Ecco il reminder per Venerdi` 22 Novembre.
Vi aspettiamo numerosi
Gianmarco Bet e Francesca R. Nardi
From: Francesca Romana Nardi []
Sent: Thursday, November 7, 2019 10:33 AM
To: 'random(a)' <random(a)>
Subject: AN``AUTUMN'' DAY IN PROBABILITY AND STATISTICAL PHYSICS - 22 November 2019 (Jansen e Avena)
Vi annunciamo che prossimamente si terrà la nona giornata di seminari:
University of Florence
Friday 22 November 2019
Lecturers: Sabine Jansen (Munich) and Luca Avena (Leiden)
Location: Aula Tricerri Viale Morgagni 67, Firenze
Informazioni su come arrivare alla pagina:
Note pratiche: Stiamo prenotando un catering con cibi vegerariani e non, percio` abbiamo bisogno del numero di persone che vogliono mangiare insieme. A coloro che fossero interessati (per una migliore organizzazione) chiediamo di mandare un email a
<> francescaromana.nardi(a); <>; <> angela.caporicci(a)
con l'intenzione di partecipare al seminario, al coffe break e al pranzo.
Prof. Sabine Jansen (LMU Munich)
Title: Large deviations and metastability for the Widom-Rowlinson model
Abstract: The Widom-Rowlinson model is one of the few models in statistial mechanics for which a phase transition is rigorously proven. It is also popular in stochastic geometry and spatial statistics where it is called area interaction model and belongs to the broader class of quermass interaction models. After reviewing some relevant background about Gibbs measures for continuum interacting particle systems, I will discuss large deviations for the Widom-Rowlinson model in a joint high-density / low-temperature limit. I will also discuss metastability for a spatial birth and death process, a.k.a. continuum Glauber or grand-canonical Monte-Carlo, for which the Gibbs measure is reversible. Based on joint work with Frank den Hollander, Roman Kotecký and Elena Pulvirenti.
Prof. Luca Avena (University of Leiden)
Title: Explorations of networks through random spanning forests: theory and applications
Abstract: David Wilson in the 1990s described a simple and efficient algorithm based on loop-erased random walks to sample uniform spanning trees and, more generally, weighted rooted trees or forests spanning a given graph.
The goal of this lecture is to describe the resulting probability measure when Wilson's algorithm is used to sample rooted spanning forests.
This forest-measure has a rich, flexible and explicit mathematical structure which makes it a powerful tool to design different algorithms to explore a given network.
In the first part of the lecture, I will focus on fundamental aspects of this measure and how it relates to other objects of interest in statistical physics such as the well known Random-cluster model.
I will in particular describe the main properties of related observables (e.g. set of roots, induced partition) which turn out to be determinantal processes with simple kernels and then discuss some progress in understanding related scaling limits.
The second part of the lecture will be devoted to applications. In particular, depending on time, I plan to discuss four different algorithms aiming at: (1) sampling well-distributed points in a graph,
(2) coarse-graning a given network, (3) processing signals on graphs (a novel gaph wavelet transform), (4) estimating the spectrum of the graph Laplacian.
The core of this lecture is based on different joint collaborations with the following colleagues and students: Castell, Gaudillere, Melot, Milanesi (Marselle), Quattropani (Rome), Driessen, Koperberg, Magrini (Leiden) , Amblard, Barthelme, Tremblay (Grenoble).
11.00-11.45 Introductory lecture: Jansen
11.45-12.00 Break
12.00-12.45 Seminar: Jansen
13.00-14.30 Lunch
14.30-15.15 Introductory lecture: Avena
15.15-15.30 Break
15.30-16.30 Seminar: Avena
G. Bet, F. Caravenna, N. Cancrini, E.N.M. Cirillo, F. Colomo, P. Dai Pra, A. De
Masi, D. Fanelli, F. Flandoli, C. Giardina`, R. Livi, F. Martinelli,
I.G. Minelli, F.R. Nardi, E. Presutti, B. Scoppola, E. Scoppola.
Ricordiamo che ciascun oratore fara` una lezione introduttiva e
divulgativa di 45 minuti pensata proprio per i non esperti, seguita da
altri 45 minuti di tipo seminario (vedi programma).
Maggiori informazioni e aggiornamenti sono reperibili alle pagine web
Vi aspettiamo numerosi
Gianmarco Bet e Francesca R. Nardi
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Viale Morgagni 67, Firenze, Italy
Dear Colleagues,
The Journal "Mathematics" (ISSN 2227-7390)
will publish the special issue "Stochastic Modeling in Biology"…
of which I am guest editor.
The deadline for manuscript submissions is 31 May 2020.
