Ricevo ed inoltro.
Buona giornata, Lucia
> Inizio messaggio inoltrato:
> Da: Enrico Valdinoci <enrico.valdinoci(a)uwa.edu.au>
> Oggetto: Fw: Statistics positions
> Data: 23 gennaio 2024 alle ore 01:38:52 CET
> A: "caramell(a)mat.uniroma2.it" <caramell(a)mat.uniroma2.it>
> From: Michael Giudici <michael.giudici(a)uwa.edu.au <mailto:michael.giudici@uwa.edu.au>>
> Sent: Monday, January 22, 2024 4:21 PM
> To: Maths-Seminar - PMC <maths-seminar-pmc(a)uwa.edu.au <mailto:maths-seminar-pmc@uwa.edu.au>>
> Subject: Statistics positions
> Hi Everyone,
> We are currently advertising for two new lecturing positions in Statistics: one at level B and one a Level B/C.
> https://external.jobs.uwa.edu.au/en/job/516413/lecturer-senior-lecturer
> The closing date is 19th of February. Please forward the ad to anyone you know who may be interested.
> Best wishes,
> Michael
The class of Multivariate Bernoulli distributions with given identical margins
Roberto Fontana, Politecnico di Torino, Department of Mathematical Sciences
The main contributions of the work (joint with P. Semeraro, Politecnico di Torino) are algorithms to sample from multivariate Bernoulli distributions and to determine the distributions and bounds of a wide class of indices and measures of probability mass functions. Probability mass functions of exchangeable Bernoulli distributions are points in a convex polytope, and we provide an analytical expression for the extremal points of this polytope. The more general class of multivariate Bernoulli distributions with identical marginal Bernoulli distributions with parameter p is also a convex polytope. However, finding its extremal points is a more challenging task. Our novel theoretical contribution is to use an algebraic approach to find a set of analytically available generators. We also solve the problem of finding the lower bound in the convex order of multivariate Bernoulli distributions with given margins, but with unspecified dependence structure.
Multivariate Bernoulli Distributions; Convex polytopes
Il seminario avrà luogo il 24 gennaio alle 11 nella sala Pentagonale all'Area della Ricerca del CNR di via Alfonso Corti, 12, Milano.
Per seguire online, utilizzare il link pubblicato nella pagina web dell'IMATI:https://imati.cnr.it/detail_pages.php?language=ITA&view=GEN&voice_code=NEH&fcode=NEH&ref_idk=EV-256
Eventi & News<https://imati.cnr.it/detail_pages.php?language=ITA&view=GEN&voice_code=NEH&…>
Dr Antonio Pievatolo
Phone: +39 02 23699 520
Ricevo e volentieri inoltro.
Buona giornata, Lucia
> Inizio messaggio inoltrato:
> Da: "Guillaume Chapuy (FSMP)" <guillaume.chapuy(a)fsmp.fr>
> Data: 19 gennaio 2024 alle ore 11:16:23 CET
> A: Lucia Caramellino <caramell(a)mat.uniroma2.it>
> Dear colleagues,
> The FSMP together with its national and regional partners is pleased to announce the opening of the new doctoral program cofund MathPhDInFrance <https://mathphdinfrance.fr/>.
> This year, the program will offer 24 PhD fellowships co-directed by an Île-de-France laboratory and a laboratory in another region.
> Applications are made in two steps. The first step of the application procedure is open until February 14, 2024.
> Important eligibility condition: the candidate must not have spent more than one year in France between 14/02/2021 and 14/02/2024.
> Find the complete application procedure, the list of eligible laboratories and all useful information about the program on the website:
> https://mathphdinfrance.fr/
> Please feel free to pass on this information to your M2 teachers, curriculum managers and colleagues in France and abroad.
> Note that it is not necessary to have already a PhD project to apply to the first step (deadline: 14th February 2024).
> Eligible students who are potentially interested by a PhD in math are strongly recommended to apply!
> Best regards,

> --
> Guillaume Chapuy
> IRIF, CNRS et Université Paris Cité
> Directeur adjoint de la FSMP
> - merci d'utiliser mon adresse @fsmp.fr
> pour les sujets relatifs à la FSMP!
Dear all,
On January 24th, in the classroom Aula Arzelà, Department of Mathematics of the University of Bologna,
the following seminars will take place:
* 11:00-12:00: Salvatore FEDERICO
* 12:00-13:00: Gian Italo BISCHI
as part of the cycle Stochastics and Applications.
The abstracts are available at
For any question, please contact the organizers: Lorenzo Cerboni Baiardi and Stefano Pagliarani
Stefano Pagliarani, Associate Professor Piazza di Porta S. Donato, 5
University of Bologna (Alma Mater) 40126 Bologna (BO), Italy
Department of Mathematics Cell. Phone +39 366 5013755
Email: stepagliara1(a)gmail.com<mailto:stepagliara1@gmail.com>, <mailto:stefano.pagliarani9@unibo.it> stefano.pagliarani9(a)unibo.it<mailto:stefano.pagliarani9@unibo.it>
Zoom: https://unibo.zoom.us/j/3755841669
Con preghiera di massima diffusione,
E' disponibile una Borsa di Ricerca (12 mesi, rinnovabili) presso la
sede di Milano dell’Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie
Informatiche (IMATI) del CNR.
Il bando "IMATI-BR- 001-2023 MI", scadenza 15 febbraio 2024, è
disponibile al seguente link:
E' rivolto a giovani di età inferiore a 35 anni e in possesso di Laurea
Magistrale in Matematica, Scienze Statistiche, Informatica, Modellistica
matematico-fisica per l’ingegneria, Ingegneria Informatica, oppure Fisica.
L’attività di ricerca riguarderà lo sviluppo e la validazione di metodi
di apprendimento automatico bayesiano e di visualizzazione di dati per
la valutazione di rischi ambientali.
Tale attività verrà svolta nell’ambito del progetto PNRR “Centro
Nazionale di Ricerca in High Performance Computing, Big Data e Quantum
Computing” (CN HPC), Spoke 5: Environment & Natural Disasters.
La borsa di ricerca ha un importo lordo percipiente complessivo di
20.000 euro, presa di servizio prevista a marzo-aprile 2024.
Per maggiori informazioni potete contattarmi per email: elisa.varini(a)cnr.it
Cordiali saluti,
Elisa Varini
Dear all,
we are pleased to invite you to the following seminar, which can be
attended also via Zoom.
*Location:* Room n.24, 4th floor, Edificio CU002 (Scienze Statistiche)
*Zoom: *
*Time:* *Monday 22nd of January, at 14.30*
*Speaker: *Wolfgang Bock (Linnaeus University)
*Title:* Recent Results on the Generalized Grey Brownian Motion
Grey Brownian motion was introduced by Schneider in 1990. In his work
Schneider showed that indeed the process fulfills a Feynman-Kac like
formula for the solution of the fractional heat equation. In the 2000s the
process was generalized by Mainardi et al. In 2016 the group of Grothaus
established a White Noise like calculus for the process, also introducing
spaces of test and generalized functions.
In this talk, we will review this recent development and give an overview
of the analysis and the most recent results. In an outlook, we give a
strategy on how to introduce spaces of regular distributions to obtain a
form of regularity theory.
Best regards, L.
Luisa Beghin
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Fac. Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Informatica e Statistica
"SAPIENZA" Università di Roma
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma
T (+39) 06 49910543 F (+39) 06 4959241
Cari colleghi,
è stato pubblicato il bando per una posizione di Ricercatore in Tenure
Track nel settore *SECS-S/06* presso Il Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche
e Aziendali dell'Università degli Studi di Pavia. La persona che ricoprirà
tale ruolo usufruirà dei fondi di ricerca nell'ambito del programma
“Dipartimenti di Eccellenza” 2023-2027.
Il bando è consultabile al seguente link:
*Scadenza* presentazione domande: *31 gennaio 2024, ore 12.00*
Si prega di dare la massima diffusione presso tutti gli interessati.
Grazie per la collaborazione
Benedetta Ferrario
Three postdoc positions in Statistics are available at Bocconi University (Milan), funded by the ERC Starting Grant "Provable Scalability for high-dimensional Bayesian Learning" and supervised by myself (link). Details and links to apply available at https://sites.google.com/site/gzanellawebpage/postdoc-positions-available.
The deadline for application is 15/02/2024 and the planned starting date is 01/05/2024 or later. Initial contracts are for 1 year and are extendable for further years under mutual agreement.
Candidates will conduct research on computational aspects of statistical and machine learning methods, with a particular focus on Bayesian methodologies. The research activity, both in terms of specific topic and research approach, can adapt to the profile and interests of the successful candidates. Beyond working with the supervisor and coauthors on topics related to the grant project (see https://sites.google.com/site/gzanellawebpage/research), candidates will get the chance to interact with various faculty members, postdocs and PhD students of the Stats&ML group at Bocconi (see e.g. researchers at https://bayeslab.unibocconi.eu/people and https://dec.unibocconi.eu/people).
Interested candidates are welcome to write to me (giacomo.zanella at unibocconi.it) for more information about the positions.
Best regards,
Giacomo Zanella