Cari colleghi,
vi segnalo che il Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Padova
ha bandito un posto di ricercatore di tipo B nel settore MAT/06.
Il bando è disponibile alla pagina
La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 25 agosto 2016.
Marco Ferrante
We are delighted to announce the second webinar of the series Junior Bayes Beyond the Borders (JB^3): an online seminar series jointly organized by the BayesLab ( at Bocconi University and j-ISBA (, the junior section of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis. JB^3 aims at highlighting the work of outstanding junior researchers in Bayesian Statistics (for more information visit:<>). The webinar will be:
Date: 02 July 2020, 3pm UTC (5pm Italy time)
Speaker: Lindsay Berry (Berry Consultants)
Title: Bayesian dynamic modeling and forecasting of count time series
Discussant: Christopher Glynn (University of New Hampshire)
The link to join the webinar will be made available at<> a few hours before the seminar.
Kind regards,
Giacomo Zanella
[La tua firma può scrivere un futuro. Aiuta gli studenti meritevoli a costruire il proprio. Dai il tuo 5x1000 alla Bocconi C.F. 80024610158]
Please note that the above message is addressed only to individuals filing Italian income tax returns.
5x1000 is a percentage of Italian personal income tax that taxpayers can allocate to Universities, scientific research and non profit organizations.
Dear Friend
this is to remind that on July 1-2 and 8-9 there will be the online meeting:
"Kick-Off Meeting of Prin 2017 Project: Stochastic Models for Complex Systems"
(PRIN-project of University of Lecce, Salerno and Napoli)
devoted to the presentation of scientific results obtained in the
first year of the project and future research topics.
For details see:
You are kindly invited to join the meeting.
We recall that the registration is free but compulsory.
Please send an email to: smocswn2020(a)
Subject: Registration
including the following information
Family Name:
E- mail:
Best regards,
Roberta Schiattarella, Mariella Longobardi, Nello Buonocore,
Igia Caputo, Enrica Pirozzi.
Enrica Pirozzi
Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni
Universita' di Napoli FEDERICO II
Via Cintia, Monte S.Angelo, 80126, NAPOLI, ITALY
Tel. 081 675634
Dear All,
I was asked to circulate the advert below for an excellent postdoc
opportunity in Berlin. The deadline is 10 August.
Best wishes
Applications are invited for a
Postdoc position
5 years, TV-L E13, 100% (>2300 EUR per month after taxes etc.)
in the group of Prof. Peter Bank at TU Berlin’s department of Mathematics.
We are particularly interested in stochastic optimization problems arising
in finance and are looking for early career researchers who want to
actively contribute to this field of research, for instance by working
towards a habilitation.
The teaching load is 4 hours per week during term and includes teaching of
exercise classes in the department and the supervision of Bachelor and
Master theses.
Please see
for the formal details. The "usual documents" mentioned there are meant to
- a cover letter explaining the applicant’s movitation,
- a scientific CV,
- a list of publications and talks,
- a description of future research plans (outlining, when applicable, the
habilitation project),
- teaching record,
- at least two, preferably three letters of recommendation.
Deadline for applications is August 10, 2020.
ricevo da Andreas Kyprianou e Leif Doering, ed inoltro a tutti voi (vedere
Dear all,
as a reaction to the current situation, a virtual alternative to the
postponed 2020 Bernoulli-IMS World Congress in Seoul has been set up. The
meeting will allow all researchers from PhD student to established
researchers to present and discuss with the community their latest research
on probability and mathematical statistics!
Please join the
*Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium 2020, held on 24th to 28th of August,*
jointly organized by the Bernoulli Society, IMS and the One World
Probability Project. The symposium will be virtual with many new
experimental features. No registration fees apply!
The daily program will be arranged around live talks (each held twice to
reach the entire planet):
- 4 plenary lectures: Emmanuel Candes (Stanford), Martin Hairer (London),
Kerrie Mengersen (Queensland), Wendelin Werner (Zurich)
- 7 early career speakers
All researchers around the world are invited to submit abstracts for 10
minute talks by July 13th which will be assessed by the 23 session chairs.
