Dear Colleagues,
we have the great pleasure to share information on new doctoral
positions within the research training group (RTG) „Coping with
Uncertainty in Dynamic Economies“. This research training group is
sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for up to 9 years,
with approximately one million euro per year. We have successfully hired
a first cohort of students in 2023, and we are now looking forward to
the second cohort.
The positions are fully funded, at competitive levels (approx 43.000
Euro gross per year).
The RTG is an initiative of ten principal investigators from the Center
for Mathematical Economics and the Data Science Research Group at
Bielefeld University.
Next to the well established core program of our doctoral school BiGSEM
( <>), students will thus work in an
excellent research environment on topics involving uncertainty in its
various aspects and their consequences for dynamic economies.
The research training group holds strong ties with top international
researchers who will give specialized block courses and summer schools.
As a highlight of our program, the Mercator fellow Jean-Marc Tallon from
the Paris School of Economics is part of our research training group. He
will serve as a contact person for possible research stays in Paris.
Please share the exciting news with your talented master students and
encourage them to apply!
More information can be found at the inomics website
and at Bielefeld’s official announcement
Best wishes,
Giorgio Ferrari
Dear all,
I am pleased to announce the PhD course “Stochastic control and games with different information structures”, taught by Luciano Campi and Giorgia Callegaro and offered by the PhD in Mathematics of the University of Milan - La Statale.
The course will be held at the Department of Mathematics, via Saldini 50, Milano, from January 22 to February 14, 2025 with the following scheduling:
2 pm - 5 pm, Wednesday 22 January 2025
2 pm - 5 pm, Thursday 23 January 2025
2 pm - 5 pm, Wednesday 12 February 2025
2 pm - 5 pm, Thursday 13 February 2025
10 am - 12 pm and 2 pm - 3 pm, Friday 14 February 2025
See the poster<…> for more detailed information.
Best regards,
Andrea Cosso
Dear All,
This is a final reminder of a PhD position in Probability at King’s College London, under my supervision.
The deadline for application is 31 January 2025; after that date, applications will only be accepted if the position is still open.
PhD funding will be available for 3.5-4 years, and includes tuition fees, tax free stipend set at UKRI rate plus London weighting, as well as an allowance for research-related travel.
Further information may be found in the link below:…
See also the following link for other PhD openings in our group:…
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact me (Alexandre Stauffer, a.stauffer(a), Sam Johnston (samuel.g.johnston(a) or any other member of the Probability group via email.
Ricevo e volentieri inoltro
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Da: Mark Veraar <M.C.Veraar(a)>
Date: mer 8 gen 2025 alle ore 10:32
Subject: Oberwolfach seminar
To: Mark Veraar <M.C.Veraar(a)>
Dear colleagues,
We are organising an Oberwolfach seminar meeting for one week:
*“Stochastic Partial Differential Equations in Critical Spaces”, during
8-13 June 2025.*
The meeting takes place in Oberwolfach, and we will present several
lectures on the above topic. The meeting is only meant for PhD students and
postdocs. Oberfolfach only allows 24 participants. The deadline for
applications is March 1st, 2025.
Information on how to apply can be found at
The program and the attached poster of our seminar please can be found at
Best regards,
Antonio Agresti and Mark Veraar
Diffondo la richiesta relativa ad una posizione di dottorato
tra la modellistica stocastica e PDE.
Cordiali saluti
We are looking for candidates on a PhD position in applied mathematics at the boundary between partial differential equations, stochastic modeling, computational mathematics, and (theoretical) materials science. Are you interested? If yes, then apply on the link below to join the Applied Analysis research group of Karlstad University, Sweden, as doctoral researcher for 4 years.
An additional year can be added to the working contract, if the PhD student gets involved in a mild teaching or takes care of small departmental duties (up to 20% fte/year).
To apply on this position, follow the instructions:
Daniela Morale
Dept. Mathematics
University of Milano
Via C. Saldini, 50
20133 MILANO, Italy
email: Daniela.Morale(a)<>
The Department of Economics<> at the University of Verona (Italy) aims to fill a position for Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in
Economic Statistics
Mathematical Finance and Economics.
The position is a fixed-term six-year position (RTT). During the first three years, the Department will offer a salary top-up of 20.000 EUR per annum. If the researcher receives the National Scientific Habilitation (ASN), starting from the fourth year it is possible to convert the position into a tenured associate professor one.
The position comes with a teaching load of up to 60 hours per annum for the first three years and up to 120 hours per annum from the fourth year. The Department offers courses taught both in Italian and in English at all academic levels.
To be eligible, candidates must have at least a basic proficiency in Italian. The Department also values a strong research track record and the ability to attract research funding at both national and international levels.
Interested applicants are requested to submit their expression of interest at hiring(a)<>, including a complete curriculum vitae and a selection of three representative publications.
The deadline for submissions is February 8, 2025.
