[ENGLISH BELOW] Con preghiera di diffusione,
si avvisa che in data 05-11-2024, alle ore 11:00 precise, presso la sala Pentagonale dell'Area della Ricerca 1 del CNR di Milano in via A. Corti 12,
la Dr. Alice Giampino, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, terrà un seminario dal titolo
A Bayesian Model for Co-clustering Ordinal Data with Informative Missing Entries
Abstract: Several approaches have been proposed in the literature for clustering multivariate ordinal data. These methods typically treat missing values as absent information, rather than recognizing them as valuable for profiling population characteristics. To address this gap, we introduce a Bayesian nonparametric model for co-clustering multivariate ordinal data that treats censored observations as informative, rather than merely missing. We demonstrate that this offers a significant improvement in understanding the underlying structure of the data. Our model exploits the flexibility of two independent Dirichlet processes, allowing us to infer potentially distinct subpopulations that characterize the latent structure of both subjects and variables. The ordinal nature of the data is addressed by introducing latent variables, while a matrix factorization specification is adopted to handle the high dimensionality of the data in a parsimonious way. The conjugate structure of the model enables an explicit derivation of the full conditional distributions of all the random variables in the model, which facilitates seamless posterior inference using a Gibbs sampling algorithm. We demonstrate the method's performance through simulations and by analyzing politician and movie ratings data.
Gli interessati potranno partecipare al seminario da remoto, utilizzando il link indicato qui sotto
oppure in presenza previa prenotazione via email a federico.cortese(a)mi.imati.cnr.it<mailto:federico.cortese@mi.imati.cnr.it>
Distinti saluti,
Federico P. Cortese
Dear all,
We are honoured to announce that on 11/05/2024, at 11:00 AM, in the Pentagonale Room of the CNR Research Area 1 in Milan, Via A. Corti 12,
Dr. Alice Giampino from the University of Milano-Bicocca will present a seminar titled:
A Bayesian Model for Co-clustering Ordinal Data with Informative Missing Entries
Abstract: Several approaches have been proposed in the literature for clustering multivariate ordinal data. These methods typically treat missing values as absent information, rather than recognizing them as valuable for profiling population characteristics. To address this gap, we introduce a Bayesian nonparametric model for co-clustering multivariate ordinal data that treats censored observations as informative, rather than merely missing. We demonstrate that this offers a significant improvement in understanding the underlying structure of the data. Our model exploits the flexibility of two independent Dirichlet processes, allowing us to infer potentially distinct subpopulations that characterize the latent structure of both subjects and variables. The ordinal nature of the data is addressed by introducing latent variables, while a matrix factorization specification is adopted to handle the high dimensionality of the data in a parsimonious way. The conjugate structure of the model enables an explicit derivation of the full conditional distributions of all the random variables in the model, which facilitates seamless posterior inference using a Gibbs sampling algorithm. We demonstrate the method's performance through simulations and by analyzing politician and movie ratings data.
Interested participants may attend the seminar remotely using the link provided below:
or in person by reserving a spot via email at federico.cortese(a)mi.imati.cnr.it<mailto:federico.cortese@mi.imati.cnr.it>
Best regards,
Federico P. Cortese
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to all_ricercatori+unsubscribe(a)imati.cnr.it<mailto:all_ricercatori+unsubscribe@imati.cnr.it>.
Dear all,
This is a preliminary announcement for the workshop “Random Geometric
Structures and Statistical Physics,” to be held at the Department of
Mathematics, Sapienza University of Rome, from June 30 to July 4, 2025. The
workshop is part of the Eccellenza scientific program at Sapienza, titled
“Statistical Mechanics and Nonequilibrium Processes.”
The workshop will cover topics such as random growth processes,
percolation, random walks and interacting particles on random graphs,
random surfaces, statistical mechanics, and more. It will gather experts
from these research fields.
A follow-up message will be sent with more information once the meeting
website is available.
