Dear all,
FINANCE, held at the Department of Mathematics "Tullio Levi-Civita" of
the University of Padova, on APRIL 19TH, 2024.
The Colloquium will bring together researchers in stochastic analysis
and mathematical finance. The workshop will start at 10am and end at
5pm. Attendance is free but registration is required (on the
conference website). Please note that, due to the small capacity of
the conference room, we will be able to host only a limited number of
- Eduardo ABI JABER (École Polytechnique, FR)
- Huy Ngoc CHAU (University of Manchester, UK)
- Giulia DI NUNNO (University of Oslo, NR)
- Roxana DUMITRESCU (King's College London, UK)
- David SKOVMAND (University of Copenhagen, DK)
- Luca TASCHINI (University of Edinburgh, UK)
We hope to see you in Padova! Best wishes,
Giorgia Callegaro and Claudio Fontana
Professor Yacine Ait-Sahalia will give the seminar
So Many Jumps, So Little News
At the Department of Economics of the University of Verona,
on Friday, March 14, 2025, at noon (12 pm)
Via Cantarane 24, Vaona Room, 1st floor
It will be possible also to attend on Zoom here
All the interested people are warmly invited to attend
This paper relates jumps in high frequency stock prices to firm-level, industry and macroeconomic news, in the form of machine-readable releases from Thomson Reuters News Analytics. We find that most relevant news, both idiosyncratic and systematic, lead quickly to price jumps, as market efficiency suggests they should. However, in the reverse direction, the vast majority of price jumps do not have identifiable public news that can explain them, in a departure from the ideal of a fair, orderly and efficient market. We show that jumps without news do not correlate with observable proxies for asymmetric or private information, and that microstructure-driven variables have only limited power to help predict the occurrence of jumps without news.
*PhD Positions in Mathematics – University of Bologna*
The call for applications for *six PhD positions* in Mathematics is now open…
*Deadline: April 3rd, 2025.*
Andrea Pascucciandrea.pascucci(a)
Dipartimento di Matematica
P.zza di Porta S. Donato, 5 40126 Bologna - Italy
Office Tel. +39-0512094428 Fax +39 0510821834
Skype: andrea.pascucci
L'inferno dei viventi non è qualcosa che sarà:
se ce n'è uno, è quello che è già qui, l'inferno che abitiamo tutti i giorni,
che formiamo stando insieme. Due modi ci sono per non soffrirne.
Il primo riesce facile a molti: accettare l'inferno e
diventarne parte fino al punto di non vederlo più.
Il secondo è rischioso ed esige attenzione e apprendimento continui:
cercare e saper riconoscere chi e cosa, in mezzo all'inferno, non è inferno,
e farlo durare, e dargli spazio.
Italo Calvino
Dear all,
The Department of Economics and Finance at Luiss University in Rome
<>*) is pleased to announce the following
*Speaker*: Brunero Liseo, Sapienza University of Rome
*Title*: A Multivariate Copula-Based Conformal Bayesian Framework for
Doping Detection
*When*: March 6th, 14:30
*Where*: Viale Romania, 32 00197 Rome
*Meeting room*: 405
*Abstract*: Doping control is an essential component of anti-doping
organizations for protecting sports competitions. Since 2009, this mission
has been complemented worldwide by the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP),
which monitors athletes’ profiles over time.
The practical implementation of the ABP is based on a Bayesian framework,
called ADAPTIVE, intended to identify individual reference ranges outside
of which an observation may indicate doping abuse.
Currently, this method follows a univariate approach, relying on
simultaneous analysis of different markers.
This work extends the ADAPTIVE method to a multivariate testing framework,
making use of copula models to couple the marginal distribution of
biomarkers with their dependence structure. After introducing the proposed
copula-based hierarchical model, we discuss our approach to inference,
grounded in a Bayesian spirit, and present an extension to multidimensional
predictive reference regions.
We guarantee exact coverage of the regions through the use of a conformal
prediction approach.
Focusing on the hematological module of the ABP, we evaluate the proposed
framework in both data-driven simulations and real data.
Based on joint work with Nina Deliu.
*Should you be interested, please kindly send me an e-mail.*
Best wishes,
Alessia Caponera
Gentili Colleghi,
mi è stato chiesto di inoltrare l’annuncio del 39TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON STATISTICAL MODELLING.
Ho appena accettato di tenere il corso di 1 giorno associato al workshop, in sostituzione del corso precedentemente pianificato, che è stato cancellato per via di un problema del docente.
Un caro saluto,
Laura Sangalli
Hi all,
We have some exciting announcements in relation to IWSM 2025, to be held in Limerick, 13th - 18th July (
The submission portal for poster submissions is now open, with a deadline of Friday 28th March, 2025.
We are delighted to announce that Laura Sangalli will deliver the Short Course (Sunday July 13th) on the very interesting topic of "Physics-Informed Statistical Learning".
Finally, registration is now open! Note that the Early Bird closes on Friday 25th April, 2025.
More information and relevant links can be found below.
Our call for papers as poster presentations is now open!
We are seeking novel and original contributions to the wider field of Statistical Modelling. Papers providing advances in the development of statistical models that are well motivated by a contemporary data scenario or application problem are particularly welcome. This includes contributions to estimation, inference, and computation for such modelling problems. Papers focusing on applications with important substantive implications as well as methodological issues are welcome, including new developments in Data Science and Machine Learning. Submissions by students and young researchers are particularly encouraged.
