Dear all,
we are glad to announce the following seminar:
Speaker: professor Giovanni Pistone (de Castro Statistics, Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Title: Affine Statistical Manifold: Finite State Space
Date and time: Monday 28 november at 2 pm
Place: room 508 at the Department of Mathematics, University of Genova
YouTube channel: 508dima
H. Weyl defines an affine space as a triple (M, V, ->), where V is a real vector space and M is a set with a binary external operation such that the …
[View More]parallelogram law holds. This notion was introduced in Relativity to derive simple notions of velocity and acceleration for curves in non-flat spaces. I have extended this setup to vector bundles to discuss the relevant affine geometries of the probability simplex. This type of study was called Information Geometry by S-i Amari. Especially, Amari and Nagaoka introduced a crucial notion of duality between mixture families and exponential families. J. Aitchinson developed a similar geometrical treatment of what he calls Statistics of Compositional Data. This affine setup is compatible but different with the metric set due to CR Rao and based on the observation that the Fisher information matrix of a statistical model defines a Riemannian metric on the probability simplex.
A previous lecture on similar topics is transcribed at
The present lecture is based on the material taken from,, and<>
The continuous case, not treated here, requires particular technical notions of differential geometry and functional analysis. See a summary at
The seminar will be held in person and online via the YouTube channel: 508dima.
Best regards,
Fabio Rapallo
Fabio Rapallo
Dipartimento di Economia
Universita' di Genova
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Dear All,
I am forwarding below the announcement of an open Ph.D. position in
Luxembourg, in the research group of Mark Podolskij.
Kind Regards, Giovanni
*Dear colleagues,*
*I am pleased to inform you about an open Ph.D. position at the University
of Luxembourg. The topic is, roughly, "Statistics for stochastic processes"
with a potential focus on high-dimensional aspects.*
*The successful candidate is supposed to start in the summer 2023, but no
later than …
[View More]September 1. The application should be sent
to mark.podolskij(a) <mark.podolskij(a)>.*
*Kind regards,*
*Mark Podolskij *
Prof. Giovanni Peccati
Head of the Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science,
Technology and Medicine
University of Luxembourg
E-mail: giovanni.peccati(a)
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Si informa che è stato pubblicato il nuovo bando *2022RUAPNRR_PE_01*
relativo all'indizione di una procedura selettiva per l'assunzione di n. 29
ricercatori a tempo determinato, ai sensi dell’art. 24, comma 3, lettera a)
della Legge 30 dicembre 2010, n. 240 – 2022RUAPNRR_PE_01 pubblicato nella
GU n. 91 del 18 novembre 2022 - *SCADENZA PRESENTAZIONE DOMANDE: ORE 13:00
ECONOMICA presso il Dipartimento di …
[View More]Scienze Statistiche - DSS
*-Allegato 16:* (13/D1) STATISTICA (SECS-S/01) STATISTICA presso il
Dipartimento di Medicina - DIMED
Bando completo con tutti gli allegati al link:
Si prega di dare la massima diffusione presso tutti gli interessati.
Grazie per la collaborazione
Alessandra Fabbri Colabich
Dott.ssa Alessandra Fabbri Colabich
Università degli Studi di Padova
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
[image: Ottocento anni di libertà e futuro]
[View Less]
Gentili colleghi,
Con commozione scrivo per comunicare che oggi si è spento Giorgio
per molti anni figura centrale nello sviluppo e nella diffusione del
calcolo delle probabilità e della statistica matematica nel nostro paese.
I funerali avranno luogo il prossimo sabato 26 novembre, alle 11.30 nella
cripta della chiesa del Cristo Re, Viale Giuseppe Mazzini, 32
Gli sia lieve la terra
Brunero Liseo
*Dip. di metodi e modelli per il …
[View More]territorio, l'economia e la finanza *
*Sapienza Università di Roma*
*Viale Castro Laurenziano, 9 Roma I-00161 *Tel. +39 06 49766973
Fax +39 06 4957606
[View Less]
Apologies for cross-postings
Call for Papers: Energy Finance Italia 8 Conference (EFI8)
Politecnico di Milano, February 8 - 10, 2023
Deadline for submission (extended abstract/paper): November 25, 2022.
Contact: efi8-dmat(a)
The Conference puts together researchers and …
[View More]practitioners working in all
areas of Energy-Finance & Climate-Change related research in economics,
finance, engineering, data science and mathematics. Participants are
encouraged to submit their papers or proposals of organized sessions on a
wide range of theoretical and applied topics in these two research fields,
such as (but not limited to):
Energy and climate data science, Energy forecasting, Energy innovations,
Energy markets, Energy analytics, Energy mix and carbon emission trading,
Energy supply chain, ESG, Green finance & financing energy infrastructure,
Climate policy and risk, Climate change & market efficiency, Climate change
& pricing uncertainty, Regulation and regulatory risk, Renewable sources,
Risk measurement and management, Storage devices, Sustainable finance.
Keynote speakers: Clémence Alasseur, Fred Espen Benth, Florian Ziel.
Award: Best EFI8 Paper, reserved to the presenters born after January 1st,
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Milan.
