Si comunica che in data *23 giugno 2015 alle ore 14.30* presso il
*Dipartimento di Matematica del Politecnico di Milano*
(Aula Saleri, 6° piano ed. Nave, via Bonardi 9)
il prof. Juan Romo, dell'università Carlos III di Madrid, terrà un
seminario dal titolo
_"_Detecting functional outliers: the outliergram_"
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Francesca Ieva
Francesca Ieva
Department of Mathematics
Università degli Studi di Milano,
via Saldini 50, 20133 …
[View More]Milano
mail to: francesca.ieva(a)
Per destinare il 5x1000 all'Universita' degli Studi di Milano: indicare nella dichiarazione dei redditi il codice fiscale 80012650158.…
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comunico che con* Decreto IMT n.01978(47).VII.1 del 12 giugno 2015* è stata
avviata la procedura di scouting finalizzata alla individuazione del
Direttore dell'Istituto IMT Alti Studi Lucca
* <>* .
L'avviso di scouting insieme alla designazione del Comitato di selezione è
disponibile all'indirizzo web *
<>* .
La scadenza per la presentazione delle manifestazioni di …
[View More]interesse è
fissata al *31 luglio prossimo*.
Un cordiale saluto,
Irene Crimaldi
IMT Institute for Advanced Studies
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On June 19th 2015, 11.30h at Dipartimento di Statistica e Metodi
Sala del Consiglio (edificio U7, 4° piano, 4064) Via Bicocca degli
Arcimboldi, 8 – 20126 Milano
Agustín Mayo-Iscar - Universidad de Valladolid and IMUVA will give a talk on
“Robust model-based clustering and mixture modeling by using trimming and
The use of trimming procedures is common in many statistical settings to
robustness against outlying observations. Notably, to obtain …
[View More]robustness in
clustering and mixture modeling, the only adoption of trimming is not
enough. Constraints
on the scatters, corresponding to the clusters or to the mixture
components, are needed
too. The talk presents robust methodology based on the joint application of
trimming and
feasible restrictions for different clusters and mixture models settings.
As it is typical in all
proposals designed for this aim, some input parameter needs to chosen, to
set the
trimming level and the scatter constraints. Data driven tools for helping
the user in
choosing such values will be also presented.
for more info:
e-mail: francesca.greselin(a)
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Prof. Elliott Lieb
Princeton University (with Mathieu Lewin, C.N.R.S.)
Titolo: Indirect Coulomb Energy with Gradient Correction
Martedi' 16 Giugno 2015 ORE 14:30
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica
Universita' degli Studi Roma Tre
Aula F, primo piano, edificio Aule Largo San Leonardo Murialdo,1
We prove a Lieb-Oxford-type inequality on the indirect part
of the Coulomb energy (also known as the exchange-correlation energy)
of a general many-particle quantum state, with a …
[View More]lower constant than
the original statement but involving an additional gradient
The result is similar to an inequality of Benguria, Bley and Loss,
except that our correction term is purely local, which is more usual
for density functional theory. No previous knowledge of the subject
will be assumed; a short tutorial on the subject and its importance to
quantum chemistry will be presented.
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Begin forwarded message:
> Resent-From: gustavo.posta(a)
> From: Mihyun Kang <kang(a)>
> Date: 15 giugno 2015 12.36.25 GMT+02.00
> To: world(a)
> Subject: [World] TU Graz: One 3-Year Postdoctoral Position in Analytic Combinatorics
> Reply-To: kang(a)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> TU Graz: One 3-Year Postdoctoral Position in Analytic …
[View More]Combinatorics
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> We are seeking outstanding candidates with expertise and proficiency in
> analytic combinatorics (e.g. singularity analysis, saddle-point methods,
> generating functions, cycle index sums).
