Cari colleghi,
vi segnalo che il Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Padova
ha bandito un posto di ricercatore di tipo B nel settore MAT/06.
Il bando è disponibile alla pagina
La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 25 agosto 2016.
Marco Ferrante
_First Call for Papers_
*7-9 July 2021, Venice, Italy*
The organizers are delighted to invite you to ECSO – CMS 2021 that will
be held in Venice, Italy, 7-9 July 2021, at the Department of Economics
- Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, in the San Giobbe Economics Campus.
/This is the rescheduled event for the Conference ECSO – CMS 2020,
suspended due to the COVID -19 pandemic emergency. We are planning to
organize the conference in presence in 2021./
ECSO - CMS 2021 is jointly organized by the Department of Economics of
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, the CMS Journal and the EURO Working
Group on Stochastic Optimization.
ECSO 2021 is the 3rd edition of a stream of conferences organized by the
EURO Working Group on Stochastic Optimization (EWGSO). The previous
editions were held in Paris (2014) and Rome (2017). The scope of the
conference is to bring together researchers and professionals in
Stochastic Optimization and its applications in different fields spacing
from economics and finance to supply chain, logistics, etc.
CMS 2021 is the 17th edition of an annual meeting associated with the
journal of Computational Management Science published by Springer. The
aim of the conference is to provide a forum for theoreticians and
practitioners from academia and industry to exchange knowledge, ideas
and results in a broad range of topics relevant to the theory and
practice of computational methods in management science.
This joint event will provide a forum for fruitful discussions and
interactions among researchers and professionals from industry and
institutional sectors on decision making under uncertainty in a complex
world.The conference will be within the scopes of both CMS and EWGSO
and, in particular, it will focus on models, methods and computational
tools in stochastic, robust and distributionally robust optimization and
on computational aspects of management science with emphasis on risk
management, valuation problems, measurement applications. Traditional
fields of application, such as finance, energy, water management,
logistics, supply chain management, and emerging ones, such as
healthcare, climate risk and sustainable development, will be included.
VENUE: Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
San Giobbe Campus – Cannaregio 873, 30121 Venice, Italy
Webpage: <>
Conference Secretariat: ecsocms2021(a)
Conference hashtag: #ecsocms2021
Abstract submission: *March 31, 2021*
Notification of acceptance: *April 20, 2021*
Early registration: *April 30, 2021*
Conference: J*uly 7-9, 2021*
DARINKA DENTCHEVA, Stevens Institute of Technology (USA)
DAVID MORTON, Northwestern University (USA)
GAH-YI BAN, University of Maryland (USA)
DANIEL KUHN, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (CH)
GIORGIO CONSIGLI, Università di Bergamo (I)
A *prize for the student best paper* will be awarded. Papers should be
nominated via e-mail by the students’ supervisors
(ecsocms2021(a) *Deadline for the submissions to the prize is
May 15.* The program will include a devoted session for presenting the
best papers to compete for the prize, such that the jury could make the
final choice. The paper does not have to be published. The papers should
be principally authored by the student, but co-authors are permitted as
long as their contributions are clarified. Only registered participants’
papers will be considered for the prize.
Jury for the Student Best Paper Prize: Stein-Erik Fleten (NTNU Norwegian
University of Science and Technology), Milos Kopa (Charles University of
Prague), Francesca Maggioni (University of Bergamo), Ruediger Schultz
(University Duisburg-Essen).
We are looking forward to seeing you in Venice.
Best Regards,
Diana Barro, Stein-Erik Fleten and Martina Nardon
Organizing and Program Committee Chairs
Dr. Martina Nardon
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
San Giobbe - Cannaregio, 873
30121 Venezia, Italy
tel. +39 041 234 7413
Dear all,
this is to point to your attention the call for papers for a special issue
in Information Sciences on themes related to data science and finance.
More detail can be found here:…
Thank you for your attention.
