---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2015 10:37:54 +0100
From: Andrea Pascucci <andrea.pascucci(a)unibo.it>
To: Tiziano Vargiolu <vargiolu(a)math.unipd.it>
Cc: Kees Oosterlee <kees.oosterlee(a)cwi.nl>,
Carlos V?zquez Cend?n <carlosv(a)udc.es>
Subject: 6 PhD positions in Spain, Italy and the Netherlands
Dear friends and colleagues,
I would much appreciate if you could help me broadcast the announcement below.
Sorry in advance for any duplicates.
[View More]Best regards,
Andrea Pascucci
Applications are invited for six Early Stage Researchers (ESRs, like PhDs) who
will work closely with industrial partners on a PhD Thesis in financial
The gross amount of the research fellowship contract is the sum of:
- a yearly living allowance which is a flat rate set out in the contract of
about 39.800,00 euro par year obtained as a product of a flat rate times a
correction coefficient;
- a monthly mobility allowance which is a flat rate of 600,00 euro par month.
For researcher with family charges will be paid a family allowance of 500,00
euro par month.
The Envisaged Job Starting Date is October 2015.
Applications should include copy of a valid ID with photo, a detailed CV, a
motivation letter, a list of MSc courses and grades (transcripts), a copy of
the master thesis, and if available a list of publications.
Applications can be sent before 15 April 2015 following the instructions at
Andrea Pascucci andrea.pascucci(a)unibo.it
Dipartimento di Matematica http://www.dm.unibo.it/~pascucci
P.zza di Porta S. Donato, 5 40126 Bologna - Italy
Office Tel. +39-0512094428 Fax +39 0510821834
Skype: andrea.pascucci
Get DropBox here: http://db.tt/Y2GN2TCx
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Ricevo e inoltro il messaggio allegato con preghiera di diffusione a chi pensate possa essere interessato. Si tratta di una posizione post-doc in Budapest con una deadline ufficiale del 10 aprile
(probabilmente "trattabile").
Mi scuso in anticipo con chi l'avesse già ricevuto.
Fabio Zucca
Fabio Zucca
Assistant Professor
Dipartimento di Matematica
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da …
[View More]Vinci 32
20133 Milano, Italy
e.mail: fabio.zucca(a)polimi.it
URL: http://www1.mate.polimi.it/~zucca/
Tel: +39022399 4546
Fax: +39022399 4621
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Fri April 10 2015, 1:00 PM in Aula Bianchi, Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa
Joao da Gama Batista
Laboratoire de mathématiques appliquées aux systèmes
École Centrale de Paris
will deliver the seminar
"Sudden trust collapse in networked societies"
Abstract: Trust is a collective, self-fulfilling phenomenon that
suggests analogies with phase transitions. We introduce a stylized
model for the build-up and collapse of trust in networks, which
generically displays a first order transition. The …
[View More]basic assumption of
our model is that whereas trustworthiness begets trustworthiness,
panic also begets panic, in the sense that a small decrease in
trustworthiness may be amplified and ultimately lead to a sudden and
catastrophic drop of collective trust. We show, using both numerical
simulations and mean-field analytic arguments, that there are extended
regions of the parameter space where two equilibrium states coexist: a
well-connected network where global confidence is high, and a poorly
connected network where global confidence is low. In these coexistence
regions, spontaneous jumps from the well-connected state to the poorly
connected state can occur, corresponding to a sudden collapse of trust
that is not caused by any major external catastrophe. In large
systems, spontaneous crises are replaced by history dependence:
whether the system is found in one state or in the other essentially
depends on initial conditions.
All interested people are kindly invited.
