settembre 2021*.
Il corso è rivolto principalmente a giovani laureati in *Scienze
Matematiche* e *F**isiche*,* Ingegneria*,* Economia*,* Informatica* e
*Statistica*, con l’*obiettivo* di formare la figura professionale
in Trasferimento delle Scienze e Tecnologie Matematiche per l’Innovazione*
(in breve: Traduttore Tecnologico).
Tale figura nasce per facilitare la comunicazione e promuovere
collaborazioni tra imprese e centri di ricerca. Grazie alla sua formazione
interdisciplinare, il *Traduttore Tecnologico* può dialogare sia con
imprese che con Centri di Ricerca specializzati in Tecnologie Matematiche.
Facilita l'incontro tra i bisogni tecnologici delle PMI e le competenze
nelle Scienze e Tecnologie Matematiche disponibili nel sistema della
ricerca pubblica e privata. Promuove un numero crescente di collaborazioni
per apportare benefici tangibili alle imprese.
*Modalità di presentazione** delle domande*
Per procedere con la domanda di partecipazione, è sufficiente compilare il
form online a questo link
entro il *23 Luglio 2021*, allegando un proprio CV aggiornato ed una
lettera motivazionale di autopresentazione.
Per informazioni:
Grazie in anticipo per la collaborazione,
Il Team dello Sportello Matematico
*Tecnologie Matematiche:* cosa sono, come vengono applicate nelle imprese,
tendenze del mercato della Ricerca e Innovazione, Prototipazione Virtuale e
Digital Twinning.
*Trasferimento Tecnologico:* contesto italiano ed internazionale, settori
industriali, esperienze di successo e strategie di comunicazione.
*Gestione dell'Innovazione:* concetti, fonti, forme, modelli ed ecosistemi
dell'innovazione, Open Innovation e rapporto con la Proprietà Intellettuale
*Sistemi di Supporto alle Decisioni e Ricerca Operativa:* abilitare il
potenziale delle Tecnologie Matematiche nel Management.
*Attori e Strutture Organizzative:* Best practices, il ruolo dello
Sportello Matematico in Italia ed in Europa.
Area *Ricerca e Innovazione* presso imprese manifatturiere e di servizi
*Trasferimento Tecnologico* e *Valorizzazione della Ricerca* presso
Università e Centri di Ricerca
Partecipazione a *Progetti Europei* su Tecnologie Matematiche per
Maurizio Ceseri
Sportello Matematico per l'Industria Italiana
Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo (IAC-CNR)
via dei Taurini 19, 00185 Roma (Italy)
Tel: (+39) 0649937369
Dear all,
we have a few open PhD positions at the PhD School in Mathematics of the
Universities of Trento and Verona.
Some positions are on research projects that might be of interest for
students in Probability Theory and Statistics, namely
Mathematics of Reinforcement Learning (PIs: Claudio Agostinelli and
Luigi Amedeo Bianchi)
Modelling dynamic networks with differential equations (PI:
Veronica Vinciotti, joint project with Ernst Wit, Università della
Svizzera Italiana)
Analytical, stochastic, and applicative aspects of Deep Neural
Networks (PI: Gian Paolo Leonardi)
There are also positions with no restriction on the research topic. All
positions start on November 1st, 2021.
Detailed descriptions of all projects are available at the following url:…
The application can be filled online from the page:
Notice, however, that the deadline for applications is very close:
Monday May 31st, 2021 at 4PM CEST (GMT +2)
Luigi Amedeo Bianchi
Si avvisa che e' stato bandito un posto da ricercatore RTDB nel settore
SECS-S/06 presso il Dipartimento di Statistica e Metodi quantitativi
dell'Universita' di Milano-Bicocca.
La scadenza per le domande e' il giorno 20 giugno 2021 (NON 9 giugno 2021).
Bando e dettagli sono consultabili alla pagina
Cordiali saluti,
Emanuela Rosazza Gianin
Dipartimento di Statistica e Metodi Quantitativi
Università di Milano-Bicocca
Edificio U7 – 4° Piano
Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8
20126 Milano
Tel. 02 64483208
e-mail: emanuela.rosazza1(a)