Best regards,
Roy Cerqueti
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Fai crescere i nostri giovani ricercatori
dona il 5 per mille alla
*codice fiscale 80209930587*
Dear all,
We are glad to announce the first seminar of the *Torino seminar series in
Stochastics and Mathematical Statistics. *
Torino seminar series SMS is a monthly seminar series held at the
Department of Mathematics G. Peano of the University of Turin. For more
info and a list of future talks see
*Date and time:** Friday 1 October*, 2021, h 17:00-18:00
*Location*: Aula Magna, Palazzo Campana, via Carlo Alberto 10, Torino
*Speaker*: *Francesco RUSSO *(ENSTA Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris)
*Title*: Fokker-Planck equations with terminal condition and related
McKean probabilistic representation
*Abstract**:* Stochastic differential equations (SDEs) in the sense of
McKean are stochastic differential equations, whose coefficients do not
only depend on time and on the position of the solution process, but also
on its marginal laws. Often they constitute probabilistic representation of
conservative PDEs, called Fokker-Planck equations; In general Fokker-Planck
PDEs are well-posed if the initial condition is specified. Here,
alternatively, we consider the inverse problem which consists in
prescribing the final data: in particular we give sufficient conditions for
existence and uniqueness. We also provide a probabilistic representation of
those PDEs in the form of a solution of a McKean type equation
corresponding to the time-reversal dynamics of a diffusion process. The
research is motivated by some application consisting in representing some
semilinear PDEs (typically Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman in stochastic control)
fully backwardly. This work is based on a collaboration with L. Izydorczyk
(ENSTA), N. Oudhane (EDF), G. Tessitore (Milano Bicocca)
Best regards,
The organizers (Tiziano De Angelis, Giuseppe D'Onofrio, Elena Issoglio)
Care colleghe e colleghi,
Vi puo' forse interessare questo seminario che si terra' giovedi' prossimo.
Cordiali saluti,
Enrico Scalas
Dear all,
This Thursday we kick off our Mathematical Physics seminar series for the
new academic year with a talk by Antoine Dahlqvist (Sussex) on
Large N limits of Wilson loops in gauge theories
Gauge theories are a type of field theory introduced and studied from the
70’s by physicists as a theoretical model describing the fundamental
interactions between elementary particles. It quickly appeared to be a
place where geometry and physics met and influenced each others. In this
talk, I shall discuss some questions closer to probability and random
matrix theory, inspired by the so-called large N limit regime of Euclidean
field theories. I will present some old and new theorems about the
Yang-Mills measure for two dimensional space-time geometries.
The seminars are fortnightly on Thursdays 12:00 - 13:00 in 5C11 and can
also be followed on Zoom…
Passcode: 938719
The seminars are open for everyone with an interest in topics on the
intersection of Mathematics and Physics
The schedule for the seminars this term can be found at
To receive further announcements for our seminar series, please sign up to
the mailing list 'mathphy_seminar' following the guidance at…
Best wishes,
Antoine, Michael, Xavier and Folkert
>From Prof. Johanna Ziegel:
We invite applications for 2 PhD positions in several areas of research
pursued by professors of the institute.
1) Probability theory (with emphasis on stochastic geometry, point
processes, stable laws; supervised by Ilya Molchanov).
2) Mathematical statistics (with emphasis on empirical processes and
nonparametric statistics; supervised by Lutz Dümbgen).
3) Statistical data science (with emphasis on forecasting and kernel-based
methods; supervised by David Ginsbourger and/or Johanna Ziegel).
The salary will be at the level foreseen by the Swiss National Foundation,
There is a possibility to complement the salary by taking up teaching
and statistical consulting duties in the department. The starting date
is February 2022 or as can be arranged by mutual agreement.
The applications should be submitted in a single pdf file, which includes a
cover letter (indicating one of the areas mentioned above as the preferred
field of research), CV, transcripts from Bachelor and Master Studies, and
e-mail addresses of two academic referees. Please, also send a copy of your
master thesis as a separate file. If you have not completed your master
thesis yet, please provide an outline of your thesis topic and the expected
date of completion. The evaluation of applications starts on the 10th of
October 2021. Later applications will be also considered, if the positions
are not filled by that time.
Applications should be e-mailed to the institute at
and addressed to the Director of the Institute, Prof. Johanna Ziegel.
Further information is available from Profs. Lutz Dümbgen, David
Ginsbourger, Ilya Molchanov and Johanna Ziegel.
Il Gruppo UMI (Unione Matematica Italiana) PRobability In Statistics, Mathematics and Applications (PRISMA) è lieto di annunciare un incontro online sulla
Didattica della Probabilità e della Statistica nei corsi di laurea degli Atenei Italiani
Grazie al contributo di numerosi esperti, verranno discussi contenuti e modalità didattiche in molti ambiti, evidenziando per ciascuno le esigenze specifiche.
