cari iscritti
c'è stato un piccolo problema sul server della lista la cui spiegazione
è (cito dal messaggio dell'assistenza IT):
"Nello scorso fine settimana è avvenuto un attacco al sistema che, oltre a comportare l'invio di migliaia di
messaggi di spam, ha determinato conseguenze che sono andate ben oltre
il perimetro del semplice servizio di posta. Una serie di demoni sono
stati mandati in crash in modo non pulito e quello che si occupava
della gestione locale …
[View More]delle mailing list e` stato uno di questi."
alcuni dei messaggi inviati tra il 26 luglio (presumibilmente, l'ultimo
messaggio che ieri risultava nell'archivio era del 25 luglio) e ieri
potrebbero non esser stati recapitati. nel caso questi non siano ancora
pervenuti consiglio di procedere nel modo seguente (valido in generale
qualora spediate un messaggio e non otteniate immediatamente riscontro
ricevendo il vostro messaggio dalla lista):
* accedere agli archivi della lista:
(eventualmente richiedendo la vostra password che avrete debitamente
dimenticato alla pagina: )
* verificare se il messaggio sia già presente in archivio. in caso
positivo il messaggio è stato inviato e presto vi giungerà.
* in caso negativo contattare gli amministratori della lista.
il terzo passo della procedura non sempre funziona, come testimoniato
dal duplicato del messaggio che ho spedito e di cui mi scuso
a presto
[View Less]
Sono appena usciti sulla pagina Web dell'Università di Pisa, e
dovrebbero uscire nei prossimi giorni sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale, i
seguenti bandi:
- procedura per la selezione di n. 17 ricercatori a tempo determinato
di tipo a) (Junior): di questi 1 posto è destinato al settore MAT/06
(Probabilità e Statistica Matematica).
- procedura per la selezione di n. 46 professori di II fascia: di
questi 2 posti sono …
[View More]destinati al settore MAT/03 (Geometria) e 2 posti
sono destinati al settore MAT/05 (Analisi Matematica)
La scadenza di entrambi i bandi è fissata al 1 settembre 2014.
[View Less]
*Call for PhD applications *
Doctoral School in Mathematics
University of Trento in agreement with the University of Verona , 30th
Deadline: *20, August 2014*
Further details can be found here:…
Candidates interested in the area of stochastic processes and their
applications, e.g. in finance, are welcome.
Luca Di Persio - PhD
assistant …
[View More]professor of
Probability and Mathematical Finance
Dept. Informatics University of Verona
strada le Grazie 15 - 37134 Verona - Italy
Tel : +39 045 802 7968
Dept. Math University of Trento
V. Sommarive, 14 - 38123 Povo - Italy
Tel : +39 0461 281686
[View Less]
Sono appena usciti sulla pagina Web dell'Università di Pisa, e
dovrebbero uscire nei prossimi giorni sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale, i
seguenti bandi:
- procedura per la selezione di n. 17 ricercatori a tempo determinato
di tipo a) (Junior): di questi 1 posto è destinato al settore MAT/06
(Probabilità e Statistica Matematica).
- procedura per la selezione di n. 46 professori di II fascia: di
questi 2 posti sono …
[View More]destinati al settore 01/A2 (Geometria e Algebra) e
2 posti sono destinati al settore 01/A3 (Analisi Matematica,
Probabilità e Statistica Matematica)
La scadenza di entrambi i bandi è fissata al 1 settembre 2014.
[View Less]
[sperando che sia ammissibile dal regolamento della lista]
Are you (or your students) interested in Finance and do you (or your students) own a bachelor degree in Economics, Statistics, Mathematics, Engineering or the alike?
Do you (or your students) think it is time to strenghen your knowledge in the field?
Have a look at the new Master (laurea magistrale LM-16) in Economics & Finance (MEF) offered by the University of Milan
Or contact us at: mef(a)
[View More]
Stefano M. Iacus
Director of MEF - Master in Economics & Finance
Department of Economics,
Management and Quantitative Methods
University of Milan
Via Conservatorio, 7
I-20123 Milan - Italy
Ph.: +39 02 50321 461
Fax: +39 02 50321 505
Twitter: @iacus
Master in Economics & Finance
Twitter: @mefunimi
Email and further informations at: mef(a)
Please don't send me Word or PowerPoint attachments if not
absolutely necessary. See:
Il 5 x mille alla nostra Università è un investimento sui giovani,
sui loro migliori progetti.
Sostiene la libera ricerca.
Alimenta le loro speranze nel futuro.
Investi il tuo 5 x mille sui giovani.
Università degli Studi di Milano
codice fiscale 80012650158…
[View Less]
A selection announcement has been published for the awarding of n. 1
research grants for
the research project entitled "Methodology of composite indicators and
their use for the
evaluation of performance of Municipalities and Universities", to be
conducted at the
Department of Statistical Sciences under the supervision of dott.
Giovanna Boccuzzo, who is
the Research Project Supervisor.
