Cari colleghi,
vi annuncio che giovedì 20 dicembre, alle ore 12, nell'aula Beltrami del
Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Universita' di Pavia,
il Dott. Davide Bignamini
(Università di Parma) terrà un seminario dal titolo
Enclosures and structure of invariant states for quantum channels
di cui segue il sunto.
Distinti saluti,
Raffaella Carbone
In my talk I will present some probability properties for quantum channels,
and I will show some similarities with the theory of classical Markov
chains. At first I will introduce the concepts of reducibility, invariant
state and enclosure. After that I will discuss the structure of invariant
states related to the possible decompositions in enclosures of the positive
recurrent subspace. Finally I will reconsider this result for a particular
case of homogeneous open quantum random walks.
This talk is based on the contents of my Master's thesis (Tesi di Laurea