Giacomo Bormetti
Assistant Professor of Financial Mathematics
Faculty of Sciences
Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa - Italy
email: giacomo.bormetti(a)sns.it
phone: +39 050 509248
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from Vincent Audigier,
*AUDIGIER Vincent,*
Applied Mathematic Department, Agrocampus Ouest
65 rue de Saint-Brieuc, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France
Tel: (+33)2 23 48 54 76
Website: http://vincentaudigier.weebly.com/
Dear colleagues,
The statistic department of Agrocampus and the data mining group
of the french statistical society organize the international conference
on missing values and matrix completion MissData in Rennes (France)
from 18 to 19 June 2015 at Agrocampus Ouest. The conference …
[View More]website is:
The objective of this conference is to spotlight the latest research
in missing values and matrix completion. We aim to bring together
theoretical and applied researchers from different fields of application
such as in social-science, genetics, medical analysis, survey,
collaborative filtering, image reconstruction, etc.
The program comprises R tutorials, invited lectures,
a lightning talk session and a lively poster session during the reception.
Awards will be given to up to three posters.
The invited speakers are some of the main contributors on the topic
from different fields:*Mouna Akacha* (Novartis, Switzerland),
*Christophe Biernaki* (University Lille 1, France),*Stefan van Buuren*
(University of Utrecht, the Netherlands),*John W. Graham* (Pennsylvania
University, US),*David Haziza*, (Montreal University, Canada),*Olga Klopp*
(Paris Ouest University, France),*Roderick Little* (University of
US),*Joseph L. Schaefer* (Census Bureau, Washignton, US),*Shaun Seaman*
(Medical Research Council Biostatistics Unit, UK),*Pierre Vandergheynst*
(EPFL, Switzerland),*Recai Yucel* (University Albany, US).
We would be glad to have you as a participant or even better as a
Important date:
*Early bird registration and poster/lightning talk
submission deadline : April 1, 2015*
contact email:missdata2015@agrocampus-ouest.fr
Vincent Audigier from the committee.
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*CIBB 2015*
*12th International Meeting on Computational Intelligence Methods for
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics*
*CNR Research Area “Napoli 1”, Naples, Italy**
**September 10-12, 2015**
[View More]=========================================================================
*Scope of CIBB 2015*
CIBB (Computational Intelligence methods for Bioinformatics and
Biostatistics) is a meeting with more than 10-year history. Its main
goal is to provide a forum open to researchers from different
disciplines to present problems concerning computational techniques in
bioinformatics, systems biology and medical informatics, to discuss
cutting edge methodologies and accelerate life science discoveries.
Following this tradition and roots, this year's meeting will bring
together researchers from the international scientific community
interested in this field to discuss the advancements and the future
perspectives in bioinformatics and biostatistics. Applied biologists are
also invited to participate in order to propose novel challenges aimed
to have high impact for molecular biology and translational medicine.
*Technical areas addressed by CIBB 2015 include, but are not limited to:*
High dimensional statistical analysis of omic data;
Next generation sequencing bioinformatics;
Multi-omic data integration;
Methods for supervised and unsupervised learning;
Prediction of protein structures;
Methods for comparative genomics;
Algorithms for molecular evolution and phylogenetic analysis;
Mathematical modelling and simulation of biological systems;
Systems and synthetic biology;
Bio-molecular databases and data mining;
Bio-medical text mining and imaging;
Statistical methods for the analysis of clinical data;
Methods for the visualization of high dimensional complex
omic data;
Software tools for bioinformatics.
*CIBB 2015 is jointly organized by:*
• INNS International Neural Network Society SIG Bioinformatics
• INNS International Neural Network Society SIG Bio-pattern
• IEEE-CIS-BBCT Task forces on Neural Networks and Evolutionary
• Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo, “M. Picone”, CNR Napoli
The scientific programs of CIBB 2015 will include Keynote Speakers,
contributed papers, tutorial and special sessions. The contributed
papers will be presented in plenary oral sessions, special sessions, or
poster sessions.
