Dear colleagues,
I would like to announce the following online seminar organized by the Probability group of the University of Pisa. The talk will be accessible under the link
Click here to join the meeting<…>
Best regards,
Tuesday, Jan. 26, 14:00
Speaker: Martin Saal (SNS Pisa)
Title: Dissipative SQG equations driven by space-time white noise
Abstract: see attachement.
Giacomo Di Gesù
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università di Pisa
Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 5
56127 - Pisa, Italy
Ricevo e inoltro con piacere.
Cari saluti,
Vittoria Silvestri
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
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Da: Nathanael Berestycki <nberestycki(a)>
Date: mar 19 gen 2021 alle ore 16:34
Subject: postdoctoral position at University of Vienna
To: GLAZMAN Alexander <alexander.glazman(a)>, Marcin Lis <
Dear colleagues,
A 3-year postdoctoral position in probability has just been advertised at
the University of Vienna.
You can see the ad for instance here
<>. The closing date for
applications is on 14 February.
We would be grateful if you could forward this to any suitable candidate.
Meanwhile we send you our best wishes, and hope you stay well during what
are undoubtedly challenging times for all of us.
Nathanael Berestycki,
Sasha Glazman,
Marcin Lis
vi giro il messaggio mandato alla mailing list del OWPS.
Grazie per l'attenzione
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Da: Andreas Kyprianou <ak257(a)>
Date: lun 18 gen 2021 alle ore 19:28
Subject: [owps] One World Probability Seminar
To: <owps(a)>
Dear All,
(Apologies if you get this message more than once).
Thank you for your ongoing support for the One World Probability Seminar. We
would be grateful if you could please circulate the message below around
research networks, to help us reach probabilists who are not subscribers to
the OWPS mailing list.
Started last spring in response to the Covid-19 epidemic, the OWP seminar
seeks to present top level speakers from around the world to a broad
international audience of probabilists. It takes place each Thursday on Zoom
and is simultaneously live streamed on YouTube (check the website to see the
time in your local time zone). The weekly format is typically two talks on
same or related subjects, aimed at a broad audience. The first talk is
a background talk, while the second highlights more contemporary research
You can find the details of the upcoming seminars, videos and slides of
seminars, and instructions on how to subscribe to the OWPS mailing list on
OWPS website
The weekly seminars are announced to the mailing list the day before.
We look forward to your participation in the seminar series this spring.
Alessandra Faggionato and Amanda Turner
(OWPS chairs, spring 2021)
Dear Colleagues,
this is a slightly unusual message.
As you probably know, Elizabeth Meckes - an expert in random matrix theory
and Stein's method - died unexpectedly in December 2020 after a short
illness, while on sabbatical in Oxford. She was 40 years old:…
Yesterday, during a conference in Bonn, Persi Diaconis (her former PhD
advisor) gave a talk about Elizabeth, her research and her personality. It
is a beautiful and very touching speech, yet able to convey the universal
joy of doing research and mentoring young colleagues.
You can find it here:
All my best, Giovanni
Prof. Giovanni Peccati
Head of the Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science,
Technology and Medicine
University of Luxembourg
E-mail: giovanni.peccati(a)
Forwardo il messaggio sotto per chi non fosse iscritto alla OWPS mailing
Buona serata
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Da: One World Probability <ow.probability(a)>
Date: mer 13 gen 2021 alle ore 18:27
Subject: [owps] One World Probability Seminar Thursday January 14, 2021
To: <owps(a)>
Tomorrow's speakers in the One World Probability Seminar are
(Note: all times are in UTC. *Due to time changes, you should check what
that translates to in your location*)
(14:00-15:00 UTC) Speaker: Thomas Leblé (CNRS - Université de Paris (MAP5))
Title: Coulomb gases: a short introduction
Abstract: Coulomb potentials are natural examples of systems with
long-range interactions. They appear in statistical physics, random matrix
theory, vortex systems, constructive approximation… and can be seen as a
(possibly infinite) random collection of points that exhibit interesting
stochastic features depending on the length scale and the temperature T.
For example, their global arrangement is predicted by a mean field model
and is found to be independent of T, whereas their local arrangement varies
wildly with T while conserving strong, surprising rigidity properties all
I will present some basic facts about the analysis of Coulomb gases and
mention a few long-standing questions around which recent developments have
taken place.
(15:00-16:00 UTC) Sylvia Serfaty (NYU Courant)
Title: Local laws and fluctuations for Coulomb gases
Abstract: We are interested in the statistical mechanics of systems of N
points with Coulomb interactions in general dimension for a broad
temperature range. We discuss local laws characterizing the rigidity of the
system at the microscopic level, as well as free energy expansion and
Central Limit Theorems for fluctuations.
The zoom link will appear the day before on the OWPS website:
It can also be directly accessed through the link below:
Please feel free to circulate this email.
We hope to see you all tomorrow!
