Segnalo un messaggio di Markus Riedle (King's College London)
Cari saluti
Enrico Priola
Dear Enrico,
I'm writing you to let you know that I am currently looking for a new PhD
student. It is a joint position with TU Dresden in Germany:\Behme_WIM…
If you know a good candidate for this position, please encourage them to
On the other side of the career spectrum, our department is currently
hiring a professor in probability theory. If you know somebody appropriate,
please forward the advert or ask them to get in contact with me for any
further questions:
Many thanks,
Enrico Priola
Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Pavia
Via Adolfo Ferrata 5, 27100 Pavia
tel +39 0382 985639
Registration is open for a summer school in *Causal inference* at the
university of Trento this 11-15 July!
More info at:
Deadline for registration: 15 June
Hope to see you there!
Veronica and Claudio
il Prof. Sebastian Andres terrà un seminario in Sala di Consiglio al
Dipartimento di Matematica dell' Università La Sapienza , Lunedì 9 Maggio
alle ore 16:00 (sotto i dettagli).
Grazie dell'attenzione
Time: Monday 9 May 2022, at 16:00
Rome: Sala di Consiglio, Department of Mathematics, Sapienza University of
Speaker: Sebastian Andres (Manchester University)
Title: First passage percolation with long-range correlations
In this talk we consider first passage percolation (FPP) with passage times
generated by a general class of models with long-range correlations,
including discrete Gaussian free fields as a prominent example. We will
discuss conditions under which the associated time constant is positive and
the FPP distance is comparable to the Euclidean distance. We will also
present two applications to random conductance models (RCM) with possibly
unbounded and strongly correlated conductances, namely a Gaussian heat
kernel upper bound for RCMs with a general class of speed measures, and an
exponential decay estimate for the Green function of RCMs with random
killing measures. This talk is based on a joined work with Alexis Prévost
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 5, Phone (0039) 06 49913252
vorrei segnalare il seguente seminario:
*Mercoledì 11 maggio 2022*
Ore 14:30, Aula 34 (quarto piano), Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche,
Sapienza Università di Roma e online al seguente link
A sojourn-based approach to discrete-time semi-Markov decision processes
Giacomo Ascione (Scuola Superiore Meridionale)
Up to now, there is an extensive literature on stepped continuous-time
semi-Markov decision processes. Such models generalize the classical
continuous-time Markov chain decision processes by allowing for different
distributions of interevent times. However, in such models, the decision is
always taken in a change of state, so that it influences a priori the
distribution of the inter-event times. For such a reason, these models do
not allow for decision depending on intermediate observations of the
system. In this talk we address the problem of intermediate observations by
modelling the system as a finite horizon discrete-time semi-Markov process,
thus assuming discrete observations of the system, and allowing possible
decisions at each time step. To do this, we first provide an alternative
characterization of discrete-time semi-Markov processes in terms of a
bivariate Markov chain, involving both the state and the sojourn time of
the process. Once this is done, one can use the dynamic programming
principle to exploit optimal policies for the discrete-time semi-Markov
decision process by resorting to the bivariate Markov formulation. With
this approach we are able to exhibit the Bellman’s equation for both the
value and the quality function. The latter is then used to develop a
model-free reinforcement learning algorithm based on Watkins and Dayan’s
Qlearning algorithm, together with a first naive attempt towards a deep
reinforcement learning one. Two exploratory toy examples are provided.
This is based on a joint work with Salvatore Cuomo from Università degli
Studi di Napoli Federico II.
Cordiali saluti. Luisa
Luisa Beghin
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Fac. Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Informatica e Statistica
"SAPIENZA" Università di Roma
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma
T (+39) 06 49910543 F (+39) 06 4959241
Dear all.
we are glad to announce the following:
Call for Papers
International Fintech Research Conference
Finance, technology, methodologies
Fintech Research Network
Politecnico di Milano
27-28 October 2022
The Conference aims to put together researchers working in all areas of Fintech (banking, asset management, insurance, payments, capital markets, internet of things) providing a multidisciplinary venue. Contributed papers are welcome in all Fintech research fields such as (but not limited to): theoretical analysis of the fintech domain (finance and economic analysis), machine learning applications to finance, cryptocurrencies, digital currency, cybersecurity, neural networks approaches in FinTech, smart contracts, peer to peer finance, big data analysis, nowcasting, text analysis in finance, blockchain technologies, network analysis in finance, behavioral finance.
Keynote speakers:
* Petros Dellaportas, UCL-London Reservoir Computing for Macroeconomic Forecasting with Mixed Frequency Data
* Leonardo Gambacorta, Bank of International Settlements, TBD
* Mario Wuethrich, ETH-Zurich Discrimination-Free Insurance Pricing
* David Yermack, Stern Business School, New York University, TBD
The Conference is intended to be the first edition of an annual initiative that will be hosted
by the building blocks of a large researchers/universities network.
Scientific committee:
Emilio Barucci (chair), Andrea Consiglio, Stefania Corsaro,
Luca Di Persio, Massimiliano Ferrara, Gianna Figà Talamanca,
Paolo Giudici, Daniele Marazzina, Silvia Muzzioli.
Deadline for submitting an extended abstract/paper: August 31st, 2022.
Please note that, except for the social dinner, no fee is required to conference participation.
