Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Faggionato, Alessandra" <faggiona(a)>
> Subject: aggiunta
> Date: 17 ottobre 2014 13:49:45 GMT+02:00
> Seminario di Probabilita' e Fisica Statistica
> "Fluctuations and large deviations in non equilibrium systems"
> by Kirone Mallick (CEA, Saclay, Francia)
> Aula L, Dipartimento di Matematica, La Sapienza
> Martedi' 21 Ottobre Ore 14.30
> Abstract:
> …
[View More]Studies of non-equilibrium fluctuations have held a center stage during the
> past few decades of the development of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics.
> Indeed, macroscopic fluctuations are supposed to display some universal
> behaviour, regardless of the precise microscopic dynamics of the process
> under study. In this talk, we shall consider a few examples of non-equilibrium
> fluctuations: the particle current in an interacting particle system,
> the diffusion of a tracer in a one-dimensional gas of
> particles with excluded mutual passage and the melting of an Ising quadrant.
> These different problems will be analyzed quantitatively with the help
> of the macroscopic fluctuation theory.
> --
> Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
> Department of Mathematics
> University La Sapienza
> Piazzale A. Moro, 2
> 00186 Rome - Italy
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Venerdi' 24 Ottobre 2014 alle ore 12:00,
presso la sala rossa del Collegio Carlo Alberto,
Moncalieri (TO), si terra' il seguente seminario:
Bartek KNAPIK (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Since the seminal works of Ghosal, Ghosh …
[View More]and van der Vaart (2000) and Shen and Wasserman (2001), posterior contraction has attracted much attention, resulting in the rich literature on this subject. However, these results are not suitable to deal with trully ill-posed inverse problems, where one is interested in the parameter of interest f, given noisy observations of its transformed version Kf. General theorems yield contraction results in some metric measuring the distance between Kf and Kf_0, whereas the interest lies in the distance betweend f and f_0, and these two metrics are not equivalent. In this talk we review (a part of) the existing literature on Bayesian approach to nonparametric inverse problems, and present a general contraction theorem. We show that in mildly ill-posed problems with conjugate priors, both empirical and hierarchical Bayes approaches lead to (nearly) optimal recovery of an infinite-dimensional parameter of interest. Moreover, using our general result, we obtain minimax adaptive concentration rates in two examples in the fixed-design regression setting.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Il seminario e' organizzato dalla "de Castro" Statistics Initiative
( in collaborazione con il
Collegio Carlo Alberto.
Cordiali saluti,
Matteo Ruggiero
Matteo Ruggiero
University of Torino and Collegio Carlo Alberto
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The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process, a Review
by Kirone Mallick (CEA, Saclay, Francia)
Monday, 20 October 2014 from 16:00 to 18:00 (Europe/Rome)
at Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi ( Aula Conversi )
The asymmetric simple exclusion process plays the role of a paradigm to study various aspects of non-equilibrium statistical physics. It is a minimal model of interacting particles with transport, that displays interesting collective behaviour and breaks time-reversal …
[View More]symmetry. This system appears as a building block in more realistic descriptions of low-dimensional transport with constraints. During the last twenty years, a large number of exact results have been derived for the exclusion process. The aim of this talk is to review the main techniques used to study this system and some of the important results that have been obtained.
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Vi segnalo la Mostra (21.24 ottobre) e la conferenza (21 ottobre) su
René Gateaux
presso il Dipartimento di Matematica Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
René Gateaux (1889-1914) Itinerario di una gioventù perduta:
Dipartimento di Matematica "Guido Castelnuovo"
Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
21 -24 ottobre 2014
René Gateaux era un giovane matematico francese. Circa un milione e
mezzo di francesi sono morti durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale, e René
Gateaux è stato uno di loro.
Qualche …
[View More]tempo prima della sua prematura scomparsa, avvenuta nella
notte tra il 2 e il 3 ottobre 1914, ebbe diversi contatti scientifici
con la comunità matematica romana e in particolare con Vito Volterra.
In occasione del centenario dalla morte di René Gateaux, nei locali
del Dipartimento di Matematica Guido Castelnuovo (piano terra), si
terrà una mostra sui suoi contributi scientifici
e sulla sua breve vita: il caso di René Gateaux apporta qualche
interessante contributo alla conoscenza del suo periodo storico.