Accepted papers will be published on a flash drive with a specific ISBN
number for the conference proceedings. A selection of papers presented
at CIBB 2015 will appear in a post-conference monograph. We are in
contact with Springer to have them published in the Springer series of
Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI) as usual for CIBB. Moreover, we
are planning to publish the best papers in an extended form in a special
issue of an international scientific journal.
*Important Dates *
Tutorial and Special Session Proposal: April 3, 2015
Paper submission deadline: April 10, 2015
Notification of acceptance: June 12, 2015
Final paper due: July 10, 2015
Conference: September 10-12, 2015
*Tutorials and Special Sessions*
*Tutorial proposals* to CIBB, including title, one page long abstract,
and short CV of presenters, are due by April 3, 2015. Please send
proposals to cibb2015(a)gmail.com.
*Special Session proposals* to CIBB, including the session's title and
scope, short CV of sessions chairs, preliminary list of at least 4
potential authors are due by April 3, 2015. Proposals of special
sessions will be evaluated as soon as they are submitted. A special
session must have at least 4 accepted papers. Please send proposals to
*Paper Submission*
Papers must be prepared following the guidelines illustrated on the CIBB
web site and should be long between 4 and 6 pages. Papers should be
submitted in PDF format on the Easy Chair conference system.
*Organizing Committee*
/General Chairs/
- Claudia Angelini, Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo, Italy
- Adriano Decarli, University of Milan, Italy
- Erik Bongcam-Rudloff, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
/Biostatistics Technical Chair/
- Paola MV Rancoita, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Italy
/Bioinformatics Technical Chair/
- Stefano Rovetta, University of Genova, Italy
/Special Session and Tutorial Chairs/
To be communicated
/Local Organizing Committee/
Valerio Costa, Institute of Genetics and Biophysics, Italy
Italia De Feis, Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo, Italy
Angelo Facchiano, Istituto di Scienze dell'Alimentazione, Italy
/Publicity Chair/
Francesco Masulli, University of Genova, Italy & Temple University, USA
/Publication Chair/
Riccardo Rizzo, Istituto di Calcolo e Reti ad Alte Prestazioni, Italy
/Steering Committee/
Pierre Baldi, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA
Elia Biganzoli, University of Milan, Italy
Alexandru Floares, Oncological Institute Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Jon Garibaldi, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Nikola Kasabov, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Francesco Masulli, University of Genova, Italy & Temple University, USA
Leif Peterson, TMHRI, Houston, Texas, USA
Roberto Tagliaferri, University of Salerno, Italy
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Cari colleghi,
vi annuncio che martedì 31 marzo, alle ore 14 precise, nell'aula Beltrami
del Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Universita' di Pavia,
Bernardo Nipoti (Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica - Università di
terrà un seminario dal titolo
Rediscovery of Good-Turing estimators via Bayesian Nonparametrics
The problem of estimating discovery probabilities originated in the context
of statistical ecology, and in recent years it has become popular due to
its frequent …
[View More]appearance in challenging applications arising from biology,
bioinformatics, genetics, linguistics, etc. A full range of statistical
approaches, parametric and nonparametric as well as frequentist and
Bayesian, have been proposed for estimating discovery probabilities. We
investigate the relationship between the celebrated Good-Turing approach,
which is a frequentist nonparametric approach developed in the 1940s, and
the Bayesian nonparametric approach recently introduced in the literature.
