---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2017 18:35:01 +0100
From: Giulia Di Nunno <giulian(a)math.uio.no>
To: Tiziano Vargiolu <vargiolu(a)math.unipd.it>
Cc: Giulia Di Nunno <giulian(a)math.uio.no>
Subject: Fwd: Postdoc-position in Stochastic Analysis at the University of Oslo
Dear Tiziano,could you please help circulate this info.
Thank you in advance,
Begin forwarded message:
From: Bernt ?ksendal <oksendal(a)math.uio.no>
Subject: Postdoc-position in Stochastic Analysis at the University of
Date: 21 February 2017 at 12:15:46 GMT+1
Dear All;
The new postdoc position in stochastic analysis at the University of
Oslo has just been announced.
The deadline is 31 March 2017. For more information see
Please help to distribute this to anyone interested :-)
Best wishes,
Professor Emeritus Bernt ?ksendal
Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo,
Box 1053 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo,
page: http://www.mn.uio.no/math/english/people/aca/oksendal/index.html
Email: oksendal(a)math.uio.no
Stochastic Analysis Day 2017
The Stochastic Analysis Day 2017 will take place on Monday, February 27
at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Pisa.
* J.C. Alfonso Lopez (Braunschweig)
* L.Bianchi (Berlin)
* T. Funaki (Tokyo)
* C. Geldhauser (Pisa)
* H. Hatzikirou (Braunschweig)
*M. Maurelli (Berlin)
More information can be found on the website
Registration is not obligatory, but highly recommended for
organizational purposes. To register, please contact the organizers.
Dear all,
I am reaching out to you because at ARPM (the company for which I work) we
are looking to add new resources for our Advanced Risk and Portfolio
Management program.
Would you mind circulating the message below to interested and qualified
Thank you,
Elisa Appolloni
*The firm*
ARPM – Advanced Risk and Portfolio Management <https://www.arpm.co/> is a
privately held research institution, directed by Attilio Meucci, based in
New York City with virtual offices world-wide. ARPM’s mission is to set and
disseminate the standards for advanced quantitative risk management and
portfolio management across the financial industry: asset management,
banking, and insurance.
*The opportunity *
ARPM is looking for a new researcher-in-training for a minimum period of 6
months, indefinitely extensible. The successful candidate will review and
code practical case studies and theoretical examples in quantitative
finance, contributing to the ARPM Lab
<https://www.arpm.co/lab/books.php?action=page&id=14>. The successful
candidate will work full-time, remotely, constantly communicating via
multi-media with the other members of ARPM.
The ARPM researcher-in-training position represents a great opportunity for
candidates with strong academic background, who wish to apply to real
problems in finance the rigorous, research-oriented approach acquired in
their schooling.
*The progression*
ARPM emphasizes the constant intellectual growth of its resources. For the
first 6 months the researcher-in- training will be focused on specific
projects. At the end of this period (s)he will conduct a presentation on
the topics covered.
Then, (s)he will start broadening his/her scope, attending the
presentations of their peers and seniors, working on broader projects, and
acquiring hands-on- knowledge of all the topics of the ARPM Lab
<https://www.arpm.co/lab/books.php?action=page&id=14>. The approximate time
required to attain the required level of familiarity with the ARPM Lab
<https://www.arpm.co/lab/books.php?action=page&id=14> is: two years for a
recent master’s graduate; one year for a recent PhD graduate.
When ready, the researcher-in-training will be tested on all such topics
with an exam. If successful, (s)he will conclude his/her training period,
attaining the title of ARPM researcher. The ARPM researcher will then
engage in highly quantitative projects with ARPM clients, becoming a profit
*The candidate*
[image: arrow_20]Master’s degree in mathematics, physics, engineering,
computer science, statistics, data science, quantitative economics.
[image: arrow_20]PhD in hard sciences or master’s degree in quantitative
finance is a plus.
[image: arrow_20]Very strong command of foundational mathematics, including
multivariate calculus and linear algebra.
[image: arrow_20]Good knowledge of statistics and probability.
[image: arrow_20]Proficiency in MATLAB, Python, or similar programming
[image: arrow_20]Good command of English.