La mostra si può visitare durante l'orario di apertura del
Dipartimento di Matematica: dalle 8 alle 20. L'ingresso è gratuito
Consulenti scientifici: Laurent Mazliak (Université Pierre et Marie
Curie, Paris) e Rossana Tazzioli (Université de Lille 1)
Concezione grafica: Raphaël Petit
Organizzazione locale: Giovanna Nappo e Fabio Spizzichino
(Dipartimento di Matematica)
Martedì 21 ottobre, ore 15:30, in Aula Picone del Dipartimento di
Matematica "Guido Castelnuovo", il Professor Laurent Mazliak terrà una
conferenza introduttiva.
René Gateaux (1889-1914)
abstract: Nell'ottobre 1914, il giovane matematico René Gateaux fu
ucciso nei primi combattimenti della prima guerra mondiale. Aveva 25
anni. La sua fortuna postuma fu di essere stato, durante la sua breve
vita, in relazione con importanti matematici, in particolare con Vito
Volterra, e di avere lasciato prima di andare in guerra delle carte
che diventarono, nelle mani esperte di Paul Lévy, la fonte di sviluppi
capitali per la matematica del '900. Nella conferenza, considerata
come un'introduzione e un complemento alla mostra omonima presso il
Dipartimento di Matematica "Guido Castelnuovo", verranno presentati
diversi aspetti di questo sorprendente destino.
La conferenza sarà preceduta da una breve introduzione alla derivata
di Gateaux, tenuta dal Prof. Antonio Siconolfi (Università di Roma "La
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Second Call for papers
Second Workshop on
Fractional Calculus, Probability and Non-Local Operators: Applications and
Recent Developments
BCAM, Bilbao, Basque Country - Spain
10-14 November 2014
Research on non-local operators and related stochastic processes has
witnessed a rapid expansion over the past years. These problems pose new
challenges to both pure and applied mathematicians, at the interface of at
least three wide fields: functional analysis, stochastic processes and
partial …
[View More]differential equations, while providing a new paradigm in
scientific modelling. Applications range from relativistic models of
quantum physics and quantum field theory, to sub-diffusion experimentally
observed in molecular physics, from anomalous transport in cells to
leptokurtic price distributions in financial markets, or to long-range
dynamics ranging from the nano-scale to the geophysical scale. This
interaction between mathematics and applications is giving rise to new
concepts and methods, and it will produce new challenging mathematical
problems for many years to come.
Monday 10th - Wednesday 12th
Mon 11:30-13:30 / 15:00-19:00
Tue 9:00-12:00 / 15:00-16:00 / 17:00-19:00
Wed 9:00-12:00 / 15:00–18:00
PhD/PostDoc level course on "Fractional Kinetics: Analytic and
Probabilistic Approaches"
Vassili Kolokoltsov (University of Warwick, UK)
Jozsef Lorinczi (Loughborough University, UK)
Enrico Scalas (University of Sussex, UK)
Tue 16:00-17:00
BCAM Scientific Seminar
J. M. Sanz-Serna (University “Carlos III” Madrid, Spain) “Nonsymplectic
uses of symplectic integrators”
Thursday 13th - Friday 14th
Thu, Fri 9:30-12:00 / 15:00-17:30
Workshop with specialist talks presented by Invited Speakers and by young
researchers. A permanent poster session will be organised as well.
Invited Talks:
Luisa Beghin (University "La Sapienza" Rome, Italy) ”Stable processes at
Poisson times in connection with the fractional shift operator"
Kamil Kaleta (University of Wroclawska, Poland) “Lévy processes with
uniformly dominated sequences of jumps"
Joseba Mendiguren (Mondragon University, Spain) “Fractional Calculus
application on mechanical engineering problems"
Paolo Paradisi (ISTI-CNR Pisa, Italy/BCAM, Spain) “stochastic processes for
space-time fractional diffusion”
Juan Luis Vazquez (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain) “Nonlinear
diffusion with fractional Laplacian operator”
Grants are available for attendees.
For registration write to fcpnlo(a), no registration fee is required.
