Dear all,
apologies for cross-posting.
Quick note on an upcoming PhD course course on multiple changepoint
analysis that will take place next week @Sapienza-DIAG (Rome, Via Ariosto
Here's the details:
1. 24 Feb: 10:00-12:00 | Aula B203 @ DIAG
24 Feb: 13:45-17:00 | Aula B101 @ DIAG
2. 25 Feb: 9:30-12:00 | Aula B203 @ DIAG
25 Feb: 13:45-17:00 | Aula B203 @ DIAG
3. 26 Feb: 9:30-12:00 | Aula B203 @ DIAG
26 Feb: 13:45-17:00 | Aula B203 @ DIAG
4. 27 Feb: 9:30-11:30 | Aula B203 @ DIAG
*Zoom links*:
- AM:
- PM:
In recent years, there has been a proliferation of methods for detecting
changepoints (also known as breakpoints or structural breaks) in data
streams. This surge has been driven by the wide range of applications where
changepoint methods are needed, including genomics, neuroscience, climate
science, finance, and econometrics, among others. This course serves as an
introduction to multiple changepoint detection methods.
This course will first address the simpler task of detecting a single
changepoint in the mean of a univariate data stream. This is crucial for
understanding several state-of-the-art approaches designed for detecting
multiple changepoints. Subsequently, we will delve into the fundamentals of
two classical approaches for multiple changepoint detection: (1) binary
segmentation and (2) dynamic programming. We will review their statistical
and computational properties and explain some of their recent improvements.
We will illustrate the application of these approaches to genomic datasets
using the Python/R programming language.
*Additional teacher*
Arnaud Liehrmann
*Short-bio *
Guillem Rigaill is a senior researcher (aka DR) at INRAE in France. He is a
member of the GNet Team at the Institute of Plant Sciences Paris-Saclay and
the Stat & Genome team at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Modélisation
d'Évry. He received his PhD from AgroParisTech in 2010 for the development
of algorithms and statistical methods for the analysis of breast cancer
His research interests focus on developing efficient algorithms and
appropriate statistical methodologies for analyzing high-dimensional
genomic and transcriptomic data. He has been developing new models for
changepoint detection and proposed inference procedures for these models
that are both statistically and algorithmically efficient. He has applied
those new tools in many interdisciplinary projects involving cancer and
plant biologists, bioinformaticians, and statisticians.
Data Science PhD Program
Dear colleagues,
we are pleased to announce the upcoming Workshop "Mean Field Games, Mean Field Control and Applications to Economics and Finance" which will take place in Pavia from April 9th to April 11th.
The aim of the workshop is to gather experts and young researchers in different fields related to Mean Field Games and Mean Field Control: we would like to provide an environment to share and discuss about analytical and probabilistic approaches, numerical advances, and applications in economics and finance.
The link to the Conference website is:
The website contains information about the invited speakers, program, venue and registration form and fee. We underline that registration and payment of the fee is mandatory for participants who are not invited speakers.
Looking forward to meet you to Pavia!
The Organizing Committee
Marta Leocata, Daria Ghilli, Giulia Livieri, Daniela Tonon
Dear colleagues,
There is an opening for an assistant professorship in Probability at University College Dublin. See below for details.
Elia Bisi
Assistant Professor (RTT)
University of Florence
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
Personal homepage
Florence Probability group
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Neil O'Connell <neil.oconnell(a)>
Date: 20 Feb 2025 at 18:25 +0100
Subject: Assistant Professor in Mathematics (Probability), University College Dublin
> Dear colleagues,
> [Apologies for cross-posting]
> The School of Mathematics and Statistics at University College Dublin has just advertised a permanent position in Probability, with closing date March 25. For more details, see
> Please forward this to anyone who you think might be interested.
> Best wishes,
> Neil
Dear Colleagues,
This is the final reminder that the extended submission deadline for the XXVI Workshop on Quantitative Finance (QFW 2025) is fast approaching. Please submit your paper or extended abstract (minimum four pages) by February 28, 2025, via email to qfw2025(a)
For submission guidelines and further details, please visit the QFW 2025 website<>.
We look forward to your contributions!
Best regards,
Andrea Consiglio
Workshop Organizing Committee
QFW 2025
Andrea Consiglio
Università di Palermo
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche.
Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 13
90128 Palermo, Italy
skype: conan_66<><>
segnalo che al sito web dell'UMI (
sono disponibili diversi bandi di premi, tra cui il
Bando Premio Bruno de Finetti 2025 – Profilo A (Edizione Straordinaria)
13 aprile 2025).
Il premio è destinato a studiose e studiosi di Calcolo delle Probabilità e
delle sue applicazioni aventi cittadinanza italiana e nati a partire dal 1
gennaio 1985.
Il limite anagrafico si intende aumentato di un anno sia per ogni figlio
avuto (o per ogni congedo parentale di cui si è usufruito) sia per ogni
congedo superiore a 6 mesi dovuto a motivi di salute.
Grazie per l'attenzione
Antonio Di Crescenzo
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università degli Studi di Salerno
Via Giovanni Paolo II, n. 132
84084 Fisciano (SA)
Tel. +39-089-963349
E-mail(1): adicrescenzo(a)
E-mail(2): adicresc(a)
Skype: antoniodicrescenzo
Dear all,
On February 19th, in the classroom Aula Vitali, Department of Mathematics of the University of Bologna, the following seminar will take place:
11:00-12:00: Claudia CECI
as part of the cycle Stochastics and Applications.
The abstract is available at <>
For any question, please contact the organizers: Elena Bandini (elena.bandini7(a) <>), Antonello Pesce (antonello.pesce2(a)
Seminari on-line del gruppo UMI - PRISMA (
I seminari PRISMA hanno un formato di "colloquium" per creare un'occasione di scambio e discussione con tutta la comunità dei probabilisti e statistici italiani. Ogni giornata comprende due relatori che tengono due seminari di 30 minuti strettamente connessi, per presentare alla comunità una prospettiva sul proprio ambito di ricerca. Da quest'anno le registrazioni dei seminari vengono pubblicate sul canale YouTube dell'UMI:
Il prossimo appuntamento è per lunedì 3 marzo 2025. I relatori saranno Giuseppe Cannizzaro (University of Warwick) e Fabio Toninelli (Technical University of Vienna) che parleranno di:
Teorema del Limite Centrale superdiffusivo per l'equazione di Burgers stocastica alla dimensione critica.
con il seguente orario:
16:30 Primo seminario
17:00 Pausa e discussione
17:15 Secondo seminario
17:45 Conclusione e discussione
Trovate di seguito il riassunto. I seminari verranno trasmessi via Zoom al seguente link:
Meeting ID: 811 7543 4050
Passcode: 871716
Vi aspettiamo numerosi!
Alberto Chiarini e Sonia Mazzucchi
RELATORI: Giuseppe Cannizzaro (University of Warwick) e Fabio Toninelli (Technical University of Vienna)
TITOLO: Teorema del Limite Centrale superdiffusivo per l'equazione di Burgers stocastica alla dimensione critica
RIASSUNTO: L'equazione di Burgers Stocastica (EBS) è stata introdotta da van Beijren, Kutner and Spohn per modellizzare sistemi diffusivi asimmetrici con una singola quantità conservata (e.g. il modello di esclusione semplice asimmetrico). Nella dimensione sub-critica d=1, EBS coincide con la derivata dell'equazione KPZ il cui comportamento a grandi scale è superdiffusivo con crescita polinomiale e le cui fluttuazioni coincidono con il KPZ Fixed Point, mentre nelle dimensioni super-critiche d>2, è diffusivo e converge a un'equazione del calore stocastica anisotropica. Alla dimensione critica, è stato congetturato che la EBS sia superdiffusiva con crescita logaritmica con un esponente preciso ma ciò è stato mostrato solo modulo correzioni di ordine inferiore. Il presente seminario è basato su un lavoro assieme a Quentin Moulard, in cui indentifichiamo la superdiffusività e deriviamo le asintotiche della matrice di diffusione in modo esatto. Inoltre, dimostriamo che nel limite di scala corretto, ovvero che tiene presente della crescita logaritmiche alla diffusività, la soluzione di EBS soddisfa un teorema del limite centrale. Il nostro è il primo limite di scala superdiffusivo per un'equazione alle derivate parziali stocastica critica, al di là dell'ambito di applicabilità della teoria delle strutture di regolarità di Hairer.