A questo messaggio allego la locandina con il programma provvisiorio.
Per aggiornamenti si rimanda alla pagina, da cui si accede ad un breve modulo di iscrizione. L’indirizzo per la partecipazione all’incontro verrà poi inviato per posta elettronica a tutti gli iscritti.
Paolo Dai Pra
Paolo Dai Pra
Dipartimento di Informatica
Università degli Studi di Verona
Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona, Italy
Tel. +390458027093
Paolo Dai Pra
Dipartimento di Informatica
Università degli Studi di Verona
Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona, Italy
Tel. +390458027093
Il Gruppo UMI (Unione Matematica Italiana) PRobability In Statistics, Mathematics and Applications (PRISMA) è lieto di annunciare un incontro online sulla
Didattica della Probabilità e della Statistica nei corsi di laurea degli Atenei Italiani
Grazie al contributo di numerosi esperti, verranno discussi contenuti e modalità didattiche in molti ambiti, evidenziando per ciascuno le esigenze specifiche.
A questo messaggio allego la locandina con il programma provvisiorio.
Per aggiornamenti si rimanda alla pagina, da cui si accede ad un breve modulo di iscrizione. L’indirizzo per la partecipazione all’incontro verrà poi inviato per posta elettronica a tutti gli iscritti.
Paolo Dai Pra
Paolo Dai Pra
Dipartimento di Informatica
Università degli Studi di Verona
Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona, Italy
Tel. +390458027093
ricevo ed inoltro p.c..
Michele Gianfelice, PhD
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università della Calabria Telephone : +39 0984 496412
Campus di Arcavacata Fax : +39 0984 496410
Ponte P. Bucci - cubo 30B email: gianfelice(a)
I-87036 Arcavacata di Rende (CS)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2021 20:43:34 +0200
From: One World Probability <ow.probability(a)>
To: owps(a)
Subject: [owps] OWPS,
October 7th: P. Diaconis and L. Miclo on "THE random graph"
Dear probabilists,
We are pleased to inform you that the OWPS will resume on October 7th, from 14:00 to 15:45 UTC.
Persi Diaconis and Laurent Miclo will talk about THE random graph and random walk on it. Titles, abstracts and the Zoom
link are below the signature, and can be found on the website
We also inform you that, in accordance with the wishes expressed in the pooling, sessions will take place every other
week (i.e. ~2 per month). Each session will consist of two talks of 45 minutes each. These two talks will be
thematically unified.
Please feel free to circulate this email.
Probabilistically yours,
Bastien Mallein and Sébastien Martineau
Persi Diaconis -- Probability theory for THE random graph
Pick two Erdös-Renyi (n,1/2) graphs uniformly at random. What's the chance they are the same (isomorphic)? Small. How
small? Well, at most n!/ 2^(n choose 2). When n= 100, that's less than 10^-1300. OK, now let n=infinity. The chance that
the two graphs are isomorphic is one (!). This is THE random graph (the Rado graph R). I will review its many non-random
models and many strange properties. ? It is a natural limit of the set of all finite graphs (a first order property is
true for almost all finite graphs if and only if it holds with probability one in R) and this discontinuity is
In joint work with with Sourav Chatterjee we tried to find finite manifestations: For finite n, the largest isomorphic
induced subgraph of a pair has size 4log (n) -2loglog(n)-2log(4/e) +1 (within 1, all logs base 2 in probability when n
is large). This matches data amazingly well (e.g. for n more than 30) and illuminates problems in constraint
Laurent Mico -- A random walk on THE random graph R
Let q(j) be a probability on N={0,1,2,...}. Let R be a model of THE random graph. A Markov chain on N starts at i and
moves to one of its neighbor j in R with probability proportional to q(j). This Markov chain has a stationary
distribution and we inquire about rates of convergence. Since each vertex is connected to half of the others and the
diameter of R is 2, it seems likely that convergence is fast. In some models we show that log* (i) steps are necessary
and sufficient for convergence. The proof uses a novel variant of Hardy's inequalities for trees. This is joint work
with Sourav Chatterjee and Persi Diaconis.