Roberto Baviera for the Organizing Committee
Professor of Financial Engineering, Dep. Mathematics,
Politecnico di Milano,
32 p.zza Leonardo da Vinci, I-20133 Milan
[View Less]
Ricevo e inoltro.
> Da: Christophe Garban <christophe.garban(a)>
> Oggetto: Postdoc position in Lyon in probability / mathematical physics
> Data: 23 novembre 2022, 08:47:25 CET
> Cc: Avelio Sepúlveda <lsepulveda(a)>, Jean-Marie Stephan <stephan(a)>
> Dear colleagues,
> I am currently advertising a two-year postdoc position (with a possible extension to a third year) in probability/mathematical physics in …
[View More]University of Lyon 1, deadline January, 11th.
> Please transfer the announcement below to potential candidates.
> Thanks a lot!
> Best wishes,
> Christophe.
> ----------------------
> Postdoc position in Lyon for 2023
> Université Lyon 1
> (funded by the ERC project Vortex)
> Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellowship in probability/mathematical physics at University Lyon 1.
> The postdoc is funded by the European Research Council grant Vortex.
> Main research areas include: Villain and XY model, Coulomb gas, Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, lattice gauge theory, Gaussian Free Field, Ising and dimer models, percolation, localisation and delocalisation of interfaces, classical Heisenberg model, planar statistical physics.
> Practical informations:
> (you may also click on this link : <> )
> - The position is for two years (with a possible extension to a third year), with a salary of approx. 38000 per year (between year 0 and 3 after PhD) and approx. 50000 euros per year (between year 3 and 7 after PhD).
> - Substantial financial support to attend conferences, workshops and invite collaborators will be granted. (Approx 5000 euros/year).
> - No teaching.
> - A lot of activity around probability in Lyon.
> - Great city :-)
> - The expected starting date is September 2023, but a different date may be arranged.
> Application and deadline:
> Applications including a CV, a list of publications and a (approximately) three-pages description of research interests should be sent by email to Christophe Garban (christophe.garban(a) <>) before January 11th, 2023.
> Contacts: (all members of the ERC project Vortex).
> Christophe Garban (christophe.garban(a) <>)
> Avelio Sepúlveda (lsepulveda(a) <>)
> Jean-Marie Stéphan (stephan(a) <>)
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Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to the following SPASS
<> seminar, jointly organized by
UniPi, SNS, UniFi and UniSi:
*Ergodic results for the stochastic nonlinear damped Schroedinger equation*
by Margherita Zanella (Politecnico di Milano)
The seminar will take place in person on *TUE, 29.11.2022 at 14:00* in Aula
Seminari, Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa and streamed online
here <…
[View More]gt;.
The organizers,
A. Agazzi, G. Bet, A. Caraceni, F. Grotto, G. Zanco
*T**itle: **Ergodic results for the stochastic nonlinear damped
Schroedinger equation*
*Abstract: *
*We study the nonlinear stochastic Schrödinger equation with linear
damping. We prove the existence of invariant measures in the case of two
dimensional compact Riemannian manifolds without boundary and compact
smooth domains of R^2 with either Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions.
We prove the uniqueness of the invariant measure in R^d, d=2,3 when the
damping coefficient is sufficiently large. *
*The talk is based on joint works with B. Ferrario and Z. Brzeźniak.*
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Dear all,
we are glad to inform you about the workshop *"Social Network Dynamics and
Impact on Financial Markets"*, organized by the IMT School in collaboration
with the Tor Vergata University of Rome, that will take place *on 26 and 27
January 2023*.
Social media platforms provide a significant channel for people to connect,
share opinions, spread and process information. How we interact with each
other leads to large-scale phenomena, and recently financial markets have
been repeatedly …
[View More]influenced by viral social media trends. These online
financial coordinated operations receive massive attention from the media,
financial stakeholders, and the academic community.
In this workshop, you will explore the key ingredients leading the stock to
go viral and how we can model and early detect online coordination that has
a social and practical impact.
*The call for abstract is open until December 15, 2022.*
For more information, visit the website or
write to workshop.socialnet.dynamics(a)
Best regards,
Communication and Events Office
*Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca*
Piazza San Ponziano, 6 - 55100 Lucca - Italia
Tel: +39 0583 4326 606 - Fax: +39 0583 4326 565
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Dear All,
I'm writing to inform you that the 15th International Neural Coding Workshop will take place in Piriápolis, Uruguay, from the 27th February to the 4th March
As in the tradition of previous NC workshops, this will be a single track multi-disciplinary event bringing together experimental and computational neuroscientists. Attendees of the workshop should thus be prepared to cross the borders of their own disciplines. More detailed information …
[View More]can be found on the workshop website
The abstract submission is now open and will close on the 18th December, which is also when the early registration closes.
PhD students and postdoc can apply for travel awards by submitting their application by the 20th December.
► Find out about the workshop for more details and register:<>
► You can also directly head to the submission page:
Best regards,
Dr. Massimiliano Tamborrino
Assistant Professor
Department of Statistics
University of Warwick
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