Dear colleagues,
this is a gentle reminder about the upcoming workshop on Stochastic Processes, Stochastic Optimal Control, and their Applications, to be held at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Mathematics, Aula Consiglio (7th floor) on September 26-27, 2024.
The workshop is dedicated to Professor Marco Fuhrman, on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
The official program is now available on the website
The workshop begins on Thursday, September 26, at 15:30 (registration opens at 15:00) and ends on Friday, September 27, at 12:40.
Attendance is possible only in presence upon registration, which is free but mandatory.
Unfortunately, we cannot offer financial support. If you are interested in attending, please use the registration form (available until Friday, September 20) on the official website of the workshop, where you can also find some general travel information and suggestions on hotels near Politecnico di Milano.
For any further information, please contact spoca-dmat(a)<> .
Best regards,
The organizing committee
Alessandro Calvia (Università degli Studi di Parma)
Luciano Campi (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Fulvia Confortola (Politecnico di Milano)
Andrea Cosso (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Giuseppina Guatteri (Politecnico di Milano)
Mattia Martini (Université Côte d’Azur)
Firma il tuo 5xmille all’Università di Parma. Aiutaci a potenziare la capacità di accoglienza, soprattutto abitativa, per le studentesse e gli studenti. - Indica 00308780345 nella tua dichiarazione dei redditi.
*Università di SalernoDipartimento di Matematica*
Il Prof. Alfonso Suárez-Llorens (Universidad de Cádiz. Dpto. Estadística e
I.O.) terrà, venerdì 20
settembre, alle ore 12:00, presso la Sala Riunioni dell'Edificio F2 (piano
1, stanza 36), un seminario
dal titolo:
*Extreme Value Distributions and Their Shape*
Gli interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare,
*Antonio Di CrescenzoBarbara MartinucciAlessandra MeoliSerena Spina*
*Link su Teams*:
ID riunione: 345 585 611 215
Passcode: 9P9iwD
This talk will cover Extreme Value Theory and its key results on
convergence, focusing on the
Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) family and the Generalized Pareto
Distribution (GPD) family.
Additionally, we will explore the concept of the shape of a distribution
and how it can be used to
characterize GEV and GPD distributions. This characterization can serve as
the basis for developing
a graphical tool to assess tail weight. The presentation will conclude with
a real-world example
applied to environmental data.
Siamo molti lieti di invitarvi al workshop
Mathematics for our Health, 2024, che si terrà presso il Politecnico di Milano nei giorni 7-8 Novembre
Si tratta di un’iniziativa supportata dal Progetto di Dipartimento di Eccellenza 2023-2027, del Dipartimento di Matematica del Politecnico di Milano.
Tutti gli interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare.
Scadenza per la registrazione all’evento (gratuita ma necessaria per ragioni organizzative) e per la sottomissione di contributi: **30 Settembre**.
Un caro saluto,
Laura Sangalli
Laura Maria Sangalli
MOX - Dipartimento di Matematica
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133 Milano - Italy
(+39) 02 2399 4554
Venerdi 20 Settembre 2024, presso il Collegio Carlo Alberto, in Piazza
Arbarello 8, Torino, si terrà il seguente seminario:
Speaker: Kohatsu-Higa (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
Title: *Derivation of killed processes: Applications in Finance*
In various fields including some in finance it is useful to have the
concept of derivative of a killed process or a stopping time. We have
started a project where such concepts can be discussed. Presently, we are
developing some theoretical results that can be later applied. We will give
a brief description of the project, achieved goals and some heuristics. I
will present some results that have been obtained in joint work with Dan
Crisan (Imperial College) in the one dimensional case and in the half space
case. The generalizations of these results to the case of a smooth domain
are being developed with Fabio Antonelli (University of L’Aquila). I will
also briefly describe some possible financial applications.
Sarà possibile seguire entrambi i seminari anche in streaming:
Join Zoom Meeting
I seminari sono organizzati dalla "de Castro" Statistics Initiative
Pierpaolo De Blasi
University of Torino & Collegio Carlo Alberto
Dear colleagues,
I would like to advertise the NEW SEMINAR SERIES:
*econOMEtRics in Rome*
The objective of this seminar series is to bring together academics and
practitioners with a shared interest in econometrics.