Meeting ID 817 2127 7245
Passcode: 759491
If you are having trouble with zoom, or if the capacity of the zoom room gets exceeded, you can also access to the
Youtube live stream at the channel of the seminar:
Care colleghe e cari colleghi,
nell'ambito del programma "Fractional Differential Equations" ( che si terrà all'Isaac Newton
Institute a Cambridge, organizzo una settimana di studi su
"Deterministic and stochastic fractional differential equations and jump
processes" ( insieme a Jozsef
Lorinczi e Vassili Kolokoltsov.
L'evento avrà luogo tra il 21 febbraio e il 25 febbraio 2022 (ed è ora
possibile registrarsi fino al 21 novembre 2021) e si terrà in
modalità ibrida (online e con persone presenti, se possibile). La
partecipazione online è gratuita. Per i dettagli potete consultare il sito
Cordiali saluti,
Enrico Scalas
Dear colleagues,
we are happy to announce the following online talk:
Speaker: Hakima Bessaih (Florida International University)
Title: Numerical schemes for the 2d Stochastic Navier-Stokes equations.
Abstract: We consider a time discretization scheme of Euler type for the 2d stochastic Navier-Stokes equations on the torus.
We prove a mean square rate of convergence. This refines previous results established with a rate of convergence in probability only.
Using exponential moment estimates of the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations and a convergence of a localized scheme, we can prove strong convergence of fully implicit and semi-implicit time Euler discretization and also a splitting scheme. The speed of convergence depends on the diffusion coefficient and the viscosity parameter.
When the noise is additive, we are able to get strong convergence without localization.
Date and time: Monday September 27, 17:30-18:30 (Rome time zone)
Zoom link:
This is a talk of the (PMS)^2: Pavia-Milano Seminar series on Probability and Mathematical Statistics organized jointly by the universities Milano-Bicocca, Pavia, Milano-Politecnico and Milano-Statale. For more information see the dedicated webpage:<>
Participation is free and welcome! (though limited to 100 participants for technical reasons).
Best regards
The organizers (Mario Maurelli, Carlo Orrieri, Maurizia Rossi, Margherita Zanella)
Dear all,
Prof. Jim Gatheral is visiting the Department of Mathematics in Bologna for the next two months. On September 29 and October 13 he will deliver two seminars in presence in Bologna in Aula Cremona, main building of the Math Department. You are all kindly invited. It will be possible to follow the seminars online via Zoom too (please find below the links to connect).
Giacomo Bormetti and Fabrizio Lillo
29-Sep-2021 16:00 (CET time) Aula Cremona, Department of Mathematics
or Zoom
Title: Diamond trees and the forest expansion
Abstract: I will present a “broken exponential martingale” G-expansion that generalizes and unifies our earlier exponentiation result (Alòs, Gatheral, and Radoičić) and the cumulant recursion formula of Lacoin, Rhodes, and Vargas. As one application, I show how to compute all terms in an expansion of the Lévy area. By reordering the trees in the G-expansion according to the number of leaves, our earlier exponentiation theorem can be recovered. As further applications, I will give model-free expressions for various quantities of interest under stochastic volatility. Finally, I will exhibit explicit computations of diamond trees under rough Heston.
13-Oct-2021 16:00 (CET time) Aula Cremona, Department of Mathematics
or Zoom
Title: Pricing in affine forward variance models
Abstract: The class of affine forward variance (AFV) models was defined in Gatheral and Keller-Ressel (2019); this class includes both the conventional Heston model and its celebrated extension, the rough Heston model of El Euch and Rosenbaum. The AFV characteristic function may be expressed in terms of the solution of a Volterra integral equation. I will present a rational approximation to the solution of this integral equation in the special case of the rough Heston model. Until now, simulation of AFV models using the Markovian approximation of Abi Jaber and El Euch has proved relatively complicated and time-consuming, I will present a new efficient and easy-to-implement method for simulating AFV models for general kernels. I will present numerical results using the rational approximation as a benchmark.
Dear all,
On *September 30 at 17:00, Giulia Di Nunno* (University of Oslo) will give
a virtual seminar “in Insubria & Bicocca”, to which you are all invited.
You can find the title and abstract below.
