Dear all,
The Department of Mathematics of the University of Bologna is opening an expression of interest for a 12-month postdoc on numerical simulations of quantum algorithms for hydrodynamics equations. The position will be supervised by me in collaboration with the Italian company Fincantieri and will have a competitive salary of approximately 2050€ net per month. THE STARTING DATE MUST NECESSARILY BE NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 1, 2024. Only the MSc is required, but an experience in quantum algorithms and/or numerical simulations of partial differential equations is preferable. Applications should be sent by email to giacomo.depalma(a)<> with subject “QAHE application” and must include:
* CV with publication list
* Motivation letter
The applicants can arrange for up to two recommendation letters to be sent by email to giacomo.depalma(a)<>.
The application deadline is on August 25, 2024.
Please feel free to forward this message to potentially interested candidates.
Best wishes,