Dear all,
the Centre for Economic and International Studies
<> of the University of Rome Tor Vergata
<> is promoting an 18-month post-doc position
by the PRIN 2022 program.
You can apply online via the PICA system using the link
Please find attached a copy of the call.
The deadline is December 10, 2023. Should you have any questions
concerning how to apply (or for further details on the position), please do
not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards
Davide Pirino
Dipartimento di Matematica
Il Prof. *Thomas SIMON *(Université de Lille) terrà, *mercoledì 8 novembre,
alle ore 15:00*, presso la Sala Riunioni dell'Edificio F2 (piano 1, stanza
36), un seminario dal titolo:
*On Tsallis cumulative entropies*
Gli interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare,
*Antonio Di Crescenzo*
*Barbara Martinucci*
*Alessandra Meoli**Serena Spina*
Link su Teams:…
We investigate the Tsallis cumulative entropy, an information measure
recently introduced as a cumulative version of the classical Tsallis
differential entropy. This functional is considered as a perturbation of
the expected mean residual life via some power weight function. This point
of view leads to the introduction of the dual cumulative Tsallis entropy
and of two families of coherent risk measures generalizing those built on
mean residual life. We characterize the finiteness of the cumulative
Tsallis entropy in terms of Lp-spaces and show how they determine the
underlying distribution. We also study the range of the Tsallis cumulative
entropy under various constraints. In the symmetric case with finite
variance, whereas the maximization of the Tsallis differential entropy
gives rise to the classical q−Gaussian distribution which is a perturbation
of the Gaussian distribution having a finite range or heavy tails, the
maximization of the cumulative Tsallis entropy leads to an analogous
perturbation of the Logistic distribution.
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to the following SPASS seminar, jointly
organized by UniPi, SNS, UniFi and UniSi:
*Regularization by noise of an averaged version of the Navier-Stokes
Theresa Lange (University of Bielefeld)
The seminar will take place on TUE, 7.11.2023 at 14:00 CET in Aula Mancini,
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa and streamed online at the link below (*please
notice the unusual venue*).
The organizers,
A. Agazzi, G. Bet, A. Caraceni, F. Grotto, G. Zanco
*Abstract: *
*In [T16], the author constructs an averaged version of the deterministic
three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations (3D NSE) which experiences
blow-up in finite time. In the last decades, various works have studied
suitable perturbations of ill-posed deterministic PDEs in order to prevent
or delay such behavior. A promising example is given by a particular choice
of transport noise used in [FL21] in the context of the vorticity form of
the 3D NSE, and in [FGL21] for more general models. In this talk, we
analyze the model in [T16] in view of those two works and discuss the
regularization skills of transport noise in the context of the averaged 3D
NSE. This is joint work with Martina Hofmanová (U Bielefeld).*
*[T16] T. Tao, Finite time blowup of an averaged three-dimensional
Navier-Stokes equation. Journal of the American Mathematical Society 29(3),
pp. 601-674 (2016)*
*[FL21] F. Flandoli, D. Luo, High mode transport noise improves vorticity
blow-up control in 3D Navier-Stokes equations. Probability Theory and
Related Fields 180, pp. 309-363 (2021)*
*[FGL21] F. Flandoli, L. Galeati, D. Luo, Delayed blow-up by transport
noise. Communications in Partial Differential Equations 46(9), pp.
1757-1788 (2021)*
ITALIAN [ENGLISH BELOW]--------------------------------
Cari colleghi e care colleghe,
Si è aperto un bando per un assegno di ricerca annuale al Politecnico di Milano. Il bando chiude il 24 novembre 2023.
Il progetto intende usare tecniche probabilistiche (limiti di scala, fluttuazioni, grandi deviazioni) nell’ambito di stochastic reaction networks con componenti spaziali. Questa posizione è parte del progetto PRIN 2022 ConStRAINed (Convergence and Stability of Reaction And Interaction Network Dynamics)<>, in collaborazione con il Politecnico di Torino e l’Università di Pisa.
Trovate i dettagli del bando qui<…>. Attenzione: la data di inizio dell’assegno è flessibile.
Sono disponibile per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione (sul progetto, sulla posizione o sulla procedura per partecipare alla selezione) all’indirizzo email: luisa.andreis(a)<>
Vi prego di condividere questo annuncio con chiunque pensate possa essere interessata/o.
Cordiali saluti,
Luisa Andreis
Dear colleagues,
A call for a 1 year post-doc position is open at the Mathematics Department of Politecnico di Milano, Italy. The deadline is November 24, 2023.
The project aims to study and use probabilistic techniques (scaling limits, fluctuations, large deviations) in the framework of stochastic reaction networks with spatial components. This position is part of the larger project ConStRAINed (Convergence and Stability of Reaction And Interaction Network Dynamics)<>, jointly with Politecnico di Torino and University of Pisa.
You find the details of the call here<…>. Please, note that the starting date is flexible.
For any further information on the project, the position or the application procedure, please feel free to contact me at: luisa.andreis(a)<>
We would be grateful if you could forward this announcement to whoever you think might be interested.
Best regards,
Luisa Andreis
Dipartimento di Matematica
Politecnico di Milano
Personal webpage:
Email: luisa.andreis(a)<>
Dear all,
This is a Call of Interest for an RTT position in SECS-S/06 at the Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Siena.
Expressions of interest can be sent to (both) Salvatore Bimonte (salvatore.bimonte(a) <>) and Caterina Ciabattini (caterina.ciabattini(a) <>), following the instructions in the document attached to the email.
Best regards,
Piero Mazzarisi
Department of Economics and Statistics
University of Siena
Personal website: <>