Workshop “Dependence in Risk Measurement and Risk Management”
When/where: December 18-19, 2014 at the Novoli campus of the
University of Firenze
Invited Speakers: FABIO BELLINI (Milano Bicocca) ELENA DI BERNARDINO
PODOLSKIJ (Aarhus University)
Registration: completely free and early registrations also receive
free materials
Abstract submissions: not later than …
[View More]October 26, 2014
Hope to see you in Firenze!
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C R E D I T 2014
*The New Financial Regulatory System: Challenges and Consequences for the
Financial Sector
*Venice, Italy
25 - 26 September 2014
The objective of the Conference is to bring together academics,
practitioners and PhD students working in the area of risk management.
The conference this year focuses on *The New Financial Regulatory
System: Challenges and Consequences for the Financial Sector* and will
provide an opportunity for participants …
[View More]engaged in research at the
forefront of this area to discuss both the causes and implications of
recent events in financial markets and may, in turn, suggest fruitful
directions for future research. The Conference is the *thirteenth* of a
series dedicated to various aspects of credit risk.
The *co-sponsors* of the Conference are *GRETA Associati* (Venice,
Italy), *Research Center SAFE *at Goethe University Frankfurt
(Frankfurt, Germany), *Intesa Sanpaolo *(Milan, Italy) and SYRTO -
SYstemic Risk TOmography*-* a project funded by the European Union under
the 7th Framework Programme (FP7-SSH/2007-2013) Grant Agreement n°
320270. The Conference is organised under the *auspices *of the
*Department of Economics of the University Ca? Foscari of Venice*, *ABI
- Italian Banking Association *and *European Investment Bank Institute.*
The Scientific Committee for the Conference consists of: *Jan Krahnen*,
Goethe University & SAFE,**Programme Chair, *Monica Billio*, Ca? Foscari
University of Venice, *Steven Ongena*, University of Zurich, *Stephen
Schaefer*, London Business School and *Kenneth Singleton*, Stanford
Thursday, September 25 2014
9.00 - 9.15_Opening Remarks
_9.15 - 11.00_Session I: Bank risk taking, capital structure and credit
Key-note talk: /Countering Systemic Risk through Banking Regulation and
Other Means, /*Franklin Allen* (Wharton University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia & Imperial College London)
/Did CDS Make Banks Riskier? The Effects of Credit Default Swaps on Bank
Capital and Lending, /Susan Chenyu Shan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University),
Dragon Yongjun Tang (The University of Hong Kong) and Hong Yan
(University of South Carolina, Columbia & Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- _Discussant:_ Stephen Schaefer**(London Business School)
/Incentive Pay and Bank Risk-Taking: Evidence from Austrian, German, and
Swiss Banks, /Matthias Efing (University of Geneva & Swiss Finance
Institute), Harald Hau (University of Geneva & Swiss Finance Institute),
Patrick Kampkötter (University of Cologne) and Johannes Steinbrecher
(Ifo Institute Branch Dresden) - _Discussant:_ Marcella Lucchetta (Ca?
Foscari University of Venice)
11.30 - 13.00_Session II: New development in the banking markets_
/Do LTV and DSTI Caps Make Banks More Resilient?, /Michel Dietsch
(University of Strasbourg & Prudential Supervision and Resolution
Authority - Banque de France) and Cécile Welter-Nicol (Prudential
Supervision and Resolution Authority - Banque de France) - _Discussant:_
Paul Schempp**(University of Bonn & Max Planck Institute for Research on
Collective Goods)
/Credit Growth and Bank Capital Requirements: Binding or Not?, /Claire
Labonne (Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority - Banque de
France) and Gildas Lamé (INSEE-CREST, Paris) - _Discussant:_ Andrea
Giacomelli**(Ca? Foscari University of Venice & GRETA, Venice)
/Conditional Accounting Conservatism and Bank Risk Taking, /Manuel
Illueca (University Jaume I, Castellón de la Plana), Lars Norden
(Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Gregory F. Udell (Indiana University,
Bloomington) - _Discussant:_ Umberto Cherubini**(University of Bologna)
14.30 - 16.00_Session III: Capital regulation_
/A Dynamic Model of Banking with Uninsurable Risks and Regulatory
Constraints/, Jochen Mankart (Deutche Bundesbank), Alexander Michaelides
(Imperial College Business School, London, CEPR, London & NETSPAR,
Tilburg) and Spyros Pagratis (Athens University of Economics and
