Cari colleghi,
vi segnalo che il Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Padova
ha bandito un posto di ricercatore di tipo B nel settore MAT/06.
Il bando è disponibile alla pagina
La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 25 agosto 2016.
Marco Ferrante
Ricevo e inoltro.
> Da: marco barchiesi <mbarchiesi(a)>
> Oggetto: posizione RTDA in MAT06 Università di Trieste
> Data: 31 gennaio 2022 17:54:27 CET
> A: undisclosed-recipients:;
> Gentili colleghi,
> E' stata bandita una posizione RTDA in Probabilità e Statistica presso l'Università di Trieste,
> Dipartimento di Matematica e Geoscienze. Vi chiedo gentilmente di diffondere l'informazione
> presso i vostri gruppi di ricerca, qualora qualche giovane fosse interessato.
> Qui il link con la descrizione della posizione e il relativo bando (scadenza 14 Febbraio):
> <>
> Il bando è reperibile anche sulla pagina del Miur:
> <>
> Cordiali saluti,
> Marco Barchiesi
Salve a tutti,
vi segnalo l'uscita del seguente bando per una posizione di RTD-b nel SSD MAT/06 presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica dell'Università degli Studi di Perugia.
Tutti i dettagli del bando si trovano al seguente link:…
La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 22 marzo 2022.
Cordiali saluti a tutti,
Alessandra Cretarola
Alessandra Cretarola
Professore Associato
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Stanza 307, Piano III
Via Vanvitelli, 1
06123 Perugia,
tel. 0755855021
Dear colleagues,
would you kindly forward the announcement below to (strong and
motivated) master students interested in a PhD thesis in probability
theory/statistical mechanics in Vienna?
Thanks in advance
Fabio Toninelli
A PhD position in Probability and Statistical Mechanics is open at the
Technical University of Vienna. Research topics include: random
interface models, stochastic interface growth, Markov dynamics of spin
systems and dimer models. The position is funded by the Austrian Science
Fund (FWF) via the recently funded project "Random Surfaces: growth,
fluctuations and universality". The research program will be carried out
under the supervision of the principal investigator, Prof. Fabio
Toninelli. The PhD program offers the opportunity to interact with the
international research partners of the FWF project and, more broadly,
with the Vienna probability and mathematical physics communities.
DEADLINE: March 4, 2022
Requirements: Master degree (obtained or to be obtained soon)
Salary: 2294 euros/month brutto, 14x per year (around 23718 euros/year
netto). Health and pension benefits are included.
Starting period: Autumn 2022
Duration: three years
Teaching obligations: none
How to apply: send your application (motivation letter, CV, Course
transcripts, copy of master degree (if already available), Reference
letter(s) or contact information for references) to
For information on the PI, please visit the following webpage:
For information on the FWF project "Random Surfaces: growth,
fluctuations and universality", visit the following webpage:
Prof. Dr. Fabio Toninelli
Technical University of Vienna
Institut für Stochastik und Wirtschaftsmathematik
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10, 1040 Wien, Austria
Office: 6th floor, green area. tel: +43-1-58801-10570
Elia Bisi
Assistant Professor (non-TT)
Technische Universität Wien
Research Unit Mathematical Stochastics
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: CHHITA, SUNIL <sunil.chhita(a)DURHAM.AC.UK>
Date: 26 Jan 2022, 18:56 +0100
Subject: Assistant Professor Position at Durham University
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Apologies if you receive more than one copy of this message.
We are currently advertising a new faculty position (Assistant Professor) in probability, stochastic analysis, or a related area, to join the probability group<> at Durham University<>, UK. The closing date for applications is 13th February 2022.
Please see the links for more details:
Please pass this on to anyone who you think might be interested. Best wishes Sunil
Il seminario si terrà su Google Meet a questo link:
Purtroppo è richiesto un account Google per partecipare. Ci scusiamo dell'inconveniente.
Antonio Pievatolo
Annuncio di seminario online
Stefano Favaro, Università di Torino e CNR-IMATI
Learning-augmented count-min sketches via Bayesian nonparametrics
ven 28 gen 2022 11:30 - 12:30 (CET)
The count-min sketch (CMS) is a time and memory efficient randomized data structure that provides estimates of tokens’ frequencies in a data stream, i.e. point queries, based on randomly hashed data. Learning-augmented CMSs aim at improving the CMS by means of learning models that allow to better exploit data properties. We focus on the learning-augmented CMS of Cai, Mitzenmacher and Adams (NeurIPS, 2018), which relies on Bayesian nonparametric (BNP) modeling of a data stream via Dirichlet process (DP) priors; this is refereed to as the CMS-DP. We present a novel and rigorous approach of the CMS-DP, and we show that it allows to consider more general classes of nonparametric priors than the DP prior. We apply our approach to develop a novel learning-augmented CMS under power-law data streams, which relies on BNP modeling of the stream via Pitman-Yor process (PYP) priors; this is referred to as the CMS-PYP. Applications to synthetic data and real data show that the CMS-PYP outperfo
rms both the CMS and CMS-DP in the estimation of low-frequency tokens; this is known to be a critical feature in natural language processing, where it is indeed common to encounter power-law data.
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- One-touch: tel:+390230578180,,148172789#
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È la prima volta che usi GoToMeeting? Scarica subito l'app e preparati all'inizio della tua prima riunione:
Dr Antonio Pievatolo
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Random mailing list
Per informazioni e per disiscriversi:
Per contattare gli amministratori: random-admin(a)
Per inviare un messaggio alla mailing list: Random(a)
Archivio dei messaggi inviati:
Please see the complete application at
Deadline: March 14, 2022
Please circulate to anyone who could be interested.