The aim of this Special Issue is to publish original research articles
covering advances
in the theory of stochastic modeling in biology. In this framework,
continuous and discrete
time stochastic processes will be discussed, as well as stochastic
differential equations,
fractional differential equations, correlated processes,
first-passage-time problems,
stochastic optimal controls, parameter estimation, and simulation
All the above topics are intended to be treated in the spirit of modeling
the evolution
of stochastic systems of interest in Biology.
Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:
-Stochastic processes for neuronal activity;
-Jump-diffusion processes;
-Markov and semi-Markov processes;
-Time-changed processes;
-Markov chains;
-Fractional processes;
-Fractional Brownian motion.
I hope that you will consider this special issue as an interesting and
useful forum for publishing your latest research work in
stochastic modeling in Biology.
I would be glad if you will submit a paper to this special issue.
Your submission should be made at the web site:…
The deadline for manuscript submissions is 31 May 2020.
Best Regards,
Mario Abundo
Mario Abundo
Dipartimento di Matematica
Universita' di Roma "Tor Vergata"
via della Ricerca Scientifica
00133 Roma, Italy
e-mail: abundo(a)
tel: +39 06 7259 4627
fax: +39 06 7259 4699
Dear All,
please find the last call for papers for QFW2020 attached to this
The submission deadline is now extended to December, 6th.
Ricevo ed inoltro il seguente avviso per il bando “Young Investigator
Training Program” promosso da ACRI (
Il bando sostiene la partecipazione di giovani ricercatori, impegnati in
strutture di ricerca all'estero, a congressi di rilevanza internazionale
organizzati da Università ed Enti di ricerca italiani.
Francesco Cesarone
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Vito Vicini <Vito.Vicini(a)>
Date: lun 4 nov 2019 alle ore 12:35
Subject: Acri - YITP 2019
To: Francesco Cesarone <francesco.cesarone(a)>
Gentile Prof. Francesco Cesarone,
facendo seguito ai colloqui intercorsi e alla pubblicazione del bando Acri
“Young Investigator Training Program 2019”, Le sarei grato qualora potesse
contribuire alla diffusione dello stesso tra le Università e i Centri di
Ricerca che ritenesse potenzialmente interessati alla partecipazione.
Nel ringraziarLa per quanto potrà fare, Le porgo i miei più cordiali saluti.
Vito Vicini
Video - Quantitative Finance Workshop 2018 - Uniroma3
Francesco Cesarone - Ph.D.
Ricercatore - Assistant Professor
Dipartimento di Economia Aziendale
Università Roma Tre
Via Silvio D'Amico, 77
00145 - Roma
tel: +39 06 57335744
Skype: francesco.cesarone
email: francesco.cesarone(a)
Studio n. 20 piano V
Dear all,
this is to announce the following research talk by Luca Avena, to be held in Pisa.
PLACE: Aula Riunioni, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Pisa (first floor).
DATE & TIME: Wednesday, Nov 20, 2019, 2 PM
SPEAKER: Luca Avena (Univ. Leiden)
TITLE: Multiscale analysis of network data sets via random walk kernels.
ABSTRACT: I will present a random walk approach to analyse data sets that are encoded into a network structure (a weighted graph). Random walks are natural objects to explore a given network and have been used as building blocks to design different type of algorithms such as the celebrated PageRank. The core of this lecture is on three new general algorithms aiming at: 1) sampling well-distributed points in a graph, 2) coarse graining a given network at different scales, 3) processing signals on graphs through a novel wavelets transform.
As I will discuss, these algorithms can be good or not depending on the specific data set problem to be analyzed. The main emphasis will be given on the underlying mathematical structures which are of fundamental interest per se within probability theory and statistical phyisics.
Partially based on joint work with Castell, Gaudilliere and Melot
Best regards,
Dario Trevisan,
Università degli Studi di Pisa,
Dipartimento di Matematica,
Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 5,
56127 - Pisa (PI) Italy
telephone: (+39) 050 2213832
mobile: (+39) 331 2899761
Skype: dario-trevisan
e-mail: dario.trevisan AT
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Alexander Bochkov <a.bochkov(a)>
Date: mar 12 nov 2019 alle ore 14:10
Subject: about IWAP2020, THESSALONIKI, GREECE, 15-18 June 2020
Dear Colleagues,
The IWAP International Board and the organizers are pleased to announce
will take place in THESSALONIKI, GREECE, from 15 to 18 June 2020.
For further information please visit the conference homepage:
For information: Prof. George Tsaklidis,
e-mail: tsaklidi(a)
Sincerely yours,
Alexander Bochkov
Ricevo ed inoltro, con preghiera di diffusione a tutti gli interessati.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Fabio Machado <faprama(a)>
Date: gio 7 nov 2019, 21:59
Subject: four postdoc positions in probability and stochastic processes -
IME-USP - Brazil
To: Fabio Machado <faprama(a)>
Dear colleagues,
We have just advertised four postdoc positions in probability and
stochastic processes
at IME-USP (São Paulo, Brazil) to begin from February 2020 (flexible).
