nel recente passato, nei convegni "Italian Meeting on Probability and
Mathematical Statistics", tenuti a Torino (2017) e Vietri sul Mare
(2019), è emersa un'esigenza sentita e condivisa da molti di creare un
organismo che possa raccogliere anche in modo istituzionalizzato le energie
della comunità con interessi in ambito probabilistico e statistico.
Un'ottima opportunità per realizzare tale progetto è emersa di recente, in
quanto l'Unione Matematica Italiana ha aperto un bando per la
creazione dei *Gruppi
UMI* (cf.
A tale scopo, seguendo le linee del bando, è stata predisposta una proposta
di istituzione di un Gruppo UMI, con l'intento di promuovere in modo
coordinato attività di ricerca, didattiche e di terza missione inerenti
discipline legate a temi stocastici.
La proposta è stata formulata con l'aiuto di membri del Comitato
Scientifico della prossima edizione del convegno, che si terrà a Bologna
nel 2021 (cf. ad anche con l'apporto di
diverse persone interessate.
Una sintesi dei punti presenti nella richiesta è riportata in fondo alla
Per ricevere informazioni più dettagliate potete inviare una email a
La proposta deve pervenire all'UMI entro il *30 aprile*, corredata
dall'elenco di almeno *15 proponenti* (*iscritti all'UMI*).
Per dare maggiore peso alla richiesta è opportuno avere un elevato numero
di proponenti.
Sperando che la proposta riscuota consenso, invito con piacere gli
interessati a dare la disponibilità ad essere inseriti nell'elenco dei
proponenti (scrivendo a: prisma.umi(a)
Coloro che non sono soci possono comunque effettuare l'iscrizione all'UMI
(cf. per poter poi divenire
proponenti del Gruppo.
Vi ringrazio molto per l'attenzione, confidando della vostra collaborazione,
e vi saluto con l'augurio che si possa superare al meglio l'emergenza
epidemiologica in atto,
Antonio Di Crescenzo
Le attività del Gruppo avranno connotazione interdisciplinare coinvolgente
varie aree della matematica anche in vista di ricadute in vari ambiti
culturali e scientifici. Mantenendo l’attenzione agli sviluppi della
probabilità e della statistica matematica lungo le molte direzioni che
dominano la scena internazionale, esse promuoveremo anche l’interazione con
settori attuali ed emergenti, con particolare riferimento allo sviluppo di
metodi formali e strumenti probabilistici e statistici in diversi ambiti.
Le attività si suddividono in
- attività di ricerca (organizzazione di un convegno scientifico biennale e
di mini-workshop su temi emergenti, coordinamento di seminari e corsi di
dottorato, database aggiornato delle iniziative scientifiche, ...)
- attività d’insegnamento (censimento di attività didattiche universitarie
su temi stocastici, promozione di attività didattiche su temi stocastici a
livello universitario e per la didattica della probabilità nella scuola,
anche in collaborazione col Piano Nazionale Lauree Scientifiche per la
Matematica, ...)
- divulgazione dei risultati (attraverso convegni, canali istituzionali,
- interazione con vari settori della scienza e della società (incontri
scientifici su temi stocastici della matematica industriale, incontri con
attori dell’economia e delle istituzioni per public engagement, ...)
