The Department of Economics and Management (DISEI) at the University of Florence is hosting the Emerging Risks in Economics and Finance Workshop on September 12-13, 2024.
This workshop aims to unite young scholars whose research centers on the quantitative modeling and management of emerging risks, such as climate change, ESG factors, pandemics, war, and demographic shifts. Researchers from the fields of financial economics, econometrics, risk management, stochastic analysis, and probability will present their latest findings through 30-minute presentations on these topics.
We are glad to have Prof. Umberto Cherubini from Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, and Prof. Alex Weissensteiner from the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano as our keynote speakers.
The event will be held at the Department of Economics and Management, via delle Pandette, 9.
Attendance is free, but we kindly ask attendees to register before September 1st.
Further information, and the registration link, can be found at workshop website
Dear All,
I am pleased to share the announcement below, please feel free to pass it
on to anyone potentially interested. Students with a background in
probability may be interested in both the MERC and MPHS programmes.
Best wishes
The Call for Applications for the 4 year PhD Program in Modeling and
Engineering Risk and Complexity of the Scuola Superiore Meridionale (a
brand new School for Advanced Studies established in Naples by the Italian
Government in 2019) is now out and available at
We are looking for bright and ambitious students from any area of
Mathematics, Physics, Science and Engineering to join this exciting new
*5** fully funded 4-year scholarships are available this year*
*Each scholarship includes* a stipend of EUR 19,000 per year which is
increased by 50% when the student is spending time abroad.
Students are expected to spend at least *12 months abroad* during their PhD.
Each Scholarship also includes approx EUR 3,800 for research costs/travel
per year.
Students can choose their projects and supervisor from a vast range of
options during their first year. Examples of past and ongoing research
projects are available on the website of the MERC PhD program at…
Applicants must submit a brief scientific report (description of their MSc
thesis work, CV, personal statement and reference letters) following the
instructions provided at the website above *by* *no later than **20th
August 2024**.** Applications must be submitted using the online platform
as explained at the link below:*…
Successful candidates will be announced by the end of September 2024 with the
course officially starting on 1st November 2024.
For any further information, contact the PhD Coordinator, Prof Mario di
Bernardo, via e-mail at merc(a), or any of the PhD Board
members listed in the PhD website above.
Dear colleagues,
we would like to draw your attention to the German-Japanese Fall School
„Time Series, Random Fields and beyond“ which will take place at Ulm
University, September 23 - 27, 2024. It is organized jointly by the
Institute of Statistical Mathematics (Tokyo), University of Tokyo,
Tohoku University (Sendai) and Ulm University.
It targets graduate and PhD students as well as PostDocs who would like
to learn more about the state-of-the-art in random processes in space
and time as well as related topics. The focus of the school includes the
geometry of random fields and their excursions, multivariate extreme
value theory, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, hyperuniformity in random
geometric systems as well as spectral methods for space-time series.
The following international experts will give lectures in their fields:
1. Hermine Bierme (University of Tours, France)
2. Zakhar Kabluchko (University of Münster, Germany)
3. Kengo Katamani (Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan)
4. Michael Klatt (German Aerospace Center, Ulm, Germany)
5. Yasumasa Matsuda (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
6. Gennady Samorodnitsky (Cornell University, Ithaca, USA)
Best regards,
Satoshi Kuriki, Alexander Lindner, Yasumasa Matsuda, Teppei Ogihara,
Evgeny Spodarev, Robert Stelzer
Prof. Dr. Robert Stelzer
Institute of Mathematical Finance
Ulm University
Helmholtzstraße 18
89081 Ulm
Phone: +49 731 50 23520
Fax: +49 731 50 31096
Segnalo il seguente annuncio di Conferenza.
Dear Colleagues,
The departments DEMB@UniMoRE, dSEA@unipd, and DISEI@unifi are organizing
together an International Conference on “Modelling and Managing Energy
Risks” which will be held on 19-20 Sept 2024 in Modena.