Business) - _Discussant:_ Arjen Siegmann**(Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam)
/Higher Bank Capital Requirements and Mortgage Pricing: Evidence from
the Counter-Cyclical Capital Buffer, /Christoph Basten (ETH Zurich &
Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA) and Catherine Koch
(University of Zurich) - _Discussant:_ Jongsub Lee**(University of
Florida, Gainesville)
/The Limits of Model-Based Regulation, /Markus Behn (Bonn University &
Deutsche Bundesbank), Rainer Haselmann (Bonn University) and Vikrant Vig
(London Business School) - _Discussant:_ Steven**Ongena**(University of
17.00 - 18.30_Session IV: Systemic risk_
/Fire-Sale Spillovers and Systemic Risk, /Fernando Duarte (Federal
Reserve Bank of New York) and Thomas M. Eisenbach (Federal Reserve Bank
of New York) - _Discussant:_ Harald Scheule**(University of Technology,
/The Removal of Credit Ratings from Capital Regulation: Implications for
Systemic Risk, /Kathleen Weiss Hanley (University of Maryland, College
Park) and Stanislava Nikolova (University of Nebraska, Lincoln) -
_Discussant:_ Giovanni Zambruno**(Milano Bicocca University)
/Systemic and Systematic Risk, /Monica Billio (Ca? Foscari University of
Venice), Massimilano Caporin (University of Padua), Roberto Panzica
(Goethe University Frankfurt) and Loriana Pelizzon (Ca? Foscari
University of Venice & Goethe University Frankfurt) - _Discussant:_
Simonetta Iannotti**(Bank of International Settlements, Basel)
Friday, September 26 2014
9.00 - 10.45_Session V: Financial markets regulation_
Key-note talk: /Equilibrium Fast Trading, /*Thierry Foucault* (HEC Paris)
/Central Clearing and Collateral Demand, /Darrell Duffie (Stanford
University & National Bureau of Economic Research), Martin Scheicher
(European Systemic Risk Board) and Guillaume Vuillemey (Sciences-Po
Paris & Banque de France) - _Discussant:_ Mario Bellia**(Ca? Foscari
University of Venice & Goethe University Frankfurt)
/Sand in the Chips? Evidence on Taxing Transactions in Modern Markets,
/Jean-Edouard Colliard (European Central Bank) and Peter Hoffmann
(European Central Bank) - _Discussant:_ Rémy Praz**(EPFL, Lausanne)
11.15 - 12.45_Session VI: Liquidity and credit_
/Did Liquidity Providers Become Liquidity Seekers? Evidence the CDS-Bond
Basis During the 2008 Financial Crisis, /Jaewon Choi (University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and Or Shachar (Federal Reserve Bank of
New York) - _Discussant:_//Alessandro Fontana**(European Commission
Joint Research Centre)
/Credit and Liquidity in Interbank Rates: a Quadratic Approach, /Simon
Dubecq (European Central Bank & CREST), Alain Monfort (CREST, Banque de
France & Maastricht University), Jean-Paul Renne (Banque de France) and
Guillaume Roussellet (Banque de France, CREST & CEREMADE, Paris) -
_Discussant:_ Jens Dick-Nielsen**(Copenhagen Business School)
/Liquidity Risk and Distressed Equity, /Mamdouh Medhat (Copenhagen
Business School) - _Discussant:_ Jean-Cyprien Héam**(Prudential
Supervision and Resolution Authority - Banque de France & CREST)
14.15 - 16.00_Session VII: Banking Union_
/Supervisory Incentives in a Banking Union, /Elena Carletti (Bocconi
University, CEPR, London & IGIER, Milan), Giovanni Dell'Ariccia
(International Monetary Fund & CEPR, London) and Robert Marquez
(University of California, Davis) - _Discussant:_ Elisa
Luciano**(University of Turin & Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin)
/The Political Economy of Bank Bailouts, /Markus Behn (Bonn University &
Deutsche Bundesbank), Rainer Haselmann (Bonn University), Thomas Kick
(Deutsche Bundesbank) and Vikrant Vig (London Business School) -
_Discussant:_ Nadia Linciano**(CONSOB)
Key-note talk: /Ethics in Finance: a Banking Supervisor's Perspective,
/*Ignazio Angeloni* (European Central Bank)
17.00 - 18.30_PANEL Session
To register for the Conference you are requested to complete the
registration form that is available on our website
Registration fees are:
Academics:300 Euro + VAT
Practitioners:1000 Euro + VAT
PhD Students*:130 Euro + VAT
*VAT is currently 22%
**Students will have to provide valid proof of their student status.
The registration fees cover:
- Admission to all scientific sessions
- Lunches and coffee service during the Conference
- Conference kit
The registration fees do not fully cover the conference dinner on
September 25, 2014, for which there is an extra charge of 80.00 Euro for
each participant (conference attendees as well as accompanying persons).
