Dear colleagues,
I would like to announce the following online seminar organized by the Probability group of the University of Pisa. The talk will be accessible under the link
Click here to join the meeting<…>
Best regards,
Tuesday, Dec. 15, 14:00
Speaker: Jie-Xiang Zhu (Fudan University / Université de Toulouse)
Title: On optimal matching problem for Gaussian samples with dimension d ≥ 3
Abstract: Optimal matching problems are very classical in computer
science, physics and mathematics.
In this talk, we will discuss the related rates of convergence of
empirical measures associated with n independent random points,
whose common distribution is the normal Gaussian distribution in
Euclidean space with dimension d ≥ 3.
Our method is based on the PDE and mass transportation approach
developed by L. Ambrosio, F. Stra and D. Trevisan.
Giacomo Di Gesù
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università di Pisa
Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 5
56127 - Pisa, Italy
|Dear colleagues,
LTI@UniTO ( <>) and
Collegio Carlo Alberto are pleased to invite you to the following
webinar in Finance:
“Equilibrium Bid-Price Dispersion”
Speaker: Albert Menkveld (VU Amsterdam),
_ <>
Abstract: If bidding in a common-value auction is costly and if bidders
do not know how many others are also bidding, all equilibria are in
mixed strategies. Participation is probabilistic and bid prices are
dispersed. The symmetric equilibrium is unique and yields simple
analytic expressions. We use them to, for example, show that bid prices
exhibit negative skewness. The expressions are further used to estimate
the model based on bidding on an S&P500 security. We find that the
number of bidders declined over time, making liquidity supply fragile.
You can join the webinar via zoom at the following link:
Meeting ID: 814 3985 1376 Passcode: 753282
Best regards,
Luca Regis
Luca Regis
Associate Professor
Department of Economics and Statistics (ESOMAS)
University of Torino
Office: +39 011 670 6065
Avviso di Seminario
Speaker: Michele Salvi (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
Orario: Lunedì 14 dicembre, ore 13
Titolo: Scale-free percolation in continuous space
Link al collegamento su Teams:…
Abstract: The scale-free percolation random graph features three
properties that are often present in large real-world structures
(social networks, communication networks, inter-banking systems and so
on), but which are never present at once in classical models: (1)
Scale-free: the degree of the nodes follows a power law; (2)
Small-world: two nodes are typically at a very small graph distance;
(3) Positive clustering coefficient: two nodes with a common neighbour
have a good chance to be linked. We study a continuous version of
scale-free percolation and its possible application to the statistical
analysis of a dataset provided by the French Ministry of Agriculture.
We discuss some stochastic processes (random walks and particle
systems) on this kind of structures with the final goal of
understanding how an epidemic would spread.
Il seminario rientra tra le attività del Progetto di eccellenza MIUR
2018-2022 Math@Tov.
Grazie per l'attenzione, Domenico Marinucci
Domenico Marinucci
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to the following Probability seminar
that will take place on December 18 at 11.30 by the zoom platform.
Speaker: Gianmarco Bet (Università di Firenze)
Title: Detecting anomalies in complex networks
18 DECEMBER (Friday) - 11:30 zoom link: TBA
(available on the webpage )
Abstract: Recently there has been an increasing interest in the development
of statistical techniques and algorithms that exploit the structure of
large complex-network data to analyze networks more efficiently. For this
talk, I will focus on detection problems. In this context, the goal is to
detect the presence of some sort of anomaly in the network, and possibly
even identify the nodes/edges responsible. Our work is inspired by the
problem of detecting so-called botnets. Examples are fake user profiles in
a social network or servers infected by a computer virus on the internet.
Typically a botnet represents a potentially malicious anomaly in the
network, and thus it is of great practical interest to detect its presence
and, when detected, to identify the corresponding vertices.
Accordingly, numerous empirical studies have analyzed botnet detection
problems and techniques. However, theoretical models and algorithmic
guarantees are missing so far.
We introduce a simplified model for a botnet, and approach the detection
problem from a statistical perspective. More precisely, under the null
hypothesis we model the network as a sample from a geometric random graph,
whereas under the alternative hypothesis there are a few botnet vertices
that ignore the underlying geometry and simply connect to other vertices in
an independent fashion. We present two statistical tests to detect the
presence of these botnets, and we show that they are asymptotically
powerful, i.e., they correctly distinguish the null and the alternative
with probability tending to one as the number of vertices increases. We
also propose a method to identify the botnet vertices. We will argue, using
numerical simulations, that our tests perform well for finite networks,
even when the underlying graph model is slightly perturbed. Our work is not
limited in scope to botnet detection, and in fact is relevant whenever the
nature of the anomaly to be detected is a change in the underlying
connection criteria.