Specifically, under the assumption of a two parameter Poisson-Dirichlet
prior, we show that Bayesian nonparametric estimators of discovery
probabilities are asymptotically equivalent to suitably smoothed
Good-Turing estimators. As a by-product of this result, we present and
discuss a methodology for deriving asymptotic credible intervals to be
associated to the Bayesian nonparametric estimators of discovery
Cordiali saluti,
Raffaella Carbone
Raffaella Carbone, PhD
Ricercatore di Probabilità e Statistica Matematica
Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università degli Studi di Pavia
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Ciclo di Seminari - Progetto ERC grant PASCAL
(Probabilistic and Statistical Techniques for Cosmological Applications)
Lunedì 30 marzo ore 14 - Aula Belpasso - Dipartimento di Matematica
Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Speaker: Pierpaolo Brutti, Università "La Sapienza" - Roma
Title: Estimating the Intrinsic Dimension: The Bayesian way
Abstract: In this talk I will first review some of the methods proposed for
making inference on the intrinsic dimension of point cloud data
sampled from a …
[View More]low-dimensional structure embedded in a
high–dimensional ambient space, and then I will describe a Bayesian
solution based on a composite likelihood built under working
independence assumptions suggested by MacKay and Ghahramani. In order
to get a posterior with approximately correct asymptotic behavior and
curvature, I will consider some options to calibrate this
pseudolikelihood and then compare in simulated and real examples a
standard MCMC method against a variation of the default Bayesian
framework of Ventura et al. (2013) (joint work with Alessandro
Cordiali saluti
Claudio Durastanti
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Mercoledi' 1 aprile alle ore 14 presso la sede di Milano dell'IMATI, via
Bassini 15, Sala Pentagonale al secondo piano, Valérie Bélanger
dell'Universita' HEC Montréal terra' un seminario dal titolo
Analysis and development of real-time ambulance fleet management strategies
di cui segue il sunto.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Emergency medical services (EMS) evolve in highly random and dynamic
contexts. Indeed, the arrival of …
[View More]emergency calls is uncertain and varies
throughout the day, forcing decision makers to adapt their decisions in
response to observed changes. Two types of decisions are generally
considered in real-time: dispatching and relocation. Dispatching
decisions consider the selection of which ambulance to send to an
emergency call. Relocation decisions consist in relocating available
ambulances throughout the day in response to changes in the system
state. Given the situation faced by EMS, the analysis and development of
real-time management strategies to ensure a good service to the
population is clearly of interest.
In a first study, several ambulance relocation strategies are compared,
and extensive simulation experiments are reported allowing to analyze
the performance of these strategies when they face different level of
system workload. Results of this study confirm the relevance of
simulation methods to support decision-making in EMS stochastic
environment. More importantly, they provide researchers and decisions
makers with valuable insights on the use of relocation strategies,
including the tradeoff between service level and personnel well-being.
In a subsequent study, an innovative real-time ambulance fleet
management strategy is proposed. New mathematical models and solution
approaches are then developed to deal with both relocation and
pre-assignment decisions. Preliminary results show that considering
explicitly pre-assignment decisions, which are directly related to
dispatching decisions, impact location decisions and can help better
predict system performances.
Cordiali saluti.
Dott. Antonella Bodini
CNR-Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche
Via Bassini 15, 20133 Milano (Italy)
tel +39 02 23699524
fax +39 02 23699538
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Wed April 1 2015, 1:00 PM in Aula Mancini, Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa
Tommaso Colozza
Dipartimento di Statistica e Matematica Applicata all'Economia -
Università di Pisa
will deliver the seminar
"Supply of public debt and demand for risk premia: a Minskian approach
to credit risk"
Abstract: Financial stability of EMU countries is managed by policy
makers through several key macroeconomic indicators; the market
instead monitors creditworthiness with credit risk premia embedded in
[View More]sovereign yields. A demand-supply approach solves this duality: in a
Minskian framework, positive inelastic shifts in debt-to-GDP ratio due
to widespread macro-financial distress may lower risk appetites of
lenders and increase risk premia, up to default. Time-variating risk
appetites justify statistical relevance of debt-to-gdp variation on
yields levels; if conveniently decomposed, debt velocity allows also
to imply a default probability measure comparable to standard
CDS-implied measures.
All interested people are kindly invited.
Giacomo Bormetti
Assistant Professor of Financial Mathematics
Faculty of Sciences
Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa - Italy
email: giacomo.bormetti(a)sns.it
phone: +39 050 509248
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