For more detailed information (registration, accommodation and
Conference venue), please refer to the Conference website:
GRETA Associati
San Polo, 2605 - 30125 Venice, ITALY
Phone : +39 041 5238178 - Fax : +39 041 5286166
e-mail: credit(a) <>
website: _www.greta.it_ <>
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Florent KRZAKALA <florent.krzakala(a)>
Date: 2014-09-05 10:19 GMT+02:00
Subject: Fwd: Postdoc positions in Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris
Dear friends and colleagues,
I would like to invite applications for postdoctoral positions in my group
in Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris. The appointments are intended to
start in the fall of 2015 (or even sooner) and will be for 2 years.
The candidates can come from different areas (…
[View More]Statistical Physics, Signal
Processing, Applied Mathematics, Information Theory, Statistical Inference
and Machine learning).
For more information, please visit the post-doc announcement page:
Do not hesitate to spread the information around you. I apologize if you
receive this mail more than once.
Best regards,
Florent Krzakala
Laboratoire de Physique Statistique
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
[View Less]
Con preghiera di diffusione,
Daniela Bertacchi
PhD positions at
Instituto de Matemática e Estatística,
Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
The doctoral program in Statistics (Statistics and
Probability) of the Institute of Mathematics and
Statistics, Universidade de São Paulo-Brazil has 5
vacancies for a full time PhD student in Statistics or
These are fully funded positions for a period of 4
years, starting from February 2015. …
[View More]These positions are
primarily focused on research, but the PhD students also
will be expected to assist in the teaching and mentoring
responsibilities of the Department of Statistics.
The major areas of specialization of our doctoral program
are survival analysis, asymptotic methods, stochastic
modeling in actuarial, econometrics and finance,
bioinformatics, Bayesian inference, inference in
stochastic processes, interacting particle systems,
regression models and its applications, generalized linear
probability theory and stochastic processes, time series
reliability theory.
The doctoral program in Statistics (Statistics and
Probability) of Universidade de São Paulo-Brazil is well
known for its innovative research in statistics and
probability, besides its large experience
with PhD advising. More than 300 PhD successfully former
students have successfully finished their projects in our
doctoral program and are now leading research and
applications in Statistics and Probability in
several universities of Latin American countries.
Those interested should contact Ms. Tamara Cury at
Get ready to make a link for electronic pdf files (make
sure that the print out comes readable) containing
information about your academic experience. We will need
· Academic transcripts of your previous studies;
· Updated Curriculum Vitae;
· Master dissertation (if you have one - drafts are
· An essay (maximum of five pages) reporting your
academic experience, research experience, publications,
unpublished results or general scientific projects. An
extended abstract (maximum of five pages) of your master
dissertation is also acceptable;
· Names and email addresses of two or three
researchers who may, if requested, send letters of
Closing date: October 31st 2014
[View Less]
> Scuola Normale Superiore
> PhD Programs
> Call for application academic year 2014/15
> Call for Applications
> Biophysical Sciences
> Classics
> Condensed Matter Physics
> Financial Mathematics
> History of Art
> Mathematics
> Methods and Models for Molecular Sciences
> Modern and Contemporary History
> Modern literature and philology
> Neurosciences
> Philosophy
> Physics
> Political Science and Sociology
[View More]> Renaissance Studies
> The Scuola Normale Superiore PhD School All PhD programs are open to both Italian citizens and students from outside Italy. They offer unique conditions for scientific growth. All students admitted to our PhD program receive full financial support. This includes tuition, fees, and a cost-of living stipend (14,084 euro per year, plus free meals). Support is independent of need provided a student remains in good academic standing and is making satisfactory progress towards his/her PhD degree. All students will be assigned further funding for their research activity and travel. Each PhD course offers scholarships reserved to students that graduated outside of Italy. Applications are invited from candidates irrespective of their citizenship who:
> will have completed an Italian laurea magistrale or equivalent degree from outside Italy within 31 October 2014
> were born after 31 October 1984
> Admissions are based on students’ academic work and interviews.
> Application deadline and process All PhD courses will start from November 1st, 2014. Interviews will be held in July and October. Application for admission must be made online in the SNS website area dedicated to this Call by midnight (CET):
> Monday, 30 June 2014 for the July session
> Monday, 15 September 2014 for the October session
> Applicants may contact the SNS Student Services offices for information at: phd(a) All personal data of candidates is protected under and will be handled in accordance with Italian law (no. 196 – 30 June 2003).