The organizers,
Alessandra Faggionato
Vittoria Silvestri
Lorenzo Taggi
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 123, first floor
Seminari on-line del gruppo UMI - PRISMA (http://www.umi-prisma.polito.it/)
I seminari PRISMA hanno un formato di "colloquium" per creare un'occasione di scambio e discussione con tutta la comunità dei probabilisti e statistici italiani. Ogni giornata comprende due relatori che tengono due seminari di 30 minuti strettamente connessi, per presentare alla comunità una prospettiva sul proprio ambito di ricerca. Da quest'anno le registrazioni dei seminari vengono pubblicate sul canale YouTube dell'UMI:
Il prossimo appuntamento è per martedì 5 novembre 2024. I relatori saranno Enzo Orsingher (Sapienza Università di Roma) e Wolfgang Woess (Technische Universitaet Graz) che ci parleranno di
Il moto browniano iperbolico e le sue ramificazioni
con il seguente orario:
16:00 Primo seminario
16:30 Pausa e discussione
16:45 Secondo seminario
17:15 Conclusione e discussione
Trovate di seguito il riassunto. I seminari verranno trasmessi via Zoom al seguente link:
Meeting ID: 886 7956 9146
Vi aspettiamo numerosi!
Valentina Cammarota e Francesco Caravenna
RELATORI: Enzo Orsingher (Sapienza Università di Roma) e Wolfgang Woess (Technische Universitaet Graz)
TITOLO: Il moto browniano iperbolico e le sue ramificazioni
RIASSUNTO: Il moto browniano ramificato (branching Brownian motion - BBM) in ambito euclideo è stato studiato intensamente durante molti decenni da studiosi rinomati. Il BBM sul disco (ossia semipiano) iperbolico ha ricevuto molta meno attenzione. Un lavoro profondo di Lalley and Sellke (1997) ha messo in luce la fase ricorrente, risp. transitoria del BBM sul disco di Poincaré. In particolare, Lalley e Sellke hanno determinato la dimensione di Hausdorff dell'insieme limite sulla frontiera (il cerchio unitario) in funzione del tasso di ramificazione delle particelle.
Nel primo dei due seminari viene introdotta la geometria del disco iperbolico con la metrica di Poincaré e del modello equivalente del semipiano superiore. Si presenta il Laplaciano iperbolico, cioè l'operatore di Laplace-Beltrami associato a questa superficie. Esso è l'operatore infinitesimale del moto browniano iperbolico. Si presentano alcune proprietà chiave di questo processo.
Nel secondo seminario si introduce il moto browniano ramificato iperbolico. Vengono presentati alcuni nuovi risultati. In particolare, si forniscono i tassi della massima e minima distanza iperbolica della popolazione al tempo t dal punto di partenza e delle stime asintotiche più precise nella fase transitoria. L'altro tema principale riguarda il comportamento delle distribuzioni empiriche della popolazione ramificante e la loro convergenza a una distribuzione limite aleatoria sulla frontiera di supporto infinito.
Ricevo da Marton Balasz e con piacere inoltro.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Marton Balazs <m.balazs(a)bristol.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 at 13:31
School and workshop on stochastic interacting particle systems and random
Dear Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to announce the School and the Workshop on Stochastic
interacting particle systems and random matrices, to be held at the Erdős
Center of the Rényi Institute, Budapest.
School on Stochastic interacting particle systems and random matrices:
16-20 June, 2025
Workshop on Stochastic interacting particle systems and random matrices:
23-27 June, 2025
- The School will feature minicourses from the following distinguished
Charles Bordenave
Ivan Corwin
László Erdős
Nina Gantert
Alice Guionnet
Bálint Virág
We are also planning on short talks from interested attendees. Further
details are to be found at
Registration deadline: 15 March 2025.
- The workshop will consist of numerous talks by researchers ranging from
early career colleagues to top experts of interacting particle systems and
of random matrix theory. There will also be opportunities for discussions
during the meeting. Please see details at
Registration deadline: 15 May 2025.
Please advertise these meetings to interested students and colleagues.
With best wishes from the organisers:
Márton Balázs
Laure Dumaz
Benedek Valkó
Bálint Vető
Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome
Office 123, first floor
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the organisers, I would like to point you to the GPSD
conference in Dresden
As usual, apologies for cross-posting.
