Cari colleghi,
vi segnalo che il Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Padova
ha bandito un posto di ricercatore di tipo B nel settore MAT/06.
Il bando è disponibile alla pagina
La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 25 agosto 2016.
Marco Ferrante
Dear all,
you're invited to the seminar that will take place, in hybrid mode, at the Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods, University of Milano-Bicocca.
More details:
• Speaker: Katia Colaneri (email: katia.colaneri(a) <>)
Title: Some Optimisation Problems in Insurance with a Terminal Distribution Constraint
Abstract: In this paper, we study two optimisation settings for an insurance company, under the constraint that the terminal surplus at a deterministic and finite time T follows a normal distribution with a given mean and a given variance. In both cases, the surplus of the insurance company is assumed to follow a Brownian motion with drift. First, we allow the insurance company to pay dividends and seek to maximise the expected discounted dividend payments or to minimise the ruin probability under the terminal distribution constraint. Here, we find explicit expressions for the optimal strategies in both cases, when the dividend strategy is updated at discrete points in time and continuously in time. Second, we let the insurance company buy a reinsurance contract for a pool of insured or a branch of business. We only allow for piecewise constant reinsurance strategies producing a normally distributed terminal surplus, whose mean and variance lead to a given Value at Risk or Expected Shortfall at some confidence level α. We investigate the question which admissible reinsurance strategy produces a smaller ruin probability, if the ruin-checks are due at discrete deterministic points in time.
This presentation is based on a joint work with Julia Eisenberg (TU Vienna) and Benedetta Salterini (University of Firenze)
Seminar venue:
University of Milano-Bicocca
Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods
Aula Seminari 4026, 4th floor, Building U7
January 25th, 4:30 pm
Webex Link : <>
Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2743 983 3965
Meeting password: c2uJfPBVe83 (22853728 from phones)
Best regards,
Dear all,
Luiss University is seeking candidates for a Junior position in
Mathematics Applied to Economics and Finance. We invite all interested
researchers to express their interest as soon as possible, possibly by mid
January 2023. On the basis of the results of the call we will decide which
type of Junior position to announce officially (in particular if tenure
track or not).
Candidates should have a solid knowledge of advanced mathematical tools
and the clear attitude to apply such tools to some of the following areas:
economics, management, finance, insurance, decision theory, game theory,
and social sciences in general.
See the link…
All the best wishes for the New Year,
Sara Biagini e Fausto Gozzi
Sara Biagini, Professor of Mathematical Finance
Department of Economics and Finance
LUISS Guido Carli
Address: Viale Romania, 32 - 00197 Roma
Dear all,
On Wednesday, February 15th, at 14h00 in Aula Dal Passo at Roma Tor
Vergata, RoMaDS ( will host
Francesco Vaccarino (Politecnico di Torino) with the seminar
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_"Hodge-Shapley game: a Laplacian-based Shapley-like associated game for
eXplainable AI"_
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In cooperative game theory, a set of players or decision-makers should
negotiate to decide how to allocate the worth gained by the coalition
composed of all the players. A value is a solution concept that suggests
the outcome of the negotiation among players. Among the many existing
alternative solution concepts, it is prevalent the Shapley value
solution concept. Its popularity also derives from the property of being
a fair allocation, where a set of desirable properties or axioms
describes fairness. The axioms characterize the Shapley value in the
sense that it is the unique value satisfying those properties; at the
same time, the axioms allow deriving a simple explicit combinatorial
formula to compute the Shapley value. In our approach, coalitions are
the main subjects of cooperation, instead of single players, and,
inspired by the Shapley value, the goal is to derive a fair associated
game, i.e. an allocation to coalitions satisfying a set of desirable
properties. The methodology is based on using the Hodge decomposition of
the simplicial complex associated with the partially ordered set of the
subsets of the set of players ordered by inclusion. We will motivate
this investigation within the framework of Explainable Artificial
Intelligence (XAI).
Joint work with Antonio Mastropietro (Eurecom - F)
We encourage in-person partecipation. Should you be unable to come, here
is the link to the event on Teams:…
The seminar is part of the Excellence Project Math@TOV.
You can find a schedule with the next events at the following link: .
Annuncment of Ph.D. Course
Prof. Dario Trevisan
Dates of the lectures: Mo 23/01, Fr 27/01, Fr 03/02, Th. 9/02, Mo
13/02, Fr 17/02
Timetable: 11:00 - 13:000
Location: Aula B. Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita' di Roma La Sapienza
1. Principles of QM: pure and mixed states, observables, tensor
products and entanglement.
2. Examples: qudits, spin chains, Gaussian systems.
3. Open quantum systems: CPTP maps, quantum Markov semigroups and
their generators.
4. Distances between quantum states: trace distance, fidelity, quantum
optimal transport.
5. Quantum entropy and its properties. A quantum channel coding theorem.
- Nielsen, M.A. and Chuang, I.L., Quantum Computation and Quantum
Information: 10th Anniversary Edition, Cambridge University Press,
- Naaijkens, Pieter. Quantum spin systems on infinite lattices.
eScholarship, University of California, 2013.
Best Regards,
Lorenzo Bertini
Dipartimento di Matematica
Universita' di Roma La Sapienza | Tel: +39 - 06 4991 4974
P.le A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma | E-mail: bertini(a)
Home page:
Buongiorno a tutt*
ho il piacere di annunciare il prossimo webinar del ciclo di seminari
promosso dal Gruppo UMI PRISMA (
*Lunedì 6 marzo 2023, *
*ore 16-17 Alessandro Calvia*
*Titolo: *Stochastic filtering in a non-Markovian framework with
predictable jump times.
*Abstract:* Stochastic filtering is a classic branch of applied
probability. Research on this subject began with the pioneering works of N.
Wiener and R. E. Kalman; since then, it has vastly expanded in numerous
directions and is still ongoing. The starting point of a stochastic
filtering problem is a partially observed system, i.e., a model consisting
of a signal (or unobserved) process and an observed process. The main goal
is to compute an equation satisfied by the filter, which is the conditional
distribution of the hidden signal given the available observation. To
deduce filtering equations, classic models usually feature Markovian
signal-observation pairs that may only have totally inaccessible jump
times. In this talk I will present a non-Markovian model, with
path-dependent coefficients, that also allows for predictable jump times
both in the signal and in the observed process. These two features
naturally arise in various applications and require some new ideas and
non-trivial technical tools to be dealt with in the context of stochastic
filtering. After providing some examples, I will deduce the filtering
equation and, if time permits, I will discuss some possible future
research. This is joint work with Elena Bandini and Katia Colaneri.
*ore 17-18 **Massimiliano Gubinelli*
*Titolo:* What is stochastic quantisation?
*Abstract:* Euclidean quantum fields (EQFs) are probability measures on
spaces of generalized functions on R^d out of which one can construct
quantum field theories via a well understood procedure. Proving the
existence of non-Gaussian Euclidean quantum fields in dimensions d=2,3 has
been proved quite challenging, and informed the development of new
mathematical techniques (logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, phase-space
expansion, cluster and polymer expansions, renormalization group). More
recently, also thanks to development in the theory of singular stochastic
partial differential equations, the study of these probability measures has
been taken on again, from the point of view of stochastic analysis. I will
try to give a broad panorama of this stochastic approach, of his results
and of the many open problems. As a result I would like to motivate the
idea that stochastic quantisation should be seen as a novel kind of
stochastic analysis adapted to situations, like EQFs, where stochastic
calculus alone is not effective due to singular nature of the objects or
the lack of a useful filtration.
Qui di seguito il link per la partecipazione:…
Cari saluti,
Claudia Ceci
Claudia Ceci
Dipartimento di Metodi e Modelli per l’Economia, il Territorio e la Finanza
Università di Roma La Sapienza
Via Del Castro Laurenziano 9
Roma 00161 Italy
Email: claudia.ceci(a)
Dear all,
A reminder that tomorrow (Wednesday), from 15:00 to 17:00 UTC, Alan Hammond and Tyler J. Helmuth will be speaking at the One World Probability Seminar.
Titles, abstracts and the zoom link are below the signature and will also be posted on the website
We kindly ask that you share this message within your community.