> » Call for Applications
> E-mail: phd(a)
> Visit us at
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Con preghiera di diffusione:
BICOCCA): pubblicato il bando per il XXX ciclo
E' disponibile il bando per l'ammissione ai corsi di dottorato di
ricerca XXX ciclo con sede presso l'Università di Milano Bicocca.
Il bando è pubblicato sulle pagine della Scuola Unica di Dottorato di
Ricerca, in italiano e inglese.
La presentazione delle domande di ammissione deve avvenire entro *le ore
12 del 18 settembre 2014*.
[View More]it/go/243995352/Home/Italiano/Studenti/Dopo-la-laurea/Scu…
Roberto Paoletti
Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni
Università di Milano Bicocca
Via R. Cozzi 55
20125 Milano
[View Less]
Vi segnalo un’interessante possibilita’ per il dottorato.
Paolo Dai Pra
PhD position available at TU Delft
The PhD position is available in the Applied Probability group of Prof. Dr. Frank Redig at Technical University Delft. Under the supervision of Dr. Wioletta Ruszel and Prof. Frank Redig the PhD candidate has the opportunity to choose between the following challenging projects:
Sandpile models on complex networks
Gibbs- non Gibbs transitions on random graphs
[View More]Probabilistic cellular automata on trees
Synchronization on a network
For more details please go to:
There is also the possibility to discuss possible other projects in consultation with Dr. Ruszel and Prof. Redig.
You will report on your results through papers in high-ranking probability journals and through presentations at international conferences.
You will also have some minor teaching duties, mainly as an assistant for relevant Bachelor and/or Master degree courses.
Women are especially encouraged to apply.
You have an MSc in mathematics or physics, with a proven interest and track record in probability theory.
Conditions of employment
You will be appointed for a period of four years. Your performance will be evaluated after 18 months. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended by 2.5 years;
You will be classified as a PhD Candidate (promovendus) in the Dutch university job-ranking system (UFO). The gross starting salary amounts to 2,062 Euros per month based on full-time employment, and will increase to 2,638 Euros in the fourth year;
TU Delft has over 13,000 students and 5,000 staff, all of whom are driven by a fascination for science, design and engineering. Our university is not only the oldest but also the largest university of technology in the Netherlands. As such, we are constantly in search of new talent from home and abroad to help us ensure that our research and education remains of the very highest standard.
Delft University of Technology works at providing new ground-breaking insights and solutions to urgent societal problems around the world. Thanks to its top faculty members and unique, large-scale technological research facilities, this university offers world-level multidisciplinary research and education.
The campus contains a large number of state-of the art facilities such as the sports and cultural centers.
For more information and applications please contact W.M.Ruszel(a) or F.H.J.Redig(a)
Paolo Dai Pra
Dipartimento di Matematica
Via Trieste, 63
35121 Padova
Tel. +39 0498271361
Fax +39 0498271428
[View Less]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 07:48:41 +0000
From: Mancini Loriano <loriano.mancini(a)>
To: "vargiolu(a)" <vargiolu(a)>
Subject: Postdoc position at SFI at EPFL
Caro Tiziano,
Spero tutto bene.
Potresti per favore distribuire l?annuncio allegato per una posizione di
postdoc allo Swiss Finance Institute a EPFL.
Grazie mille,
Dear all,
we are organizing a workshop in Padova, on recent advances in
mathematical finance, on September 22, in the Department of Mathematics
(torre Archimede, via Trieste 63, Padova).
The invited speakers are:
- Prof. Ruediger Frey: Corporate Security Prices in Structural Credit Risk
Models with Incomplete Information.
- Prof. Masaaki Kijima: On the Risk Evaluation Method Based on the Market
- Prof. Birgitt Rudloff: Systemic Risk Measurement.
There is the possibility of …
[View More]presenting contributed papers, both in line
with the topics above as well as about other topics of Mathematical
Finance. Those interested can submit a title and an abstract, not later
than September, 15, to the organizers Giorgia Callegaro or Tiziano
The participation is free, but for organizing reasons we ask to register
not later than September, 18.
For more details, as well as for the link to register, see the website
Best regards
Giorgia Callegaro
Tiziano Vargiolu
Tiziano Vargiolu
Dipartimento di Matematica Phone: +39 049 8271383
Universita' di Padova Fax: +39 049 8271428
Via Trieste, 63 E-mail: vargiolu(a)
I-35121 Padova (Italy) WWW:
[View Less]
The Department of Mathematics of the University of Oslo, Section for Stochastic
analysis, finance, insurance, and risk is seeking an Associate Professor in
insurance mathematics. Women and candidates with an immigrant
background are explicitly encouraged to apply.
For more information please see: