Registration is open for the second edition of the Florence-Paris Workshop,
organized by the Department of Economics and Management of the University
of Florence and sponsored by the Institut Louis Bachelier of Paris.
Registration is free.
The workshop will take place on July 10-11, 2023. The theme of the second
edition is Statistics of Random Processes and Its Applications to Financial
The keynote speakers will be Jean Jacod (Sorbonne) and Valentina Corradi
(University of Surrey).
For further information, including the workshop program and the
registration link, please consult the website:
Best regards
Giacomo Toscano, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics and Management
University of Florence
Via delle Pandette, 9, 50127, Florence, Italy
Car* collegh*,
Vi segnalo che, al Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche di Sapienza,
Universita' di Roma, il 12 maggio 2023, si terra' un simposio su calcolo
frazionario, funzioni speciali e applicazioni con presentazioni
Trovate maggiori informazioni ai link seguenti:
Cordiali saluti,
Enrico Scalas
ricevo e con piacere inoltro
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Serena Cenatiempo <serena.cenatiempo(a)>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2023 at 08:02
Subject: Course by Daniel Ueltschi (U Warwick) / May, 2-12 2023
Dear all,
This is a gentle reminder for the course by Daniel Ueltschi
<> (University of Warwick) on *Equilibrium Quantum
Lattice Systems, *which will be held at the GSSI Main Lecture Hall from May
2nd to May 12th, according to the following calendar:
Tue May 2nd,
Wed May 3rd,
Thu May 4th,
Mon May 8th,
Tue May 10th,
Thu May 11th,
from 9 to 11.
It will also be streamed online at the link:
ID riunione: 973 6500 2731
Passcode: MATHatGSSI
A detailed list of topics covered in the class follows below, and it is
also available at the page:
For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
With best wishes,
> *Equilibrium Quantum Lattice Systems*
> Daniel Ueltschi <> (University of Warwick)
> Tentative list of topics covered in the class:
> 1. *Spin systems*
> Hilbert spaces, spin operators, symmetries, hamiltonians.
> Finite-volume Gibbs states. Correlation functions.
> Thermodynamic limit of the free energy.
> 2. *Two results for quantum spins*
> o No long-range order in two dimensions, in systems with continuous
> symmetry.
> o Long-range order in dimensions three and higher.
> 3. *Fermionic and bosonic systems*
> Fock space, creation and annihilation operators. Bose-Einstein
> condensation.
> Hubbard model.
> 4. *Infinite-volume Gibbs states*
> Tangent functionals to the free energy. KMS condition.
> Extremal state decomposition.
> 5. *Probabilistic representations of quantum lattice systems*
> Feynman-Kac representation of Bose and spin systems.
> Loop representations. Poisson-Dirichlet conjecture.
Serena Cenatiempo
Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)
Viale Crispi n.7, 67100 - L'Aquila (Italy)
phone: +39 0862 428 0276
email: serena.cenatiempo[at]gssi[dot]com
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"SMAQseminar" group.
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To view this discussion on the web visit…
For more options, visit
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 5, Phone (0039) 06 49913252
The PhD program in "Economics and Finance" at the Department of Economics at the University of Verona is now accepting applications.
The novelty of this year is the introduction of the new “Data Analysis and Finance” track, whose objective is to prepare students for academic/professional careers in Financial Mathematics and Data Analytics according to the highest international standards.
We welcome applications from students with a strong background in mathematics, physics, statistics, quantitative finance or other highly quantitative disciplines.
During the first year, students will be offered a research-oriented training program. Core compulsory courses are:
1) Financial Time Series
2) Mathematical Statistics
3) Financial Mathematics
4) Continuous Time Econometrics
5) Stochastic Optimization and Control
6) Stochastic Processes in Finance
Courses are coordinated by Giuseppe Buccheri, Alessandro Gnoatto, Cecilia Mancini, Athena Picarelli, Francesca Rossi, Catia Scricciolo, Sara Svaluto Ferro under the supervision of Alessandro Bucciol (director of the PhD program).
We will also offer a wide basket of elective courses offered by leading international experts. Prospective topics are:
Machine Learning in Finance
Mean-field Games
Financial Risk Management
Discretization of Processes
Corporate Finance
The attendance of Summer and Winter schools and an international research stay of at least 6 months are strongly encouraged. Financial support is provided.