> The successful candidate will be employed as a postdoctoral researcher
> for three years within the Research Project on "Asymptotic Properties
> of Graphs on a Surface" (funded by Austrian Science Fund FWF) as a
> member of the Combinatorics Group at the Institute of Optimisation and
> Discrete Mathematics at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz),
> Austria, The current group members include
> -- Mihyun Kang (full professor)
> -- Oliver Cooley (assistant professor)
> -- Philipp Spruessel (assistant professor)
> -- Christoph Koch (Ph.D. student)
> -- Michael Mosshammer (Ph.D. student).
> This is a research position and does not carry any teaching
> responsibilities. There is however a possibility to teach if one wishes
> to do so and optional teaching is compensated separately. The preferred
> starting date is 1 November 2015, but negotiable.
> The basic salary is specified in the FWF standard personnel costs and
> salaries
> There are extra salary payments, the so-called 13th- and 14th-month
> salaries which are favourably taxed.
> Condition of employment:
> - Qualified candidates must hold a PhD degree in mathematics or
> theoretical computer science before the time of appointment
> Application documents:
> - Cover letter of application
> - Curriculum vitae including the list of publications
> - A short statement of research interests
> - A list of full contact information of two references who can submit
> letters of recommendation
> All application documents should be electronically submitted in a
> single PDF file by 20 June 2015 to Ms Sandra Wissler,
> sandra.wissler(a)
> For further details, please contact
> Mihyun Kang or Philipp Sprüssel
> Graz University of Technology
> Institute of Optimization and Discrete Mathematics (Math B)
> Steyrergasse 30
> 8010 Graz, Austria
> Email: kang(a)
> spruessel(a)
> _______________________________________________
> World mailing list
> World(a)
CODICE FISCALE *80209930587*
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Con preghiera di diffusione tra tutti i possibili interessati, scusandomi per invii multipli. Attenzione all'orario cambiato.
Giacomo Aletti
Nell'ambito dei Reading Group Seminars e del Seminario di Matematica Applicata, in collaborazione col centro ADAMSS e il CIMAB, il giorno lunedì 22 Giugno 2015, alle ore 11.30, nell'Aula C del Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Via C. Saldini, 50, Milano,
"Computing with a Periodic Table …
[View More]of Hippocampal Neurons"
Giorgio Ascoli
Director, Center for Neural Informatics, Structure, and Plasticity
Molecular Neuroscience Dept.
Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study
George Mason University, Fairfax
Per chi volesse seguire il seminario in remoto ricordo inoltre che sarà possibile avendo segnalato il proprio interessamento entro le 12 del giorno del seminario.
Reading Group Seminars: The Reading Group Seminars (RGS) are organized within an open community of researchers interested in applying up to date mathematical modeling and data analysis approaches to the study of biological systems. The RGS take place at the Math. Department in Milan (via Saldini). Initiatives and updates are published on the website:
Giacomo Aletti, Associate Professor
Advanced Applied Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Department of Mathematics (
Via Saldini, 50
20133 Milano, Italy
Tel: +39-02-503.16158
Per destinare il 5x1000 all'Universita' degli Studi di Milano: indicare nella dichiarazione dei redditi il codice fiscale 80012650158.…
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A v v i s o d i S e m i n a r i o
Martedì 16 Giugno, ore 11
Stanza 34
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
"Sapienza" Università di Roma
Prof. Z. Tomovski
(University of Skopje)
*Complete monotonicity of the Mittag-Leffler functions and Opial type
[View More]inequalities for fractional differential and integral operators involving
Mittag-Leffler functions *
Completely monotonic functions have applications in different areas of
mathematics, for instance, in potential theory, probability theory,
numerical and asymptotic analysis and combinatorics, modeling by anomalous
diffusion, etc. In this talk we'll present some recent new results on
complete monotonicity of three parameter Mittag-Leffler functions, defined
by Prabhakar. In 1960, Opial established an integral inequality, which is a
fundamental result in the theory of differential or difference equations
and other areas of mathematics. Opial-type integral inequalities were
considered for different kinds of fractional derivatives and fractional
integral operators for example Riemann-Liouville, Caputo, Canavati, etc.
