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Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2016 10:01:29 +0100 (CET)
From: Francesca Biagini <biagini(a)mathematik.uni-muenchen.de>
Subject: Junior Professorship (W1) at the Universty of Munich (Germany) (fwd)
The Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics of the University of
Munich invites applications for a
Junior Professorship (W1) (for a period of 3 years) of Stochastic Methods in
Financial and Insurance Sciences
commencing …
[View More]as soon as possible.
The primary tasks of the successful candidate include active research and
teaching in the field of Financial and Insurance Mathematics / Stochastics.
Applicants are expected to participate actively in research and teaching at the
Institute of Mathematics. In particular, they should be able to teach all
courses in Financial Mathematics / Stochastics of the Bachelor-/Master Program
in Mathematics and Financial Mathematics.
Prerequisites for this position are a university degree, teaching skills at
university level and an aptitude for an academic career, usually evidenced by
the excellent quality of a doctoral degree. If the applicant was employed as a
research assistant either before or after obtaining the doctoral degree, the
entire duration of the period of employment and of the doctoral degree should
not exceed six years.
The position is a fixed-term professorship for the duration of three years.
Pending a positive evaluation, the position may be extended by another period
of three years. A conversion to an indefinite position (tenure track) is not
LMU Munich makes a point of providing newly appointed professors with various
types of support, such as welcoming services and assistance for dual career
LMU Munich is an equal opportunity employer. The University continues to be
very successful in increasing the number of female faculty members and strongly
encourages applications from female candidates. LMU Munich intends to enhance
the diversity of its faculty members. Furthermore, disabled candidates with
essentially equal qualifications will be given preference.
Please submit your application comprising a curriculum vitae, documentation of
academic degrees and certificates as well as a list of publications under the
keyword ?math9? to the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and
Statistics, Prof. Dr. Andreas Rosenschon, Theresienstra?e 39, 80333 Munich,
Germany, no later than April 21, 2016.
Please mail the application also electronically to dekanat16(a)lmu.de as one
pdf-file not greater than 10 MB.
For further information you can contact Prof. Francesca Biagini,
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Begin forwarded message:
> From: Embrechts Paul <paul.embrechts(a)math.ethz.ch>
> Subject: ETH Post-doc
> Date: 18 Mar 2016 14:36:37 CET
> To: Embrechts Paul
> Dear colleagues,
> I would be most grateful if you could bring the ETH Risk Center post doc position below to the attention of possible candidates.
> Bruno Sudret and I are jointly involved in the supervision and am convinced that the project holds great promise.
> The main theme is high-…
[View More]dimensional dependence modeling with engineering applications; for application details, see
> https://apply.refline.ch/845721/4353/pub/7/index.html
> Please feel free to pass on the announcement to other copula-loving colleagues!
> Kind regards,
> Paul.
> PS Sorry for the possible double-mailing.
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Dear Colleagues,
This is the first announcement for the conference on:
which will be held on Friday, June 10, 2016, in Nantes.
The conference will focus on statistical mechanics and the speakers will
present some of their most recent contributions to various topics as
Polymer models, Random walk in Random environment, Dimer Models, Random
The conference is hosted by the Cité Internationale des Congrés as part of
[View More]the Journées Scientifiques de l'Université de Nantes.
Confirmed speakers : Frank den Hollander, Poquet Christophe, Benoît
Laslier, Laurent Tournier, Paolo Milanesi
A detailed program is available here:
The conference is free and open to all, but the registration is *mandatory*
(we have only a limited number of places: 30). Please use the on-line form
For further informations
Nicolas Pétrélis, Niccolò Torri, Philippe Carmona
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On behalf of the Scientific Committee of the de Finetti
Risk Seminars, we are glad to invite you to participate at
the following Lecture
Curtis Lee Smith
Idaho National Laboratory
Title to be announced
The seminar will be held on Wednesday, April 6, at
18.00 at room 3-E4-SR03, Bocconi University, Via Rontgen
1, 3rd floor, Milano.
A refreshment will be offered at 17.30.