The series is co-organized by Gianluca Cubadda (School of Economics, Tor
Vergata University of Rome), Massimo Franchi (Department of Statistical
Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome), Tommaso Proietti (School of
Economics, Tor Vergata University of Rome), and Paolo Santucci de Magistris
(Department of Economics and Finance, Luiss University).
The seminars will be hosted alternately at three locations: the Department
of Economics and Finance at Luiss University, the Department of Statistical
Sciences at Sapienza University of Rome, and the facilities of the School
of Economics at Tor Vergata University of Rome (Via Lucullo 11, 00187 Rome).
Visit the seminar series webpage econOMEtRics in Rome and subscribe to the
mailing list to stay informed:
Best wishes,
Alessia Caponera
Dear Colleagues,
This is a reminder that the deadline (September 30, 2024) for paper submission to the 1st CAM-Risk conference, which will be held in Pavia in December 2024, is approaching.
More information about the event is available at the following link…
Topics of interest, without being exhaustive, concern
1. Growth and business cycle analysis
2. Quantitative Finance and Econometrics
3. New risks and financial stability
4. Migration, trade, and the labor market
5. Climate change and energy policies
6. European issues
7. The economic, social, and political impact of COVID-19 and the risks of future epidemics
We are looking forward to meeting you in Pavia.
Kind Regards
Giacomo Bormetti
Elena Molho
Dear all, on Wednesday 25 September, at noon, Professor Jean Jacod will give the seminar
High Frequency Returns Sign-Based Robust Inference,
at the Department of Economics in Verona, via Cantarane 24, aula Vaona (from the main entrance of the main building in Santa Marta turn left, metal stairs, 1st floor, ring the bell on the right, staircase with 3 steps, room on the left)
It is possible to follow it also on zoom at the following link:
We derive the limit of infill asymptotic distribution for the sum of positive returns of prices or
log-prices in a given period of time. The framework is multivariate and quite general: it allows for
the presence of leverage effects and jumps with finite activity. In a second step, the results are used
to estimate the drifts (or rather, the Sharpe ratios) of the continuous part of the processes.
Joint work with Nour Meddahi
All interested people are warmly invited to take part
Best regards in the meantime, Cecilia
Dear all,
The Department of Economics and Finance at LUISS University in Rome
<>*) is pleased to announce the following
*Speaker*: Anna Calissano, Imperial College London
*Title*: *Barycentric Subspace Analysis for Sets of Graphs*
*When*: September 19th, 12:00
*Where*: Viale Romania, 32 00197 Rome
*Meeting room*: 103a-103b
*Abstract*: Barycentric subspace analysis (BSA) is introduced for a set of
unlabelled graphs, which are graphs with no correspondence between nodes.
Identifying each graph by the set of its eigenvalues, the graph spectrum
space is defined as a novel and computationally efficient quotient manifold
of isospectral graphs. In such a manifold, the notion of BSA is extended.
We showcase how BSA can be used as a powerful dimensionality reduction
technique for complex data: BSA searches for a subspace of a lower
dimension, minimizing the projection of data points. As the subspace is
identified by a set of reference points, the interpretation is
straightforward. BSA is performed and compared with clustering and PCA on a
simulated dataset and a real-world dataset of airline company networks.
Joint work with Elodie Maignant, Alain Trouvé, and Xavier Pennec
*Webpage*: *
*Should you be interested, please kindly send me an email.*
Best wishes,
Alessia Caponera
Dear colleagues,
You may already be aware of the recently opened positions at universities of Helsinki and Tampere, but if not, please see below. Please also share them with potential applicants! Some positions have deadlines already in a couple of weeks.