Antonio Di Crescenzo
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università degli Studi di Salerno
Via Giovanni Paolo II, n. 132
84084 Fisciano (SA)
Tel. +39-089-963349
Fax: +39-089-963303
E-mail(1): adicrescenzo(a)
E-mail(2): adicresc(a)
Skype: antoniodicrescenzo
CREDIT2020 <>
*GRETA Associati* (Venice, Italy), *Cattolica Assicurazioni *(Verona,
Italy), *CRIF* (Bologna, Italy), *European Investment* *Fund
*(Luxembourg), *European Investment Bank* (Luxembourg) and*Intesa
Sanpaolo *(Milan, Italy) are co-sponsors of a Conference to be held in
Venice on September 24-25, 2020. The objective of the Conference is to
bring together academics, practitioners and PhD students working in the
area of risk management. The conference will provide an opportunity for
participants engaged in research at the forefront of this area to
discuss both the causes and implications of recent financial and
climate-related events and may, in turn, suggest fruitful and
policy-relevant directions for future research. The Conference,
organised under the auspices of the *Department of Economics of the
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice*, *ABI - Italian Banking Association*,
*AIAF - Associazione Italiana per l'Analisi Finanziaria* and the *Joint
Research Center*, *European Commission* (Ispra, Italy), is the
*nineteenth *of a series dedicated to various aspects of credit risk.
/The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the adoption of
European Commission’s Action Plan on Sustainable Finance mark important
international commitments to the objective of a more sustainable economy
and society. However, their successful implementation is tightly related
to the scaling up of low-carbon investments and divestment from
carbon-intensive investments. This, in turn, requires an assessment of
the credit risks stemming from investors’ exposure to economic
activities and assets that could be stranded by climate change. For
instance, regulators’ discussion about the revision of capital
requirements aimed to foster green investments (i.e. a green-supporting
or a brown-penalising factor) is hampered by the unclear understanding
of the implications of a regulatory change on individual institutions
and systemic financial risk. Thus, financing the low-carbon transition
is primarily a discussion about credit risk./
/The financial sector, and in particular the banking and insurance
industries need to develop new portfolios’ risk management strategies
and to adjust their credit allocation practices to cope with the
opportunities and challenges of the low-carbon transition in the economy
and finance. All these changes call for a substantial amount of research
to improve the knowledge of the mechanisms at play and to design
tailored and effective policy tools.///
The organizers encourage submissions of papers on any topic within the
overall theme of the conference and in the following areas in particular:
* INVESTMENTS: Green Finance, Investments Principles, Real Estate
Sustainability, Finance for Good;
* POLICIES: Climate Policies, Climate Financial Risk; European Green
New Deal, Social Sustainability
* INFORMATION: Non Financial Disclosure, Climate risk disclosure, ESG
Ratings, ESG Taxonomies
The final program will include both submitted and invited papers.
Acceptances received so far from invited speakers include *Marina Brogi*
(Sapienza University of Rome) and *Andrew W. Lo *(MIT Sloan School of
Management). The Conference will also feature panel discussions on
researchers', practitioners' and policy makers’ views of the major
issues at stake for embedding climate into credit risk.
The Scientific Committee consists of:
*Monica Billio *(Ca’ Foscari University of Venice & GRETA, Programme Chair)*
Marina Brogi *(Sapienza University of Rome)*
Francesca Campolongo* (Joint Research Center, European Commission)*
Helmut Kraemer-Eis* (European Investment Fund)*
Rainer Haselmann* (Goethe University, Frankfurt)*
Irene Monasterolo* (Vienna University of Economics and Business)*
Steven Ongena *(University of Zurich, Swiss Finance Institute, KU Leuven
& CEPR)*
Roberto Rigobon* (MIT Sloan School of Management)*
Stephen Schaefer* (London Business School)*
*GRETA* <>
Cattolica Assicurazioni <>
European Investment Fund <>
European Investment Bank <>
** <>
*Ca' Foscari - Economics Department* <>
*ABI* <>
** <>
*JCR - European Commission <> *
**COVID-19 update: As of the time of this writing (Mid April 2020), the
CREDIT 2020 Conference is still planned for September 24-25, 2020 in
Venice, Italy. With the event still five months away, it is difficult to
anticipate what meeting and travel restrictions will exist in the fall.
However, as the global fight against COVID-19 continues, we are
exploring and planning alternatives to an in-person event but we hope to
continue in Venice as planned. Thus, the paper submission and selection
process will run just as expected and we warmly invite you all again to
submit your papers to CREDIT 2020.**
Those wishing to present a paper at the Conference should submit by *May
31, 2020* to the address given below (preferably in electronic format).