We also provide financial support for lodging: up to 2500 EUR for the first year.
Program webpage:
Application deadline: 12 May 2023 at 12.00 noon (Italian time, GMT+1)
Prof. Alessandro Gnoatto
Presidente del CdLM "Banca e Finanza"
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche
Università degli Studi di Verona
Via Cantarane 24
37129, Verona, Italy
Room 1.05
Tel: +39 045 802 8537
E-mail: alessandro.gnoatto(a)
View my research on my SSRN Author page:
Whoever is interested is welcome:
We are pleased to announce that
on Wednesday May 3rd 2023 at 2:30 p.m.
at DISIM- University of L'Aquila - classroom A.1.6 (Coppito 0)
Via Vetoio SNC - L'Aquila
and online at the link (Join Zoom Meeting):…
Meeting ID: 998 9592 7770
Passcode: 273749
Prof. Arturo Kohatsu-Higa
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Ritsumeikan University
1-1-1 Nojihigashi, Kusatsu, Shiga, 525-8577, Japan
Will give the talk:
Can we differentiate a stopping time?
Abstract: In various situations, one may be interested in the concept of differentiation of random variables or processes with respect to some underlying parameters.
We will discuss this possibility in the case of random variables related to stopping times. Rather than discussing general theory (which we may), we will present basic examples that give hints about the general results and exhibit the difficulties involved in the development of general results.
Fabio Antonelli
DISIM - Università di L'Aquila
Si informa che è stato pubblicato il nuovo bando *2023RUAPNRR_PE_04* relativo
all'indizione di una procedura selettiva per l'assunzione di n. 3
ricercatori a tempo determinato, ai sensi dell’art. 24, comma 3, lettera a)
della Legge 30 dicembre 2010, n. 240 – 2023RUAPNRR_PE_04 - *SCADENZA
STATISTICA SOCIALE presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche - DSS
Bando completo con tutti gli allegati al link:…
Si prega di dare la massima diffusione presso tutti gli interessati.
Grazie per la collaborazione
Alessandra Fabbri Colabich
Dott.ssa Alessandra Fabbri Colabich
Università degli Studi di Padova
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Dear all,
From May 4th to May 12th, at the Department of Mathematics of UNIBO, classroom Seminario II, and online at,
Eva LÖCHERBACH (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
will give a cycle of lectures entitled
The cycle is a 10-hour PhD mini course, but the attendance is open to any type of audience. Feel free to forward this message to whoever might be interested.
The abstract and the schedule of the course are available at
Best regards,
Stefano Pagliarani
C.r.e.d.i.t. 2023
*Social, Sovereign and Geopolitical Risks *
Venice, Italy
21 –22 September 2023
*GRETA Associati* (Venice, Italy), *CRIF* (Bologna, Italy),*European
Datawarehouse* (Frankfurt, Germany),*European Investment Bank
*(Luxembourg),*European Investment Fund *(Luxembourg) and *Intesa
Sanpaolo *(Milan, Italy) are partners in organasing a Conference to be
held in Venice on September 21-22, 2023.
The C.r.e.d.i.t. 2023 conference will bring together academics,
practitioners and PhD students working in various areas of financial and
socio-economic risk with the aim of creating a unique opportunity for
participants to discuss research progress and policy as well as
industry-relevant insights and directions for future research.
The C.r.e.d.i.t. 2023 is the*twenty-second *in a series of events
dedicated to various aspects of credit risk and organised under the
auspices of: the *Department of Economics* and *VERA - Venice centre in
Economic and Risk Analytics for public policies - of the Ca’ Foscari
University of Venice*, *ABI - Italian Banking Association*,***AIAF -
Associazione Italiana per l'Analisi Finanziaria* and *AIFIRM -
Associazione Italiana Financial Industry Risk Managers*.
Recent years have seen a series of crises (from health/pandemic to
climate/energy) that have not only put a strain on global mechanisms
previously seen as robust, but have exacerbated existing weaknesses and
so increased vulnerability in new crisis situations. The social impact
of the pandemic was partially mitigated by public interventions but
social conditions then worsened with the soaring costs of energy, raw
materials and inflation more broadly. Social and energy costs, which
inevitably weigh on invidual countries and aggravate already delicate
local situations (e.g., public debts), have led to growing geopolitical
tensions, with global systemic consequences. The C.r.e.d.i.t. 2023
conference will be dedicated to Social, Sovereign and Geopolitical Risks
to discuss, evaluate and address the near- and medium-term
macro-financial impact of persistent crises (“permacrisis”) that can
affect the stability of financial as well as socio-economic systems.