The Department of Economics offers a vibrant research environment in the newly built campus of Santa Marta. We have a young faculty with a good gender balance; our recruitment policy is aimed at attracting talented scholars, both from Italy and abroad, to further enhance our dynamic and inclusive academic environment.
According to the latest Italian Research Assessment Exercise (VQR), the Department ranks in the top 5% of the economics departments for the number of academics with only top publications. Moreover, the Department has received extra funding for 2023-2027 after being recognized as one of the “Departments of Excellence” by the Italian Ministry of University and Research.
Please note that this expression of interest does not constitute a job vacancy advertisement. The Department reserves the right to decide whether and in which field to formally open a position during the next few months.
Prof. Alessandro Gnoatto
Presidente del CdLM "Banca e Finanza"
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche
Università degli Studi di Verona
Via Cantarane 24
37129, Verona, Italy
Room 1.05
Tel: +39 045 802 8537<tel:+390458028537>
E-mail: alessandro.gnoatto(a)<>
View my research on my SSRN Author page:
ricevo e con piacere inoltro
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Teta, Alessandro <teta(a)>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2025 at 09:46
Subject: Seminario di "Matematica, Scienza e Società"
Annuncio seminario di
Lunedì 13 gennaio 2025, alle ore 17.00
Aula Levi-Civita del Dipartimento di Matematica G. Castelnuovo di Sapienza
Università di Roma
*Mirko degli Esposti* (Università di Bologna)
*A.I. Fakes you: Riflessioni su entropia, irreversibilità e intelligenza
Essere o non essere? Vero o falso? Creatività o plagio? Opera originale o
copia? Lo sviluppo di nuovi modelli di Intelligenza Artificiale Generativa
ci pone quotidianamente di fronte a “dati sintetici” sempre più complessi e
sempre più “indistinguibili” da quelli reali. Da fisico matematico mi
divertirò a descrivere il loro funzionamento, il loro impatto e il loro
prevedibile futuro, usando come guida due concetti fondamentali della
fisica: l’entropia e l’irreversibilità.
_________________ _ __________________
*I seminari di Matematica, Scienza e Società sono dedicati
all'approfondimento storico e critico di aspetti della matematica e dei
suoi rapporti con la scienza e con la società. I seminari hanno carattere
interdisciplinare e sono rivolti a studenti, dottorandi, docenti
universitari e docenti della scuola secondaria di secondo grado. **I
seminari si svolgono presso il Dipartimento di Matematica G. Castelnuovo di
Sapienza Università di Roma.*
*Gli organizzatori*
*F. Dell'Isola (Università di L'Aquila), M. Pulvirenti (Sapienza Università
di Roma),* *E. Rogora (Sapienza Università di Roma), B. Scoppola
(Università di Roma Tor Vergata), **A. Teta (Sapienza Università di Roma)*
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 123, first floor
Ricevo e inoltro con piacere.
Vittoria Silvestri
Vittoria Silvestri
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
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Da: Nathanael Berestycki <nberestycki(a)>
Date: lun 6 gen 2025 alle ore 18:28
Subject: 6-year position in probability, University of Vienna
To: Ilya Chevyrev <ichevyrev(a)>
Dear friends and colleagues,
The University of Vienna is advertising a 6-year university assistant
(postdoc) position within the probability group.
The job ad can be found here
the deadline is January 20th, 2025.
The current salary is 66532 euros per year and the position includes some
light teaching duties.
We would be grateful if you could pass this to any suitable candidate.
Feel free to contact me or Ilya Chevyrev
<> (who will be joining us with high
probability in April, and in cc) for any questions.
See also the webpage
<> of the Vienna
probability community to get an idea of who is there and what is going on
We also take this chance to wish you all a happy and healthy new year!
Kind regards,
Ilya and Nathanael
Dear all,
you are all invited to participate to the following seminar on *Wednesday
8th of January 2025 at 16:00* in Aula Seminari Demografica 2062 at
University of Milano Bicocca (via degli Arcimboldi 8, Milano - building U7,
2nd floor):
Speaker: *Giulia Di Nunno* (University of Oslo)
Titolo: Utility maximisation and change of variable formulas for
time-changed dynamics
We target the problem of expected utility maximisation of the terminal
wealth in a semimartingale setting, where the semimartingale is written in
terms of a time-changed Brownian motion and a finite variation process. As
for the time-change we consider a general increasing stochastic process
with finitely many jumps.
To tackle this problem we present change of variable formulas for
stochastic integrals w.r.t. the time-changed Brownian motion and we use
techniques of enlargement of filtrations. The focus is on power and
logarithmic utility.
The presentation is based on joint work with Hannes Haferkorn
(Commerzbank), Asma Khedher (U. Amsterdam), and Michèle Vanmaele (U. Ghent).
The talk can be followed also in streaming at the following link:…
Best wishes,
Emanuela Rosazza Gianin
Dipartimento di Statistica e Metodi Quantitativi
Università di Milano-Bicocca
e-mail: emanuela.rosazza1(a)