Scientific area: n. 15 - Economics and Statistical Sciences
Term of the research: 12 months
*Deadline …
[View More]August 25, 2014*
Announcement and application form at the page:
Patrizia Piacentini
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Via C. Battisti, 241
35121 Padova
tel 049 8274167
fax 049 8271524
[View Less]
C R E D I T 2014
*The New Financial Regulatory System: Challenges and Consequences for the
Financial Sector
*Venice, Italy
25 - 26 September 2014
The objective of the Conference is to bring together academics,
practitioners and PhD students working in the area of risk management.
The conference this year focuses on *The New Financial Regulatory
System: Challenges and Consequences for the Financial Sector* and will
provide an opportunity for participants …
[View More]engaged in research at the
forefront of this area to discuss both the causes and implications of
recent events in financial markets and may, in turn, suggest fruitful
directions for future research. The Conference is the *thirteenth* of a
series dedicated to various aspects of credit risk.
The *co-sponsors* of the Conference are *GRETA Associati* (Venice,
Italy), *Center on Sustainable Architecture for Finance (SAFE) at Goethe
University Frankfurt* (Frankfurt, Germany) and *Intesa Sanpaolo *(Milan,
Italy). The Conference is organised under the *auspices *of the
*Department of Economics of the University Ca? Foscari of Venice*, *ABI
- Italian Banking Association *and *European Investment Bank.*
The Scientific Committee for the Conference consists of: *Jan Krahnen*,
Goethe University,**Programme Chair, *Monica Billio*, Ca? Foscari
University of Venice, *Steven Ongena*, University of Zurich, *Stephen
Schaefer*, London Business School and *Kenneth Singleton*, Stanford
Thursday, September 25 2014
9.00 - 9.15_Opening Remarks
_9.15 - 11.00_Session I: Bank risk taking, capital structure and credit
* Key-note talk: /Countering Systemic Risk through Banking Regulation
and Other Means - /*Franklin Allen* (University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia & Imperial College London)
* /Did CDS Make Banks Riskier? The Effects of Credit Default Swaps on
Bank Capital and Lending - /Susan Chenyu Shan (Shanghai Jiao Tong
University), Dragon Yongjun Tang (The University of Hong Kong) and
Hong Yan (University of South Carolina, Columbia & Shanghai Jiao
Tong University)
* /Incentive Pay and Bank Risk Taking: Evidence from Austrian, German,
and Swiss Banks - /Matthias Efing (University of Geneva & Swiss
Finance Institute), Harald Hau (University of Geneva & Swiss Finance
Institute), Patrick Kampkötter (University of Cologne) and Johannes
Steinbrecher (Ifo Institute Branch Dresden)
11.30 - 13.00_Session II: New development in the banking markets_
* /Do LTV and DSTI Caps Make Banks More Resilient? - /Michel Dietsch
(Banque de France & University of Strasbourg) and Cécile
Welter-Nicol (Banque de France)
* /Credit Growth and Bank Capital Requirements: Binding or Not? -
/Claire Labonne (Banque de France) and Gildas Lamé (INSEE-CREST,
* /Conditional Accounting Conservatism and Bank Risk Taking - /Manuel
Illueca (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón de la Plana), Lars Norden
(Erasmus University, Rotterdam) and Gregory F. Udell (Indiana
University, Bloomington)
14.30 - 16.00_Session III: Capital regulation_
* /Bank Portfolio Choice, Uninsurable Risks and Regulatory Constraints
- /Jochen Mankart (University of St. Gallen), Alexander Michaelides
(Imperial College Business School, London, University of Cyprus &
CEPR, London) and Spyros Pagratis (Athens University of Economics
and Business)
* /The Counter-Cyclical Capital Buffer of Basel III: Does It Affect
Mortgage Pricing? - /Christoph Basten (ETH Zurich & Swiss Financial
Market Supervisory Authority FINMA) and Catherine Koch (University
of Zurich)
* /The Limits of Model-Based Regulation - /Markus Behn (Bonn
University & Deutsche Bundesbank), Rainer Haselmann (Bonn
University) and Vikrant Vig (London Business School)
17.00 - 18.30_Session IV: Systemic risk_
* /Fire-Sale Spillovers and Systemic Risk - /Fernando Duarte (Federal
Reserve Bank of New York) and Thomas M. Eisenbach (Federal Reserve
Bank of New York)
* /The Removal of Credit Ratings from Capital Regulation: Implications
for Systemic Risk - /Kathleen Weiss Hanley (University of Maryland,
College Park) and Stanislava Nikolova (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
* /Systemic and Systematic Risk - /Monica Billio (University of
Venice), Massimilano Caporin (University of Padua), Roberto Panzica
(University of Venice & Goethe University Frankfurt) and Loriana
Pelizzon (University of Venice & Goethe University Frankfurt)
Friday, September 26 2014
9.00 - 10.45_Session V: Financial markets regulation_
* Key-note talk: /Equilibrium Fast Trading - /*Thierry Foucault* (HEC
* /Central Clearing and Collateral Demand - /Darrell Duffie (Stanford
University & National Bureau of Economic Research), Martin Scheicher
(European Systemic Risk Board) and Guillaume Vuillemey (Sciences-Po
Paris & Banque de France)
* /Sand in the Chips? Evidence on Taxing Transactions in Modern