Accepted 10 minute talks will have to be produced before August 9th. They
will appear on the website and the YouTube channel one week before the
symposium. In slots during the symposium, every speaker of a prerecorded 10
minute talk will have the chance to discuss live with the audience in one
of the 23 session zoom rooms. It will never be easier to reach a large
audience with the little effort of producing a 10 minute video at home!
It’s easy, just go for it!
To allow for discussions among participants, the symposium will run
different kinds of interactive events. Have you ever participated in a
workshop excursion of the world? Stay tuned!
Go to
see how you can participate and don’t forget to submit your *abstract
before July 13th*!
Producing a 10 minute video is little work for maximum connectivity, give
it a go and help us make this happen!
*Please redistribute this mail as you like!*
All the best and „see“ you in August,
Andreas & Leif
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 5, Phone (0039) 06 49913252
_First Announcement_
*7-9 July 2021, Venice, Italy*
The organizers are delighted to invite you to ECSO – CMS 2021 that will
be held in Venice, Italy, 7-9 July 2021, at the Department of Economics
- Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, in the San Giobbe Economics Campus.
/The event was originally planned for July 2020 but due to the COVID-19
situation the conference is rescheduled to the next year./
ECSO - CMS 2021 is jointly organized by the Department of Economics of
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, the CMS Journal and the EURO Working
Group on Stochastic Optimization.
ECSO 2021 is the 3rd edition of a stream of conferences organized by the
EURO Working Group on Stochastic Optimization (EWGSO). The previous
editions were held in Paris (2014) and Rome (2017). The scope of the
conference is to bring together researchers and professionals in
Stochastic Optimization and its applications in different fields spacing
from economics and finance to supply chain, logistics, etc.
CMS 2021 is the 17th edition of an annual meeting associated with the
journal of Computational Management Science published by Springer. The
aim of the conference is to provide a forum for theoreticians and
practitioners from academia and industry to exchange knowledge, ideas
and results in a broad range of topics relevant to the theory and
practice of computational methods in management science.
This joint event will provide a forum for fruitful discussions and
interactions among researchers and professionals from industry and
institutional sectors on decision making under uncertainty in a complex
world.The conference will be within the scopes of both CMS and EWGSO
and, in particular, it will focus on models, methods and computational
tools in stochastic, robust and distributionally robust optimization and
on computational aspects of management science with emphasis on risk
management, valuation problems, measurement applications. Traditional
fields of application, such as finance, energy, water management,
logistics, supply chain management, and emerging ones, such as
healthcare, climate risk and sustainable development, will be included.
DARINKA DENTCHEVA, Stevens Institute of Technology (USA)
DAVID MORTON, Northwestern University (USA)
GAH-YI BAN, London Business School (UK)
DANIEL KUHN, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (CH)
GIORGIO CONSIGLI, Università di Bergamo (I)
Venue: Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
San Giobbe Campus – Cannaregio 873, 30121 Venice, Italy
Webpage: <>
Conference Secretariat: ecsocms2021(a)
Conference hashtag: #ecsocms2021
_Call for papers and deadlines will be announced in Autumn_
A *Best Student Paper Prize* will be awarded. Papers should be nominated
via e-mail by the students’ supervisors (ecsocms2021(a) The
program will include a devoted session for presenting the best papers to
compete for the prize, such that the jury could make the final choice.
The paper does not have to be published. The papers should be
principally authored by the student, but co-authors are permitted as
long as their contributions are clarified. Only registered participants’
papers will be considered for the prize.
Jury for the Student Best Paper Prize: Stein-Erik Fleten (NTNU Norwegian
University of Science and Technology), Milos Kopa (Charles University of
Prague), Francesca Maggioni (University of Bergamo), Ruediger Schultz
(University Duisburg-Essen).
We are looking forward to seeing you in Venice.
Best Regards,
Diana Barro, Stein-Erik Fleten and Martina Nardon
Organizing and Program Committee Chairs
Dr. Martina Nardon
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
San Giobbe - Cannaregio, 873
30121 Venezia, Italy
tel. +39 041 234 7413
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2020 18:47:00 +0100
From: Andreas Kyprianou <ak257(a)>
To: owps(a)
Subject: [owps] Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium 2020: 24th to 28th of August.
