Bando Ricercatore art. 24, comma 3, lett. a)
Decreto rettorale, 17 aprile 2019, n. 476 (prot. 71903) pubblicato
all'Albo Ufficiale (n. 5533) dal 15 maggio al 13 giugno 2019
Avviso pubblicato in G.U. - 4° Serie Speciale – Concorsi ed esami, n. 38
del 14 maggio 2019
scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: 13 giugno 2019
13/D4 - Metodi matematici dell'economia e delle scienze attuariali e
Settore scientifico disciplinare SECS-S/06
Venerdì 14 Giugno 2019, alle ore 12:00, presso il nuovo edificio del Collegio Carlo Alberto, in Piazza Arbarello 8, Torino, si terrà il seguente seminario:
Subhashis GHOSHAL (North Carolina State University)
The filament of a smooth function f consists of local maximizers of f when moving in a certain direction. The filament is an important geometrical feature of the surface of the graph of a function. It is also considered as an important lower dimensional summary in analyzing multivariate data. There have been some recent theoretical studies on estimating filaments of a density function using a nonparametric kernel density estimator. In this talk, we consider a Bayesian approach and concentrate on the nonparametric regression problem. We study the posterior contraction rates for filaments using a finite random series of B-splines prior on the regression function. Compared with the kernel method, this has the advantage that the bias can be better controlled when the function is smoother, which allows obtaining better rates. Under an isotropic Holder smoothness condition, we obtain the posterior contraction rate for the filament under two different metrics — a distance of separation along an integral curve, and the Hausdorff distance between sets. Moreover, we construct credible sets of optimal size for the filament with sufficient frequentist coverage. We study the performance of our proposed method through a simulation study and apply on a dataset on California earthquakes to assess the fault-line of the maximum local earthquake intensity.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Il seminario è organizzato dalla "de Castro" Statistics Initiative ( in collaborazione con il Collegio Carlo Alberto.
Cordiali saluti,
Matteo Ruggiero
Matteo Ruggiero
University of Torino and Collegio Carlo Alberto
Dear all,
I would like to remind the following talk that will be held tomorrow at the Department of Mathematics, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Vlad Bally (Université Paris-Est) - 07/06/19 - 4:30 PM - Aula D'Antoni
Convergence in Distribution Norms in the CLT and Application to Trigonometric Polynomials
Abstract: Under some regularity condition on the random variables at hand, we prove convergence in distribution norms in the CLT and we also derive some local developments (Edgeworth expansions). We use these results in order to study the asymptotic behavior of the number of roots of trigonometric polynomials with random coefficients.
— This talk is part of the activity of the MIUR Excellence Department Project CUP E83C18000100006 —
Kind regards,
Anna Vidotto
Anna Vidotto
PostDoc Researcher
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
Dear colleague,
this is the third announcement of the summer school and workshop on
"Quantum Transport and Universality - From Topological Materials to
Quantum Hydrodynamics", to be held at the Univ. Roma Tre on September
16-20, 2019 (school) and at the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, on
September 23-25, 2019 (workshop).
For the list of confirmed speakers, see below. Further details, including
the poster and the registration form, can be found on the webpage:…
REGISTRATION is free but mandatory. All participants are kindly asked to
register before
**JUNE 23, 2019**
CONTRIBUTED TALKS: During the summer school, we plan to have a session of
contributed talks. Interested contributors are invited to register and
send via email at tlongo(a) the title and abstract of their
proposed talk, together with their CV, by
**JUNE 23, 2019**
ACCOMMODATION: September is high season in Rome. We invite all the
interested participants to reserve an accommodation well in advance. A
list of a few solutions with special rates that have been negotiated for
the school and conference can be found on the website, under the link
If you need additional information, please contact us via email at
We would be grateful if you could circulate this announcement among your
students, postdocs and collegues.
With my best regards,
Alessandro Giuliani
for the organizing committe (C. Di Castro, G. Gallavotti, A. Giuliani, R.
Greenblatt, G. Jona-Lasinio, V. Mastropietro, D. Monaco, R. Raimondi)
SCHOOL: B. Doyon, G. M. Graf, T. Prosen, M. Porta;
WORKSHOP: A. Burkov, P. Calabrese, H. Cornean, W. De Roeck, M. Fagotti, J.
Frohlich, J. Garrahan, K. Gawedzki, I. Herbut, J. Imbrie, J. Lebowitz, A.
H. MacDonald, V. Mastropietro, G. Panati, A. Scardicchio, H. Spohn, M. A.
H. Vozmediano, X. Zotos.
Con la speranza della massima diffusione, specialmente per dottorandi ma
anche ricercatori e professori, ci tenevo ad informarvi che stiamo
organizzando una *Summer School* dal titolo "*New frontiers in Singular
SPDEs and Scaling Limit*" presso il *Hausdorff Institute di Bonn* tra il *23
e il 27 Settembre 2019*. La scuola sarà composta da 4 minicorsi di
- Tadahiro Oh (University of Edinburgh)
- Felix Otto (Max Planck Institute Leipzig)
- Fabio Toninelli (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)
- Nikolaos Zygouras (University of Warwick)
Per maggiori informazioni e registrazione online, potete consultare il sito…
Per domande ulteriori, sono a disposizione all'indirizzo
Con la speranza di accogliervi numerosi,
Distinti Saluti,
Giuseppe Cannizzaro