Dear All,
this is to inform about a *3-year post-doctoral position* in my group at
the Center for Mathematical Economics of Bielefeld University (salary
level TVL-13, 100%).
The post-doctoral researcher will conduct research on stochastic games
(with N players or of mean-field type) wiith singular controls, as well
as on mean-field control problems.
*Deadline for applications: June 12, 2024.*
Further information can be found here:…
Please foward this message to any interested person.
Best wishes and thanks,
Giorgio Ferrari
Carissimi colleghi,
scusandomi per eventuali invii multipli, vi inoltro il seguente annuncio di
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Enea Bongiorno
- data e orario: 23 maggio 2024 ore 15.00
- aula 204, campus Perrone, via Perrone, 18, Novara. Università del
Piemonte Orientale.
- on-line:
Title: *Regression analysis with density functions in Bayes spaces*
*Ivana Pavlů*, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Regression analysis offers tools for explaining the relation between (a set
of) dependent and independent variables. Recent advances extend the
available response types from uni- or multivariate to functional, and more
recently also distributional responses. For functional distributions, often
represented through probability density functions, the Bayes space
framework was developed to respect the relative information they carry. The
Hilbert space structure of Bayes space enables one to utilize standard
methods of functional data analysis for the use on - properly transformed -
density functions. Focusing on regression analysis, it is possible to
construct adequate models with densities on the side of both the dependent
and independent variables.
In this seminar, a brief overview of regression models for univariate
densities will be presented. A closer attention will be given to the
possible generalization of additive regression model for bivariate
distributions. Finally, an outlook at the Bayesian inference in linear
regression with probability densities will be discussed. All proposed
methods will be demonstrated on real data from the fields of geochemistry
and demographics.
Locandina dell'evento
Seminari Matematici Statistici <>
Enea G. Bongiorno,
Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale - Amedeo Avogadro
Via Perrone 18, 28100, Novara, Italia
Phone: +390321375317
Math-Stat Seminars at UPO
Dear all,
you are all invited to participate to the following seminar.
Speaker : Domenico Marinucci (
Affiliation: Dipartimento di Matematica - Università Roma Tor Vergata
Title: Spectral complexity of deep neural networks
Date: Monday, May 29, 2024 at 11.30
Place: Aula 704 (7th floor) , Dipartimento di Matematica at University of Genova, Via Dodencaneso 35,
Abstract: It is well-known that randomly initialized, push-forward,
fully-connected neural networks weakly converge to isotropic Gaussian
processes, in the limit where the width of all layers goes to infinity.
In this paper, we propose to use the angular power spectrum of the
limiting fields to characterize the complexity of the network
architecture. In particular, we define sequences of random variables
associated with the angular power spectrum, and provide a full
characterization of the network complexity in terms of the asymptotic
distribution of these sequences as the depth diverges. On this basis, we
classify neural networks as low-disorder, sparse, or high-disorder; we
show how this classification highlights a number of distinct features
for standard activation functions, and in particular, sparsity
properties of ReLU networks. Our theoretical results are also validated
by numerical simulations.
Joint work with Simmaco Di Lillo, Michele Salvi e Stefano Vigogna
Best wishes,
Ernesto De Vito
DIMA - Dipartimento di Matematica
MaLGa - Machine Learning Genoa center
Via Dodecaneso 35
16146 Genova
e-mail: ernesto.devito(a)
tel: +390103536783
Cari tutti,
ho appena pubblicato il seguente bando per un assegno di ricerca di 15 mesi all’università di Bologna su un progetto in collaborazione con Fincantieri ( riguardante simulazioni numeriche di algoritmi quantistici per le equazioni di Navier-Stokes:
L’assegno prevede uno stipendio competitivo di circa 2000€ netti al mese. È richiesta solo la laurea magistrale, ma un’esperienza in simulazioni numeriche di algoritmi quantistici è preferibile. I candidati possono allegare alla domanda fino a due lettere di referenza. La presa di servizio è prevista per il 1° giugno, e la scadenza del bando è il 21 aprile.
Vi sarei grato se inoltraste l’avviso a potenziali interessati.