Further information
is available at:
Please forward this information to anyone who might be interested.
Many thanks in advance,
Fabio Machado
*Fábio Prates Machado* - Professor
Instituto de Matemática e Estatística
Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil.
Ricevo e inoltro,
Cordiali saluti,
Alessandro Zocca
Assistant Professor
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Department of Mathematics
From: John Moriarty <j.moriarty(a)QMUL.AC.UK>
Date: Monday, November 11, 2019 at 12:36
Subject: Postdoc position in applied probability, Alan Turing Institute / QMUL
Dear colleagues,
it would be appreciated if you could forward the opportunity below to potentially interested candidates in applied probability.
A postdoctoral position is available in the ‘Data-driven stochastic control’ project at the Alan Turing Institute, funded by the Institute and by my EPSRC fellowship. The successful applicant may sit either at Queen Mary or at the Turing. The role involves application of the theory of stochastic optimal control in data-driven settings, and the investigation of applications to artificial intelligence. The position may be of interest to researchers working in optimal stopping, optimal switching, backward stochastic differential and difference equations, model ambiguity and risk aversion.
Applications close on 7th December and the expected start date is 1 January 2020 or as soon as possible thereafter, with an end date of 24 August 2021.
For more details see and informal enquiries can be addressed to jmoriarty(a)<>
Apologize for cross-posting
Dear colleagues,
Journal of Energy Markets will publish a special issue, associated to
the workshop Energy Finance Italia 4 held in Milano in February 2019. However,
this call is not limited to conference participants, but also extends to other
researchers working on this topic.
Topics of particular interest may include, but are not limited to:
- integration of electricity markets,
- market power and market strategies,
- electricity market modeling and simulation,
- impact of new technologies,
- cross-border issues,
- CO2 emissions trading,
- green certificate markets,
- risk management,
- futures, forwards and derivatives,
- price and volatility dynamics,
- risk premia.
Therefore, we hope that you will consider this issue as an interesting and
useful forum for publishing your latest research work in the field.
Your submission should be made by e-mail to one of the guest editors
- Carlo Lucheroni <carlo.lucheroni(a)>
- Tiziano Vargiolu <vargiolu(a)>
The deadline for the submission of the full paper is December 31, 2019.
We would be glad to receive your paper submission to the Journal of Energy
Markets' special issue.
With kind regards,
Carlo Lucheroni and Tiziano Vargiolu
Tiziano Vargiolu
Dipartimento di Matematica Phone: +39 049 8271383
Universita' di Padova Fax: +39 049 8271428
Via Trieste, 63 E-mail: vargiolu(a)
I-35121 Padova (Italy) WWW:
Dear all,
FYI, the Statistical Methods for Post Genomic data (SMPGD) workshop will take place at Institut Pasteur in Paris on 23-24 January (more info below).
Julyan Arbel
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Franck Picard <franck.picard(a)>
Date: 7 Nov 2019 at 13:08 +0100
To: smpgd-scientific(a), smpgd-organization(a) <smpgd-organization(a)>
Subject: [smpgd-scientific] SMPGD'20, Institut Pasteur, Paris, January 23-24 - second call
> dear members of the SMPGD scientific committee
> Could you forward the announcement of the SMGPD 2020 edition to your
> national lists ? It appears that the information has not spread
> everywhere in Europe yet ;-)
> All the best
> Franck
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dear all,
> The 2020 edition of the Statistical Methods for Post Genomic data(SMPGD)
> workshop will take place at Institut Pasteur in Paris on 23-24 January.
> The workshop aimis to present works from mathematical to applied
> statistics, but alsonew areas in high throughput biology that could need
> new statisticaldevelopments.
> The 2020 edition is organized by the Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
> Hub (Institut Pasteur) and the main topicsare: Evolution of
> inter-species interactions, Machine learning algorithms for
> computational biology, and Evolution and epidemiology.
> The workshop will feature 4 keynote speakers:
> * Simona Cocco (Ecole des Neurosciences Paris Ile de France, Paris,
> )
> * Julia Gog (University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
> )
> * Louis Lambrechts (Institut Pasteur, Paris
> )
> * Laurent Jacob (CNRS, LBBE, Université Lyon 1, Lyon
> )
> Attendance is free, but registration is mandatory on the conference
> website. Registration deadline is *January 7, 2020*.
> Submissions for posters and short talks are open and will close
> on*November 15, 2019 at 23:59 pm*. Abstracts selected for a short
> talkwill be announced on December 15, 2019.
> We are looking forward to meeting you in Paris.
> Best regards,
> Marie-Agnès Dillies, on behalf of the organizing committee (Alice
> Cleynen, Franck Picard, Stéphane Robin and Anne Biton, Pascal Campagne,
> Vincent Guillemot, Emeline Perthame, Stevenn Volant)