Dear Colleagues,
I forward the following announcement for a tenure-track Assistant
Professor position at Toulouse School of Economics.
Best regards,
Giorgio Ferrari
*Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Applied Mathematics / Statistics**
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Toulouse School of
Economics (TSE) has an opening for a tenure-track Assistant Professor
beginning September 1, 2023.
TSE offers an exceptional professional and scientific environment to achieve
tenure such as:
•reduced teaching hours, competitive salary,
•high-quality scientific environment in Toulouse,
•strong interaction with the prominent Department of Economics,
•very pleasant working conditions in a major city in south of France,new
building in the city center.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. (expected completion by June 30, 2023
acceptable) and show outstanding potential and achievement in research,
as wellas excellent teaching skills. For full consideration, candidates
should submitby January 9, 2023 the following materials: (1) cover
letter, (2) curriculumvitae, (3) statements on research (with links to
the publications or preprintsand a scientific project for the coming
years) and teaching, and (4) ask threereferences to send their letters
by January 23, 2023. Questions, application,and reference letters should
be sent to