To submit your abstract for a poster or a presentation (deadline: 24th of
October, 2014) and further information, please write to: fcpnlo(a)
Sincerely Yours,
Jozsef Lorinczi
Gianni Pagnini
Enrico Scalas
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Le borse sono messe a disposizione dalla Fondazione Lucchese per l’Alta
Formazione e la Ricerca (FLAFR).
Gli argomenti di tesi sono:
Tema 1: Crisi e innovazione.
Tema 2: Modelli, metodologie e strumenti software per lo sviluppo e
l'analisi di sistemi ICT.
Tema 3: Modelli e metodologie per l'analisi delle reti complesse e loro
Tema 4: Metodologie e strumenti software per l'analisi e il …
[View More]controllo
di sistemi dinamici.
Tema 5: Modelli stocastici e metodologie statistiche per lo studio di
problematiche in campo economico, informatico o ingegneristico.
Tema 6: Modelli teorici, numerici e sperimentali per l'ottimizzazione
delle proprietà superficiali della carta.
Per ulteriori dettagli, potete consultare il link
Irene Crimaldi
IMT Institute for Advanced Studies
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Con preghiera di diffusione tra tutti i possibili interessati,
scusandomi per invii multipli.
Giacomo Aletti
Si comunica che in data
28 Ottobre 2014, ore 11, presso la Sala di Rappresentanza del
Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università degli Studi di Milano
La dott.ssa Giuliana Cortese, del dipartimento di Statistica
dell'Università di Padova, terrà un seminario dal titolo
"Dynamic predictions via competing risks regression models with
application to …
[View More]chemotherapy in breast cancer"
In breast cancer, the risk for cardiotoxicity due to chemotherapy
typically increases with the cumulative dose of treatment over time.
Therefore, it is of interest to predict the cumulative risk for
cardiotoxicity in a dynamic way, while controlling the competing risk
for mortality. For this purpose, we consider a competing risks
regression model with two events, cardiotoxicity and death. A second
aim is to predict optimal cumulative doses along a given treatment
time that keep the cumulative risk for cardiotoxicity below a certain
threshold (e.g. <5%).
We face these prediction problems with different regression models for
competing risks, accounting for all the time-dependent information in
the data. For example, some covariates are assumed to have
time-varying effects, and the cumulative dose was included as
(internal) time-dependent covariate into the models. A landmark
analysis was used to obtain dynamic predictions.
In this applied context, we compare the competing risks approach based
on cause-specific hazards and the direct regression models that allow
finding a one-to-one relationship between cumulative risks and
covariates. These models were then employed to predict optimal
cumulative doses at a sequence of landmark time points.
To control and correct also for the increased risk of dying, we
finally predict optimal cumulative doses when a illness-death model is
Implementation in R is also discussed.
Giacomo Aletti, Associate Professor
Advanced Applied Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Department of Mathematics (
Via Saldini, 50
20133 Milano, Italy
Tel: +39-02-503.16158
Cell: +39-340-9739142
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 09:47:36 +0000
From: Daniele Marazzina <daniele.marazzina(a)>
To: "basso(a)" <basso(a)>,
"vargiolu(a) (vargiolu(a)" <vargiolu(a)>
Subject: 2014 Nicola Bruti Liberati Prize (IV edition)
Con preghiera di diffusione tramite le vostre mailing-list.
Daniele Marazzina
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2014 Nicola Bruti Liberati Prize (IV edition)
The Bachelier Finance Society and the Department of Mathematics of the
Politecnico di Milano, in cooperation with Springer, are proud to announce
the 2014 Nicola Bruti Liberati Prize (IV edition) which is to be awarded
annually for a doctoral thesis in all subjects of Mathematical Finance, such
as, but not limited to: Derivative Pricing, Computational Finance,
Econometrics and Statistical Methods applied to Finance, Risk Analysis,
Portfolio Optimization, Probability Methods in Finance, and Numerical
Methods in Finance.
Nicola obtained an undergraduate degree from Bocconi University (2001) in
Mathematical Finance. He died in 2007 in a traffic accident in Sydney, while
he was completing his PhD thesis at the University of Technology. At that
time, he was also cooperating with the Quantitative Finance group of the
Department of Mathematics of the Politecnico di Milano.
