Dear all,
we are pleased to announce that the third meeting of the *StaTalk* series
will be held at *Facoltà di Economia di Sapienza Università di Roma
*on *September
9, 2016*.
StaTalks are one-day workshops on statistical topics during which the
hosting group introduces and overviews the main research interests of their
Aimed at Master’s and PhD students, as well as at post-docs and young
researchers, StaTalks are intended to be informal gatherings which allow
for a more proficient interaction between presenters and participants. They
typically feature some introductory tutorials on the main workshop theme
and a few seminars that overview more advanced research topics, still kept
at an expository level. StaTalks are thus a great opportunity to become
acquainted with the workshop main topic, as well as to share and update
one's knowledge on the interface of Statistical research in an easy and
informal atmosphere.
StaTalks are endorsed by Y-SIS (, the young
section of the Italian Statistical Society.
The topic of the third StaTalk will be on *Computational Tools for
Statistical Modelling*. We will present and discuss both standard and new
computational methods which represents fundamental tools for new
challenging applications, such as economic, finance, genetic and official
*09.30-10.00 *Opening
*10.00-10.40 *Christian Macaro (SAS System) "*A mixture of heterogeneous
models with time dependent weights*"
*10.40-11.10* Coffee break
*11.10-11.50* Clara Grazian (MEMOTEF Department) "*Modelling financial
dependence through approximate Bayesian inference*"
*11.50-12.30* Stefano Vaccari (MEMOTEF Department) "*Pricing in the
Presence of Social Learning: Modelling Information Aggregation in a
Competitive Market*"
*12.30-14.30* Lunch break
*14.30-15.10 *Andrea Tancredi (MEMOTEF Department) "*A Bayesian approach
for de-duplication, record linkage and inference with linked data.*"
*15.10-15.50 *Luca Tardella (Department of Statistical Science) "*Alternative
approaches for approximating marginal likelihood.*"
*15.50-16.30* Davide Di Cecco (ISTAT) "*Towards the use of administrative
sources in official statistics: Some examples of methodologies for
administrative multi source integration utilized at ISTAT.*"
*16.30-17.00 *Closing
Additional info can be found at the workshop page…
or by writing to clara.grazian(a)
REGISTRATION to the third StaTalk is now open.
*No conference fees are due, but registration is mandatory*, using the form
available on the website.
Clara Grazian
PhD in Statistics
Research Fellow
*Facoltà di Economia*
*Sapienza Università di Roma*
via del Castro Laurenziano 9, 00161, Roma
Call for interest for two positions at the level of Associate
The Department of Mathematics of the University of Padova is
seeking to fill two positions at the level of Associate Professor through
direct appointment (Italian "chiamata diretta") or open competitive
selection (Italian "concorso"). The call is open to scientists working in
Mathematics or Computer Science.
Candidates must be in possession of the Italian Scientific
Qualification as Associate Professor ("abilitazione scientifica nazionale
di seconda fascia") or hold a position equivalent to that of Italian
Associate Professor at a foreign University or Research Institute.
Candidates are asked to submit (at direzione(a) their
CV and a letter of interest by 5th September 2016.
Prospective candidates will be invited to the Department of
Mathematics for a seminar talk and discussion with members of the
The Department plans to decide by the end of October 2016 whether
to proceed with direct appointment or open competitive selection. In the
case of open competitive selection a choice of the area (Italian "settore
concorsuale) will be made and the selection is expected to take place in
the first half of 2017.
Tiziano Vargiolu
Dipartimento di Matematica Phone: +39 049 8271383
Universita' di Padova Fax: +39 049 8271428
Via Trieste, 63 E-mail: vargiolu(a)
I-35121 Padova (Italy) WWW:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 09:00:28 +0200
From: Marco Ferrante <ferrante(a)>
To: afferenti(a)
Subject: Call per PA di settembre
Cari colleghi,
nelle news di dipartimento con link
abbiamo inserito la call in inglese presentata all'ultimo
CdD per le due posizioni da PA che valuteremo a settembre.
Vi invito a segnalarla ai colleghi che voleste contattare
Prof. Marco Ferrante
Dipartimento di Matematica
Universit? degli Studi di Padova
Via Trieste 63 , I-35121 Padova - ITALY
Tel: +39-0498271366 Fax: +39-0498271499
E-Mail: ferrante(a)
C R E D I T 2016
*Credit Solutions for the Real Economy:
Implications for Investors, Financial Stability and Policy Design
*Venice, Italy
6 - 7 October 2016
The objective of the Conference is to bring together academics,
practitioners and PhD students working in the area of risk management.
The conference this year focuses on *New Credit Solutions for the Real
Economy and their Implications for Investors, Financial Stability and
Policy Design *and will provide an opportunity for participants engaged
in research at the forefront of this area to discuss both the causes and
implications of recent events in financial markets and may, in turn,
suggest fruitful directions for future research. The Conference is the
*fifteenth *of a series dedicated to various aspects of credit risk.