Un caro saluto,
On behalf of Prof Di Serio I am sharing the following announcement
The Statistical Network Science committee of the Bernoulli Society invites you to an online talk this week Thursday:
Thursday May 16
2-3 pm UK time
Title: Bayesian network structural learning from complex survey data
Statistical Network Science Seminar Series- Bernoulli Society
Speaker: Paola Vicard (Department of Economics, Università Roma Tre, Rome, Italy)
Abstract: The association structure of a Bayesian network can be known in advance by subject matter knowledge or have to be learned from a database. One of the most widely used procedures is the PC algorithm consisting in carrying out several independence tests on the available data set and in building a Bayesian network according to the tests results. In case of data driven learning, the PC algorithm is based on the irremissible assumption that data are independent and identically distributed. Unfortunately, official statistics data are generally collected through complex sampling designs, then the aforementioned assumption is not met. In such a context the PC algorithm fails in learning the structure. To avoid this, the sample selection must be taken into account in the structural learning process. A modified version of the PC algorithm is proposed for inferring causal structure from complex survey data. It is based on resampling techniques for finite populations. A simulation experiment showing the robustness with respect to departures from the assumptions and the good performance of the proposed algorithm is carried out.
(Joint work with Daniela Marella, Sapienza Università di Roma)
Zoom link…<>
Meeting ID: 998 2061 3967
Passcode: 850644
All welcome
Clelia Di Serio and Gesine Reinert
scusandomi per invii multipli...
---------- Forwarded message ---------
*Dipartimento di Matematica*
*Speaker*: *Aniello* *BUONOCORE *e *Luigia* *CAPUTO* (Dipartimento di
Matematica e Applicazioni, Università di Napoli Federico II)
*Titolo*: *Il tema "Dati e Previsioni" presente nelle Indicazioni Nazionali
e nelle Linee Guida è: un problema oppure una risorsa da valorizzare?*
*Data*: mercoledì 15 maggio 2024, ore 11:30
*Luogo*: Sala Riunioni, Edificio F2, piano 1, stanza 36, e su Teams, al
Per il tema "Dati e Previsioni" si propone l'impostazione didattica basata
sui problemi. In particolare, si propone di utilizzare, in maniera
appropriata e con la finalità di sollecitare le abilità comunicative ed
argomentative, alcuni problemi e paradossi della probabilità condizionata
che nel corso del tempo sono stati occasione di discussioni vivaci e
intriganti. I problemi selezionati e sperimentati nel corso degli ultimi
anni in classi della scuola secondaria, nei quali l'enfasi è posta
soprattutto sul significato dei simboli e delle formule, forniscono anche
un modo per stimolare gli obiettivi di "processo" (argomentare e
dimostrare, comunicare, rappresentare, collegare) spesso trascurati a
favore dei soli obiettivi di "contenuto". Una tale modalità operativa può
essere d'aiuto sia agli insegnanti per mitigare le difficoltà che loro
stessi soventemente riscontrano nella concettualizzazione (ovvero quella
discontinuità tra i processi cognitivi degli studenti e l'astrazione) e sia
agli stessi studenti per meglio orientarsi quando le circostanze della vita
quotidiana sicuramente lo richiederanno.
Gli interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare,
*Antonio Di Crescenzo*
*Barbara Martinucci*
*Alessandra Meoli*
*Serena Spina*
Cari Colleghi,
vi ricordiamo l’appuntamento per tavola rotonda su
"Iperautorialità e Riviste Predatorie"
L’evento è fissato per il 29 maggio alle ore 15:00 CET, presso l'Aula delle lauree della Facoltà di Economia.
Potrete seguire la discussione online tramite una piattaforma telematica:
Per la partecipazione in presenza, si prega di registrarsi entro e non oltre il 20/05/2024
Contiamo sulla vostra numerosa partecipazione.
Cordiali saluti,
Il Comitato Scientifico AMASES
Tavola Rotonda: Iperautorialità e Riviste Predatorie
Data e Luogo: 29 maggio 2024, ore 15.00, Aula delle lauree, Facoltà di Economia, via Castro Laurenziano 9, Roma.