Based on joint work with Kay Bogerd (TU/e), Rui Pires da Silva Castro
(TU/e) and Remco van der Hofstad (TU/e).
Alessandra Bianchi
Dip. di Matematica
Università di Padova
Via Trieste, 63 - 35121 Padova, Italy
phone: +39 049 827 14 06
fax: +39 049 827 14 28
e-mail: bianchi(a)
Dear colleagues,
This mail is to announce a new online seminar series on the “Mathematics of
Reaction Networks” (MoRN). Reaction networks are mathematical models mainly
used in biochemistry, with the scope of describing the dynamics of
particles of different kinds that interact in a homogeneous environment.
The mathematics used to study these models sits at the interface of
stochastic process theory, algebra, graph theory, analysis.
The seminar will take place twice a month over zoom (Thursday on the 2nd
and 4th week of the month, 17.00 Rome time), and consist of two 25-minute
long talks followed by longer discussions. The exciting program for the
first three sessions is available on the seminar page:
The first two talks will be given on Thursday November 12 by David
Anderson from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (he will talk about
connections between neural networks and the modeling regime of reaction
networks) and Lea Popovic from Concordia University (she will introduce a
multiscale stochastic model for interacting particles in a heterogeneous
environment, and study its fluid limit). More details are given in the
seminar webpage.
New talks will appear on the seminar webpage, as well as the zoom link. If
the speaker agrees, talks will be recorded and added to youtube with a
private link, and the link will be shared on the seminar webpage.
On the webpage you can subscribe to a mailing list, and you can add the
seminar into your calendar. We will send a reminder two days before each
talk to subscribed people.
Best wishes,
Daniele Cappelletti (co-organizing the seminar series with Elisenda Feliu
and Stefan Mueller)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2020 20:59:24 +0100
From: Paolo Falbo <paolo.falbo(a)>
To: "Vargiolu, Tiziano" <vargiolu(a)>
Subject: Webinar Ferrari G. - at UNIBS, Department of Economics and Management
Ciao Tiziano,
con preghiera di diffusione.
Un caro saluto,
Dear friends,
on December 15th, 2020 - 14:30 (cet)
within the Research Seminars of DEM, it will take place the following
Taming the spread of an epidemics by lockdown policies
presented by Prof. Ferrari Giorgio, Bielefeld University and organized by
Prof. Paolo Falbo
In this talk we consider the problem of a policymaker who aims at taming the
spread of an epidemic while minimizing its associated social costs. The main
feature of our model lies in the fact that the disease's transmission rate
is a diffusive stochastic process whose trend can be adjusted via costly
confinement policies. We provide a complete theoretical analysis, as well as
numerical experiments illustrating the structure of the optimal lockdown
policy. In all our experiments the latter is characterized by three distinct
periods: the epidemic is first let freely evolve, then vigorously tamed, and
finally a less stringent containment should be adopted. Moreover, the
optimal containment policy is such that the product "reproduction number x
percentage of susceptible" is kept after a certain date strictly below the
critical level of one, although the reproduction number is let oscillate
above one in the last more relaxed phase of lockdown. Finally, an increase
in the fluctuations of the transmission rate is shown to give rise to an
earlier beginning of the optimal lockdown policy, which is also diluted over
a longer period of time. The seminar is based on a joint work with Salvatore
Federico (University of Genova).
Live presentation on: Google Meet.
To participate, registration is required by 14 December 2020 at 12:00, by
filling out the following form:
Subscribers will be emailed the link to the webinar meeting.
The poster of the event is attached.
Informativa sulla Privacy:
-------- Forwarded Message --------
long post-doc research positions 2021 - 2023
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2020 20:00:57 +0100
From: CRM <crm(a)>
To: CRM <crm(a)>
Dear Colleague,
I would be grateful if you could bring to the attention of your best
postgraduate students and PhD holders that *five **two-year long
post-doc research positions* named *Junior Visiting Positions* are
available at the *Centro De Giorgi - Scuola Normale Superiore,
Pisa* covering the following subjects:
Position n. 1: Algebraic Geometry and//or Number Theory
Position n. 2: Topology, Differential Geometry and//or Geometric Analysis
Position n. 3: Partial Differential Equations and//or Probability
Position n. 4: Numerical Analysis and//or Financial Mathematics
Position n. 5: Dynamical Systems
PhD students can also apply, provided that they obtain their PhD no
later than October 1st 2021.