The *co-sponsors* of the Conference are *GRETA Associati* (Venice,
Italy), *Intesa Sanpaolo *(Milan, Italy), the*European Investment Fund
*(Luxembourg), *Research Center SAFE *at Goethe University Frankfurt
(Frankfurt, Germany) and *European Investment Bank__*(Luxembourg). The
Conference is organised under the auspices of the *Department of
Economics of the University Ca Foscari of Venice*, *ABI - Italian
Banking Association__*and*European Investment Bank Institute*.
The Scientific Committee for the Conference consists of: *Loriana
Pelizzon *(Systemic Risk Lab, SAFE - Goethe University, Ca Foscari
University of Venice & GRETA, Programme Chair), *Francesca Campolongo
*(JRC Unit Financial and Economic Analysis), *Marco Da Rin *(Tilburg
University), *Helmut Kraemer-Eis *(European Investment Fund), *Jan
Pieter Krahnen *(SAFE - Goethe University Frankfurt),*Adair Morse
*(University of California, Berkeley), *Steven Ongena *(University of
Zurich, SFI & CEPR) and *Stephen Schaefer *(London Business School)
Thursday, October 6 2016
9.00 - 9.15_Welcome and Opening Remarks
_*Monica Billio* (Ca Foscari University of Venice)
*Loriana Pelizzon* (Systemic Risk Lab, SAFE - Goethe University &
CaFoscari University of Venice, Programme Chair)
9.15 - 11.00_Session I: Alternative and Digital Financing I
_Key-note talk: *Adair Morse* (University of California, Berkeley)
/Payment Instruments, Enforceability and Development: Evidence from
Mobile Money Technology/, Thorsten Beck (City University London & CEPR),
Haki Pamuk (Tilburg University & Wageningen University), Ravindra
Ramrattan (FSD Kenya & Tilburg University) and *Burak R. Uras* (Tilburg
University & European Banking Center)
/How Does P2P Lending Fit Into the Consumer Credit Market?/, *Calebe
deRue* (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management), Loriana Pelizzon
(Systemic Risk Lab, SAFE - Goethe University & Ca Foscari University of
Venice) and Paolo Tasca (SAFE - Goethe University Frankfurt & London
School of Economics)
11.45 - 12.45_Session II: Credit Risk
_/Keeping It Personal or Getting Real? On the Drivers and
Effectiveness of Personal versus Real Loan Guarantees/, *Sergio
Mayordomo *(Bank of Spain), Antonio Moreno (University of Navarra),
Steven Ongena (University of Zurich, Swiss Finance Institute & CEPR) and
María Rodríguez-Moreno (University of Navarra)
/Default Risk Premium in Credit and Equity Market: A New Approach for
Structural Model Estimation/, Alessandro Beber (City University London),
*Raffaele Corvino* (City University London) and Gianluca Fusai
(Università del Piemonte Orientale, Novara)
14.15 - 15.30_Session III: The Role of the Public Sector in Promoting
the Development of Alternative Financing Channels
_*Helmut Kraemer-Eis* (European Investment Fund)
*Luca Bertalot* (European Mortgage Federation - European Covered Bond
Council (EMF-ECBC))
*Christian Thun* (European DataWarehouse GmbH)
15.30 - 16.30_Poster Session 1
16.30 - 17.30_Session IV: Alternative and Digital Financing II
_/Informational Synergies in Consumer Credit/, *Martin Hibbeln*
(University of Duisburg-Essen), Lars Norden (Getulio Vargas Foundation,
Praia de Botafogo), Piet Usselmann (Braunschweig Institute of
Technology) and Marc Gürtler (Braunschweig Institute of Technology)
/The Evolution of the Bitcoin Economy: Extracting and Analyzing the
Network of Payment Relationships/, *Paolo Tasca* (SAFE - Goethe
University Frankfurt & London School of Economics), Shaowen Liu
(Deutsche Bundesbank) and Adam Hayes (University of Wisconsin, Madison &
The New School, New York)
Friday, October 7 2016
9.00 - 10.45_Session V: Financing SME
_Key-note talk: *Thomas Hellman* (Oxford Said Business School)
/Assessing Italian SME and Mini-bond Issuer Credit Worthiness/, Edward
I. Altman (NYU Stern, NYU Salomon Center & Classis Capital S.p.A),
Maurizio Esentato (Classis Capital S.p.A) and *Gabriele Sabato* (Classis
Capital S.p.A)
/Support for the SME Supporting Factor - Multi-Country Empirical
Evidence on Systematic Risk Factor for SME Loans/, *Michel Dietsch*
(ACPR Banque de France), Klaus Düllmann (European Central Bank), Henri
Fraisse (ACPR Banque de France), Philipp Koziol (European Central
Bank) and Christine Ott (Deutsche Bundesbank)
11.30 - 13.15_Session VI: Credit and Unconventional Monetary Policies
_Key-note talk:*Philipp Hartmann* (European Central Bank)
/The Effect of Central Bank Liquidity Injections on Bank Credit Supply/,
Luisa Carpinelli (Bank of Italy) and *Matteo Crosignani* (NYU Stern)
/The Demand and Supply of Mortgage Rate Fixation Periods. Managing
Interest Rate Risk and Credit Risk in a Low Rate Environment/, Christoph
Basten (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority & ETHZ), *Benjamin