The conference brings together academics and practitioners working in
energy markets. It is meant to be a forum to discuss energy risks and to
provide practical insights. It is addressed to a wider audience and is
designed for academics, researchers, practitioners, and business people.
We have experts from all around the world (Europe, Japan, USA), and a
full list of keynote and invited speakers is available at together with information
about the venue, (tentative) program, registration, and connected deadlines.
Please note that for organizational reasons, there is a limited number
of admitted attending auditors, hence the deadline for registration is
binding (12 July 2024). Feel free to forward this email to your
colleagues interested in the topic.
We hope that this can be of interest to you and, in that case, see you
in Modena.
The organizing committee:
- Angelica Gianfreda, Department of Economics and Management, University
of Padua
- Alessandro Giovanni Grasso, Department of Economics "Marco Biagi",
University of Modena & Reggio Emilia
- Carlo Alberto Magni, Department of Economics "Marco Biagi", University
of Modena & Reggio Emilia
- Giacomo Scandolo, Department of Economics, University of Firenze
Dear colleagues,
I would like to invite you to the Prague-Berlin workshop:
*Inference for SPDEs and related topics*
which will take place on 26-27 September 2024 in Prague.
The detailed program and abstracts are still to be announced, but you
can expect many interesting talks in the fields of probability,
stochastic partial differential equations, inference for stochastic
processes, stochastic modeling and simulations. In addition, you will
definitely enjoy the beauty of the great city of Prague.
Registration is open until 31 July 2024.
In case of any questions, please contact the organisers or me.
I hope you will find the workshop interesting and that I will see many
of you in Prague!
With kind regards,
Josef Janák
Segnalo che presso il Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Economia e l'Impresa
(DISEI) dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze è stato bandito un posto
RTD-B nel gruppo scientifico-disciplinare 13/STAT-04 (SSD SECS-S/06).
Link al bando:
Scadenza domande: 25 luglio 2024
Cordiali saluti
Giacomo Scandolo
Con preghiera di diffusione,
si avvisa che in data *08-07-2024*, alle ore *11:00* precise, presso la
sala Pentagonale dell'Area della Ricerca 1 del CNR di Milano in via
Corti 12,
il *Dr. Daya Shanker, Department of Earthquake Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology Roorkee, *terrà un seminario dal titolo
*Geological investigation of Natural Background Radiation Hazard in
Southern Tamil Nadu, India, and its effect on built environment*
Abstract: Exposure and quantification of radioactivity has become
environmental and civil problems around the world. The radioactivity
even in minor quantities will build up in human body and subsequently,
lead to unknown and erratic health complications particularly those
related to sustainable development, agricultural production, habitat,
ecosystem, and forest. A very high intrinsic anomalous radioactivity >26
microGy/h was identified in the hinterlands within the boulders of
syenite rock body around Puttetti in western part of Kanyakumari
district, southern Tamil Nadu, India. Further, in the hinterlands, the
weathered rocks around Inayam and Midalam localities were also found to
be more radioactive ranging from 4 to 22 microGy/h compared to the
radiation exposure from the adjoining beach sectors at various locations
from Chavara to Tuticorin (1–14 microGy/h). The observed radiation
levels are presumably the highest concentration in southern India and
conceivably it is foremost instant that a very high intrinsic radiogenic
source in the hinterlands is reported in southwest coast of India.
Public concerns of radiation exposure of safety in high background areas
are of great social and civil relevance. The construction materials used
for dwelling purposes from these areas should be avoided from health
hazard point of views. Significant radiation doses will certainly enter
the human body as most of the people have the habit of sitting and
sleeping on the floor. People living in the region are expected to
receive significant radiation, which may get accumulated in the human
body causing long-term health problem. It is also advisable if the area
falls having already natural background radiation hazard must be avoided
for the future nuclear power plants/reactors.
Gli interessati possono partecipare in presenza o da remoto, attraverso
il link sotto riportato:…
Elisa Varini