Poster presentation submission deadline: Friday 28th March, 2025.
Invited speakers / short course
We have an excellent lineup of top-class invited speakers covering a range of diverse topics in statistical modelling. Speakers and provisional talk titles provided below.
Brendan Murphy | University College Dublin, Ireland
Unsupervised record linkage
Ruth King | University of Edinburgh, UK
Heterogeneous ecological modelling
Sonja Greven | Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Additive density-on-scalar regression
Daniele Durante | Bocconi University, Italy
Bayesian criminal network modelling
Cynthia Rudin | Duke University, USA
Simpler machine learning models
Laura Sangalli | Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Physics-informed statistical learning
More information can be found here:
Registration is now open! You can register here:
Note that Early Bird registration closes on 25th April 2025.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Limerick this July!
Best wishes
Kevin Burke on behalf of IWSM 2025 Organising Committee
Laura Maria Sangalli
MOX - Dipartimento di Matematica
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133 Milano - Italy
(+39) 02 2399 4554
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to remind you that the Summer School PREDICT-PRobabilistic
mEthoDs In Complex geometry, will take place at Como Lake, from June 16 to
June 20, 2025.
There are a few spots left, so we decided to postpone the application
deadline to *March 9, 2025*. At this page you can find all
the information about registration.
The aim of this school is to explore how probabilistic techniques can be
applied to central problems in complex geometry, with a special focus on
the construction of Kähler-Einstein metrics—a topic of significant interest
in both geometry and physics. The school includes foundational mini-courses
as well as advanced courses on recent research results. Due to the novelty
of the topic, the school is designed for Master and Ph.D. students, and of
course also for more established researchers. Please see the following page for the detailed
For questions, please contact us at predictcomo2025(a)
We look forward to welcoming you in Como!
Warm regards,
The organisers
Luisa Andreis, Daniele Angella, Luca Avena, Giovanni Bazzoni, Gianmarco Bet
e Michela Zedda
Cari tutti
per il ciclo *"Seminari Generali IAC 2025"*
*martedì 4 marzo 2025 *alle ore *14:30*
Irène Gijbels, Department of Mathematics, University of Leuven (KU Leuven),
Belgium, terrà il seminario:
*Measures of asymmetry for multivariate distributions*
*Abstract* - In univariate settings the notion of measuring skewness of a
distribution is well established. Extending this to measuring skewness (or
asymmetry) in a multivariate setting is less obvious. In this talk we start
by briefly reviewing some notions of asymmetry measures. We next propose a
novel functional asymmetry measure (index) which is based on the natural
idea of reflective symmetry around the mode. The proposed index is extended
to the multivariate setting and a summarizing scalar (or vector based index
in multivariate settings) is derived from it. Some illustrative examples
are provided, and estimation of the proposed asymmetry index is discussed
in parametric and nonparametric (multivariate) settings.
Il seminario si svolgerà presso la sede *CNR-IAC di Napoli*, *sala
conferenze “Vaccaro”*, in modalità mista: in presenza e in streaming
al link *
Si ricorda che i seminari del ciclo si terranno di *martedì alle 14:30*, *a
settimane alterne*, *salvo eccezioni* a partire da martedì 14 gennaio 2025.
*Qui la pagina web dei seminari*:
(organizzatori: Nicola Apollonio, Roberta Bianchini, Claudia Capone,
Giuliana Ramella)
Daniela De Canditiis, PhD
Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "M.Picone" (CNR)
via dei Taurini, 19 -- 00185 Roma, Italy
tel: +39 06 49937342
fax: +39 06 4404306
Dear Colleagues,
The *Italian Econometric Association* (SIdE-IEA,,
in collaboration with the *Venice Centre in Economic and Risk Analytics for
Public Policies* (VERA, at the Department of
Economics, organizes the course for PhD students in:
Network Econometrics, 30 June - 4 July, 2025, Università Ca' Foscari
The Summer School aims to provide participants with models and tools from
graph theory to analyse various effects of social, economic, and political
interaction. The school will host leading scholars developing relevant
network modelling and inference research and their applications to various
*Participation*: Online or in presence
*Application Deadline*: 4th May
*Coordinator*Roberto Casarin, Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Emanuele Aliverti, University of Padova
Monica Billio, Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Matteo Iacopini, LUISS University
Mariangela Guidolin, University of Padova
Luca Rossini, University of Milan
Veronica Vinciotti , University of Trento
Intermediate knowledge of statistical inference and econometrics
Best Regards
Roberto Casarin
Roberto Casarin, PhD
Professor of Econometrics
Ca' Foscari University of Venice
San Giobbe 873/b - 30121 Venezia, Italy <>
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that registration for the XXVI Workshop on Quantitative Finance is now open.
There is no registration fee to attend the workshop, but registration is mandatory.
You can complete your registration at the following link: Register Here<>
We look forward to your participation!
Best regards,
Andrea Consiglio
Workshop Organizing Committee
QFW 2025
Andrea Consiglio
Università di Palermo
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche.
Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 13
90128 Palermo, Italy
skype: conan_66<><>
Dear Colleagues,
This is a reminder that the deadline for the early-bird registration to the
12th General AMaMeF Conference in Verona is February 28th.
Here the link to the registration page:
Homepage of the event:
Best Regards,
Athena Picarelli
*Athena Picarelli*
Coordinator of the PhD program in Economics and Finance
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche
Università di Verona
Polo Santa Marta, Verona.