Links to these and other job announcements can also be found at Fin-Math-Job, which has recently moved to the address
/// Three Tenure Track positions at Tampere University
The Mathematics unit at Tampere University invites applications for three (3) Assistant/Associate/Full Professors in Mathematics (Tenure Track). To complement and strengthen our research profile, we are especially seeking candidates in the following three research areas:
1. Algebra and Topology
2. Mathematical Analysis (especially Analysis of Partial Differential Equations)
3. Mathematical Logic
Further details, requirements, and instructions to apply, are available through the following links:
Algebra and Topology and Mathematical Analysis: Deadline October 7th, 2024 (23:59 Finnish time)
Mathematical Logic: Deadline September 30th, 2024 (23:59 Finnish time)
More information on the Tampere University Mathematics unit is available at
/// Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in Mathematics at the University of Helsinki
A call has been opened for a tenure track professor in mathematics at the department of Mathematics and Statistics, Univetsity of Helsinki, with an application deadline on Oct 31. For this call, our primary target group is early-stage independent researchers with 3-10 years of experience since completion of their PhD. The years are not a strict requirement as such, but it should be mentioned that the call is open only on a tenure track level.
More details can be found from the attached PDF and from the web page…
If you have any questions about the position, you can contact Jani Lukkarinen <jani.lukkarinen(a)<>> or, for technical questions about the recruitment process and recruitment system, Jussi Hartikainen <jussi.a.hartikainen(a)<>> .
Best regards,
Petri Laarne, Secretary of the Finnish Mathematical Society
Gentili colleghi,
con preghiera di massima diffusione, in calce un avviso per un assegno di ricerca presso la sede di Genova dell'IMATI su Modelli e algoritmi di analisi di immagini PET/CT per la caratterizzazione della struttura e delle aree del cervello in pazienti sani o affetti da patologie neurologiche (es., Alzheimer) o tumorali.
Cordiali saluti,
Contratto: Assegno di ricerca
Tema di ricerca: Modelli e algoritmi di analisi di immagini PET/CT per la caratterizzazione della struttura e delle aree del cervello in pazienti sani o affetti da patologie neurologiche (es., Alzheimer) o tumorali
Scadenza: Sep 26 2024
Dettagli relativi all’attività: Attività di Ricerca nell’ambito del Progetto DIT.PN007.005- PRIN 2022 - Bando 2022 Cod. 2022WK7NHC “Brain estrogen receptor expression in the perimenopausal transition: kinetic and geometric analyses of [18F]-fluoroestradiol (FES) PET/CT and correlation with neuropsychological, biochemical and magnetic resonance imaging biomarkers”, finanziato dall’Unione europea“ NextGenerationEU, CUP B53D23019050006.
Sede: Genova
Richieste Possono partecipare alla selezione i soggetti che, a prescindere dalla cittadinanza e dall’età, siano in possesso dei seguenti requisiti alla data di scadenza del termine per la presentazione delle domande di ammissione:
a) Diploma di Laurea conseguito secondo la normativa in vigore anteriormente al D.M. 509/99, oppure Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale (D.M. 5 maggio 2004) attinente alla tematica del progetto e curriculum professionale idoneo allo svolgimento di attività di ricerca;
b) Tutti i titoli conseguiti all’estero (diploma di laurea, dottorato ed eventuali altri titoli) dovranno essere, di norma, preventivamente riconosciuti in Italia secondo la legislazione vigente in materia (informazioni sul sito del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica: L'equivalenza dei predetti titoli conseguiti all'estero che non siano già stati riconosciuti in Italia con la prevista procedura formale predetta, verrà valutata, unicamente ai fini dell'ammissione del candidato alla presente selezione, dalla commissione giudicatrice costituita ai sensi dell’art. 6, comma 1 del Disciplinare;
c) Esperienza nell’ambito della tematica di cui all’art. 1, dichiarato con le modalità di cui all’art. 4. In particolare, il destinatario dovrà possedere competenze di programmazione software. Inoltre, costituiranno elementi preferenziali: la conoscenza di strutture dati per immagini 2D e dati 3D, di tecniche di machine learning e/o deep learning;
d) Conoscenza della lingua inglese;
e) Conoscenza della lingua italiana (solo per i candidati stranieri).
Informazioni: Dott. Giuseppe Patane’, CNR-IMATI, giuseppe.patane(a)<>
Giuseppe Patane'
CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
IMATI - Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche
Via De Marini, 6
16149 Genova, Italy
Phone: +39-0106475684
Cell.: +39-3495320947
e-mail: giuseppe.patane(a)
Home Page:
Skype: giuseppe-imati