The organizers encourage submissions on any topic within the overall
theme of the conference and in the following areas in particular:
* *Socio-economic Stability: *Future development of income (and
wealth) inequality and social polarization; Risk, inequality and
employment impacts of crises and policies; Gender and skilling
issues will increase or help the transition?;
* *Sovereign Risks: * Sovereign debt with low economic growth; Long
term challenges for fiscal and monetary policies: green
transformation, commodity prices, de-globalization and demographic
trends; Inflation and exchange rate risks; Environmental and social
inter-dependencies; social and environmental preferences and how
these affect the stability and macroeconomic wellbeing of a given
country; Challenges in measuring the ESG ratings of countries and
thus of sovereign debt;
* *Geopolitical Risks:* Global supply chain and de-globalization risks
for finance; Do international energy price discrepancies pose risks
for the competitiveness of EU firms’ and might this have
implications for the real exchange rate to?; Risks stemming from
accelerating deglobalisation; Cyber-risk vulnerabilities of banks
and firms;
* *Energy/Commodity Security:* Energy prices and financial performance
of firms; Inefficiency of energy markets under scarcity; Transition
costs under high energy and resource prices; Volatility of
energy-related asset prices (both brown and green) and implications
for medium and long term investments in energy production
technologies, energy commodity assets and energy infrastructure;
Implications of net zero policies for the prices of real estate
assets, especially for homeowners and households;
* *Long Run Investments and Portfolios:* Stability of asset market
equilibria under low returns; Regulation (-demand) driven asset
prices; Equilibrium asset price levels under structural
transformation and high uncertainty; Net zero pledges and the
possible trade-off between sustainability and returns; Engagement
versus divesting.
The final program will include both submitted and invited papers.
Acceptances received so far from invited speakers include *Helen Rey*
(London Business School), *Elisa Giuliani *(University of Pisa) and
*Moritz Schularick *(Sciences Po Paris & University of Bonn). The
Conference will also include panel discussions on the major issues at
stake with the views of researchers', practitioners' and policy makers.
The SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE for the Conference consists of:
*Moritz Schularick *(Sciences Po Paris & University of Bonn, Programme
*Francesca Campolongo* (Joint Research Center, European Commission)
*Rajna Gibson* (University of Geneva & Geneva Finance Research Institute)
*Helmut Kraemer-Eis* (European Investment Fund)
*Jan Pieter Krahnen *(Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE &
Goethe University)
*Steven Ongena *(University of Zurich, Swiss Finance Institute, KU
Leuven, NTNU Business School & CEPR)
*Loriana Pelizzon *(Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Leibniz Institute
for Financial Research SAFE & Goethe University)
*Roberto Rigobon* (MIT Sloan School of Management)
*Stephen Schaefer *(London Business School)
*Marti Subrahmanyam *(NYU Stern Business School)
*Christoph Trebesch* (Kiel Institute)
Those wishing to present a paper at the Conference should submit by *May
31, 2023 *to the address given below (preferably in electronic format).
Please indicate to whom correspondence should be addressed. Decisions
regarding acceptance will be made by *June 30, 2023*. The final version
of accepted papers must be received by August 31, 2023.
Please send papers to:
GRETA Associati, San Polo, 2605 - 30125 Venice, ITALY
Phone : +39 041 5238178 - e-mail: credit(a)
More detailed information available on the Conference website:
Dear colleagues,
I am currently advertising one two-year Postdoc position at the Department
of Mathematics of the University of Bologna.
The title of the postdoc is
*Time-varying parameter models for market microstructure and networks*
under the supervision of Fabrizio Lillo and Giacomo Bormetti.
Deadline for application: May 18 2023.
The call is published at the link:
Please contact me (fabrizio.lillo(a) or Prof. Bormetti (
giacomo.bormetti(a) for any additional information concerning the
project and the call, and please transfer the announcement to other
potential candidates.
Thanks a lot!
Best wishes,
Fabrizio Lillo
Fabrizio Lillo
Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Bologna
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
Personal website:
University website:
phone: +39 050509159