Dear Colleagues,
please forward the following job description to interested master students in their final year.
The University of Limerick invites applications for a fully funded PhD (4 years) in Financial Mathematics.
The successful candidate will have a solid preparation in Mathematics, in particular in Analysis and/or Probability, and a keen interest in developing novel Mathematical and Computational tools to solve Finance problems.
Potential research topics include pricing or investment with several assets and derivative contracts, and will be jointly supervised by Eberhard Mayerhofer (Limerick) and Paolo Guasoni (Dublin).
Candidates should send to eberhard.mayerhofer(a)
1. Current CV
2. Official transcripts
3. Personal statement
4. Two recommendation letters (sent by referees, not candidates).
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Eberhard Mayerhofer, Privatdozent
Senior Lecturer in Financial Mathematics
University of Limerick
Nei giorni 12-13-14 febbraio, il prof. Nikolay Tzvetkov terrà un minicorso
Random data wave equations
presso il Centro De Giorgi di Pisa. Orario e dettagli si possono trovare
alla pagina
Molti saluti, Franco Flandoli
Dear Colleagues,
we are happy to announce the *Workshop "Nonlocal and Fractional Operators"* to
be held at the Department of Statistical Sciences, *Sapienza University of
Rome *on *April 12-13, 2019.*
Please find the details in the link below:
The workshop is dedicated to *prof. *Renato Spigler (Dept. Mathematics and
Physics, Roma Tre University) in the occasion of his retirement and wishes
to celebrate his scientific contributions in the field of fractional
calculus and numerical analysis.
*Topics* include *probability, mathematical physics and numerical analysis*
Our invited speakers are:
- A.Bazzani (Dept. Physics and Astronomy, Bologna University)
- F.Camilli (Dept. SBAI, Sapienza University)
- M.D'Ovidio (Dept. SBAI, Sapienza University)
- A.Di Crescenzo (Dept. Mathematics, Salerno University)
- K.Diethelm (University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt)
- F.Ferrari (Dept. Mathematics, Bologna University)
- J.Gajda (University of Warsaw)
- R.Garra (Dept. Statistics, Sapienza University)
- R.Garrappa (Dept. Mathematics, University of Bari)
- A.Giusti (Bishop's University, Montreal)
- G.Karniadakis (Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University)
- Y.Luchko (Dept. Mathematics, Technical University of Applied Sciences,
- E.Nane (Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Auburn University)
- G.Pagnini (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics)
- P.Paradisi (ISTI-CNR, Pisa)
- A.Rodriguez-Rozas (Santander Bank)
- E.Scalas (School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of
- V.Sposini (University of Potsdam)
- A.Taloni (Institute for Complex Systems, CNR, Roma)
- B.Toaldo (Dept. Mathematics, Torino University)
- M.Yamamoto (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of
*Registration* is *free*, but we kindly ask *all the participants to* *fill
the following form, as soon as possible*:
For any *information*, please write to *nlfo.workshop2019(a)
Best regards,
The Scientific Committee
- Luisa Beghin (Dept. Statistical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome)
- Michele Caputo (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei)
- Mauro Fabrizio (Dept. Mathematics, University of Bologna)
- Francesco Mainardi (Dept. Physics and Astronomy, University of
- Enzo Orsingher (Dept. Statistical Sciences, Sapienza University of
- Tommaso Ruggeri (Dept. Mathematics, University of Bologna)
Luisa Beghin
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Fac. Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Informatica e Statistica
"SAPIENZA" Università di Roma
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma
T (+39) 06 49910543 F (+39) 06 4959241
Dear colleagues,
We organize from 8 to 10 April 2019 a conference
in honor of François Dunlop, entitled
"Equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics".
It will take place at Villa Finaly (Florence).
The subjects of the talks will cover a large spectrum, at the
between statistical physics and probability. This variety reflects
the scientific activity of François Dunlop.
Invited speakers:
Stefan Adams (Warwick), Alessandra Bianchi (Padova), Oriane Blondel
Nicoletta Cancrini (Roma), Emilio Cirillo (Roma), Pierre Collet
Loren Coquille (Grenoble), Ivan Corwin (New York), Anna De Masi
Béatrice de Tilière (Paris), Alessandra Faggionato (Roma),Hubert Lacoin
de Janeiro), Roberto Livi (Firenze), Christian Maes (Leuven), Fabio
Martinelli (Roma), Stefano Olla (Paris), Elisabetta Scoppola (Roma),
Senya Shlosman (Marseille), Aernout van Enter (Groningen).
There will be a poster session where young researchers are invited to
present their work.
More information as well as a registration form
are available on the web site :
We hope very much for your participation.
The organizers
Thierry Gobron
Francesca R. Nardi
Pierre Picco
Ellen Saada
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Martedi' 12 Febbraio Raphael Chetrite (CNRS, NIzza) terra' un seminario
alle ore 14:00 (sharp) in Aula di Consiglio, Dipartimento di Matematica,
La Sapienza.
