Dear all,
I am writing to you to announce a Summer School and a Workshop on
Stochastic Chemical Reaction Networks that will take place in Torgnon and
Turin next Summer. The two events are close in time, so to facilitate those
who want to take part in both.
Here are the relevant web pages with more useful information:
The registration is already open for both events and should be completed by
April 11.
Feel free to share this email and do not hesitate to contact me for further
segnalo, per conto di Johannes Zimmer (TU Munich), il seguente bando per un posizione postdoc in analisi stocastica / fluctuating hydrodynamics:…<>
- Durata contratto: 2 anni, con possibilità d'estensione (data d’inizio flessibile, a partire da Febbraio 2025).
- Domande valuate a partire dal 20 Dicembre 2024.
- Contatto: Johannes Zimmer ( jz(a) ).
Ringrazio e saluto,
Dr Federico Cornalba
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Mathematics
University of Bath, UK
Dear friends and colleagues
We remind you that we are pleased to invite you to submit your contribution, or
simply to take part, to the 10th Workshop of Energy Finance Italia in the
historic city of Viterbo, February 10-12, 2025.
email: efi10(a)
This annual event brings together Italian and international scholars from
academia and industry, focused on energy markets, financial contracts, and
related topics. Whether your interests are in energy commodity time series,
market pricing, weather patterns, or asset optimization, this workshop
promises engaging discussions and collaborations. Our format ensures
valuable focused exchanges, with official discussion for each presentation
and no parallel sessions.
International participants are highly welcome and the official language is
We invite contributions in all areas of interest!
The Deadline for Abstract Submission is extended up to December 15, 2024.
You can submit your abstract here:
We look forward to seeing many of you in Viterbo!
Best regards
The Organizing Committee of EFI 10
To the probability community,
with great sorrow, I would like to let you know that Errico Presutti,
friend and mentor, of many of us, died last night.
If you would like to know a little more about him, you can look at the
special issue of
Ensaios Matemáticos that has been dedicated to him, vol. 38 at the link
Lorenzo Bertini
Dipartimento di Matematica
Universita' di Roma La Sapienza | Tel: +39 - 06 4991 4974
P.le A. Moro 5, 00185 Roma | E-mail: bertini(a)
Home page:
Dear all,
I would like to highlight various PhD positions in Mathematics at Imperial:
CDT in Statistics and Machine Learning (joint with Oxford). It is a 4-year PhD programme and there are around 15 positions, apply here:
CDT in Mathematics for our Future Climate (joint with Reading and Southampton), also a 4-year PhD programme and there are around 15 positions, apply here:
Usual PhD positions in the department, apply here:…
I have funding for one PhD position to fill this year (flexible starting date), please contact me:
I would also highlight that there is an open position for Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (equivalent to tenured assistant/associate professor) in the Mathematical Finance group:…
For all these applications, I would suggest applying asap.
Best Regards,
Seminari on-line del gruppo UMI - PRISMA (
Ricordiamo che oggi, martedì 3 dicembre 2024, Sonia Mazzucchi e Stefano Bonaccorsi (Università di Trento) ci parleranno di
Passeggiate casuali sul piano complesso ed equazioni del calore di ordine superiore al secondo
con il seguente orario:
16:00 Primo seminario
16:30 Pausa e discussione
16:45 Secondo seminario
17:15 Conclusione e discussione
Trovate di seguito il riassunto. I seminari verranno trasmessi via Zoom al seguente link:
Meeting ID: 886 7956 9146
Vi aspettiamo numerosi!
Valentina Cammarota e Francesco Caravenna
RELATORI: Sonia Mazzucchi (Università di Trento) e Stefano Bonaccorsi (Università di Trento)
TITOLO: Passeggiate casuali sul piano complesso ed equazioni del calore di ordine superiore al secondo
RIASSUNTO: La celebre formula di Feynman-Kac, che fornisce una rappresentazione della soluzione dell'equazione del calore in termini di un integrale rispetto alla misura di Wiener, non può essere generalizzata al caso in cui il laplaciano, o più in generale l'operatore ellittico del secondo ordine, è sostituito da un operatore di ordine superiore a 2. In altre parole per tale classe di equazioni differenziali di ordine elevato non è possibile costruire un processo stocastico che svolga lo stesso ruolo giocato dal moto Browniano per l'equazione del calore.
Nella prima parte del seminario si illustreranno dapprima le ragioni di questo risultato no-go per poi descrivere un possibile metodo per aggirarlo tramite la costruzione di opportune successioni di passeggiate casuali nel piano complesso.
Nella seconda parte del seminario si descriveranno ulteriori applicazioni e generalizzazioni di tale tecnica. In particolare si illustrerà la costruzione di un calcolo stocastico associato alla successione di passeggiate casuali e la dimostrazione di formule di Feynman-Kac per PDE di ordine elevato, anche nel caso di derivate di tipo frazionario.
I seminari PRISMA hanno un formato di "colloquium" per creare un'occasione di scambio e discussione con tutta la comunità dei probabilisti e statistici italiani. Ogni giornata comprende due relatori che tengono due seminari di 30 minuti strettamente connessi, per presentare alla comunità una prospettiva sul proprio ambito di ricerca. Da quest'anno le registrazioni dei seminari vengono pubblicate sul canale YouTube dell'UMI:
Dear colleagues,
registration is now open for the workshop "Algebra meets probability" taking place between March 31 and April 2, 2025 at EURANDOM at Eindhoven University of Technology.