For more information, please visit arpm.co <https://www.arpm.co/> and/or
contact us at info(a)arpm.co <info(a)arpm.co?Subject=job%20Post>
*ARPM <http://www.arpm.co/>** - Advanced Risk and Portfolio Management**®*
Thursday 2nd March from 12.00 to 13.00
room 207
viale Romania 32
00197 Roma.
Speaker: Rama Cont (Imperial College and CNRS)
Title: Fire sales, price-mediated contagion and systemic risk
Sara Biagini, Professor of Mathematical Finance
Department of Economics and Finance
LUISS Guido Carli
Address: viale Romania, 32 - 00197 Roma
Web: http://sites.google.com/site/sarabiagini/
*Mini course announcement*
Prof. Simone Mattia Scotti [ LPMA, Université Paris Diderot ] will give a
mini course on
*Real markets, microstructure, clusters and Hawkes with a Branching process
point of view*, according with the following time table:
21st of March (2017) : Room I 1430-1730
23rd of March (2017) : Room M 1530-1730
24th of March (2017) : Room M 1430-1730
all the lessons will take place at the Dept. of Computer Science - UniVr
Strada le Grazie, 15 - Verona
Ca' Vignal
located here
*Abstract and structure of the course*
The analysis of real financial markets, along with the study of related
economic time series, represents an increasing field of research and
development of effective applications, from the stochastic processes point
of views, as well as from the statistic and computational sides of the moon.
In this mini-course, we first recall the classical framework behind the
modern and mathematically rigorous, theory of finance, starting from the
treatment of continuous-path stochastic processes.
Then, we focus on the microstructure of market data, discussing both limit
and market orders, along with correlated liquidity problems.
In a second part, we will specialize our analysis on a particular feature
of financial markets, namely the existence of jumps' cluster. It is worth
to mention that the latter has been highlighted in recent literature in
microstructure, showing to have a deep impact on real markets and
representing a main research axis in the field.
>From a mathematical point-of-view, we will first introduce point processes
and then
Hawkes processes. We will show that the self-exciting structure of Hawkes
processes can easily explain some features exhibited by financial data,
e.g. the cluster effects.
In the third part, we will introduce the branching processes (CBI) showing
that they can be seen as a natural extension (marked versions) of Hawkes
We will show that this class of models has very nice properties from
computational as well as from analytical point of view, particularly by
exploiting the Dawson-Li representation.
Moreover, we will point out some unexpected features of the aforementioned
approaches, such, e.g., the persistency of low interest rates and negative
risk premium in electricity markets.
A detailed bibliograpy will be given during the course.
Do not hesitate to contact me for further details: luca.dipersio(a)univr.it
Luca Di Persio - PhD
assistant professor of
Probability and Mathematical Finance
Dept. Informatics University of Verona
strada le Grazie 15 - 37134 Verona - Italy
Tel : +39 045 802 7968 <+39%20045%20802%207968>
Dept. Math University of Trento
V. Sommarive, 14 - 38123 Povo - Italy
Tel : +39 0461 281686 <+39%200461%20281686>
*Mini course announcement*
Prof. Adrian Zalinescu [ Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza - Iaşi, Romania ]
will give a mini course on *Introduction to Stochastic Partial Di
fferential Equations* (with applications to Finance, Biology, etc.),
according with the following calendar
13 - 20 - 27 of March (2017)
time table: from 1430 to 1730
all the lessons will take place at the Dept. of Computer Science - UniVr
Strada le Grazie, 15 - Verona
Ca' Vignal 2, first floor , *Room M*
located here
The* tentative programme* is the following:
1. *Gaussian measure theory*
Random vectors and Bochner integral. Some elements of probability in in
spaces are considered, with emphasis on the integration of random vectors
with values in
separable Banach-spaces and in operator spaces.
Gaussian measures. We introduce cylindrical Gaussian random variables and
Hilbert-spacevalued Gaussian random variables and then de ne cylindrical
Wiener processes and Q-Wiener processes (i.e. with the covariance given by
the trace-class operator Q) in a natural way. Stochastic integral and Ito's
formula. The stochastic integral is constructed with respect
to a cylindrical Wiener process, then with respect to a Q-Wiener process,
by extending the
integral of elementary processes. Some properties of the stochastic
integral are given, including Ito's formula.
2. *Stochastic Di erential Equations*
Semigroup Theory. In this section we review the fundamentals of semigroup
Stochastic Convolutions and Linear SPDEs. We derive existence and
uniqueness of di erent
types of solutions for linear SDEs driven by generators of C0-semigroups.