*Title : On Gibbs-Shannon Entropy *
*Abstract : **This talk will focus on the question of the physical
contents of the Gibbs-Shannon entropy outside equilibrium. It will be based
on the article ** Gavrilov-Chetrite-Bechhoeffer, Direct measurement of
weakly nonequilibrium system entropy is consistent with Gibbs-Shannon form,
PNAS 2017. *
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 5, Phone (0039) 06 49913252
On behalf of the organizers commit, it is my great pleasure to invite you
to take part in the International Conference
“Financial and Energy Markets: Modeling and Simulation”
to be held in Cagliari, Italy on 20-22 June 2019.
The Conference is dedicated to examining, comprehending and discussing
the role of modeling and simulation within the analysis of financial and energy markets,
and of the related areas such as banks and banking regulation, monetary policy,
energy production, renewable energy production, etc…
For detailed information and the related Call for Papers,
please visit the Conference webpage: <…>
We look forward to welcoming you to our Conference in Cagliari!
The Organizing Committee.
Filippo Petroni, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics
Department of Management <>
Facoltà di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Piazzale Martelli 8
60121 Ancona
Personal web page <…>
*Scientists, get out there!*
The BIGMATH kickoff workshop
Milano, March 11, 2019
This is the opening workshop of the MSCA-ITN-EID project BIGMATH, an EU
funded international and industrial PhD programme (
The workshop is divided into two parts: during the morning session the
BIGMATH Programme will be illustrated, the companies partners of the
programme will illustrate the Big Data challenges that they are posing to
mathematicians, and the recruited PhD students will introduce themselves to
the audience.
The afternoon session will be devoted to promote good practices of
scientific dissemination and public engagement, since this is one of the
major challenges that our society and the EU is asking to scientists of any
area of study. The talks of the afternoon session will then be addressed to
a general public of scientists, working in any scientific field, or people
working in the academic world, who would like to undertake the adventure of
communicating their daily research in an effective way.
The participation to both sessions is free of charge, but for organising
reasons, we ask to participants *to register by February 28. *
For further information please visit the web page
Alessandra Micheletti
Associate Professor - Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Dept. of Environmental Science and Policy - ESP
Università degli Studi di Milano
via Saldini 50, 20133 Milano, Italy
phone: +39-02503-16130
fax: +39-02503-16090
## Apologies for multiple postings ##
CLADAG 2019: First announcement and call for papers
Watch the video!
CLADAG 2019 will be the 12 biannual Conference of the Classification and
Data Analysis Group (CLADAG) of the Italian Statistical Society.
It will be held on 11 - 13 September 2019, in Cassino, Italy, hosted by the
University of Cassino and Southern Lazio.
CLADAG, founded in 1997, fosters advanced methodological research in
multivariate statistics, with a special focus on Data Analysis and
We are glad to announce a rich list of keynotes
<> and invited speakers
Christophe Biernacki, University of Lille
Adrian Bowman, University of Glasgow
Bettina Grün, Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz
Francesco Mola, University of Cagliari
Sylvia Richardson, University of Cambridge
INVITED (amongst many others):
Alan Agresti, Rasmus Bro, Geoffrey McLachlan, Irene Moustaki, Brendan
Murphy, Weixin Yao...
Abstract/Short paper submission: 12 April, 2019
Bring your own contribution to CLADAG 2019!
Francesca and Giovanni
Francesca Greselin
Scientific Program Committee
Giovanni Porzio
Local Organizing Committee
Dear Colleagues,
we are pleased to recall some essential information about the
Second Italian Meeting on Probability and Mathematical Statistics
(Vietri sul Mare (SA), Italy, June 17th-20th, 2019)
Important deadlines:
- March 10, 2019: submission of Organized Session proposals (by email to
- March 15, 2019: submission of abstracts of all contributions
( )
- March 22, 2019: notification of acceptance will be sent to the authors
- March 31, 2019: early registration (with reduced fee)
- May 31, 2019: intermediate registration
Main links:
Conference web site:
Guidelines for authors:
Invited Speakers:
Travel info:
Participants are kindly invited to submit an expression of interest to
The list of participants will be updated in due time.
We look forward meeting you soon.
The Scientific Committee
Claudia Ceci, Paolo Dai Pra, Antonio Di Crescenzo, Franco Fagnola, Franco
Flandoli, Antonio Lijoi, Andrea Pascucci, Franco Pellerey, Laura Sacerdote
The Local Organizing Committee
Giacomo Ascione, Aniello Buonocore, Camilla Calì, Luigia Caputo, Antonio Di
Crescenzo, Maria Longobardi, Barbara Martinucci, Alessandra Meoli, Luca
Paolillo, Paola Paraggio, Enrica Pirozzi, Fabio Travaglino
Antonio Di Crescenzo
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università degli Studi di Salerno
Via Giovanni Paolo II, n. 132
84084 Fisciano (SA)
Tel. +39-089-963349
Fax: +39-089-963303
E-mail(1): adicrescenzo(a)
E-mail(2): adicresc(a)