scusate il secondo messaggio.
Correggo l'affiliazione:
Ivailo Hartarsky e' Ricercatore CNRS presso l'Institut Camille Jordan,
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 123, first floor
la prossima settimana Ivailo Hartarsky (ENS, Lione) sarà ospite del
Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università La Sapienza. Lunedì 16 terrà un
seminario. Sotto trovate i dettagli.
When: Monday 16 December, 16:00.
Room: Sala di Consiglio, Department of Mathematics, Sapienza University of
Speaker: Ivailo Hartarsky (ENS, Lyon)
Title: Catalan percolation
Abstract: In Catalan percolation, one declares the edges {i,i+1}, for
integer i, *occupied* and each edge {i,j} with j> i+1 *open* independently
with probability p. For k> i+1, we recursively define {i,k} to be *occupied*,
if {i,k} is open and both {i,j} and {j,k} are occupied for some j in
{i+1,...,k-1}. The model was introduced by Gravner and Kolesnik in the
context of polluted bootstrap percolation, but is tightly linked with
Catalan structures and oriented percolation. We establish that the critical
parameter of the model is strictly between the natural lower and upper
bounds given by 1/4 and the critical probability of oriented site
percolation on Z^2 respectively. The most challenging part of the proof is
a strict inequality for the critical parameter of an oriented percolation
model with non-decaying infinite range dependencies, not relying on the
Aizenman--Grimmett argument for essential enhancements.
The talk is based on joint work with Eleanor Archer, Brett Kolesnik, Sam
Olesker-Taylor, Bruno Schapira and Daniel Valesin available at
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 123, first floor
Dear all,
On December 10th, in the classroom Aula E2, Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Bologna, the following seminar will take place:
15:00-16:00: Tiziano DE ANGELIS
as part of the cycle Stochastics and Applications.
The abstract is available at
For any question, please contact the organizer: Stefano Pagliarani (stefano.pagliarani9(a)unibo.it)
Stefano Pagliarani, Associate Professor Piazza di Porta S. Donato, 5
University of Bologna (Alma Mater) 40126 Bologna (BO), Italy
Department of Mathematics Cell. Phone +39 366 5013755
Email: stepagliara1(a)gmail.com<mailto:stepagliara1@gmail.com>, <mailto:stefano.pagliarani9@unibo.it> stefano.pagliarani9(a)unibo.it<mailto:stefano.pagliarani9@unibo.it>
Zoom: https://unibo.zoom.us/j/3755841669
Buongiorno a tutti,
Vorremmo segnalarvi che venerdì prossimo (13 Dicembre) in aula 2BC30 (Torre Archimede, Università di Padova) ci saranno due seminari per il ciclo di seminari in Probabilità e Finanza di:
1) Pablo López Rivera (Université Paris Cité)
<https://www.ljll.fr/lopezrivera/> https://www.ljll.fr/lopezrivera/
Title: Functional inequalities in the discrete setting and the Poisson-Föllmer Process
Date: December 13, 2024, at 14:30, room 2BC30
Abstract: Functional inequalities are a ubiquitous tool in probability, since they help us quantify the convergence to equilibrium of ergodic Markov processes and imply good concentration properties. In the continuous setting, the Gaussian measure is a central object, since it satisfies both a Poincaré and a log-Sobolev inequality. In particular, Caffarelli's contraction theorem states that the optimal transport map pushing forward the Gaussian towards a measure which is more log-concave than it is 1-Lipschitz, a fact that allows us to extend these inequalities to those measures. Can we prove an analogous result in the discrete setting if we replace the Gaussian by the Poisson distribution? The type of measures that can arise as a pushforward of a discrete distribution is very limited; in addition, the lack of a chain rule in the discrete setting hinders the argument used in the continuous setting. In the first part of the talk, I will show how these obstacles can be overcome via a stochastic proof based on an entropy-minimizing process constructed by Klartag and Lehec, which we call the Poisson-Föllmer process. In the second part of the talk I will also use this process to give a stability result for Wu's log-Sobolev inequality, the Poissonan analog of the Gaussian one..
2) Nicolas Agote (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Title: The potential method for community detection
Date: December 13, 2024, at 15:30, room 2BC30
Abstract: The Stochastic Block Model (SBM) is a random graph model where nodes are (randomly) partitioned into classes, or communities, which share a common label, and edges are (randomly) added between each pair of nodes depending on their community membership. It is a very popular model to study the community detection problem, where the aim is to predict the communities given a sample graph. In this talk we will explore the potential estimators, which exploit information obtained via random walks, specifically expected first visit times to some subset of revealed nodes, to predict the community structure. We will show that they allow for strongly consistent and efficient estimations, particularly for small subsets of nodes. This work has been done in collaboration with Inés Armendáriz (UBA), Pablo Ferrari (UBA), and Florencia Leonardi (USP).
Vi aspettiamo numerosi!
