Dear all,
we have a few open PhD positions at the PhD School in Mathematics of the Universities of Trento and Verona. Some positions are on research projects that might be of interest for students in Probability Theory and Statistics, namely
Mathematics of Reinforcement Learning (PIs: Claudio Agostinelli and Luigi Amedeo Bianchi)
Modelling dynamic networks with differential equations (PI: Veronica Vinciotti, joint project with Ernst Wit, Università della Svizzera Italiana)
Analytical, stochastic, and applicative aspects of Deep Neural Networks (PI: Gian Paolo Leonardi)
There are also positions with no restriction on the research topic. All positions start on November 1st, 2021.
Detailed descriptions of all projects are available at the following url:
The application can be filled online from the page:
Notice, however, that the deadline for applications is very close: Monday May 31st, 2021 at 4PM CEST (GMT +2)
Luigi Amedeo Bianchi