Scientific Committee:
Prof. Simone Cerreia-Voglio (Univ. Bocconi)
Prof. Marco Frittelli (Univ. degli …
[View More]Studi di Milano)
Prof. Fabio Maccheroni (Univ. Bocconi)
Prof. Massimo Marinacci (Univ. Bocconi)
Prof. Emanuela Rosazza Gianin (Univ. Milano-Bicocca)
Dott. Marco Maggis (Univ. degli Studi di Milano)
Emanuela Rosazza Gianin
Dipartimento di Statistica e Metodi Quantitativi
Università di Milano Bicocca
Edificio U7 – 4° Piano
Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8
20126 Milano
Tel. 02 64483208
Fax. 02 64483105
e-mail: emanuela.rosazza1(a)unimib.it
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Nell'ambito delle attivita' del Dottorato di Ricerca in Matematica
(Universita' di Pavia - Universita' di Milano Bicocca - INdAM), il
prof. Eugenio Regazzini terra' il corso
** History of Probability in the First Half of XX Century **
Le lezioni (30 ore complessive) si terranno presso il Dipartimento di
Matematica "F. Casorati" dell'Universita' di Pavia, ogni giovedi' e
venerdi' dalle 10:00 alle 13:00, a partire dal 14 aprile.
Per ulteriori informazioni e' possibile contattare il docente via
[View More]email: eugenio.regazzini(a)unipv.it
** Descrizione del corso **
The first half of the last century has been a formidable period for
the development of probability and its applications. In point of fact,
during its course a number of open problems found a definitive answer
and, at the same time, sound bases towards new important achievements
were established.
The method adopted in the present course in order to illustrate the
advance of probability consists in analyzing the most original and
streamlined lines of reasoning to prove a certain number of theorems
generally seen as determining the magnificence of modern probability.
Since the aforesaid progress has been made possible even by the
axiomatization of probability, the first part of the course will be
devoted to this subject, drawing particular attention to the
foundational work of A. N. Kolmogorov (1933) and B. de Finetti (1931).
The second part will deal with distinguished versions of the strong
law of large number, starting from E. Borel (1909) and F.P. Cantelli
(1917), to get at the general formulation from the Soviet School
(Kolmogorov, A. Khinchin, etc.). In the case of stochastic
independence, their extensions to exchangeable random elements (de
Finetti), and more general stationary sequences (ergodic theorem of
von Neumann and Birkhoff) will be displayed and discussed. In this
very same part, the role played by stable and infinitely divisible
laws to solve the central limit problem (P. Lévy, Khinchin, W.
Doeblin, B. Gnedenko) will be emphasized. The last part will be
devoted to the birth of the theory of stochastic processes, starting
from the works of Kolmogorov (1929) on Markov processes, de Finetti
(1929 -1933) and Lévy (1934-1935) on random functions with independent
increments, Lévy (1935-1937) and J. Doob (1940) on martingales. This
last part will end with an outline to the methods devised in the
fifties to study convergence in law of stochastic processes.
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Cari tutti,
ricevo e volentieri inoltro, scusandomi in anticipo con chi l'avesse per caso già ricevuto.
Fabio Zucca
Open position - Assistant Professor with PhD for 6 years
Graz University of Technology
Institute of Discrete Mathematics
Working Group Structure Theory and Stochastics
Starting date: October 1st 2016.
Requirements: PhD or equivalent university degree in
Mathematics or Technical Mathematics, awarded before
the beginning of the engagement.
[View More]Desired qualifications: scientific work in the fields
of Stochastic Processes (random walks), Graph Theory,
Geometric Group Theory, possibly combining those topics.
Readiness to collaborate in research projects in these
Teaching duties of at least 4 hours per week per semester,
in particular for Mathematics in the Engineering sciences,
in German (!).
Deadline for applications: May 31, 2016.
For details regarding position and applications, see
Graz, March 2016, Wolfgang Woess
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It is a pleasure to announce that on March, 14 in Room 2BC/30 of the
Department of Mathematics at the University of Padova (via Trieste, 63)
there will be two seminars and the discussion of a PhD thesis.
The plan of the morning is as follows:
10am Prof. Carlo Sgarra (Politecnico di Milano):
"American options valuation in stochastic volatility models with
transaction costs"
(joint with A. Cosso and D. Marazzina)
11am Prof Fausto Gozzi (LUISS Roma):
"HJB equations for stochastic …
[View More]control problems with delay in the control:
regularity and feedback controls"
(joint with Federica Masiero)
12am Dr Matteo Basei will defense his PhD thesis titled
"Topics in stochastic control and differential game theory, with application to
mathematical finance"
Here below the abstracts of the presentations.