Markets - /Jean-Edouard Colliard (European Central Bank) and Peter
Hoffmann (European Central Bank)
11.15 - 12.45_Session VI: Liquidity and credit_
* /Did Liquidity Providers Become Liquidity Seekers? Evidence the
CDS-Bond Basis During the 2008 Financial Crisis - /Jaewon Choi
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and Or Shachar (Federal
Reserve Bank of New York)
* /Credit and Liquidity in Interbank Rates: a Quadratic Approach -
/Simon Dubecq (European Central Bank & CREST), Alain Monfort (CREST,
Malakoff, Banque de France & Maastricht University), Jean-Paul Renne
(Banque de France) and Guillaume Roussellet (Banque de France,
CREST, Malakoff & CEREMADE, Paris)
* /Liquidity Risk and Distressed Equity - /Mamdouh Medhat (Copenhagen
Business School)
14.15 - 16.00_Session VII: Banking Union_
* /Supervisory Incentives in a Banking Union - /Elena Carletti
(Bocconi University, CEPR, London & IGIER, Milan), Giovanni
Dell'Ariccia (International Monetary Fund & CEPR, London) and Robert
Marquez (University of California, Davis)
* /The Political Economy of Bank Bailouts - /Markus Behn (Bonn
University & Deutsche Bundesbank), Rainer Haselmann (Bonn
University), Thomas Kick (Deutsche Bundesbank) and Vikrant Vig
(London Business School)
* Key-note talk: /Ethics in Finance: a Banking Supervisor's
Perspective - /*Ignazio Angeloni* (European Central Bank)
17.00 - 18.30_PANEL Session
To register for the Conference you are requested to complete the
registration form that is available on our website
Registration fees are:
Early registrationLate registration
(within August 24th)(from August 25th on)
Academics: 250 Euro + VAT300 Euro + VAT
Practitioners: 800 Euro + VAT1000 Euro + VAT
PhD Students*: 80 Euro + VAT130 Euro + VAT
*VAT is currently 22%
**Students will have to provide valid proof of their student status.
The registration fees cover:
- Admission to all scientific sessions
- Lunches and coffee service during the Conference
- Conference kit
The registration fees do not fully cover the conference dinner on
September 25, 2014, for which there is an extra charge of 80.00 Euro for
each participant (conference attendees as well as accompanying persons).
For more detailed information (registration, accommodation and
Conference venue), please refer to the Conference website:
GRETA Associati
San Polo, 2605 - 30125 Venice, ITALY
Phone : +39 041 5238178 - Fax : +39 041 5286166
e-mail: credit(a) <>
website: _www.greta.it_ <>
"Nota automatica aggiunta dal sistema di posta.
Destina Il 5 per mille per sostenere i giovani ricercatori di Ca' Foscari.
E' un buon investimento per il futuro di tutti.
E' un atto volontario, non costa nulla e non sostituisce l'8 per mille.
Scegli Ca' Foscari: codice fiscale 80007720271
Please note that the above message is addressed only to individuals filing
Italian income tax returns."
[View Less]
IMATI-Milano organizes the 1st Workshop on Computer-aided and
bio-chemical strategies
for the design of stochastic experiments, on July, 31st.
This Workshop will bring together scientists and engineers from
industry and academia to identify current limitations, needs and trends
in tackling experimental stochastic system in natural sciences. The
workshop will consist of a number of keynote lectures, followed by
breakout sessions focused on developing solutions to the challenges of
method …
[View More]development, specifically advancing and accelerating methods for
broad applications.
The program with all information can be downloaded here
Anyone interested to attend the Workshop is kindly invited to send an
e-mail to Matteo Borrotti: matteo AT
We apologize for cross posting.
Dott. Antonella Bodini
CNR-Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche
Via Bassini 15, 20133 Milano (Italy)
tel +39 02 23699524
fax +39 02 23699538
[View Less]
Workshop announcement
Random Structures and Models in Medicine, Biotechnology, Materials Science
and Environment
September 12, 2014
Department of Mathematics
Universita' degli Studi di Milano
via Saldini 50, Milano, Italy
This workshop is an activity of the ECMI Special Interest Group "Shape and
Size in Medicine, Biotechnology and Materials Science" (see and is aimed to give an overview to
methods …
[View More]developed in Mathematical Morphology, Spatial Statistics,
Stochastic Geometry, Numerical Analysis to model and to simulate random
sets and functions with a spatial or geometrical structure. These models
are useful in many applications where heterogeneous media, possibly
evolving in time, appear, for instance materials, networks of vessels,
evolution of pollutants, etc.
Both theoretical and applied results will be discussed.
All the talks are invited, but participation is free and encouraged.
Registration of participants is required for organizing reasons by
September 7, 2014.
For further information please visit the web page of the workshop or
Alessandra Micheletti
Associate Professor - Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Dept. of Mathematics
Università degli Studi di Milano
via Saldini 50, 20133 Milano, Italy
phone: +39-02503-16130
fax: +39-02503-16090
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