Highlights here below:
The University of Padova, one of the most ancient universities in the
world, has a long tradition in the promotion of the excellence of its
students, regardless of their nationality, gender, beliefs, or interests.
Accordingly, the University of Padova promotes a program of excellence,
the Galilean School of Higher Education, reserved to the best students
enrolled at the University of Padova.
At the Galilean School of Higher Education, students are recruited in the
areas of Humanities (Classe di Scienze Morali), Natural Sciences (Classe
di Scienze Naturali) and Social Sciences (Classe di Scienze Sociali).
In addition to the regular students, the Galilean School of Higher
Education recruits every year up to four highly-motivated international
students, who can enroll in a 2-years program towards the Masters Degree
(Second Cycle Degree, Laurea Magistrale).
The University of Padova offers several Second Cycle Degree (Laurea
Magistrale) programs that are entirely taught in English; also, several
internal courses of the Galilean School are delivered in English. The
School can provide a dedicated course for international students to learn
Italian, and give support for learning other languages.
This call is reserved to non-Italian citizens, residing outside Italy.
Applicants must:
1. be eligible for enrolling in the 1st year of a Second Cycle Degree
Course (Laurea Magistrale) of the University of Padova. Please bear in
mind that the successful completion of the pre-enrolment to the chosen
Second Cycle Degree Course is required to have your application for the
Galilean School examined. Applicants who have not completed their Second
Cycle Degree Course application alongside their Galilean School
application by the indicated deadlines will be automatically excluded from
the selection;
2. hold a Bachelor degree (or be expected to obtain one before July 31st
or September 30th 2022, depending on the Course chosen at the University
of Padova) and not be older than 26 at the time of application;
3. have completed the online application to pre-enroll in at least one
Second Cycle Degree Course at the University of Padova on their personal
area on within March 7th 2022 (please check carefully the
deadline for the Course youre interested in, as for some courses the
deadline is February 2nd)
4. send the documents required to apply to the selection for the Galilean
Schools Call for international students between January 24th 2022 and
March 14th 2022
1. The School will provide free room and board in the University student
houses and canteens.
2. The School will reimburse one round trip ticket from/to the country of
origin (economy class) up to 1.500,00 Euros for each Academic Year, and
cover the cost of books and miscellaneous documented expenses of
educational nature (up to 1.000,00 Euros over the 2-years stay) and the
expenses for study and research trips authorized by the Class Coordinator
(up to 1.500,00 Euros over the 2-years stay).
3. The School assigns a grant up to 5.000,00 Euros for each Academic Year
to the admitted students, as a contribution towards personal living
Tiziano Vargiolu
Dipartimento di Matematica Phone: +39 049 8271383
Universita' di Padova Fax: +39 049 8271428
Via Trieste, 63 E-mail: vargiolu(a)
I-35121 Padova (Italy) WWW:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2022 08:58:39 +0100
From: lucchini(a)
To: users(a)
Subject: Bando per studenti internazionali ingresso al 4^ anno della SGSS a.a.
Cari colleghi
Il bando ? visibile al link :
I candidati potranno fare domanda on-line da oggi fino al 14 marzo 2022.
Vi ringrazio se darete la massima diffusione di questa notizia.
Andrea Lucchini
E' stato pubblicato il bando per un assegno di ricerca di tipo A per lo
svolgimento di attività di ricerca in METODI MATEMATICI PER L'ANALISI DEI
MERCATI FINANZIARI - s.s.d. *SECS-S/06* - presso il Dipartimento di Scienze
Economiche ed Aziendali dell'Università di Pavia
(cod. assegno A5)
Durata: 1 anno (rinnovabile)
*Scadenza*: ore 12:00 del giorno 28/02/2022
Grazie per l'attenzione
Inoltro questa offerta di PostDoc su richiesta di D.Coupier.
Cordiali Saluti
Giovanni Conforti
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: giovanni conforti <giovanni.conforti(a)>
Date: mer 26 gen 2022 alle ore 10:32
Subject: Fwd: Postdoc d'1 an à Lille (Institut Mines Télécom)
To: Giovanni Conforti <giovanniconfort(a)>
Begin forwarded message:
*From: *David COUPIER <david.coupier(a)>
*Subject: **Postdoc d'1 an à Lille (Institut Mines Télécom)*
*Date: *11 January 2022 at 10:08:39 CET
*To: *"Conforti Giovanni (M.)" <giovanni.conforti(a)>
*Reply-To: *David COUPIER <david.coupier(a)>
Bonjour Giovanni,
J'ai une annonce de postdoc à diffuser sur la liste Random(a)
Pourrais-tu stp faire suivre le message ci-dessous ainsi que la pièce
jointe ?
Merci bcp pour ton aide,
Postdoc d'1 an à Lille (Institut Mines Télécom)
Un postdoc d'1 an est à pourvoir à l'Institut Mines Télécom Nord Europe
(site de Lille) à partir de septembre 2021 avec David Coupier et financé
par l'ANR GrHyDy.
Thème : graphes aléatoires géométriques en Euclidien et hyperbolique.
Plus d'informations en pièce jointe.
David Coupier
Professeur des Universités en Mathématiques
Institut Mines Télécom Nord Europe