Please indicate to whom correspondence should be addressed. Decisions
regarding acceptance will be made by *June 30, 2020*. The final version
of accepted papers must be received by August 31, 2020.
Please send papers to:
GRETA Associati
San Polo, 2605 - 30125 Venice, ITALY
Phone : +39 041 5238178
e-mail: credit(a) <>
*May 31, 2020*: Papers submission deadline
*June 30, 2020*: Paper acceptance notification
*August 31, 2020*: Deadline for sending final version of accepted papers
More detailed information on the Conference website:
*** Please accept our apologies for any crossed e-mails.
** Probably you are in our mailing list from very long time because you
collaborated with us or with our associates, you asked to be informed
about our activities, you attended our conferences or you submitted
papers to our call for papers.
If you would like to continue enjoying the benefits of keeping up to
date with our future events, invitations, and developments, you do not
need to do anything.
If you would prefer to no longer receive communications from us, please
send an email with Subject "Cancel from Mailing List" to credit(a)
Cari colleghi,
segnalo l'assegno di ricerca, SSD SECS-S/06
(Metodi matematici dell'economia e delle scienze
attuariali e finanziarie ), della durata di TRE anni,
dal titolo:
"The Time-Space Evolution of Economic Activities:
Mathematical Models and Empirical Applications ' (scadenza 10/05/2020)……
L'assegno è bandito all'interno di un progetto di cofinanziato PRIN 2017
presso la Luiss - Guido Carli.
Grazie per l'attenzione.
Fausto Gozzi
Fausto Gozzi
Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza
LUISS - Guido Carli
Viale Romania, 32
00197 Roma
tel 06.85225723 (office)
FAX 06.86506513
e-mail: fgozzi(a)
old address, sometimes still used:
Fausto Gozzi
Dipartimento di Matematica
Universita' di Pisa
Largo Bruno Pontecorvo n.5
56127 Pisa
tel 050/2213270
e-mail: gozzi(a)
Dear All,
please find below the annoucement of a *Junior Professorship (W1) in
Mathematical Economics *at Bielefeld University. Deadline for
applications is May 15.
All the best wishes,
Giorgio Ferrari
The *Center for Mathematical Economics *(Institut für Mathematische
Wirtschaftsforschung, IMW) and the *Faculty of Business Administration
and Economics* at Bielefeld University are seeking to fill the following
position as soon as possible:
*Junior Professorship (W1) in Mathematical Economics*
We are looking for outstanding, internationally visible candidates in
research and teaching who are qualified by excellent publications in one
of the research areas of the Center for Mathematical Economics.
Interdisciplinary research and teaching across faculties traditionally
plays an important role at the Center for Mathematical Economics. We
expect participation in the existing and planned joint third-party
funded projects of the Center, the Faculty of Economics and Business
Administration, and other faculties, especially in the interdisciplinary
context. The connection to the Collaborative Research Center 1283 ``
Taming Uncertainty and Profiting from Randomness ... ’’ plays an
important role for this professorship. We are looking for young
researchers who can make a significant contribution to the economic
sub-projects of the Collaborative Research Center; potential topics
include dynamic game theory (differential games, mean-field games) as
well as the analysis of financial markets (equilibrium models in
continuous time), industrial dynamics (dynamic I.O.) or complex
decisions under uncertainty (e.g. recursive dynamic utility).
Teaching is to be provided in the research-oriented Master and Bachelor
programs of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,
especially in Mathematical Economics.
The prerequisites for the position are a university degree, pedagogical
aptitude and the special ability for scientific work, which is usually
demonstrated by the outstanding quality of a doctorate.
The position is initially for three years, and can be extended to six
years after a positive evaluation.
Applications from suitably qualified handicapped and severely
handicapped persons are explicitly encouraged.