Dear all,
as a reaction to the current situation, a virtual alternative to the postponed
2020 Bernoulli-IMS World Congress in Seoul has been set up. The meeting will
allow all researchers from PhD student to established researchers to present
and discuss with the community their latest research on probability and
mathematical statistics!
Please join the
Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium 2020, hold on 24th to 28th of August,
jointly organized by the Bernoulli Society, IMS and the One World Probability
Project. The symposium will be virtual with many new experimental features. No
registration fees apply!
The daily program will be arranged around live talks (each held twice to reach
the entire planet):
- 4 plenary lectures: Emmanuel Candes (Stanford), Martin Hairer (London),
Kerrie Mengersen (Queensland), Wendelin Werner (Zurich)
- 7 early career speakers
All researchers in the world are invited to submit abstracts for 10 minute
talks by July 13th which will be assessed by the 23 session chairs. Accepted
10 minute talks will have to be produced before August 9th. They will appear
on the website and the YouTube channel one week before the symposium. In slots
during the symposium, every speaker of a prerecorded 10 minute talk will have
the chance to discuss live with the audience in one of the 23 session zoom
rooms. It will never be easier to reach a large audience with the little
effort of producing a 10 minute video at home! It?s easy, just go for it!
To allow for discussions among participants, the symposium will run different
kinds of interactive events. Have you ever participated in a workshop
excursion of the world? Stay tuned!
Go to to see how you can participate and
don?t forget to submit your abstract before July 13th!
If you have questions, you can ask them after tomorrow's second OWPS talk of
Augusto in the main room (questions to the speakers as usual in the breakout
Please redistribute this mail as you like!
All the best and ?see? you tomorrow or in August,
Andreas & Leif
Call for interest :
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata
invites expressions of interest for Senior (Tenure-Track) Assistant
Professor ('RTD-B') and Tenured Associate Professor positions in the
following areas of Mathematics:
a) Data Analysis, Statistics and Machine Learning;
b) Historical and pedagogical aspects of mathematics;
c) Numerical optimization with special focus on big data and machine
learning applications.
More details can be found at the following link:
Please feel free to forward this message to potentially interested
Domenico Marinucci
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università di Roma Tor Vergata
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Andreas Kyprianou <ak257(a)>
Date: mer 24 giu 2020 alle ore 13:23
Subject: [owps] One World Probability Seminar Thursday 25th June 2020
To: <owps(a)>
One World Probability Seminar Thursday 25th June 2020
Tomorrow's speakers in the One World Probability Seminar are
15.00: Augusto Teixeira (Rio): Random walks on dynamical random environments
with non-uniform mixing (Part 1)
16.00: Marcelo Hilário (Belo Horizonte): Random walks on dynamical random
environments with non-uniform mixing (Part 2)
The first talk will be a non-technical introduction to the subject.
Abstract: In these two consecutive talks we will discuss recent results on
limiting behavior of random walks on dynamical random environments. The
strength of these results depends a great deal on space-time mixing
imposed to the environment but also on other features like the dimension and
the allowed transitions. In our case, we restrict ourselves to random walks
evolving on one-dimensional random environments given by conservative
interacting particle systems such as the simple symmetric exclusion process.
For this setting, conservation of particles leads to poor-mixing conditions
which complicates the applicability of some available tools. Our goal is to
explain how renormalization can be used to handle these difficulties in
to obtain law of large numbers, large deviation estimates. The first talk
be a non-technical introduction to the subject. In the second talk, we
a more detailed idea of how to prove the results.
All the results were obtained on several joint works with Oriane Blondel,
Frank den Hollander, Daniel Kious, Renato dos Santos and Vladas
Please keep in mind that we are working with Central European summer time.
As always, the Zoom-room link will appear on the OWPS seminar webpage:
But you can also link to it directly by clicking this link tomorrow:
Meeting-ID: 868 6808 1342
Please feel free to circulate this email.
We hope to see you all tomorrow!
One World Probability Team
For the videos you can also subscribe to the Youtube or Bilibili channels:
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 5, Phone (0039) 06 49913252