One World Probability Team
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 5, Phone (0039) 06 49913252
Dear all,
I would like to announce the following online seminar
that will take place next week via the Zoom platform.
Best regards, Maurizia Rossi
*Tuesday, Jan 19 - 4:30pm *(Rome time zone)
Speaker: *Arturo Jaramillo Gil* (*CIMAT -* Centro de Investigación en
matemáticas, Mexico)
Title: *Quantitative Erdös-Kac theorem for additive functions*
Summary: The talk will take as a starting point the celebrated Erdös-Kac
theorem; a result of great importance in probabilistic number theory, which
establishes that the fluctuations of the number of prime factors in a
uniform sample over {1,..., n} are asymptotically Gaussian. Naturally,
after the publication of this result, many quantitative versions of it have
been studied. LeVeque conjectured that the optimal rate was asymptotically
equivalent to loglog(n)^(-1/2). This was later proved by Turan and Rényi
by means of an ingenious manipulation of the underlying characteristic
function. Unfortunately, up to this day, all the perspectives for solving
LeVeque's conjecture are based on the use of non-trivial complex analysis
tools, while the probabilistic perspective has been only successfully
applied to obtain suboptimal rates of convergence. In this talk, we will
give a purely probabilistic proof of LeVeque's conjecture which will allow
us to address the problem in a general fashion by means of Stein's method
*Link Zoom*
*Meeting ID*: 881 0067 6046
*Passcode*: 680246
- - -
Maurizia Rossi
Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni
Università di Milano-Bicocca
Dear All,
we are glad to announce the program of the XXII Workshop on Quantitative Finance. This is available at the website:
where you can also (freely) register for the event (registration is necessary to get the zoom links).
Looking forward to welcoming you virtually in Verona!
The Organizing Committee (Letizia Pellegrini, Roberto Renò, Cecilia Mancini, Alessandro Gnoatto, Athena Picarelli, Marco Patacca, Maria Flora)
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Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2020 21:39:58 +0100
From: Paolo Falbo <paolo.falbo(a)>
Dear All,
we are glad to announce the sixth edition of Energy Finance
Italia. The conference will be organized by the Department of Economics
and Management of the University of Brescia and will take place on
February 22-23, 2021.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, at the moment we still cannot decide the
format of the conference, whether fully online or hybrid. In any case, we
will ta ke that decision in due time, and we will communicate it by means
of our web site and our newsletter.
Keynote speakers:
- Nicola Secomandi, Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business
"Quadratic hedging and applications to energy"
- Carlos Ruiz Mora, Univ. Carlos III of Madrid
"Strategic sales-mix management in power generation
- Eleonora Bettinzoli, ARERA
"Covid-19 and Finacial risk in the Italian electricity market"
The deadline for the submission of a long abstract (max two pages) is
*January 18, 2021*
Notification of acceptance: January 28, 2021.
Registration and payment of fees: February 8, 2021.
All the information at the link…
Best regards,
Paolo Falbo
on behalf of the Organizing Committee
Buongiorno a tutti,
scrivo per diffondere l'annuncio di un'offerta di 40 borse di PhD in matematica a Parigi riservate a candidati stranieri (20 borse con inizio settembre 2021 e 20 borse con inizio settembre 2022).
Le borse sono riservate a studenti che non hanno trascorso piu' di 1 anno in Francia negli ultimi 3 anni che intendano svolgere il PhD in uno dei numerosi laboratori della Fondation Sciences Mathematiques de Paris. La data di scadenza per quest'anno e' il 13 febbraio 2021.
Il sito del bando
Per ulteriori informazioni, i candidati interessati possono contattarmi direttamente via mail.
buon anno a tutti
Cristina Toninelli
MathInParis2020 -<>
Eligibility criteria. Mobility rule: Applicants may not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in France for more than 12 months in the three years immediately before the deadline of the co-funded program's call, i.e. from the 13 th of February 2018 to the 13 th of February 2021. Early-stage researchers: Candidates must have a master’s degree or an equivalent ...
Cristina Toninelli
Postal Address: Ceremade
Univ.Paris Dauphine
Place du Marechal de Lattre de Tassigny
75775 Paris Cedex 16 - France
Office: B617
Forwardo messaggio in merito al OWPS
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Da: Amanda Turner <turneramanda(a)>
Date: gio 7 gen 2021 alle ore 11:58
Subject: [owps] One World Probability Seminar - Spring Series
To: <owps(a)>
Dear all,
This email is to inform you that the spring series of the OWPS will start
on January 14, beginning with talks by Thomas Leblé (Paris) and Sylvia
Serfaty (NYU Courant).
The seminars will take place each Thursday at 14:00-16:00 UTC on Zoom. A
detailed announcement will be sent to the mailing list on Wednesday.
The website
will shortly be updated with information on the seminars.
Finally, it is our pleasure to thank Ivan Corwin and Milton Jara for
organizing the previous OWPS series.
Wishing you a happy new year,
Amanda and Alessandra
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 5, Phone (0039) 06 49913252