Probabilita' a Roma Tre
Prof. Emilio De Santis
Universita' La Sapienza
Titolo: Stochastic Ising model with fast decreasing temperature.
Mercoledi' 19 Ottobre 2016 ORE 14:30
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica
Universita' degli Studi Roma Tre
Largo San Leonardo Murialdo,1 - Pal.C, 311
Abstract. In the regime of temperature fast decreasing to zero,
results on the stochastic Ising models are presented.
A k-dynamics allowing to flip sets of k spins at the same time is
also introduced showing that the behavior
of the models deeply depends on this parameter. For these models we
follow the classification of Gandolfi, Newman, Stein (2000),
i.e. a model is of type F if any spin flips finitely many times a.s.,
it is of type I if any spin flips infinitely many times a.s., or it is
of type M otherwise.
Conditions to obtain models of type F, I, or M and examples are