Bielefeld University has received a number of awards for its
achievements in the provision of equal opportunity and has been
recognized as a family-friendly university. The university welcomes
applications from women. Applications are handled according to the
state's equal opportunity statutes.
Applications with the usual documents (curriculum vitae, copies of
certificates, list of publications with identification of up to 10 most
important publications, a 2-page research and teaching concept) should
preferably be submitted till *May 15, 2020* to:
Bielefeld University
Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)
Frau Buiwitt-Robson
Postfach 10 01 31
33501 Bielefeld
or by e-mail as a single PDF file to: IMW(a)
Please refrain from submitting application folders and submit
photocopies only, as the application documents will be destroyed at the
end of the selection procedure.
Please note that risks to confidentiality and unauthorized access by
third parties cannot be ruled out when communicating via unencrypted
e-mail. Information on the processing of personal data can be found at:…
Questa e-mail è stata controllata per individuare virus con Avast antivirus.
vi inoltro l'annuncio per una posizione post-doc di 3 anni a Monaco.
La scadenza e' prossima ma Markus Heydenreich mi ha scritto che anche le
applications inviate la prossima settimana saranno prese in considerazione.
Alessandra Faggionato
Subject to final confirmation from DFG, we have a vacancy for a scientific
employee (fixed term) at the Mathematics Department at the University of
Munich to join our research group in Probability Theory. The project is
part of the newly established Priority Programme “Random Geometric Systems”
(SPP 2265) funded by DFG.
We are looking for a talented and motivated postdoctoral researcher to
carry out a research project on the weight-dependent random connection
model. The project is on the intersection of complex networks and
(continuum) percolation theory in high dimensions. Prior research
experience in percolation theory, spatial random networks, or random walks
with dependencies (e.g. Mott's variable-range hopping) is appreciated.
The position is fixed term for 36 months. Intended starting date is autumn
The LMU Munich is one of the largest and most renowned universities in
The Mathematics Department is located in the city center of Munich.
Interested candidates are invited to submit applications (in German or
English) containing full curriculum vitae, copies of relevant certificates,
as well as name and contact details of three academic referees preferably
by email to <m.heydenreich(a)>.
Applications received until April 17, 2020 will be fully considered; the
hiring procedure continues until the position is filled.
The university is an equal opportunity employer. Handicapped applicants
will be given preference in the case of approximately equal qualifications.
The university of Munich is interested in increasing the number of female
faculty members and encourages women to apply.
Please contact me directly for further questions about the project or the
Markus Heydenreich
Mathematisches Institut
Ludwig-Maximilans-Universität München
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 5, Phone (0039) 06 49913252
dear all
I am writing to update the broadcasting information about Andrea's talk
on next Wednesday.
In order to attend the online seminar, you can connect to
(needs authorization if you do not have a UniPi account and it is
limited to 250 participants).
The seminar will be also streamed live on the official YouTube channel
<> of the
at the URL:
/Andrea Montanari (Stanford University)/
April 15, 2020, 4pm (CEST)
_Abstract_: The last fifteen years have witnessed dramatic advances in
machine learning. This progress was mainly driven by engineering
advances: greater computing power, and larger availability of training
data. Not only the collection of methods that emerged from this
revolution are not well understood mathematically, but they actually
appear to defy traditional mathematical theories of machine learning.
I will argue that future developments and applications will require to
understand better the underlying mathematical principles.
I will describe two recent examples of mathematical progress in this
area that are connected to areas of modern mathematics:
1. Gradient flows in Wasserstein spaces;
2. Random matrix theory.
[Based on joint work with: Song Mei, Phan-Minh Nguyen, Behrooz Ghorbani,
Theodor Misiakiewicz]
Sorry for multiple posting.
I would like to announce that the Journal of Mathematics in Industry
<>, with the support of
the European
Consortium for Mathematics in Industry – ECMI <> ,
has decided to publish a special issue entitled:
*Mathematical models of the spread and consequences of the SARS-CoV-2
pandemics. Effects on health, society, industry, economics and technology*.
