Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Faggionato, Alessandra" <faggiona(a)>
> Subject: aggiunta
> Date: 17 ottobre 2014 13:49:45 GMT+02:00
> Seminario di Probabilita' e Fisica Statistica
> "Fluctuations and large deviations in non equilibrium systems"
> by Kirone Mallick (CEA, Saclay, Francia)
> Aula L, Dipartimento di Matematica, La Sapienza
> Martedi' 21 Ottobre Ore 14.30
> Abstract:
> Studies of non-equilibrium fluctuations have held a center stage during the
> past few decades of the development of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics.
> Indeed, macroscopic fluctuations are supposed to display some universal
> behaviour, regardless of the precise microscopic dynamics of the process
> under study. In this talk, we shall consider a few examples of non-equilibrium
> fluctuations: the particle current in an interacting particle system,
> the diffusion of a tracer in a one-dimensional gas of
> particles with excluded mutual passage and the melting of an Ising quadrant.
> These different problems will be analyzed quantitatively with the help
> of the macroscopic fluctuation theory.
> --
> Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
> Department of Mathematics
> University La Sapienza
> Piazzale A. Moro, 2
> 00186 Rome - Italy