Best wishes,
Alberto Chiarini and Adrián González Casanova
Talk 1 : Alan Hammond (Berkeley)
Title : Stake-governed random-turn games
Abstract :
Many combinatorial games, such as chess, Go and Hex, are zero-sum games in which two players alternate in making moves. In a random turn variant, each player wins the right to move at any given turn according to the flip of a fair coin. In 2007, Peres, Schramm, Sheffield and Wilson [PSSW] found explicit optimal strategies for a broad class of random-turn games, including Hex (which remains unsolved in its alternating-turn form on the 11-by-11 boards in which it is often played in tournaments).
In this talk, we discuss stake-governed random-turn games, introduced recently in joint work with Gábor Pete. Two players of Hex are each given a certain limited budget at the outset of the game. At each turn, each stakes some part of what remains of her budget. The ensuing turn is random, with a player winning the right to move according to the proportion that her stake composes of the total stake at the turn. How much should a player stake at any given turn? Opposing pressures compete: stake too little, and lose the turn; too much, and be left with too little for later in the game. So this question concerns how to evaluate the relative strategic importance of intermediate positions in multi-turn games. We answer it for a class of games that are cousins of the random tug-of-war games introduced by PSSW in 2009; these authors forged a connection between game theory and the infinity Laplacian (which is an L^\infty counterpart to the usual L^2 Laplacian), and we will see how, in a discrete context at least, this connection extends to stake-governed random-turn games.
Talk 2 : Tyler J. Helmuth (Durham University)
Title : The Arboreal Gas
Abstract :
In Bernoulli bond percolation each edge of a graph is declared open with probability p, and closed otherwise. Typically one asks questions about the geometry of the random subgraph of open edges. The arboreal gas is the probability measure obtained by conditioning on the event that the percolation subgraph is a forest, i.e., contains no cycles. Physically, this is a model for studying the gelation of branched polymers. What are the percolative properties of these random forests? Do they contain giant trees? I will discuss what is known and conjectured.
Meeting ID: 881 5685 1546
Passcode: 718658
If you are having trouble with zoom, or if the capacity of the zoom room gets exceeded, you can also access to the Youtube live stream at the channel of the seminar:
Dear colleagues,
Today at 2.30 PM Riccardo Michielan (University of Twente) will present a seminar on "Is there geometry in real networks?” at the University of Florence (Department of Statistics and Computer Science, Viale Morgagni 59, Aula 205).
The Seminar will be available also online. Please register here to participate online: <…>
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing all information and the link to join the webinar.
You are invited to forward the event also to your students, PhDs and colleagues who may be interested in the Seminar (you find a flyer with all the info, including abstract, attached).
Kind Regards,
Gianmarco Bet
Gianmarco Bet (he/him)
Senior researcher
Phone: (+39) 055 2751491
Department of Mathematics and Informatics "U. Dini"
University of Florence
Viale Morgagni, 65
50134 Firenze, Italy
Office 64
Dear all,
the next One World dynamics seminar, devoted to multiscale problems, will take place on Friday 10th of March at 3 pm Berlin time (2 pm London, 9 am Washington DC).
Speakers for the next session will be
Konstantinos Spiliopoulos (Boston University): Rate of homogenization for fully-coupled McKean-Vlasov SDEs - 3 pm Berlin time
Pavlos Zoubouloglou (University of North Carolina): Large Deviations for Small Noise Diffusions Over Long Time - 3:45pm Berlin time
Abstracts and joining instructions can be found here
All the Best,
Michela, on behalf of the organisers of the OWDS
Michela Ottobre
Associate Professor in Mathematics
Heriot-Watt University
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Prof.ssa Yuliya Mishura
Department of Probability, Statistics and Actuarial Mathematics,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Drift parameters estimation in the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model
We investigate two drift parameter estimators in the CIR and CKLS
models with standard Wiener process. Strong consistency and asymptotic
normality are established.
Il seminario si terrà il giorno 28 Febbraio 2023 ore 13:30 nella Aula
D del Dipartimento Matematica e Applicazioni, Università di Napoli
FEDERICO II, Complesso di Monte Sant'Angelo, Via Cintia, Napoli.
Link to Teams:…
Enrica Pirozzi
Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni
Universita' di Napoli FEDERICO II
Via Cintia, Monte S.Angelo, 80126, NAPOLI, ITALY
Tel. 081 675634