The initiative is promoted by:
Fintech Research Network
The Fintech Research Network is steered by a group of researchers working in all areas of Fintech,
whose main aim is to develop proactive research initiatives such as conferences,
summer schools, workshops, seminars, research projects within the FinTech framework broadly intended.
On behalf of the scientific committee,
Luca Di Persio - PhD
College of Mathematics
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Verona
strada le Grazie 15 - 37134 Verona - Italy
Tel : +39 045 802 7968
Official UniVr spinoff: <>
Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce the following online talk:
Speaker: *Michele Salvi* (Università di Roma "Tor Vergata")
Title: *Scale-free percolation mixing time.*
Abstract: Scale-free percolation is a spatial inhomogeneous random graph
model which features three fundamental properties that are often present
in real-world networks: (1) Scale-free: the degree of the nodes follows
a power law; (2) Small-world: two far-away nodes have typically a small
graph distance; (3) Positive clustering coefficient: two nodes with a
common neighbour have a good chance to be linked. We study the mixing
time of the simple random walk on this structure in one dimension and
depict a rich phase diagram in the parameters of the model. In
particular, we prove that the presence of hubs can speed up the mixing
of the chain. Joint work with Alessandra Cipriani (UCL).
*Date and time:* Monday May 9, 17:30-18:30 (Rome time zone)
*Zoom link:*
This talk is part of the
*(PMS)^2*: *Pavia-Milano Seminar series on Probability and Mathematical
organized jointly by the universities Milano-Bicocca, Pavia,
Milano-Politecnico and Milano-Statale.
Participation is free and welcome!
Best regards
The organizers (Mario Maurelli, Carlo Orrieri, Maurizia Rossi, Margherita
Maurizia Rossi
Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Care colleghe e colleghi,
Vi ricordiamo che questo Venerdì 6 Maggio si terrà la decima giornata di seminari:
University of Florence
Friday 6 May 2022
Lecturers: Nina Gantert (Munich) and Senya Shlosman (Marseille)
Location: Anfiteatro (piano terra), Viale Morgagni 65, Firenze
Informazioni su come arrivare: <…>
Note pratiche: stiamo prenotando un catering con cibi vegerariani e non, percio` abbiamo bisogno del numero di persone che vogliono partecipare al pranzo. A coloro che fossero interessati (per una migliore organizzazione) chiediamo di compilare il seguente Google Form per indicare l'intenzione di partecipare al pranzo.… <…>
Prof. Nina Gantert (Technical University of Munich)
Title: Mixing times for exclusion processes
Prof. Senya Shlosman (CPT Luminy, Marseille)
Title: Random surfaces in statistical mechanics
11.00-11.45 Introductory lecture: Gantert
11.45-12.00 Break
12.00-12.45 Seminar: Gantert
13.00-14.30 Lunch
14.30-15.15 Introductory lecture: Shlosman
15.15-15.30 Break
15.30-16.30 Seminar: Shlosman
Local Organizers:
G. Bet, L. Andreis
Scientific advisory committee:
F. Caravenna, N. Cancrini, E.N.M. Cirillo, F. Colomo, P. Dai Pra, A. De
Masi, D. Fanelli, F. Flandoli, C. Giardina`, R. Livi, F. Martinelli,
I.G. Minelli, E. Presutti, B. Scoppola, E. Scoppola.
Ricordiamo che ciascun oratore fara` una lezione introduttiva e
divulgativa di 45 minuti pensata proprio per i non esperti, seguita da
altri 45 minuti di tipo seminario (vedi programma).
Maggiori informazioni e aggiornamenti sono reperibili alle pagine web… <…>
Vi aspettiamo numerosi
Gianmarco Bet e Luisa Andreis
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Viale Morgagni 67, Firenze, Italy
Gianmarco Bet (he/him)
Junior researcher
Phone: (+39) 055 2751491
Department of Mathematics and Informatics "U. Dini"
University of Florence
Viale Morgagni, 65
50134 Firenze, Italy
Office 64
Cari tutti,
Vi segnalo che al link <>
È pubblicato il bando per un assegno di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche, fisiche e informatiche dell’Università di Parma.
Gli argomenti di ricerca sono:
- Analisi in dimensione infinita;
- Calcolo di Malliavin;
- Equazioni differenziali stocastiche.
Vi chiedo di diffondere la notizia vai possibili interessati.
Davide Addona
Dear all,
from May 11th until June 30th, Dmitri Koroliouk (Kiev university) will give a course at Tor Vergata university with title
Introduction into Neural Networks and Deep Learning
The schedule of the course, the venue and the topics treated in each lecture can be found in the file in attachment.
This course is part of the Excellence Project Math@TOV.
You can find a summary of this and the other events organized by the newly established RoMaDS center at the following link: .
Salve a tutti,
vorrei raccogliere manifestazioni di interesse qualificate per una
posizione RTD B in probabilità (MAT/06) che potrebbe essere bandita
nel prossimo futuro presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche,
Fisiche e Informatiche di Parma.
Gli interessati sono incoraggiati a contattarmi, anche per
informazioni e chiarimenti.
Francesco Morandin --
Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences
Parma University --
To call in the statistician after the experiment is done may be
no more than asking him to perform a post-mortem examination:
he may be able to say what the experiment died of. (R.A. Fisher)