in memoria di Enza Orlandi
"Dynamics and Hydrodynamic Limits in Statistical Mechanics"
20-21 Gennaio 2017
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica
Universita' degli Studi Roma Tre
AULA F - Largo San L. Murialdo,1 - ROMA
in memoria della nostra collega e amica Enza Orlandi.
Per maggiori informazioni rimandiamo al sito web:
Invitiamo gli interessati che non si siano ancora registrati a farlo
appena possibile, inviando una mail a: giuliani(a)
Segnaliamo inoltre che venerdi' 20 gennaio avra' luogo una cena
sociale presso il ristorante "Al Pompiere"
Invitiamo gli interessati a partecipare alla cena a segnalarlo
inviando una mail a: giuliani(a) ENTRO VENERDI 13
Poiche' il locale ha posti limitati, nel caso in cui si superasse il
numero massimo di richieste, verra' data precedenza ai primi
Alessandro Giuliani
Elisabetta Scoppola
Pierre Picco
ricevo ed inoltro l'annuncio di una borsa di dottorato all'Università di
Buon anno a tutti,
Ester Mariucci
From: Schmidt-Hieber, A. Johannes <schmidthieberaj(a)>
The mathematics department of Leiden University in the Netherlands invites
applications for a four-year PhD position in statistics.
Topic: The successful candidate will be working on fundamental questions in
nonparametric Bayes theory. Nonparametric Bayes is a very active field
within mathematical statistics with various applications ranging from
biology to machine learning. The theory has been developed largely during
the past years but remains a topic of active research with many challenging
open problems. The PhD position is financed by a TOP II grant from the
Dutch science foundation. The grant gives some flexibility in the choice of
the projects that will be addressed allowing to adapt to the background and
interests of the candidate.
Team: The PhD project will be carried out with Johannes Schmidt-Hieber.
There is a large research community including many PhD students in the
Netherlands (and in particular in Leiden) closely collaborating on similar
projects. Regularly, joint nationwide seminars are organised.
University: Information about Leiden University can be found here http:// For more information about the mathematics department,
please see
Terms of employment: There is no fixed starting date for the position. The
terms of employment are governed by the Collective Labour Agreement of
Universities in The Netherlands, with a monthly salary starting at 2083
Euro in the first year, and increasing to 2664 Euro in the fourth year, and
an additional 8% holiday allowance and 8% end-of-year bonus. An extensive
fringe benefits package is included. An individual choices model gives you
some freedom to assemble your own set of terms and conditions. Candidates
from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break.
Additional budget allows for research visits abroad and attendance of
international conferences.
Application: If you are interested in the position, please send an email
with cv and a letter outlining research interests to Johannes
Schmidt-Hieber ( schmidthieberaj(a) ). Upon selection,
letters of recommendation, evaluating the candidate's research experience,
will be required from two or more references.
If you have further questions do not hesitate to send an email to
schmidthieberaj(a) .
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2017 13:48:28 +0100
From: Helge Holden <holden(a)>
To: holden(a)
Subject: Tenure track position at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway
Dear colleague,
Thanks to a generous donation, we have an opening for a tenure track
position here at NTNU in Trondheim.
Applicants should not be older than 40 years (compensation for broken
careers) working in pure mathematics (widely interpreted), and the
contract will be for up to 6 years. During this period one will be
considered for tenure.
Successful candidates will be given funds to support 1 post doc and 2 PhD
for further information.
[Similar positions will be advertised in Oslo and Bergen, but applications
will be treated separately at the three universities.]
The math. dept. at NTNU is the largest in Norway, and is a very
international department with more then 10 nationalities among the
permanent faculty.
If you have candidates for a such a position, please let me know by 20 Jan
2017, as the preparation of an application will require some time. Female
candidates are especially encouraged to apply.
-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto: Announcement: 8th AMaMeF Conference - MARK THE DATES!
Data: Fri, 6 Jan 2017 09:20:51 +0100
Mittente: Giulia Di Nunno <giulian(a)>
A: Giulia Di Nunno <giulian(a)>
CC: Giulia Di Nunno <giulian(a)>
Dear Colleague,
on behalf of the organising committee is a pleasure to announce that the
*8th AMaMeF Conference* will take place in *Amsterdam June 19-23, 2017,
*thanks to the joint efforts of groups at the University of Amsterdam,
Radboud University, and ING Bank. With the participation of TopQuants.
The conference features plenary lectures and parallel sessions covering
the forefront areas of research in theoretical and quantitative finance,
risk, insurance.
Registration and possibility for contributed talks and posters is open soon.
Follow the development at the website (in continuous
development):* <>*
Please help to distribute this announcement among your all contacts.
Welcome to Amsterdam in June!
Best regards and warmest season's greetings
Giulia Di Nunno
Department of Mathematics
University of Oslo
Martedì 10 gennaio alle ore 11 in Aula Buzano, DISMA, Politecnico di Torino
si terrà il seguente seminario
Daniele Cappelletti (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Titolo: Reaction networks in the determistic and the stochastic settings
per l'abstract e altri dettagli si rimanda alla pagina web
Cordiali saluti, Enrico Bibbona
Enrico Bibbona
Probability, Statistics and Optimization group
Department of Mathematical Sciences "G. L Lagrange"
Politecnico di Torino
Dear All
the School of Mathematics in Queen Mary, London is advertising various positions in statistics and applied mathematics.
Please feel free to forward the following link to suitable candidates <>
Best regards,
Eva Riccomagno
Prof. Eva Riccomagno
Dipartimento di Matematica - Universita` degli Studi di Genova
Via Dodecaneso, 35 - 16146 Genova - ITALIA
Tel: +39 - 010 - 353 6938 Fax: +39 - 010 - 353 6960
Final Announcement: Third STAR workshop on Random Graphs (Registration
Deadline: 16 January)
The workshop will take place on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 January 2017
on the campus of the University of Utrecht.
This will be the 3rd STAR Workshop on Random Graphs. The first took
place in 2012 and the second in 2015.
We are very pleased to announce the following prominent researchers
have agreed to deliver plenary talks:
- Marián Boguñá (Barcelona)
- Mihyun Kang (Graz)
- Vincent Tassion (Geneva/Zürich)
- Shariefuddin Pirzada (Kashmir)
- Daniel Valesin (Groningen)
- Nick Wormald (Melbourne)
The workshop is open to all and free of charge, however registration is
required to ensure sufficient catering. The deadline for registration is
the 16th of January. Registration can be done by emailing:
The website of the workshop can be found at the address:
Final Announcement: Third STAR workshop on Random Graphs (Registration
Deadline: 16 January)
The workshop will take place on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 January 2017
on the campus of the University of Utrecht.
This will be the 3rd STAR Workshop on Random Graphs. The first took
place in 2012 and the second in 2015.
We are very pleased to announce the following prominent researchers
have agreed to deliver plenary talks:
- Marián Boguñá (Barcelona)
- Mihyun Kang (Graz)
- Vincent Tassion (Geneva/Zürich)
- Shariefuddin Pirzada (Kashmir)
- Nick Wormald (Melbourne)
The workshop is open to all and free of charge, however registration is
required to ensure sufficient catering. The deadline for registration is
the 16th of January. Registration can be done by emailing:
The website of the workshop can be found at the address: