The Department of Mathematics of the University of Bologna has opened a 3-year RTD-A (Assistant Professor) position in Mathematical Physics within the PNRR project SERICS - SEcurity and RIghts in the CyberSpace. Within the next three years the Mathematical Physics group plans to open a tenure-track position.
The opening and the application procedure can be found at:…
The deadline for application is sharp at 12:00 of 02/02/2024
We are looking for top early-career researchers in the fields of Statistical and Quantum Mechanics. These include but are not limited to areas of complex and disordered systems, spin glasses, classical and quantum neural networks and statistical inference, both from a theoretical perspective and by looking at applications, especially to complex networks.
The research activity of the successful candidate will be focused on reliability and risk management in complex systems. The candidate will deal with the introduction of mathematical physics models for complex cyber-physical interconnected systems. The first part of the research activity will be devoted to the introduction of (deterministic and/or stochastic) models describing the topology of the interconnections and their evolution in time, through the theory of complex networks. The second part of the research activity will be dedicated to the study of systemic risk from the point of view of statistical mechanics. The aim is the introduction of new risk measure linked to the emergent macroscopic properties, of efficient techniques for anomaly detection and of exogenous/endogenous strategies of risk mitigation that lead to systems that are more robust to external attacks and internal fluctuations.
The University of Bologna is the oldest University in continuous operation in the world and renowned to be one of the best in Italy. The city of Bologna offers a broad number of cultural activities and a high quality of life.
The Mathematical Physics Group is active in Statistical Mechanics and Applications (…) and Quantum Information Theory (
The Department has a wide spectrum of research interests in all the fields of mathematics:
and has close collaborations with the Departments of Physics, Computer Science, Engineering, Economics etc.
For further information you are welcome to contact
Prof. Pierluigi Contucci, pierluigi.contucci(a)<>
Prof. Giacomo De Palma, giacomo.depalma(a)<>
Prof. Gabriele Sicuro, gabriele.sicuro(a)<>
Prof. Daniele Tantari, daniele.tantari(a)<>
Dear all,
A call for two postdoctoral positions in Statistics is now open at the
of Economics, Social Studies, Applied Mathematics and Statistics (ESOMAS)
<> of the University of Torino
The titles of the projects are
1. “Bayesian Methods for Complex Systems”
Project mentor: Matteo Giordano <>
Code: ESOMAS.2023.16
2. “Bayesian Methods for Interpretable Random Structures”
Project mentor: Giovanni Rebaudo <>
Code: ESOMAS.2023.22
The call for applications is available at, the
deadline is 22/01/2024.
For additional information, do not hesitate to contact us at
matteo.giordano(a) and giovanni.rebaudo(a)
Best regards,
Matteo e Giovanni
Giovanni Rebaudo
Assistant Professor (RTDA)
Department of Economics, Social Studies, Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Dear all,
Luiss University is seeking candidates for a full-time position as
Assistant/Associate Professor in Mathematics Applied to Economics and
Finance. We invite all interested researchers to express their
interest as soon as possible, possibly by the end of January 2024. On
the basis of the results of the call we will decide which type of
Junior position to announce officially (if tenure track or associate).
Candidates should have a solid knowledge of advanced mathematical
tools and the clear attitude to apply such tools to some of the
following areas: economics, management, finance, insurance, decision
theory, game theory, and social sciences in general.
See the link:
Fausto Gozzi
Fausto Gozzi
Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza
LUISS - Guido Carli
Viale Romania, 32
00197 Roma
tel 06.85225723 (office)
FAX 06.86506513
e-mail: fgozzi(a)
Dear colleagues,
I want to advertise a call for a two-year (renewable one-year, 2+1) postdoc position at the University of Siena on:
“Time-varying parameters models of climate change, financial stability, and systemic risk”
The project is founded by PRIN 2022 PNRR n. P20229CJRS “Climate change, Uncentainty, and Financial Risk: Robust Approaches based on Time-Varying Parameters”. A synthetic description of the project topic can be found here, both in Italian and English:…
Gross salary: 35000 Euro per year
Deadline for applications: January, 15th 2024.
The call as well as instructions for application, can be found here:…
Do not hesitate to contact me for any info.
Best regards,
Piero Mazzarisi
Piero Mazzarisi
Department of Economics and Statistics
University of Siena
Personal website: <>