Venerdi 1 Aprile 2022, alle ore 12.00, presso il Collegio Carlo Alberto, in
Piazza Arbarello 8, Torino, si terrà il seguente seminario:
Speaker: *Alexandra Carpentier* (University of Potsdam)
Title: *Optimal ranking in crowd-sourcing*
Abstract: Consider a crowd sourcing problem where we have n experts and d
tasks. The average ability of each expert for each task is stored in an
unknown matrix M, which is only observed in noise and incompletely. We make
no (semi) parametric assumptions, but assume that both experts and tasks
can be perfectly ranked: so that if an expert is better than another, she
performs on average better on all tasks than the other - and that the same
holds for the tasks. This implies that if the matrix M is permuted so that
the experts and tasks are perfectly ranked, then the permuted matrix M is
We focus on the problem of recovering the optimal ranking of the experts in
l_2 norm, when the questions are perfectly ranked. We provide a
minimax-optimal and computationally feasible method for this problem, based
on hierarchical clustering, PCA, and exchange of informations among the
clusters. We prove in particular - in the case where d > n - that the
problem of estimating the expert ranking is significantly easier than the
problem of estimating the matrix M.
This talk is based on joint work with Emmanuel Pilliat and Nicolas Verzelen.
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Il seminario è organizzato dalla "de Castro" Statistics Initiative
Cordiali saluti,
Pierpaolo De Blasi
Pierpaolo De Blasi
University of Torino & Collegio Carlo Alberto
Cari tutti,
scrivo per inoltrare il seguente avviso da parte di Dario Gasbarra
dell'Università di Helsinki.
In allegato trovate la locandina della scuola in oggetto.
Saluti a tutti. C.M.
Cari amici probabilisti e statistici, sono aperte le iscrizioni per la
40a scuola estiva finlandese di probabilita' e statistica, 23-27.5.2022,
per ulteriori informazioni visitate il sito
Dear friends of Stochastics and Statistics, registration for the
40th Finnish Summer School on Probability and Statistics
in Lammi, Finland 23-27.5.2022
is open, please check the website
See you in Lammi !
Dario Gasbarra,
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Helsinki
The Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Padua is
advertising a Research Grant for PhD graduates or graduates with a master’s
The purpose of this research grant, with a duration of *12 months* and an
amount of *Euro 25,930.00 gross*, is to carry out research activity into
developing statistical models for high dimensional data following
approaches both frequentist and Bayesian. Often a large number of
quantitative, qualitative or mixed variables are available and in dealing
with them in statistical models requires attention to computational and
statistical problems such as the curse of dimensionality. In many cases
objective methods are required, but in many fields, e.g., marketing,
sociological or biomedical analysis, subjective or a priori information is
available, which can be included in the modeling and estimation procedures.
The complete call is available at…
The call will expire on April 8th, 2022.
The application may only be submitted by completing the online procedure
available at <>
Best regards,
the administrative secretariat
Ufficio Ricerca del Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Università degli Studi di Padova
Via Cesare Battisti 241 - 35121 Padova
tel. +39 049 8274125 / +39 049 8274167
per chi fosse interessato, martedî 29 marzo alle 15 ora italiana darò un talk online su Approximate Bayesian Computation per NeuroMat<…>
Titolo, abstract e link per il talk sono riportati sotto.
Buona giornata,
Dr. Massimiliano Tamborrino
Assistant Professor
Department of Statistics
University of Warwick<…>
From: Vera Lucia Ribeiro <veralu(a)>
Sent: 22 March 2022 17:41
Subject: NeuroMat webinar, March 29, 2022
NeuroMat webinars 2022
pathways to the 2023 IHP thematic program
Random Processes in the Brain
Webinar title
Structure-preserving Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) for stochastic neuronal models
by Massimiliano Tamborrino
Department of Statistics, University of Warwick
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
at 10 am (S.Paulo local time) / 3 pm (Paris local time)<…>
Abstract: ABC has become one of the major tools for parameter inference in complex mathematical models in the last decade. The method is based on the idea of deriving an approximate posterior density aiming to target the true (unavailable) posterior by running massive simulations from the model for different parameters to replace the intractable likelihood, choosing then those parameters whose simulations are good matches to the observed data. When applying ABC to stochastic models, the derivation of effective summary statistics and proper distances is particularly challenging, since simulations from the model under the same parameter configuration result in different output. Moreover, since exact simulation from complex stochastic models is rarely possible, reliable numerical methods need to be applied. In this talk, we show how to use the underlying structural properties of the model to construct specific ABC summaries that are less sensitive to the intrinsic stochasticity of the model, and the importance of adopting reliable property-preserving numerical (splitting) schemes for the synthetic data generation. Indeed, the commonly used Euler-Maruyama scheme may drastically fail even with very small stepsizes. The proposed approach is illustrated first on the stochastic FitzHugh-Nagumo model, and then on the broad class of partially observed Hamiltonian stochastic differential equations, in particular on the stochastic Jensen-and-Rit neural mass model, both with simulated and with real electroencephalography (EEG) data, for both one neural population [2] and a network of neural populations (ongoing work).
[1] E. Buckwar, A. Samson, M. Tamborrino, I. Tubikanec. A splitting method for SDEs with locally Lipschitz drift: Illustration on the FitzHugh-Nagumo model. ArXiv:2101.01027,<…>
[2] E. Buckwar, M. Tamborrino, I. Tubikanec. Spectral density-based and measure-preserving ABC for partially observed diffusion processes. An illustration on Hamiltonian SDEs. Stat. Comput. 30 (3), 627-648, 2020.