Title: Infinite dimensional Heston model and sensitivity analysis
We consider the infinite dimensional Heston stochastic volatility model for
the price of a forward contract on a non-storable commodity. We give a
representation formula for the forward price and then we consider options
written on this. We analyse the sensitivity of the option price to the
different parameters in the model with the aim at providing representation
formulae for the so-called Greeks. However, being the parameter infinite
dimensional, we need to reinterpret the meaning of the Greeks. In our work
we use infinite dimensional Malliavin/Skorokhod calculus and a
randomisation technique. The presentation is based on joint work with Fred
Espen Benth and Iben Simonsen.
The seminar will be on *Zoom*. You can find the information to join below.
Speaker: Giulia Di Nunno (Univ. Oslo)
Time: September 30, 2021 05:00 PM Rome
Where: Zoom
ID riunione: 860 3756 8156
Passcode: 086446
After the talk, you are all invited to remain in the meeting for an
informal aperitif and chat.
Please forward to anyone interested.
Kind regards,
Elisa Mastrogiacomo and Emanuela Rosazza Gianin
Emanuela Rosazza Gianin
Department of Statistics and quantitative methods
University of Milano-Bicocca
Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8
20126 Milano - Italy
Phone (0039) 02 64483208
e-mail: emanuela.rosazza1(a)
Scusandomi per il breve preavviso inoltro il link relativo al bando in oggetto.
>… <…>
Gustavo Posta
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università di Roma "la Sapienza"
P.le A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma
e-mail: gustavo.posta(a)
phone: +39-06-4991-4969
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Fai crescere i nostri giovani ricercatori
dona il 5 per mille alla
*codice fiscale 80209930587*
Dear Colleague,
we are writing for informing you that the *10th Conference on Mathematical
and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance - MAF2022* will
take place at the University of Salerno (Italy), on April, 20-22, 2022, in
a blended form.
The main aim of the Conference is to present new theoretical and
methodological results and significant applications in Insurance and
Finance by means of the capabilities of the interdisciplinary
mathematical-statistical approach.
The web site of the Conference is
The Steering Committee of the Conference would appreciate very much if you
could collaborate in the success of the conference by participating in some
activities such as the organization of sessions and/or the presentation of
contributions (also through a co-author).
We hope to meet you at the conference.
Best regards,
Marco Corazza - Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy)
Cira Perna - University of Salerno (Italy)
Claudio Pizzi - Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy)
Marilena Sibillo - University of Salerno (Italy)
Marco Corazza, Ph.D.
Department of Economics - Ca' Foscari University of Venice
San Giobbe, Cannaregio 873 - 30121 Venezia, Italy
Mobile: (+39) 366 602-9134
Phone: (+39) 041 234-6921
Fax: (+39) 041 234-7444
E-mail: corazza(a)
Editor-in-Chief: Mathematical Methods in Economics and Finance -
dear all,
we cordially invite you to submit a manuscript to the following special
Special Issue: Methods and Applications for Anomaly Detection
Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data Science (Elsevier)…
Submission Deadline: 31 July 2022
Manuscripts can be submitted continuously until the deadline. Once a
paper is submitted, the review process will start immediately.
Accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal. There
are no publication fees until March 2022.
This Special Issue is focused on recent advances in Anomaly Detection
(AD). AD is an important problem in many applications and it consists
of establishing whether a given data deviates from nominal shape or
form. The AD problem depends on the nature of input data (points,
sequences, functions, graphs, images, objects of different nature), on
the type of anomaly (point anomalies, contextual or behavioral
anomalies or their combination), on the availability of labeled data
for training/validation of the AD techniques (leading to unsupervised
AD and supervised AD), and on the type of output of the AD (scores or
label). Some of the topics of interest include (but are not limited
Classification techniques
Robust regression
Robust PCA
Robust signal processing
Robust image processing
Clustering techniques
Information theory techniques
Artificial Intelligence
AD Application to any field
Manuscript submission information:
Guest Editors:
Annalisa Pascarella (IAC-CNR, Italy)
Daniela De Canditiis (IAC-CNR, Italy)
The submission website for this journal is located at:
To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion
into the special issue, it is important that authors
select VSI: Anomaly Detection (Special Issue) when they reach the
“Article Type” step in the submission process.
We look forward to hearing from you.
All the best,
Annalisa Pascarella
Daniela De Canditiis
Daniela De Canditiis, PhD
Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "M.Picone" (CNR)
via dei Taurini, 19 -- 00185 Roma, Italy
tel: +39 06 49937342
fax: +39 06 4404306
sotto trovate le informazioni sul seminario di Lorenzo dello Schiavo a
Roma 1.