This is a call for papers.
The *Journal of Mathematics in Industry* is a high-quality *open-access*
journal that brings together research on developments in mathematics for
industrial applications, where industry is understood as *any activity of
economic and/or social value. *
In the disruptive period we are living in, in the middle of the spread of
the SARS-CoV-2 pandemics, scientists, and in particular mathematicians and
statisticians, are investing an unprecedented effort to forecast the course
of the pandemic and to suggest measures to mitigate its unfortunate effects.
We are conscious that this pandemic will very likely deeply affect our
societies, production, health management, and many other aspects of human
life. That is why there is an urgency to provide scientifically reliable
studies of the many aspects of the problem to policy makers.
This special issue will be devoted to articles that propose data-driven
mathematical and statistical models of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus,
and/or of its foreseeable consequences on public health, society, industry,
economics and technology.
The editors of this special issue and the scientists of the ECMI Consortium
will guarantee a *fast and fair peer-to-peer review procedure*, in order to
provide society with a timely and reliable injection of scientific insights.
Given the importance of the subject, *the APCs of all the articles accepted
for this special issue will be waived.*
Interested authors, during the submission procedure, will be asked to note
whether their paper is tied to a Thematic Series or not, under the
Additional Information section. Please select the MATHCOVID19 option, and
apply for the waive of the APCs.
Corresponding authors coming from an ECMI center may enter the ECMI code
for APCs waive procedure (please refer to your national representative in
the ECMI council to have this code).
*Guest editors:*
· Alessandra Micheletti, Università degli Studi di Milano (Lead guest
· Adérito Araújo, University of Coimbra
· Neil Budko, Delft University of Technology
· Ana Carpio, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
· Matthias Ehrhardt, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
*Topics of interest:*
Scenarios of containment and mitigation; Socio-economic costs of the
SARS-CoV-2 pandemic; Spatio-temporal spread of SARS-CoV-2; Estimating the
unreported number of virus cases; Bats-Hosts-Reservoir-People (BHRP) virus
*Methods of interest and keywords:*
mathematical epidemiology, mathematical modelling, SIR-type models, delay
differential equations, waning immunity models, quarantine models, θ-SEIHRD
model, parameter estimation, numerical simulation, incidence forecast
methods, econometric models, contagion models, Poisson autoregressive
models, basic reproduction number, optimal control, dynamical system, time
delay process, parameter identification, outbreak, prediction, isolation,
transmission risk, data-driven time-dependent transmission rate, risk
assessment of virus outbreaks, fitting dynamic models to epidemic outbreaks
with quantified uncertainty, short-term forecasting epidemic waves, big
data analysis and prediction, data mining, risk modelling and simulation,
Epidemic prevention and control, outbreak emergency management, Impact of
the epidemic on the economy, finance, society, companies
Alessandra Micheletti
Associate Professor - Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Dept. of Environmental Science and Policy - ESP
Università degli Studi di Milano
via Saldini 50, 20133 Milano, Italy
phone: +39-02503-16130
fax: +39-02503-16090
dear all
I am writing to announce the following Colloquium at the Mathematics
department, Pisa University.
*/Andrea Montanari (Stanford University)/
April 15, 2020, 4pm
Abstract: The last fifteen years have witnessed dramatic advances in
machine learning. This progress was mainly driven by engineering
advances: greater computing power, and larger availability of training
data. Not only the collection of methods that emerged from this
revolution are not well understood mathematically, but they actually
appear to defy traditional mathematical theories of machine learning.
I will argue that future developments and applications will require to
understand better the underlying mathematical principles.