Best wishes,
Enrico Scalas
Dear colleagues,
I am forwarding the following announcement from Avi Mayorcas about a PhD
position at the University of Bath.
Best regards
Mario Maurelli
Dear Colleagues,
I am currently advertising for a PhD position at the University of
Bath. The topic would be ideally suited to students with an interest in
one or multiple areas of analysis, probability, stochastic analysis and
PDE. However, mathematically strong students with a background in
physics or economics would also be well-suited.
Please find the advert here:
Note: the advert currently says _UK students only_, however, due to a
recent internal decision this will no longer apply, the advert will be
updated in due course.
Please feel free to point any interested students here to contact me
here: https://researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/persons/avi-mayorcas
Many thanks and best wishes,
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to the following SPASS seminar, jointly
organized by UniPi, SNS, UniFi and UniSi (abstract below):
*Large and moderate deviations for Gaussian neural network*
by *Claudio Macci* (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
The seminar will take place on *TUE, 29.10.2024* at *14:00 CET *in Aula
Seminari, Dipartimento di Matematica, UNIPI and streamed online at this link
The organizers,
A. Agazzi, G. Bet, A. Caraceni, F. Grotto, G. Zanco
*Title: Large and moderate deviations for Gaussian neural network*
*Abstract: We prove large and moderate deviations for the output of
Gaussian fully connected neural networks. The main achievements concern
deep neural networks (i.e., when the model has more than one hidden layer)
and hold for bounded and continuous pre-activation functions. However, for
deep neural networks fed by a single input, we have results even if the
pre-activation is ReLU. When the network is shallow (i.e., there is exactly
one hidden layer) the large and moderate principles hold for quite general
pre-activations and in an infinite-dimensional setting.Joint work with
Barbara Pacchiarotti (Università di Roma Tor Vergata) and Giovanni Luca
Torrisi (IAC-CNR).*
The Stochastic Systems Modeling project in São Paulo state, Brazil, is
recruiting three post-doctoral research fellows in the fields of
Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes.
The project is spread across four universities (USP, UNICAMP, UFSCar,
UFABC) and includes Drs. Anatoly Yambartsev, Andressa Cerqueira,
Cristian F. Coletti, Eduardo Jordão Neves, Élcio Lebensztayn, Fábio P.
Machado, Florencia Leonardi, Leonardo T. Rolla, Luiz Renato G. Fontes,
Miguel Abadi, Nancy L. Garcia, Pablo A. Gomes, Renato Gava, Sandro
Gallo, and Vladimir Belitsky. The main lines of research include
percolation and interacting random walks, population dynamics and
genetic models, information propagation models, characterizers in
dynamical systems and inference, and modeling and inference in complex
These are two-year positions, renewable for a third year, funded by
the São Paulo Research Foundation through grant 23/13453-5, with the
following conditions:
Teaching requirements: none
Start date: flexible
Net salary: 144,000.00 BRL per year
Research grant: 14,400.00 BRL per year
Applications should be uploaded to https://forms.gle/MosUNPinEsBkQknG6
by the deadline below and include:
Cover letter
Short CV
Research Statement
Two confidential reference letters should be uploaded to
https://forms.gle/EYUa1VkUQH6PYUFbA by the same deadline.
Those without access to Google can send the material directly to
Deadline: December 15, 2024
di virus.www.avast.com
Dear colleagues,
We are excited to announce the first Precision Health Day, organized by Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI) and Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (EOC). This event will bring together experts from academia, industry, and institutions to discuss the latest advancements in precision healthcare, focusing on data science, AI, medical devices, bioinformatics, telemedicine, and more.
Date: 28 March 2025
Location: Lugano, Switzerland (with remote participation available)
Languages: Italian and English
Submit here<https://easychair.org/cfp/phealthday2025> your research abstract by December 8, 2024. Accepted abstracts will be selected for oral or poster presentations and shared in the event proceedings.
For more information and registration updates, visit our event page<https://www.supsi.ch/en/giornata-della-salute-di-precisione> or contact meditech(a)supsi.ch<mailto:meditech@supsi.ch>.
We look forward to your participation!
Best regards,
Laura Azzimonti
on behalf of the conference organization committee