Grazie dell'attenzione
Quando: Martedì 21 Settembre 2021, ore 10.30
Dove: Sala di Consiglio, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università La Sapienza
Speaker: Lorenzo Dello Schiavo (IST Austria)
Title: *Conformally invariant random fields, quantum Liouville measures,
and random Paneitz operators on Riemannian manifolds of even dimension*
Abstract: On large classes of closed even-dimensional Riemannian manifolds
M, we construct and study the *Copolyharmonic Gaussian Field*, i.e. a
conformally invariant log-correlated Gaussian field of distributions on M.
This random field is defined as the unique centered Gaussian field with
covariance kernel given as the resolvent kernel of
Graham—Jenne—Mason—Sparling (GJMS) operators of maximal order. The
corresponding Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos is a generalization to the
2m-dimensional case of the celebrated Liouville Quantum Gravity measure in
dimension two. We study the associated Liouville Brownian motion and random
GJMS operator, the higher-dimensional analogues of the 2d Liouville
Brownian Motion and of the random Laplacian. Finally, we study the
Polyakov–Liouville on the space of distributions on M induced by the
copolyharmonic Gaussian field, providing explicit conditions for its
finiteness and computing the conformal anomaly.
(arXiv:2105.13925 <>, joint work with Ronan
Herry, Eva Kopfer, Karl-Theodor Sturm)
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 5, Phone (0039) 06 49913252
Dear All,
It is with great pleasure that we announce the September-December schedule
of the
“One World Optimal Stopping and Related Topics” seminars (online).
Detailed information and instructions for registration are available at
Please register again, even if you had already registered in the past
academic year.
Our first speaker on Wednesday 22 September at 5pm (London time) is:
Damien Lamberton, Université Gustave Eiffel
Title of the talk: On the American put in the Heston model
Best wishes
Tiziano De Angelis, Roxana Dumitrescu, Yerkin Kitapbayev, Mikhail Zhitlukhin
Care colleghe e cari colleghi,
vi informo che è uscito in Gazzetta Ufficiale un bando per Professore di
II fascia ai sensi dell'art. 18, comma 4, in
S.C. 01/A3 Analisi matematica, Probabilità e Statistica matematica
- S.S.D. MAT/06 Probabilità e Statistica matematica
presso il Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita"
dell’Università di Padova.
La scadenza per presentare domanda è il *29 settembre 2021* alle *ore
Trovate le informazioni sul bando e su come presentare la domanda di
partecipazione alla pagina
Marco Ferrante
Prof. Marco Ferrante
Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita"
Università degli Studi di Padova
Via Trieste 63 , I-35121 Padova - ITALY
Tel: +39-0498271366 Fax: +39-0498271499
E-Mail: ferrante(a)
si comunica che sono stati riaperti i termini per la presentazione delle
domande per la procedura selettiva 2019RUA12 - allegato 10 per l'assunzione
di n.1 ricercatore a tempo determinato con regime di impegno a tempo pieno
presso il Dipartimento di Scienze statistiche dell'Università degli Studi
di Padova, per il settore concorsuale 13/D1 – STATISTICA (profilo: settore
scientifico disciplinare SECS-S/01 – STATISTICA e SECS-S/02 – STATISTICA
PER LA RICERCA SPERIMENTALE E TECNOLOGICA) ai sensi dell’art. 24, comma 3
lettera a), della Legge 30 dicembre 2010, n. 240, pubblicato nella GU n 73
del 14 settembre 2021 - *SCADENZA PRESENTAZIONE DOMANDE: ORE 13:00 DEL 14
OTTOBRE 2021.*…
Cordiali saluti
Alessandra Fabbri Colabich
Dott.ssa Alessandra Fabbri Colabich
Università degli Studi di Padova
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Segreteria di Direzione
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to the following Probability seminar
that will take place on September 24 at 14.30 by the zoom platform.