I will describe two recent examples of mathematical progress in this
area that are connected to areas of modern mathematics:
1. Gradient flows in Wasserstein spaces;
2. Random matrix theory.
[Based on joint work with: Song Mei, Phan-Minh Nguyen, Behrooz Ghorbani,
Theodor Misiakiewicz]
In order to follow the exposition the audience can join the live
streaming at the URL:
Dear Colleague,
I would be grateful if you could bring to the attention of your best
students the new edition 2020-2021 of the PhD Program in Economics
offered by the Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
The PhD Program in Economics aims at training selected students for a
career as economists in academic institutions or in research departments
of national and international organizations, public institutions,
private corporations, central banks, financial institutions. Our recent
PhDs first placement include positions both in Italian and foreign
Universities such as Università Libera di Bolzano, Università degli
Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Luiss Guido Carli, Università degli
studi di Padova, King’s College London, Boston University, Aberdeen
Univeristy, University of Addis Abeba and Zhongnan University of
Economics and Law. Some PhDs were employed by private companies such as
Morgan Stanley-London, Microsoft and public and private research
centers: Banca d’Italia, Bundesbank, Banque Centrale du Luxembourg,
European Central Bank, Ecuador Ministry of Education.
The considerable diversification of research areas covered by the
members of Department of Economics and their international reputation
provide an excellent environment where students of most fields in
economics can find research ideas and tight guidance for their doctoral
The PhD program has a duration of four years.
For the academic year 2020-2021, 6 positions are available. Five of them
come with a scholarship (around 15,300 € per year), one is reserved for
non-Italian applicants who can prove to have their own scholarship
covering four years.
Deadline for application is *April 21st 2020*, 13h00 (Italian time).
Information and application procedure can be found at
Information on the PhD in Economics can be found at
Any questions on the program may be addressed to the PhD Secretariat at:
sse(a) <>
Thank you for your cooperation
Best regards
Antonella Basso
Caro Collega,
Ti scrivo per segnalarti l’apertura del bando per il programma di
dottorato in Economics offerto dal dipartimento di Economia
dell’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia. Quest’anno sono disponibili 5
posti con borsa quadriennale (circa 15.300€ annui per l’intera durata
del dottorato), più un posto per studenti stranieri in possesso di borsa
di studio propria. Il bando si chiude il *21 aprile 2020 alle
13.00,* ora italiana.
Il dottorato ambisce a preparare un gruppo selezionato di studenti per
la carriera accademica, ma anche per ricoprire posizioni in research
departments di organizzazioni internazionali, istituzioni pubbliche,
imprese private banche centrali e istituzioni finanziarie. I primi
placement dei nostri più recenti dottori di ricerca includono contratti
o assegni di ricerca presso atenei, italiani o stranieri, (Università
Libera di Bolzano, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia,
Luiss Guido Carli, Università Ca’ Foscari e Università degli studi di
Padova). Alcuni dottori hanno invece intrapreso la carriera
universitaria come ricercatori presso atenei stranieri: King’s College
London, Boston University, Univeristy of Aberdeen, University of Addis
Ababa, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. Altri invece hanno
trovato la loro prima occupazione presso enti o aziende privati
(Euromonitor International a Vilnius, Morgan Stanley-London, Microsoft)
e enti di ricerca pubblici o istituzioni pubbliche (Banca d'Italia,
Bundesbank, Banque Centrale du Luxembourg, Banca Centrale Europea,
Tertiary Education Commission e Ecuador Ministry of Education).
Il programma di dottorato ha una durata quadriennale. Il primo anno i
dottorandi seguono un intenso programma di corsi avanzati. Gli studenti
ammessi al secondo anno si concentrano sul lavoro di tesi e partecipano
attivamente alla vita del dipartimento. L'ampio spettro di interessi di
ricerca e la reputazione internazionale della faculty di area economica
e quantitativa di Ca’ Foscari, così come il ricco programma di seminari
e workshop di livello internazionale organizzati in dipartimento
permettono agli studenti di lavorare in un ambiente stimolante per tutta
la durata del corso di dottorato. Gli studenti più meritevoli ricevono
l’adeguato supporto, anche economico, per partecipare a conferenze e
workshop internazionali e per poter competere sul job market internazionale.
