*ESOBE 2016*
*Venice, Italy
27 - 28 October 2016
The workshop is organised by the *Department of Economics of the
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice *(Venice, Italy), and is co-sponsored
by the *European Central Bank *(Frankfurt) and *GRETA Associati
*(Venice, Italy). The ESOBE meetings aim at bringing together
researchers and professionals interested in the application of Bayesian
inference. Ever since the pioneering work of Arnold Zellner, Bayesian
econometrics has expanded enormously in areas such as economics,
finance, business, and marketing. Empirical applications of Bayesian
econometrics deal with issues such as financial time series analysis,
risk management, economic growth analysis, measurement of policy
effectiveness, individual decision making in marketing, labour market
analysis, forecasting in monetary policy, just to name a few.
The computational revolution in simulation techniques is a key
ingredient in this expansion and allows the application of Bayesian
methods to increasingly complex models and high-dimensional data
environments. The ESOBE meetings are intended as a discussion forum for
new and recent research methods that are capable to face these
challenges. These techniques include, among others, semi-parametric
modelling based on mixtures, shrinkage estimators, and variable
selection methods.
The organizers encourage submissions of papers on any topic within the
overall theme of the conference and in the following areas in particular:
·Bayesian financial econometrics
·Bayesian microeconometrics and program evaluation
·Bayesian nonparametric and semi-parametric methods based on countably
infinite mixtures
·Shrinkage estimation and variable selection in high-dimensional data
·Computational methods for large datasets
·Efficient MCMC and SMC methods for complex models
The keynote speakers of ESOBE 2016 are:
*Christian P. Robert*(University Paris Dauphine and University of Warwick)
*Thomas J. Sargent*(New York University)
The Scientific Committee for the Conference consists of:
*Monica Billio *(Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
*Fabio Canova*(BI Norwegian Business School)
*Roberto Casarin *(Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
*Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter *(Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
*Sylvia Kaufmann *(Study Center Gerzensee)
*Gary Koop *(Strathclyde Business School)
*Francesco Ravazzolo *(Free University of Bozen/Bolzano)
*Herman K. van Dijk *(Erasmus University Rotterdam and VU University
The final program will include both submitted and invited papers. In
addition to invited presentations, the workshop will have:
* contributed sessions;
* a special session by junior scientist presentations;
* a poster presentations.
We would welcome submissions for these sessions. Submissions for the
contributed sessions should be sent to **
<mailto:esobe2016@unive.it>*by*July 15, 2016*. Researchers who received
their Ph.D. after *October 2013 *or *expect to graduate by November
2016*, may register as "junior scientist" (a detailed CV has to be
submitted during registration).
Junior scientists may apply for a travel award (more detailed
information will be soon available). Papers submitted by junior
scientists will be eligible for the Special Session of Junior Scientist
July 15, 2016: Papers submission deadline
August 20, 2016: Paper acceptance notification
September 30, 2016: Deadline for registration
More detailed information available on the Conference website:
* Apologies for post-crossing.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 25 May 2016 09:38:13 +0000
From: "Urga, Giovanni" <G.Urga(a)city.ac.uk>
To: Tiziano Vargiolu <vargiolu(a)math.unipd.it>
Cc: "Urga, Giovanni" <G.Urga(a)city.ac.uk>
"5th International Conference in Memory of Carlo Giannini, 25 ? 26 Novembre
Caro Tiziano
TI chiedo cortesemente di far circolare la locandina in allegato contenente
il Call for Papers della conferenza 2016 in memoria di Carlo Giannini.
Grazie in anticipo.
Please use both addresses: giovanni.urga(a)unibg.it and g.urga(a)city.ac.uk
Giovanni Urga
Professor of Finance and Econometrics
Faculty of Finance
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ (U.K.)
Director, Centre for Econometric Analysis (CEA@Cass)
Professore di Econometria, Department of Management, Economics and
Quantitative Methods, Bergamo University (Italy)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gianluca Cubadda <gianluca.cubadda(a)uniroma2.it>
Date: 2016-05-30 8:23 GMT+02:00
Subject: I: Selezione per un RTD tipo B in Statistica Economica a Tor
Con preghiera di massima diffusione:
Si informa che ? stato indetta una selezione per il reclutamento di un
ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo B nel Settore concorsuale 13/D2,
Settore scientifico-disciplinare SECS-S/03 - Statistica Economica - presso
il Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza dell'Universit? degli Studi di Roma "Tor
L?attivit? di ricerca prevista dovr? riguardare lo sviluppo e l?impiego di
appropriati metodi statistici per la misurazione e l'analisi dei fenomeni in
ambito economico e finanziario. I principali campi di ricerca del candidato
ideale saranno: la metodologia statistica per dati di grandi dimensioni,
l'analisi e la previsione delle serie storiche economiche e finanziarie.
Il bando, che scade il 13/06/2016, ? disponibile all'indirizzo:
Cordiali saluti,
Gianluca Cubadda
Gianluca Cubadda
Department of Economics and Finance
University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Via Columbia 2, 00133 Rome - Italy
Tel. +39 06 7259 5847
Fax. +39 06 2040219
WEB page: http://directory.uniroma2.it/index.php/chart/dettagliDocente/3916