There is a natural and well-known connection between particle physics and representation theory via Grassmannian and Lie algebras, going back to Wigner. Specific algebraic structures, such as Virasoro algebras, are used in lattice models to describe symmetries and conservation laws. These structures help in understanding the behavior of systems at a microscopic level and in deriving macroscopic properties from microscopic rules.
In recent years there has been tremendous progress in connecting these two approaches and expressing observables like k-point correlation functions in interacting particle systems in terms of algebraic quantities, for example as fermionc and bosonic variables.
This event aims to bring together leading experts and researchers in the field to share their knowledge, insights, and recent advancements. The workshop will provide a platform for in-depth discussions and collaborative learning, fostering an environment where participants can exchange ideas and develop new perspectives on the interplay between these two fascinating areas of study.
David Adame-Carrillo (Aalto University)
Francesca Arici (Leiden University)
Chiara Boccato (University of Pisa)
Martijn Caspers (TU Delft)
Nicholas Crawford (Technion, Haifa)
Margherita Disertori (Bonn University)
Tyler Helmuth (Durham University)
Bas Janssens (TU Delft)
Kalle Kytölä (Aalto University)
Yves Le Jan (NYU Abu Dhabi)
Franz Merkl (TU München)
Eveliina Peltola (TBC) (Aalto University)
Silke Rolles (TU München)
Walter van Suijlekom (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Pierre Tarrès (NYU Shanghai)
More details and the registration can be found on the conference website.<>
There is no registration fee and the possibility to present a poster.
With best regards,
Alessandra Cipriani
Wioletta Ruszel
A chiunque possa interessare
Presso l’Università degli Studi dell’Aquila è indetta la seguente procedura selettiva per l’assunzione di n. 1 Ricercatrici/Ricercatori con contratto di lavoro subordinato a tempo determinato e pieno di durata 6 anni
presso il
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e Scienze dell’Informazione e Matematica 13/STAT-01 – Statistica STAT-01/A – Statistica
Bando al link…
Scadenza 12/12/2024
Fabio Antonelli
Ricevo e con piacere inoltro
Buona giornata
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Christophe Garban <christophe.garban(a)>
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 at 09:35
Subject: Postdoc position in Lyon in probability / mathematical physics
Dear colleagues,
I am currently advertising a two-year postdoc position in
probability/mathematical physics in University of Lyon 1, with deadline
January, 16th.
Please transfer the announcement below to potential candidates.
Thanks a lot!
Best wishes,
Postdoc position in Lyon for 2025
Université Lyon 1
(funded by the ERC project Vortex)
Applications are invited for a postdoc position in probability/mathematical
physics at the University Lyon 1, in the Laboratoire Institut Camille
Jordan. The postdoc is funded by the European Research Council grant
Main research areas include: Villain and XY model, Coulomb gas,
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, lattice gauge theory, Gaussian
Free Field, Ising and dimer models, percolation, localisation and
delocalisation of interfaces, classical Heisenberg model, planar
statistical physics.
Practical information:
(you may also click on this link : )
- The position is for two years, with a salary of approx. 38000 per year
(between year 0 and 3 after PhD) and approx. 50000 euros per year (between
year 3 and 7 after PhD).
- Substantial financial support to attend conferences, workshops and invite
collaborators will be granted. (Approx 5000 euros/year).
- No teaching.
- A lot of activity around probability in Lyon.
- Great city :-)
- The expected starting date is September 2025, but a different date may be
Application and deadline:
Applications including a CV, a list of publications and a (approximately)
three-pages description of research interests should be sent by email to
Christophe Garban (christophe.garban(a) before *January 16th, 2025.*
Applicants should also arrange for up to three letters of recommendation to
be sent to the same address.
They will be evaluated first on January 17th, 2025 and then on a rolling
*Contacts: *(all members of the ERC project Vortex).
Christophe Garban (christophe.garban(a)
Diederik van Engelenburg (diederikvanengelenburg(a)
Romain Panis (panis(a)
Franco Severo (severo(a)
Avelio Sepúlveda (lsepulveda(a)
Jean-Marie Stéphan (stephan(a)
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 123, first floor
Ricevo e volentieri inoltro.
Cordialmente, Gianluca.
PhD position at Hamburg University of Technology
The Institute of Mathematics of Hamburg University of Technology invites
applications for a PhD position in probability theory. The topics of the
research group include stochastic geometry, limit theorems, Stein's
method, random graphs and extreme value theory. The position comes with
some teaching duties (four hours per week during the semester).
The successful candidate is expected to have a Master's degree in
Mathematics or a related field, a good background in probability theory
and proficiency in written and spoken English. Knowledge of German is
helpful but not necessary.
The position (100%, TV-L 13) is for four years. The starting date should
be between March 2025 and early summer.
Please apply by December 19, 2024 online via our application portal,
where you can find more information:
For questions please contact Prof. Dr. Matthias Schulte at