Alberto Chiarini e Alekos Cecchin
Sito web del seminario: https://www.math.unipd.it/~chiarini/seminars/
SEMINARS IN STATISTICS @ COLLEGIO CARLO ALBERTO <https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.carloalberto.org/events/category/s…>
Venerdì 13/12/2024, presso il Collegio Carlo Alberto, in Piazza Arbarello 8, Torino, si terrà il seguente doppio seminario:
Speaker: Sergio Pulido (ENSIIE)
Title: Polynomial Volterra processes
Abstract: Recent studies have extended the theory of affine processes to the stochastic Volterra equations framework. In this talk, I will describe how the theory of polynomial processes extends to the Volterra setting. In particular, I will explain the moment formula and an interesting stochastic invariance result in this context. Potential applications to fractional volatility models will be discussed. This is joint work with Eduardo Abi Jaber, Christa Cuchiero, Luca Pelizzari and Sara Svaluto-Ferro.
Speaker: Kolyan Ray
Title: Bayesian nonparametric inference in a McKean-Vlasov model
Abstract: We study nonparametric estimation of the interaction term in a McKean-Vlasov model where noisy observations are drawn from the nonlinear parabolic PDE arising in the mean-field limit as the number particles grows to infinity. In this model, the long-time invariant state can be uninformative about the interaction potential. We therefore show that under certain regularity conditions on the initial state, the short-time behaviour of this system contains sufficient information to consistently recover the interaction potential using Gaussian process priors. This involves establishing a stability-type estimate for this PDE to solve the resulting inverse problem.
Sarà possibile il seminario anche in streaming: chiunque volesse collegarsi è pregato di inviare una email entro *mercoledì 11/12/2024 * a matteo.giordano(a)unito.it <mailto:matteo.giordano@unito.it>
Il webinar è organizzato dalla "de Castro" Statistics Initiative (www.carloalberto.org/stats <http://www.carloalberto.org/stats>) in collaborazione con il Collegio Carlo Alberto.
Cordiali saluti,
A presto,
Matteo Giordano
Assistant Professor (RTDA)
Department of Economics, Social Studies, Applied Mathematics and Statistics (ESOMAS)
www.matteogiordano.weebly.com <https://matteogiordano.weebly.com/>
Dear all,
I am writing to you to announce a Summer School and a Workshop on
Stochastic Chemical Reaction Networks that will take place in Torgnon and
Turin next Summer. The two events are close in time, so to facilitate those
who want to take part in both.
Here are the relevant web pages with more useful information:
The registration is already open for both events and should be completed by
April 11.
Feel free to share this email and do not hesitate to contact me for further
segnalo, per conto di Johannes Zimmer (TU Munich), il seguente bando per un posizione postdoc in analisi stocastica / fluctuating hydrodynamics:
- Durata contratto: 2 anni, con possibilità d'estensione (data d’inizio flessibile, a partire da Febbraio 2025).
- Domande valuate a partire dal 20 Dicembre 2024.
- Contatto: Johannes Zimmer ( jz(a)tum.de ).
Ringrazio e saluto,
Dr Federico Cornalba
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Mathematics
University of Bath, UK
Dear friends and colleagues
We remind you that we are pleased to invite you to submit your contribution, or
simply to take part, to the 10th Workshop of Energy Finance Italia in the
historic city of Viterbo, February 10-12, 2025.
website: https://sites.google.com/unitus.it/efi10
email: efi10(a)unitus.it
This annual event brings together Italian and international scholars from
academia and industry, focused on energy markets, financial contracts, and
related topics. Whether your interests are in energy commodity time series,
market pricing, weather patterns, or asset optimization, this workshop
promises engaging discussions and collaborations. Our format ensures
valuable focused exchanges, with official discussion for each presentation
and no parallel sessions.
International participants are highly welcome and the official language is
We invite contributions in all areas of interest!
The Deadline for Abstract Submission is extended up to December 15, 2024.
You can submit your abstract here:
We look forward to seeing many of you in Viterbo!
Best regards
The Organizing Committee of EFI 10
To the probability community,
with great sorrow, I would like to let you know that Errico Presutti,
friend and mentor, of many of us, died last night.
If you would like to know a little more about him, you can look at the
special issue of
Ensaios Matemáticos that has been dedicated to him, vol. 38 at the link
Lorenzo Bertini
Dipartimento di Matematica
Universita' di Roma La Sapienza | Tel: +39 - 06 4991 4974
P.le A. Moro 5, 00185 Roma | E-mail: bertini(a)mat.uniroma1.it
Home page: http://www.mat.uniroma1.it/people/bertini/ama/
Dear all,
I would like to highlight various PhD positions in Mathematics at Imperial:
CDT in Statistics and Machine Learning (joint with Oxford). It is a 4-year PhD programme and there are around 15 positions, apply here: https://statml.io/
CDT in Mathematics for our Future Climate (joint with Reading and Southampton), also a 4-year PhD programme and there are around 15 positions, apply here: https://mfccdt.ac.uk/
Usual PhD positions in the department, apply here: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/mathematics/postgraduate/doctoral-programme/pros…
I have funding for one PhD position to fill this year (flexible starting date), please contact me: https://sites.google.com/site/riccardopasseggeri
I would also highlight that there is an open position for Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (equivalent to tenured assistant/associate professor) in the Mathematical Finance group: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/jobs/search-jobs/description/index.php?jobId=216…
For all these applications, I would suggest applying asap.
Best Regards,