Dear Colleagues,
I am forwarding a petition started by the LMS to save the School of Maths
at the University of Cardiff. Please consider signing it if you may.
Best wishes
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Amanda Turner <0001038771d4c3ec-dmarc-request(a)>
Date: lun 17 feb 2025 alle ore 19:24
Subject: Fw: Urgent support for colleagues at Cardiff University
Dear all,
You may have heard that the Cardiff University is threatening a significant
number of compulsory redundancies within its School of Mathematics. If you
would like to show support for mathematicians at Cardiff please consider
signing the open letter below and forwarding it to others.
[please sign this petition and forward on to your professional network]
*Urgent support for colleagues at Cardiff University*
Dear Colleague,
I am writing to you in my role as President of the London Mathematical
Society and Chair of the Campaign for the Mathematical Sciences.
Cardiff University is threatening up to half of its staff in pure and
applied mathematics with compulsory redundancy, despite the department
returning a significant surplus to the university.
As part of our campaign to avert these redundancies, we are now launching
an open letter which can be viewed here:
* <>*
If you are supportive and would like to sign, please fill in this form:
* <>*
Your name should then automatically appear on the letter (refresh the form).
Feel free to forward this message to your professional network.
With many thanks for your support.
Best wishes,
*Professor Jens Marklof FRS*
Henry Overton Wills Chair, University of Bristol
President, London Mathematical Society
Chair, Campaign for the Mathematical Sciences
To unsubscribe from the APPLIEDPROB list, click the following link:
*School on Robust Statistics: Theory and Computation*
*Date:* 15-17 May 2025
*Location:* Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra
(Varese), Italy
The *School on Robust Statistics*
<> is an *educational
event* tailored for students, early-career researchers, and professionals.
It precedes the International Conference on Robust Statistics (ICORS 2025)
<> and offers a unique
opportunity to learn from leading experts in robust statistics.
The school will cover a broad range of topics central to robust statistics,
starting with foundational principles and concepts that underpin
robustness, such as breakdown points, influence functions, and the
asymptotic properties of robust estimation techniques. These foundational
elements are crucial for understanding why robust methods are indispensable
in real data analysis, particularly in scenarios where standard approaches
Whether you are a student just beginning your journey into robust
statistics or an experienced researcher looking to stay at the forefront of
the field, this school provides an opportunity to learn, connect, and grow
in an intellectually stimulating environment.
*Lectures will be delivered in English.*
The school has an excellent lineup of top-class lecturers covering a range
of diverse topics in Robust Statistics:
- Rik Lopuhaä (TU Delft, Netherlands)
- Abhik Ghosh (Indian Statistical Institute, India)
- Peter Rousseeuw (KU Leuven, Belgium)
- Marco Riani (University of Parma, Italy)
- Valentin Todorov (UNIDO, Austria)
- *Opening Date:* 15 January 2025
- *Fee:* Free of charge
- *Link to Register:*
For further details, please visit:
We look forward to welcoming you to *Ispra!*
Best regards,
The ICORS 2025 Organizing Committee
- Claudio Agostinelli (University of Trento)
- Francesca Greselin (University of Milano Bicocca)
- Domenico Perrotta (Joint Research Center)
- Marco Riani (University of Parma)
Francesca Greselin <>,
Associate Professor
University of Milano-Bicocca
Scopus <> - Wos
<> - ArXiv
- Personal page <> -
<> - Google
Scholar <>