In order to commemorate Nicola, his family and the Department of Mathematics
of the Politecnico di Milano offer an annual prize of E3.000 for the best
doctoral thesis to be selected by a Committee appointed by the Bachelier
Finance Society.
Theses defended in 2013 and 2014 must be submitted no later than January
31st, 2015.
The call for scholarship can be downloaded from the QFinLab web-site
( or at the following urls
[View Less]
?The Bachelier Finance Society and the Department of Mathematics of the Politecnico di Milano, in cooperation with Springer, are proud to announce the 2014 Nicola Bruti Liberati Prize (IV edition) which is to be awarded annually for a doctoral thesis in all subjects of Mathematical Finance, such as, but not limited to: Derivative Pricing, Computational Finance, Econometrics and Statistical Methods applied to Finance, Risk Analysis, Portfolio Optimization, Probability Methods in Finance, and …
[View More]Numerical Methods in Finance.
Nicola obtained an undergraduate degree from Bocconi University (2001) in Mathematical Finance. He died in 2007 in a traffic accident in Sydney, while he was completing his PhD thesis at the University of Technology. At that time, he was also cooperating with the Quantitative Finance group of the Department of Mathematics of the Politecnico di Milano.
In order to commemorate Nicola, his family and the Department of Mathematics of the Politecnico di Milano offer an annual prize of E3.000 for the best doctoral thesis to be selected by a Committee appointed by the Bachelier Finance Society.
Theses defended in 2013 and 2014 must be submitted no later than January 31st, 2015.
The call for scholarship can be downloaded from the QFinLab web-site ( or at the following urls
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Con preghiera di diffusione tra tutti i possibili interessati,
scusandomi per invii multipli.
Giacomo Aletti
Nell'ambito dei Reading Group Seminars e del Seminario di Matematica
Applicata, il giorno lunedì 20 Ottobre 2014, alle ore 14.30, nell'Aula
C del Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Universita' degli Studi di
Milano, Via C. Saldini, 50, Milano,
- Department of Brain and Behavioral Science, University of Pavia, Italy
- Consorzio …
[View More]Interuniversitario per le Scienze Fisiche della Materia
(CNISM), Pavia, Italy
terra' una conferenza dal titolo
Detailed computation model for a cerebellar excitatory interneuron
Unipolar Brush Cells (UBCs) have been suggested to play a critical
role in cerebellar functioning, yet the corresponding cellular
mechanisms remain poorly understood. UBCs have recently been reported
to generate, in addition to early-onset glutamate receptor-dependent
synaptic responses, a late-onset response (LOR) composed of a slow
depolarizing ramp followed by a spike burst (Locatelli et al., 2013).
The LOR activates as a consequence of synaptic activity and involves
an intracellular cascade modulating H- and TRP-current gating. In
order to assess the LOR mechanisms, we have developed a UBC
multi-compartmental model (including soma, dendrite, initial segment
and axon) incorporating biologically realistic representations of
ionic currents and a cytoplasmic coupling mechanism regulating TRP and
H channel gating. The model finely reproduced UBC responses to current
injection, including a burst triggered by a low-threshold spike
sustained by CaLVA currents, a persistent discharge sustained by CaHVA
currents, and a rebound burst following hyperpolarization sustained by
H- and CaLVA-currents. Moreover, the model predicted that H- and
TRP-current regulation was necessary and sufficient to generate the
LOR and its dependence on the intensity and duration of mossy fiber
activity. Therefore, the model showed that, using a basic set of ionic
channels, UBCs generate a rich repertoire of bursts, which could
effectively implement tunable delay-lines in the local microcircuit.
Reading Group Seminars: The Reading Group Seminars (RGS) are organized
within an open community of researchers interested in applying up to
date mathematical modeling and data analysis approaches to the study
of biological systems. The RGS take place at the Math. Department in
Milan (via Saldini). Initiatives and updates are published on the
Giacomo Aletti, Associate Professor
Advanced Applied Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Department of Mathematics (
Via Saldini, 50
20133 Milano, Italy
Tel: +39-02-503.16158
Cell: +39-340-9739142
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