We'll presents a class of very general weighted Opial type integral
inequalities using integral and differential operators with kernels in
fractional calculus involving generalized Mittag-Leffler functions. Namely,
ineteresting Opial type inequalities will be given for Hilfer, Prabhakar,
Hilfer-Prabhakar, Caputo-Prabhakar and other differential and integral
operators in fractional calculus.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Alessandro De Gregorio
CODICE FISCALE *80209930587*
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Dear all,
We would like to invite you to attend the Young European Queueing
Theorists workshop (YEQT) in Eindhoven. This year's workshop (YEQT IX)
will take place November 11-13, 2015. This year's topic is about
"Scaling limits of queueing networks".
The YEQT workshops are organized annually at the EURANDOM research
institute in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. The workshop will include
presentations from young researchers (recently appointed lecturers or
assistant professors, post-docs and senior …
[View More]PhD students), keynote talks
from Alexandre Proutiere (KTH-Royal institute of technology, Sweden),
Kavita Ramanan (Brown University, USA), and Philippe Robert (INRIA,
France), and tutorials by Marty Reiman (Bell Labs, USA) and Thomas Kurtz
(University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA).
For more information, please visit:
This webpage will be updated regularly as we gather more information
on the talks and program, or don't hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to welcoming you in Eindhoven!
Best regards,
on behalf of the organizers of YEQT 2015: Fabio Cecchi, Rouba Ibrahim
and Florian Simatos.
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Ciclo di Seminari - Progetto ERC grant PASCAL
Mercoledi` 17 giugno ore 15:30
Aula Dal Passo
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Michel Ledoux
Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier
Title: How does the heat equation explore geometric and functional
Abstract: Heat flow monotonicity is a powerful tool towards families of
inequalities, from the classical Hölder inequality and its …
[View More]multilinear
extensions to entropic and isoperimetric inequalities. The talk will
feature some
of these examples, as well as recent developments on noise stability in
analysis and their application to the "Majority is Stablest" theorem.
Al termine del colloquium è previsto un rinfresco nell'atrio vicino l'aula
Dal Passo.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
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Begin forwarded message:
> From: Frederique Bassino <Frederique.Bassino(a)>
> Date: 10 giugno 2015 13.10.10 GMT+02.00
> Subject: [World] Postdoc position in Combinatorics - LIPN/LAGA Universite Paris 13
> To alea-network - webite :
> Postdoc position in Combinatorics
> LIPN/LAGA Universite Paris 13, France
> A one-year postdoc position in combinatorics at the University …
[View More]Paris 13
> is available. The position is within the framework of a project,
> which is funded by the IDEX Sorbonne Paris Cité, and deals with recent
> topics in enumerative and algebraic combinatorics and its interactions
> with probability as well as statistical physics.
> Successful candidates will join the combinatorics group made of people from
> - CALIN team (LIPN, Université Paris 13),
> - Combinatorics and AUtomata teams (LIAFA, Université Paris Diderot)
> - ProbaStat team (LAGA, Université Paris 13)
> The position comes along with travel funding and is available from September 1,
> 2015 (negotiable).
> Applications, including CV, list of publications, research plan and the
> names of two references including email addresses, should be sent before
> June 30 to
> Frederique Bassino Frederique.Bassino(a)
> Sylvie Corteel corteel(a)
> Philippe Marchal marchal(a)math.univ-paris
> For further information do not hesitate to contact Frederique Bassino.
> --
> Frederique Bassino
> LIPN UMR 7030 Tel: +33 1 49 40 40 84
> Universite Paris 13 - CNRS Institut Galilee Bureau A104
> 99, avenue J.-B. Clement
> 93430 Villetaneuse - FRANCE
> _______________________________________________
> World mailing list
> World(a)
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