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segnalo la seguente:
(dettagli in calce - details below)
con particolare riferimento a:
Dipartimento: Informatica
Progetto n. 3 Tematica: Analisi stocastica ed applicazioni
L'Università di Verona, membro della rete internazionale Scholars at Risk (SAR) e della sezione italiana SAR-Italy, nell'ambito delle azioni promosse dalla Cooperazione allo Sviluppo Internazionale ha pubblicato un Bando per un assegno di ricerca della durata di 12 mesi da assegnare a una/uno studiosa/o a rischio. Il Bando è aperto a coloro che hanno ricevuto il riconoscimento dello status di studiosa/o "a rischio" da parte di organizzazioni internazionali come SAR, Scholar Rescue Fund (SRF) or the Council for At Risk Academics (CARA) o titolari di protezione internazionale in Italia o in Paese membro dell’Unione Europea, richiedenti asilo in Italia o titolari di status di rifugiata/o in un Paese Terzo che abbia sottoscritto la Convenzione di Ginevra. Le candidature potranno essere presentate scegliendo un ambito di ricerca specifico tra i 12 disponibili.
Scadenza per la presentazione delle candidature: venerdì 20 Maggio 2022, ore 13.00 (ora italiana).
Bando e modulistica<…>
The University of Verona, member of the international Scholars at Risk network (SAR) and of SAR-Italy, within its initiatives in the cooperation and development field, has just launched a Call for a 12-month Research Fellowship to be assigned to a 'at-risk scholar'. The call is open to international researchers who have been recognised as ‘at risk scholars’ by accredited organisations like SAR, Scholar Rescue Fund (SRF) or the Council for At Risk Academics (CARA) or hold a refugee status in a Country that signed the Geneva Convention, an international protection status in Italy or in another EU Country, or who are asylum seekers in Italy.
Applications shall be submitted in one out of twelve different research topics listed in the call.
Deadline for applications: Friday 20 May 2022, 1.00 pm (italian time).
Call and application form<…>
Luca Di Persio - PhD
College of Mathematics
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Verona
strada le Grazie 15 - 37134 Verona - Italy
Tel : +39 045 802 7968
Official UniVr spinoff: <>
è stato pubblicato il Bando relativo all'indizione di una procedura
selettiva per posti da Ricercatore a tempo determinato RTD-B, di cui uno
nel settore concorsuale 13D3 presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
dell’Università degli Studi di Padova.
Il bando è disponibile alla pagina concorsi del sito web di Ateneo
La *scadenza* per la presentazione delle domande è l' *11 aprile 2022 alle
ore 13*.
Si prega di dare la massima diffusione presso tutti gli interessati.
Cordiali saluti
Alessandra Fabbri Colabich
Dott.ssa Alessandra Fabbri Colabich
Università degli Studi di Padova
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
[image: Ottocento anni di libertà e futuro]
Concorso per un posto RTD-A a Milano Bicocca - MAT/06
È stato bandito un posto RTD-A nel settore MAT/06 (Probabilità e Statistica Matematica) presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni dell'Università di Milano-Bicocca:
La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 21 aprile 2022.
Si prega di dare la massima diffusione presso tutti gli interessati.
Francesco Caravenna
Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Via Cozzi 55, 20125 Milano, Italy
Scrivo per annunciare il bando per una posizione RTDb nel settore
scientifico disciplinare MAT/06 (Probabilità e Statistica Matematica)
presso il Dipartimento di Matematica del Politecnico di Torino, con
scadenza il 20 Aprile 2022.
Il bando è disponibile alla
Dear all,
I would like to announce a tenure track researcher position (RTDb) in
Probability and Statistics at Politecnico di Torino. The deadline is
April 20, 2022.
The official call is available at the URL
Dear colleagues,
on March 31st and April 1st we will host (at the Room TL and Sala del
Consiglio) the 22nd Workshop of Quantitative Finance, an international
conference that will bring together academics and practitioners to discuss
theoretical and applied issues mostly related to finance.
To see the program and the details please visit
You are warmly invited to attend.
Davide Pirino
Dear colleagues,
we are happy to announce the following online talk:
Speaker: Luisa Andreis (Università di Firenze)
Title: Phase transitions in random graphs and coagulation processes.
Abstract: Inhomogeneous random graphs are a natural generalization of the well-known Erdos–Renyi random graph, where vertices are characterized by a typeand edges are present independently according to the type of the vertices thatthey are connecting. In the sparse regime, these graphs undergo a phase transition in terms of the emergence of a giant component exactly as the classical Erdos–Renyi model. We will present an alternative approach, via large deviations, to prove this phase transition. This allows a comparison with the gelationphase transition in coagulation processes and with phase transitions of condensation type emerging in several systems of interacting components.
This is based on ongoing joint works with Wolfgang K\"onig (WIAS and TUBerlin), Tejas Iyer (WIAS), Heide Langhammer (WIAS), Elena Magnanini(WIAS) and Robert Patterson (WIAS).
Date and time: Monday March 28, 17:30-18:30 (Rome time zone).
Zoom link:
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Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms. Founded in 2011, Zoom helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment to get more done. Zoom is a publicly traded company headquartered in San Jose, CA.
This talk is a talk of the (PMS)^2: Pavia-Milano Seminar series on Probability and Mathematical Statistics organized jointly by the universities Milano-Bicocca, Pavia, Milano-Politecnico and Milano-Statale.
For more information see the dedicated webpage:
Participation is free and welcome!
Best regards,
The organizers (Mario Maurelli, Carlo Orrieri, Maurizia Rossi, Margherita Zanella)