Deadline for application: *12th January 2021 (11.59 PM Italian time)*.
The total two-year gross remuneration, inclusive of all taxes, is €
66,590.00 for each contract, corresponding to a monthly salary of
approximately 2,000 Euros. An additional yearly research allowance of
1,000 Euros for exchange visits is also provided.
*Starting date: October 2021*
The Mathjobs announcement is available here:
To submit applications please link to the *ANNOUNCEMENT* at
and read the *OFFICIAL CALL*
Applicants must submit their applications *SOLELY* by using the on-line
procedure "SerSe" ( <>
available on the Scuola Normale Superiore website and fulfill ALL the
tender's requirements. *No other submission method will be accepted.*
For any question related to the on-line procedure or any additional
information e-mail *job.opportunities(a)
Best regards,
Stefano Marmi
Scuola Normale Superiore and
Centro di Ricerca Matematica
Ennio De Giorgi
Palazzo Puteano
Piazza dei Cavalieri 3
56100 PISA
/Hosting thousands visitors every year, since its foundation in 2001 the
Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi provides a thriving
international and interdisciplinary research environment and Junior
Visitors can take part in a great variety of scientific activities
including intensive research periods, workshops and seminars, and have a
unique opportunity to interact with top-class scientists./
/. /
Dear All,
I inform that on December 18, 2020, the
*Remote 2nd One-Day Workshop on Machine Learning for Finance*
will be streamed via the Zoom platform offered by the Department of
Economics of the Ca' Foscari University.
For receiving the meeting’s address, ID and passcode, it is necessary to
communicate the email address of the attendee to the email address
Below, a tentative program of the workshop.
- 09:50-10:00: Openings
- 10:00-10:30: E. Vittori, M. Trapletti, M. Restelli: "Option hedging with
risk averse Reinforcement Learning"
- 10:30-11:00: G. Anese, M. Corazza, M. Costola, L. Pelizzon: "Impact of
market sentiment on stock return and volatility"
- 11:00-11:30: E. Barucci, M. Bonollo, F. Poli, E. Rroji: "A machine
learning algorithm for stock picking built on information based outliers"
- 11:30-11:45: Break
- 11:45-12:15: I. Kyriakou, P. Mousavi, J.P. Nielsen, M. Scholz:
"Short-term exuberance and long-term stability: A simultaneous optimisation
of stock return predictions for short and long horizons"
- 12:15-12:45: A. Flori, D. Regoli: "Revealing pairs-trading opportunities
with Long Short-Term Memory Networks"
- 12:45-14:15: Break
- 14:15-14:45: M. Azzone, E. Barucci, G. Giuffra, D. Marazzina: "A Machine
Learning model for lapse prediction in life insurance contracts"
- 14:45-15:15: Oleksandr Castello, M. Resta: "Parsimonious yield curve
models on the trial: An application to BRICs countries"
- 15:15-15:45: G. Amici, M. Bianchetti, F. Brina, B. Lari, M. Mezzetti, A.
Peroni, P. Rossi: "Deep Learning from market data"
- 15:45-16:00: Break
- 16:00-16:30: L. W. Cong, K. Tang: "AlphaPortfolio: Single-step portfolio
construction through Reinforcement Learning and economically interpretable
- 16:30-17:00: E. Vittori, M. Bernasconi, F. Trovò, M. Restelli: "Dealing
with transaction costs in portfolio optimization: Online gradient descent
with momentum"
- 17:00-17:30: G. di Tollo, J. Andria, S. Ghilardi: "Gender analysis and
attention to gender: An experimental framework"
- 17:30-17:40: Closings
Best regards,
Marco Corazza
Marco Corazza, Ph.D.
Department of Economics - Ca' Foscari University of Venice
San Giobbe, Cannaregio 873 - 30121 Venezia, Italy
Mobile: (+39) 366 602-9134
Phone: (+39) 041 234-6921
Fax: (+39) 041 234-7444
E-mail: corazza(a)
Editor-in-Chief: Mathematical Methods in Economics and Finance -