In the present paper we analyze the American option valuation problem in a
stochastic volatility model when transaction costs are taken into account.
We shall show that it can be formulated as a singular stochastic optimal
control problem, proving the existence and uniqueness of the viscosity
solution for the associated Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman partial differential
equation. Moreover, after performing a dimensionality reduction through a
suitable choice of the Utility Function, we shall provide a numerical
example illustrating how American options prices can be computed in the
present modeling framework.
Stochastic optimal control problems governed by delay equations with delay
in the control are usually more difficult to study than the the ones when
the delay appears only in the state. This is particularly true when we
look at the associated Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation. Indeed,
even in the simplified setting (introduced first by Vinter and Kwong [44]
for the deterministic case) the HJB equation is an infinite dimensional
second order semilinear Partial Differential Equation (PDE) that does not
satisfy the so-called "structure condition" which substantially means that
"the noise enters the system with the control". The absence of such
condition, together with the lack of smoothing properties which is a
common feature of problems with delay, prevents the use of the known
techniques (based on Backward Stochastic Differential Equations (BSDEs) or
on the smoothing properties of the linear part) to prove the existence of
regular solutions of this HJB equation and so no results on this direction
have been proved till now.
In this paper we provide a result on existence of regular solutions of
such kind of HJB equations and we use it to solve completely the
corresponding control problem finding optimal feedback controls also in
the more difficult case of pointwise delay. The main tool used is a
partial smoothing property that we prove for the transition semigroup
associated to the uncontrolled problem. Such results hold for a specific
class of equations and data which arises naturally in many applied
We consider three problems in stochastic control and differential game theory,
arising from practical situations in mathematical finance and energy markets.
First, we address the problem of optimally exercising swing contracts in energy
markets. Our main result consists in characterizing the value function as the
unique viscosity solution of a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. The case of
contracts with penalties is straightforward. Conversely, the case of contracts
with strict constraints gives rise to stochastic control problems where a
non-standard integral constraint is present: we get the anticipated
characterization by considering a suitable sequence of unconstrained problems.
The approximation result is proved for a general class of problems with an
integral constraint on the controls.
Then, we consider a retailer who has to decide when and how to intervene and
adjust the price of the energy he sells, in order to maximize his earnings. The
intervention costs can be either fixed or depending on the market share. In the
first case, we get a standard impulsive control problem and we characterize the
value function and the optimal price policy. In the second case, classical
theory cannot be applied, due to the singularities of the penalty function; we
then outline an approximation argument and we finally consider stronger
conditions on the controls to characterize the optimal policy.
Finally, we focus on a general class of non-zero-sum stochastic differential
games with impulse controls. After defining a rigorous framework for such
problems, we prove a verification theorem: if a couple of functions is regular
enough and satisfies a suitable system of quasi-variational inequalities, it
coincides with the value functions of the problem and a characterization of the
Nash equilibria is possible. We conclude by a detailed example: we investigate
the existence of equilibria in the case where two countries, with different
goals, can affect the exchange rate between the corresponding currencies.
Tiziano Vargiolu
Dipartimento di Matematica Phone: +39 049 8271383
Universita' di Padova Fax: +39 049 8271428
Via Trieste, 63 E-mail: vargiolu(a)math.unipd.it
I-35121 Padova (Italy) WWW: http://www.math.unipd.it/~vargiolu
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March 15th from 14:30 to 15:30 in room 204
Viale Romania 32
00197 Roma
(note the change of time and room)
Title of the talk:
Asymptotic Lower Bounds for Optimal Tracking: a Linear Programming Approach
Peter Tankov (Universite Paris Diderot -- Paris 7)
We consider the problem of tracking a target whose dynamics is modeled
by a continuous Ito semi-martingale. The aim is to minimize both
deviation …
[View More]from the target and tracking efforts. We establish the
existence of asymptotic lower bounds for this problem, depending on
the cost structure. These lower bounds can be related to the
time-average control of Brownian motion, which is characterized as a
deterministic linear programming problem. A comprehensive list of
examples with explicit expressions for the lower bounds is provided.
Joint work with Jiatu Cai and Mathieu Resenbaum
paper available at
Marco Scarsini
Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza
Viale Romania 32
00197 Roma, ITALY
URL: http://docenti.luiss.it/scarsini/
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