Speaker: Oriane Blondel ( Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)
Title: Kinetically constrained models out of equilibrium
24 SEPTEMBER (Friday) - 14:30 zoom link: TBA
available on the webpage )
Kinetically constrained models are interacting particle systems on Z^d, in
which particles can appear/disappear only if a given local constraint is
satisfied. This condition complexifies significantly the dynamics. In
particular, it deprives the system of monotonicity properties, which leaves
us with few tools to study the dynamics when it is initially not at
equilibrium. I will review the results and techniques we have in this
Best regards
The organizers (A. Bianchi, G. Callegaro, M. Formentin)
Alessandra Bianchi
Dip. di Matematica
Università di Padova
Via Trieste, 63 - 35121 Padova, Italy
phone: +39 049 827 14 06
fax: +39 049 827 14 28
e-mail: bianchi(a)
JEAN JACOD, Emeritus Professor at the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris (Paris 6),
on Wednesday, the 22nd at 12:00, will give the following SEMINAR
Title: Testing for the Markov Property in a High-Frequency Setting (joint with Yacine Ait-Sahalia)
Abstract. The aim is to present a test for the homogeneous Markov property of a one-dimensional process X observed at regularly spaced times over a finite time interval. The frequency goes to infinity, and we test the null hypothesis according to which the spot volatility takes the form sigmat= f(X_t) for some smooth enough non-vanishing function f. The test relies on some Central Limit Theorems related to the local times of a semimartingale. We allow the process X to have jumps, restricted to finite activity. We will mostly consider the case when the process is observed without error, and if time permits we will give a method covering the case where microstrucutre noise is present.
All interested people are warmly invited to participate. The seminar will be offered in a hybrid format:
Zoom Webinar: please use the following form to register and to receive the webinar link on the day of the seminar…
Live attendance: the Department of Economics, via Cantarane 24, Vaona room.
Due to the limited number of available seats, interested people should write an e-mail to: cecilia.mancini(a)<>
Professor Jacod will be visiting our department from 20 to 23 of September
Dear All:
- The Department of Economics of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice has
announced a public selection for a one-year *research grant* entitled
optimization metaheuristics and artificial intelligence to design
quasi-real-time trading strategies*".
- Application deadline: *20 September 2021*, *12:00* (Italian time);
- Webpage: *
- Call: *
The main objective of the project is to develop and implement a
decision-making system for financial trading combining metaheuristics for
optimization with Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques.
Best regards,
Marco Corazza
Marco Corazza, Ph.D.
Department of Economics - Ca' Foscari University of Venice
San Giobbe, Cannaregio 873 - 30121 Venezia, Italy
Mobile: (+39) 366 602-9134
Phone: (+39) 041 234-6921
Fax: (+39) 041 234-7444
E-mail: corazza(a)
Editor-in-Chief: Mathematical Methods in Economics and Finance -
On September 13, 14, 15, 22 with schedule 10:00-12:00, Cagin Ararat (Bilkent University) will give a virtual short PhD-course for the PhD program in Methods and Models for Economic Decisions (Insubria University). You can find title and abstract below, as well as instructions to attend the course.
You are all invited!
Short Online Course, Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
September 2021, Varese
Set-Valued Stochastic Finance
Lecturer: Çağın Ararat, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
Email: cararat(a)<>
Meeting Times: 10:00-12:00 on September 13, 14, 15, 22
Meeting ID: 985 9719 0889
Passcode: 341415
Abstract: This short online course is concerned with the fundamentals and some recent developments in the theory of set-valued risk measures. These set-valued functionals are particularly useful in quantifying risk in interconnected financial networks where the entities are subject to correlated sources of randomness, in which case the functionals are called systemic risk measures. After studying set-valued risk measures in static and discrete-time settings, we will observe that the continuous-time case is very much undiscovered, largely due to the challenges in set-valued stochastic analysis. We will conclude the course with a simple form of a set-valued backward stochastic differential equation, which has the potential to be linked to set-valued risk measures in continuous time.
Please forward to anyone interested.
Kind regards,
Elisa Mastrogiacomo
Professore Associato di
Metodi matematici dell'economia e delle scienze attuariali e finanziarie
Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Dipartimento di Economia
Via Monte Generoso, 71 – 21100 Varese
tel. +39 0332/395528
mail: elisa.mastrogiacomo(a)<>
il Dipartimento di Metodi e Modelli per l'Economia, il Territorio e la
Finanza (MEMOTEF), Facoltà di Economia, Università La Sapienza di Roma,
ha aperto un bando per una posizione di ricercatore a tempo
determinato di tipo B,
per il SSD SECS-S/06
Il bando è reperibile all'indirizzo internet…
La scadenza per la presentazione della domanda è il 30 settembre 2021.
Gabriele Stabile
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