Puoi trovare maggiori dettagli riguardo il bando a questo link:
Informazioni dettagliate sul PhD in Economics a Ca’ Foscari:
Qualsiasi richiesta di informazioni riguardo il programma può essere
rivolta alla Segreteria del dottorato all'indirizzo: sse(a)
Cordiali saluti
Antonella Basso
Antonella Basso
Prorettore alla Programmazione e Valutazione - Prorector at Planning and Valuation
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Fondamenta S. Giobbe - Cannaregio 873
30121 Venezia - Italy
Tel. +39-041-2346914
Web page:
-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto: Call for abstracts OICA online conference, deadline April
13th, 2020
Data: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 22:11:30 +0000
Mittente: LOISEL STEPHANE <stephane.loisel(a)>
A: LOISEL STEPHANE <stephane.loisel(a)>
Dear RIANA colleagues and friends,
Can you please forward this announcement to your network and encourage
your colleagues and PhD students to submit abstracts and/or attend ?
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We organise at the end of the month (April 28-29, 2020) an _online_
conference in actuarial science, data science and finance.
Abstract submission deadline : April 13th, 2020.
Scientific committee : Hansjoerg Albrecher (Lausanne), Katrien Antonio
(Leuven), Benjamin Avanzi (Melbourne), Pauline Barrieu (LSE), Mercè
Claramunt (Barcelona), Nicole El Karoui (Paris), Romuald Elie
(Berkeley), Stéphane Loisel (ISFA, chair), Mogens Steffensen
(Copenhagen), Ruodu Wang (Waterloo), Hailiang Yang (Hong-Kong U.)
We hope that’ll be able to submit an abstract : <>
Details about the purpose of the conference are below. Parallel session
talks are 15mins long.
Take care and stay safe,
Stéphane Loisel
PS Registration is free but compulsory.
*About OICA Conference*
/(Online International Conference in Actuarial science, data science and
Covid19 is going to change the financial markets and the
insurance-reinsurance network.
As actuarial science, data science and finance researchers, we cannot
easily help for the current phase as we are not medical doctors or
But we can help to mitigate/manage the financial/risk management
consequences by carrying out relevant research in 2020-2021.
For this we need to learn NOW from experts and decision makers what the
research challenges are.
Therefore we are organising an online conference on April 28-29, 2020
with two goals :
* Enabling researchers and young researchers to present actuarial /
data science / financial research that was done before covid19
(therefore NOT related to covid19)
* Having 1 or 2 roundtables that describe covid19 implications on the
economy, and which help us to know which research topics we could
investigate in the future if we want to help (WACA roundtables :
What Actuaries Could Accomplish researchwise in 2020-21).
We also planned (classical) plenary talks on topics that could be useful
for post-covid research, as well as a quite different talk by José
Blanchet about a social platform startup that he created in response to
covid19 in US and Mexico and the associated data science future challenges.
*Beatrice ACCIAIO */(LSE, London, United Kingdom)/**
*José BLANCHET */(Stanford University, CA, USA)/
*Caroline HILLAIRET */(ENSAE, Paris, France)/
*Jae Kyung WOO */(UNSW, Sydney, Australia)/
To be clear, this event is NOT about presenting super-fast,
opportunistic research on epidemiology produced by actuaries. It is
about presenting classical actuarial/data science/finance research works
that have been done before, and reflecting about how we can contribute
researchwise for the future.
As almost everyone is at home at that time, we think that the timing is
possible. We’ll have sessions in the morning, lunch time and up to
evening to accomodate participants in different locations. The
roundtables will be held between 11am and 4pm French time to maximize
audience (including Asia-Pacific and America).
We hope that you’ll join us to this OICA-WACA conference and
roundtable (please use French accent to sound like Shakira’s song) !