Saluti Istituzionali:
Giovanni Di Bartolomeo, Preside Facoltà di Economia, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Andrea Consiglio, Presidente AMASES, Università di Palermo
Santo Fortunato, Indiana University
Giulia Iori, Università di Venezia "Cà Foscari"
Marco Malgarini, ANVUR
Angelo Pezzullo, Università Cattolica
Angela Santoni, Commissione Etica, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Francesco Sylos Labini, CREF
Moderatore: Marco Li Calzi, Università di Venezia "Cà Foscari"
Andrea Consiglio
Università di Palermo
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche.
Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 13
90128 Palermo, Italy
skype: conan_66<><>
Dear All,
I am happy to announce a new upcoming series of PhD courses organized by the Research Group on Quantitative Finance, Department of Business Studies – Roma Tre University.
Below are some details on the different topics covered, speakers, and dates:
* Introduction to Graph Theory and Applications
Andrea Scozzari - Full Professor of Mathematical Methods of Economics, Finance and Actuarial Sciences at University Niccolò Cusano, Department of Economics.
Date: Monday 20th May, h: 14:30 - 17:30; Wednesday 22nd May, h: 14:30 - 17:30; Friday 24th May, h: 14:30 - 17:30; Monday 27th May, h: 14:30 - 17:30.
* AI Algorithms
Valerio Giuseppe Sasso - Scholar in Operations Research at Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering Antonio Ruberti (DIAG).
Date: Wednesday 29th May, h: 14:30 - 17:30; Friday 31st May, h: 14:30 - 17:30; Monday 3rd June, h: 14:30 - 17:30; Wednesday 5th June, h: 14:30 - 17:30; Friday 7th June, h: 10:00 - 12:00/14:30 - 16:30.
* Stochastic Dynamic Optimization
Massimiliano Corradini, Researcher at Roma Tre University.
Date: Monday 10th June, h: 11:00 - 14:00; Friday 14th June, h: 11:00 - 14:00; Monday 17th June, h: 11:00 - 14:00; Thursday 20th June, h: 11:00 - 14:00.
The seminars can be attended either physically at the Computer lab (small room), ground floor (Department of Business Studies - Roma Tre University, Via Silvio D'Amico, 77, 00145 Rome, Italy) or online via teams.
For more information I refer to the following web page<>.
Best regards,
Francesco Cesarone
F Cesarone (2020), Computational Finance. MATLAB oriented modeling, Routledge-Giappichelli Studies in Business and Management, ISBN 978-0-367-49303-5<>
For more info:
Francesco Cesarone - Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Business Studies
Roma Tre University
Via Silvio D'Amico, 77
00145 - Roma, Italy
tel: +39 06 57335744
Skype: francesco.cesarone
email: francesco.cesarone(a)<>
Studio n. 20 piano V
Dear all,
the last OWABC<> seminar of Season 5 is quickly approaching.
We are glad to announce that our next speaker is Mark Beaumont (University of Bristol), who will talk about "Model misspecification in population genomic" on Thursday the 30th May at 9am UK time.
Abstract: In likelihood-free settings, problematic effects of model misspecification can manifest themselves during computation, leading to nonsensical answers, particularly causing convergence problems in sequential algorithms. This issue has been well studied in the last 10 years, leading to a number of methods for robust inference. In practical applications, likelihood-free methods tend to be applied to the output of complex simulations where there is a choice of summary statistics that can be computed. One approach to handling misspecification is to simply not use summary statistics computed from simulations of the model under the prior that cannot be matched with those observed in the data. This presentation gives a brief review of methods for observing and handling misspecification in ABC and SBI, and then discusses approaches that we have explored in a population genomic modelling framework.
The talk will be streamed on MS Teams, at the link…
Meeting ID: 349 104 341 838
Passcode: YxPUhR
We are looking forward to seeing you at the next OWABC Seminar,
Massimiliano on the behalf of the OWABC Seminar Organisers
Dr. Massimiliano Tamborrino
Associate Professor and Warwick International Higher Education Academy (WIHEA) Fellow
Department of Statistics
University of Warwick