Ricevo e inoltro.
> Dear colleagues,
> We invite you and your students/postdocs to take part in the forthcoming probability school, this winter Dec 18-22/2017 at the Technion - Haifa/Israel.
> There will be 3 mini courses with daily lectures as follows:
> Marek Biskup (UCLA) / Oren Louidor (Technion) –
> Large values of the discrete Gaussian free field.
> Jason Miller (Cambridge) –
> The continuum Gaussian free field and Liouville quantum gravity.
> Lorenzo Zambotti (Paris 6) –
> SPDEs and regularity structures.
> In addition, young participants will get a chance to present their work during multiple short-talk sessions.
> Financial support (for accommodation and travel) is available. Preference will be given to young participants and those who register early.
> Further information and an on-line registration from can be found here:
> https://hps2.net.technion.ac.il/ <https://hps2.net.technion.ac.il/>
> Oren Louidor
> (On behalf of the organizers:
> Dima Ioffe (Technion, Israel).
> Oren Louidor(Technion, Israel).
> Leonid Mytnik (Technion, Israel).
> Lorenzo Zambotti (Paris 6, France) ).
A call for applications to the 2016/2017
PhD program in Statistics and Mathematical Finance
(University of Milano-Bicocca) is available at the PhD web site:
Deadline for application is on the 3rd of July (12.00 a.m. Italian local
The PhD program offers two curricula:
1) Statistics;
2) Mathematical Finance.
Seven grants (annual amount of 16.238 euros) are available, three of which
are reserved for students with non-Italian master degrees.
Course will be held in English by highly qualified Italian and non-Italian
For further information visit the PhD web site
or contact:
Giorgio Vittadini (giorgio.vittadini(a)unimib.it
<mailto:giorgio.vittadini@unimib.it) PhD program coordinator
Andrea Ongaro (andrea.ongaro(a)unimib.it
<mailto:andrea.ongaro@unimib.it) Curriculum in Statistics coordinator
Fabio Bellini (fabio.bellini(a)unimib.it
<mailto:fabio.bellini@unimib.it) Curriculum in Mathematical Finance
Nicoletta Alghisi (nicoletta.alghisi(a)unimib.it
<mailto:nicoletta.alghisi@unimib.it) Secretariat
From: <phdapplications(a)imtlucca.it>
We are pleased to inform you about the IMT School for Advanced Studies
Lucca's call for applications for PhD positions in the following
specialized curricula
Siamo lieti di informare che e' aperto il nuovo bando di selezione per
l'accesso al Programma di Dottorato della Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca per i
seguenti curricula di specializzazione:
- - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage
- - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences
- - Computer Science and Systems Engineering
- - Economics, Networks and Business Analytics
No tuition fees, free room and access to IMT Canteen
Esenzione dalle tasse d'iscrizione, alloggio gratuito, accesso gratuito
alla mensa IMT
A grant of €13,630 gross/year
Importo lordo della borsa: €13.630/anno
Candidates can apply if they obtain their (minimum) 4-year undergraduate
degree NO LATER than October 31st, 2017
Possono fare domanda coloro che conseguano il titolo valido per
l'ammissione entro e NON OLTRE il 31 ottobre 2017
DEADLINE: July 18th, 2017 at 12:00 pm CEST
MORE INFORMATION: http://phd.imtlucca.it
The IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (www.imtlucca.it
one of the six Schools of Excellence in Italy, is a research university
within the Italian public higher education system. IMT's mission is
characterized by the analysis and management of a plurality of economic,
social, scientific, technological and cultural systems.
La Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca (www.imtlucca.it
una delle sei Scuole di Eccellenza in Italia, e' un'istituzione
universitaria pubblica di ricerca e alta formazione dottorale a ordinamento
speciale, focalizzata sull'analisi e gestione dei sistemi economici,
sociali, scientifici, tecnologici e culturali.
Follow us on Facebook
Twitter <https://twitter.com/IMTLucca>, YouTube
<https://www.youtube.com/user/IMTAltiStudiLucca>, LinkedIn
Please note that this account is used for outgoing e-mails only, and
therefore your reply message will not be read. For inquiries regarding the
2017/18 IMT School PhD call, please write to phdapplications(a)imtlucca.it
If you no longer wish to receive emails from the IMT School, please send an
email with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line to commev(a)imtlucca.it
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
Piazza San Ponziano 6, 55100 Lucca - Italy
Tel: +39 0583 4326 597, fax: +39 0583 4326 565
Si avvisa che ieri è stato pubblicato il bando per le
iscrizioni al 33-esimo ciclo di Dottorato di ricerca in
Statistica e Finanza Matematica presso l'Università di
Potete trovare il bando al link
Chiusura bando: 3 luglio - ore 12.
Cordiali saluti,
Emanuela Rosazza Gianin
Dipartimento di Statistica e Metodi Quantitativi
Università di Milano-Bicocca
Edificio U7 – 4° Piano
Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8
20126 Milano
Tel. 02 64483208
Fax. 02 64483105
e-mail: emanuela.rosazza1(a)unimib.it
Eight PhD scholarships are available at University of Padova for candidates
interested in the area of *Statistical Sciences* (*start of activities:
October 1st, 2017*).
The scholarship competition is open to applicants of any age or citizenship,
holding a 2nd cycle degree or a single cycle degree from an Italian
or an equivalent qualification from other countries of at least four years’
duration (applicants can get their qualification no later than 30th
September 2017).
Admission is decided on the basis of qualifications only and does not
an entry examination.
The award will be for three years, subject to satisfactory progress, at the
following rate: annual grant of euros 13.638,47 with a start date of 1
October 2017.
*How to apply*
The call is published *(deadline June 30, 13.00 CEST)* at the page
English version at the page
Please, note that the curriculum has to be written by filling the template
*CV_XXXIII* available from the Course web page
and uploading the filled template in the online procedure.
*Applications are only accepted online*
*Further information*
See http://www.stat.unipd.it/fare-ricerca/ammissione
or contact phd(a)stat.unipd.it <mailto:phd@stat.unipd.it>
Kindest regards,
Nicola Sartori
PhD Course Coordinator
Segnalo il seguente corso estivo della Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria
Mathematical Statistics
Larry Goldstein (University of Southern California)
Yosef Rinott (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
24 Luglio - 18 Agosto 2017
scadenza per le domande:
26 Giugno 2017
sito web:
Antonio Di Crescenzo