The method is based on the study of the stochastic convolution. Solutions
by Variational Method. The purpose is to study solutions of nonlinear
SPDEs, which are seen as evolution equations in a Gelfand triplet, under
assumptions of compact embedding or monotone coe cients.
3. *Applications*
Along the abstract study of SDEs in in nite-dimensional spaces, various
examples of SPDEs
with applications in physics, biology and mathematical finance will be
A detailed bibliograpy will be given during the course.
Do not hesitate to contact me for further details: luca.dipersio(a)univr.it
Luca Di Persio - PhD
assistant professor of
Probability and Mathematical Finance
Dept. Informatics University of Verona
strada le Grazie 15 - 37134 Verona - Italy
Tel : +39 045 802 7968
Dept. Math University of Trento
V. Sommarive, 14 - 38123 Povo - Italy
Tel : +39 0461 281686
Thursday 23 February from 12.00 to 13.00
room 207
viale Romania 32
00197 Roma.
*Speaker:* Bruno Ziliotto (CNRS)
*Title:* In zero-sum stochastic games, the payoff is constant
*Abstract*: In a zero-sum stochastic game, at each stage, two adversary
players take decisions and receive a stage payoff determined by these
actions and by a random variable called state of nature. The total payoff
is the discounted sum of the stage payoffs. Assume that players are very
patient and use optimal strategies. We then prove that at any point in the
game, players get essentially the same payoff: the payoff is constant.
No game theory prerequisite of any kind is needed to understand this talk.
(joint work with Miquel Oliu Barton)
Marco Scarsini
Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza
Viale Romania 32
00197 Roma, ITALY
URL: http://docenti.luiss.it/scarsini/
mercoledì 15 Marzo 2017 alle ore 11:30 in Aula C presso il Dipartimento di
Matematica "G. Peano" dell'Università degli Studi di Torino, Via Carlo
Alberto 10,
Il Prof. CARLO SGARRA (Politecnico di Milano)
terrà un seminario dal titolo
(The talk will be mainly based on a joint paper with Y. Jiao, C. Ma and S.
Energy markets, and in particular, electricity markets, exhibit very
peculiar features. The historical series of both futures and spot prices
include seasonality, mean-reversion, spikes and small fluctuations. Very
often a stochastic volatility dynamics is postulated in order to explain
their high degree of variability.
After the pioneering paper by Schwartz, where an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck
dynamics is assumed to describe the spot price behavior, several different
approaches have been investigated in order to describe the price evolution.
High frequency trading, on the other hand, introduced some new features in
commodity prices dynamics: in a recent paper by V. Filimonov, D. Bicchetti,
N. Maystre and D. Sornette evidence is shown of endogeneity and structural
regime shift, and in order to quantify this level the branching ratio is
adopted as a measure of this endogenous impact and a Hawkes processes
dynamics is assumed as a reasonable modelling framework taking into account
the self-exciting properties.
The purpose of the present investigation is to propose a new modeling
framework including all the above mentioned features, still keeping a high
level of tractability. The model considered allows to obtain the most
common derivatives prices in closed or semi-closed form. Here with
semi-closed we mean that the Laplace transform of the derivative price
admits an explicit expression.
The models we are going to introduce can describe the prices dynamics in
two different forms, that can be proved to be equivalent: the first is a
representation based on random fields, the second is based on Continuous
Branching Processes with Immigration (CBI in the following).
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Federico Polito
Department of Mathematics
University of Torino
Via Carlo Alberto, 10
10123, Torino, Italy
Email: federico.polito(a)unito.it
Tel: +39 011 6702862
Web: www.fpolito.eu
LUISS is looking for teaching assistants for various courses in
mathematics, statistics, and computer science for the academic year
2017/2018. Teaching assistants are expected to teach in either English or
Italian (not necessarily both), hold office hours, and assist with exams.
Whoever is interested should fill out the application form that can be
found at the pages
(Department of Economics and Finance),
(Department of Management).
The deadline is 02 March 2017.
I would greatly appreciate if you could inform your graduate students of
this opportunity.
Marco Scarsini
Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza
Viale Romania 32
00197 Roma, ITALY
URL: http://docenti.luiss.it/scarsini/