Cari colleghi,
vi segnalo che il Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Padova
ha bandito un posto di ricercatore di tipo B nel settore MAT/06.
Il bando è disponibile alla pagina
La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 25 agosto 2016.
Marco Ferrante
Cari tutti,
vorrei segnalare l'emissione di un bando di concorso per un posto di
Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di tipo B in Fisica Matematica (SC
01/A4 - SSD MAT/07) presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica
dell'Università degli Studi Roma Tre.
Il termine di scadenza delle domande è il 28/10/2021.
Il bando integrale è disponibile al seguente indirizzo:
sotto la voce "Concorsi e Selezioni" in pubblicazione dal 28-09-2021
al 28-10-2021 (si veda la voce "Procedure pubbliche per complessivi 43
posti di Ricercatore a tempo determinato, Art. 24 c.3 lettera B) Legge
240/2010, presso i Dipartimenti dell'Ateneo, con modello di domanda in
word e versione in lingua inglese. Avviso pubblicato sulla G.U. n. 77
del 28/09/2021, scadenza presentazione domande 28/10/2021")
Il link diretto al bando è il seguente:
con allegati disponibili al seguente link:
Vi prego di inoltrare le informazioni sul bando a tutti i colleghi
potenzialmente interessati.
Grazie, cordiali saluti,
Alessandro Giuliani
_First Call for Papers_
*7-9 July 2021, Venice, Italy*
The organizers are delighted to invite you to ECSO – CMS 2021 that will
be held in Venice, Italy, 7-9 July 2021, at the Department of Economics
- Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, in the San Giobbe Economics Campus.
/This is the rescheduled event for the Conference ECSO – CMS 2020,
suspended due to the COVID -19 pandemic emergency. We are planning to
organize the conference in presence in 2021./
ECSO - CMS 2021 is jointly organized by the Department of Economics of
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, the CMS Journal and the EURO Working
Group on Stochastic Optimization.
ECSO 2021 is the 3rd edition of a stream of conferences organized by the
EURO Working Group on Stochastic Optimization (EWGSO). The previous
editions were held in Paris (2014) and Rome (2017). The scope of the
conference is to bring together researchers and professionals in
Stochastic Optimization and its applications in different fields spacing
from economics and finance to supply chain, logistics, etc.
CMS 2021 is the 17th edition of an annual meeting associated with the
journal of Computational Management Science published by Springer. The
aim of the conference is to provide a forum for theoreticians and
practitioners from academia and industry to exchange knowledge, ideas
and results in a broad range of topics relevant to the theory and
practice of computational methods in management science.
This joint event will provide a forum for fruitful discussions and
interactions among researchers and professionals from industry and
institutional sectors on decision making under uncertainty in a complex
world.The conference will be within the scopes of both CMS and EWGSO
and, in particular, it will focus on models, methods and computational
tools in stochastic, robust and distributionally robust optimization and
on computational aspects of management science with emphasis on risk
management, valuation problems, measurement applications. Traditional
fields of application, such as finance, energy, water management,
logistics, supply chain management, and emerging ones, such as
healthcare, climate risk and sustainable development, will be included.
VENUE: Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
San Giobbe Campus – Cannaregio 873, 30121 Venice, Italy
Webpage: <>
Conference Secretariat: ecsocms2021(a)
Conference hashtag: #ecsocms2021
Abstract submission: *March 31, 2021*
Notification of acceptance: *April 20, 2021*
Early registration: *April 30, 2021*
Conference: J*uly 7-9, 2021*
DARINKA DENTCHEVA, Stevens Institute of Technology (USA)
DAVID MORTON, Northwestern University (USA)
GAH-YI BAN, University of Maryland (USA)
DANIEL KUHN, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (CH)
GIORGIO CONSIGLI, Università di Bergamo (I)
A *prize for the student best paper* will be awarded. Papers should be
nominated via e-mail by the students’ supervisors
(ecsocms2021(a) *Deadline for the submissions to the prize is
May 15.* The program will include a devoted session for presenting the
best papers to compete for the prize, such that the jury could make the
final choice. The paper does not have to be published. The papers should
be principally authored by the student, but co-authors are permitted as
long as their contributions are clarified. Only registered participants’
papers will be considered for the prize.
Jury for the Student Best Paper Prize: Stein-Erik Fleten (NTNU Norwegian
University of Science and Technology), Milos Kopa (Charles University of
Prague), Francesca Maggioni (University of Bergamo), Ruediger Schultz
(University Duisburg-Essen).
We are looking forward to seeing you in Venice.
Best Regards,
Diana Barro, Stein-Erik Fleten and Martina Nardon
Organizing and Program Committee Chairs
Dr. Martina Nardon
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
San Giobbe - Cannaregio, 873
30121 Venezia, Italy
tel. +39 041 234 7413
Buon pomeriggio a tutti,
abbiamo il piacere di annunciare il prossimo webinar promosso dal
- Lunedi’ 6 dicembre 2021 ore 16-18
- ore 16, Giulia Di Nunno
Titolo: On time changed Lévy noises in modelling, dynamics and control
The study of time change lays at the intersection of probability and
statistics and have interesting potential in the modelling of
different phenomena. These models are appealing, since they seem quite
close to classical Lévy structures, often easy to simulate, though
they are still statistically very different, as they may loose
important properties, such as independent increments and Markovianity.
It clearly all depends on the time change applied!
When it comes to stochastic calculus, stochastic dynamics, and
control, we shall see how the use of the interplay of partial
information techniques and enlargement of filtrations can help dealing
with such dynamics.
- ore 17, Alessandra Cretarola
Titolo: Optimal reinsurance and investment under common shock
dependence between the financial and the actuarial market
We study the optimal proportional reinsurance and investment strategy
for an insurance company which experiences both ordinary and
catastrophic claims and wishes to maximize the expected exponential
utility of its terminal wealth. We propose a model where the insurance
framework is affected by environmental factors, and aggregate claims
and stock prices are subject to common shocks, i.e. drastic events
such as earthquakes, extreme weather conditions, or
even pandemics, that have an immediate impact on the financial market
and simultaneously induce insurance claims. Using the classical
stochastic control approach based on the Hamilton-Jacobi- Bellman
equation, we provide a verification result for the value function via
classical solutions to two backward partial differential equations and
characterize the optimal strategy. Finally, we discuss the effect of
the common shock dependence via a comparison analysis.
Collegamento Teams:…
Tutte le informazioni sui webinars sono pubblicate alla pagina web:
Grazie per l’attenzione,
Claudia Ceci e Domenico Marinucci
Cari colleghi,
nell’ambito del programma di Visiting Professors della Laurea Magistrale in Stochastics and Data Science dell’Università di Torino (alla pagina <> il programma completo per il presente a.a.), con piacere annunciamo il seguente corso:
Bas KLEIJN (University of Amsterdam)
We look at the role that the posterior can play in frequentist statistics, with special attention for large-sample limits. There exists an intimate relationship between hypothesis testing and concentration of posterior measure, which combines with a notion called remote contiguity to obtain frequentist convergence results from sequences of Bayesian posterior measures. We shall cover frequentist forms of posterior consistent estimation, rates of posterior convergence, as well as asymptotic uncertainty quantification by enlargement of credible sets and hypothesis testing/model selection with Bayes factors.
Plan of the course: eight lectures of 45 minutes each:
Lec I - Bayesian Basics (Frequentist/Bayesian formalisms, estimation, coverage, testing)
Lec II - The Bernstein-von Mises theorem (Limit shape in smooth parametric models, semi-parametrics)
Lec III - Bayes and the Infinite (Consistency, Doob’s theorem, Schwartz’s theorem)
Lec IV - Posterior contraction (Barron, Walker, Ghosh-Ghosal-van der Vaart theorems)
Lec V - Tests and posteriors (Testing and posterior concentration, Doob’s theorem)
Lec VI - Frequentist validity of Bayesian limits (Remote contiguity and frequentist limits)
Lec VII - Posterior uncertainty quantification (How confidence sets arise from credible sets)
Lec VIII - Uniform and pointwise tests (Which hypotheses are asymptotically testable and which are not?)
Time permitting, we shall also consider
Lec IX - Bayesian tests and posterior model selection (Model selection with posteriors, some examples)
L'iniziativa è rivolta agli studenti del secondo anno della Laurea Magistrale ma la partecipazione è aperta a tutti gli interessati.
Il corso si svolgerà in presenza nell’aula 30, terzo piano, Unione Sovietica 218/bis, 10134, Torino (qui… <…>
i requisiti per l’accesso come ingressi occasionali) secondo il seguente calendario:
- mar 30 Novembre, h.14-16
- mer 1 Dicembre, h.14-16
- mar 7 Dicembre, h.14-16
- gio 9 Dicembre, h.11.15-13
e sarà trasmesso in diretta streaming (senza registrazione) tramite la seguente riunione Webex, valida per tutte le lezioni: <>
Numero riunione: 2733 233 8719
Password: 9ahN5DGFRU3
Cordiali saluti,
Matteo Ruggiero
Matteo Ruggiero
University of Torino and Collegio Carlo Alberto <>
Da: Davide Pirino <davide.pirino(a)>
Inviato: venerd? 26 novembre 2021 16:09
Apologies for cross-posting
Dear colleagues,
This is a gentle reminder on the Call for Papers of the XXIII Workshop on
Quantitative Finance, which will be held in Rome (in presence) on January
27-28, 2022.
The deadline for submitting extended abstracts is next Tuesday,
30th November, 2021 (the call for paper and all deadlines can be found in
the attached document).
Abstract must be submitted through an online procedure at the following
Registration - XXII Workshop on Quantitative Finance
The Annual meeting whose purpose is to stimulate discussion on theoretical
and practical aspects of Quantitative Finance
Information on the workshop is available here:
XXII Workshop on Quantitative Finance
The Annual meeting whose purpose is to stimulate discussion on theoretical
and practical aspects of Quantitative Finance
On behalf of the organizing committee.
Apologies for cross-posting
Dear colleagues,
This is a gentle reminder on the Call for Papers of the XXIII Workshop on
Quantitative Finance, which will be held in Rome (in presence) on January
27-28, 2022.
The deadline for submitting extended abstracts is next Tuesday, 30th November,
2021 (the call for paper and all deadlines can be found in the attached
Abstract must be submitted through an online procedure at the following
Information on the workshop is available here:
On behalf of the organizing committee.
Si comunica che alla pagina…
è pubblicato il bando per una posizione RTDB nel Settore Concorsuale 13/D1 - STATISTICA.
Laura Sangalli
Laura Maria Sangalli
MOX - Dipartimento di Matematica
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133 Milano - Italy
tel: +39 02 2399 4554
fax: +39 02 2399 4568
email: laura.sangalli(a)<>