Guin* (Bank of England) and Cathérine Koch (Bank for International
14.30 - 16.00_PANEL Session_
16.00 - 17.00_Poster Session 2
_17.00 - 18.00_Session VII: Bank Business Models
_/Nothing Special about Banks: Competition and Bank Lending in Britain,
1885-1925/, *Fabio Braggion* (Tilburg University & CentER), Narly
Dwarkasing (University of Bonn) and Lyndon Moore (University of Melbourne)
/Bank Business Models at Zero Interest Rates/, André Lucas (VU
University Amsterdam & Tinbergen Institute), Julia Schaumburg (VU
University Amsterdam & Tinbergen Institute) and *Bernd Schwaab*
(European Central Bank)
To register for the Conference you are requested to complete the
registration form that is available on our website
Registration fees are:
Early registrationLate registration
(within August 31st)(from September 1st on)
Academics: 250 Euro + VAT300 Euro + VAT
Practitioners: 800 Euro + VAT1000 Euro + VAT
PhD Students*: 80 Euro + VAT130 Euro + VAT
*VAT is currently 22%*
For participants presenting a paper there are no fees.
*Students will have to provide valid proof of their student status.
The registration fees cover: Admission to all scientific sessions;
Lunches and coffee service during the Conference; Conference kit.
The registration fees do not fully cover the conference dinner on
October 6th, 2016, for which there is an extra charge of 80.00 Euro per
person (conference attendees as well as accompanying persons).
For more detailed information (registration, accommodation and
Conference venue), please refer to the Conference website:
GRETA Associati
San Polo, 2605 - 30125 Venice, ITALY
Phone : +39 041 5238178 - Fax : +39 041 5286166
e-mail: credit(a) <>
website: _www.greta.it_ <>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2016 18:06:26 +0200
From: Presidente INdAM <presidente(a)>
To: gnampa(a), gncs(a),
gnfm(a), gnsaga(a)
Subject: [Gnampa] Bando Giovani Ricercatori Enti Pubblici di Ricerca
Cari Colleghi,
vi informo che, a seguito del decreto ministeriale
?Assunzione di giovani ricercatori negli Enti Pubblici di Ricerca?,
? stato bandito un Concorso Pubblico per Titoli ed Esami
per l?assunzione di un Ricercatore a Tempo Indeterminato, III Livello
professionale, presso l?Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica ?F. Severi?.
Il bando scade il giorno 7 settembre 2016 alle ore 18.
Le informazioni si trovano nella pagina web:
dove, oltre al bando e al modulo di domanda, si trova il link
al sito dove poter presentare telematicamente le candidature.
Cordiali saluti,
Giorgio Patrizio
Presidente INdAM
gnampa(a), gncs(a),
gnfm(a), gnsaga(a)
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
Gnampa mailing list
ho ricevuto questa lettera, che, a prima vista, sembra attendibile. Quindi,
ve la giro.
Pietro Rigo
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mariya Ptashnyk (Staff) <m.ptashnyk(a)>
Date: 2016-08-06 17:00 GMT+02:00
Subject: Lecturer in Mathematics at the University of Dundee
To: "pietro.rigo(a)" <pietro.rigo(a)>
Dear Professor Rigo,
I would like to bring the advert below to your attention and would be
grateful if you could forward it to suitable candidates.
With kind regards,
Mariya Ptashnyk
Lecturer in Mathematics at the University of Dundee
The School of Science and Engineering at the University of Dundee is
looking to appoint a number of outstanding academics to form a cohesive
expansion in the development of interdisciplinary research and innovative,
research-led teaching.
Among these posts we are looking to recruit a *Lecturer in Mathematics
(Teaching & Research)* in the general area of *Stochastic Processes and
Probability *to join our team. We particularly encourage applicants with
an expertise in risk or complexity in either natural or manmade systems.
Candidates working on applications to finance and/or industry would be
especially welcome, but we are open to all areas of application.
Further details
Salary range: Grade 7-8 ( £34,576 to £46,414) depending on experience.
Closing date: 16 August 2016
Job Ref: SSEN0055
Mariya Ptashnyk
Division of Mathematics
University of Dundee
Fulton Building, Dundee DD1 4HN
The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096
The Mathematical Institute proposes to appoint a Departmental Lecturer in
Mathematical Finance. This is a 3 year fixed-term position starting from
1st January 2017 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The Departmental Lecturer will be expected to have an outstanding
research record in Mathematical or Computational Finance and will
be expected to engage in advanced study and academic research in
the area. The Departmental Lecturer will be responsible to lecture
and teach (principally but not exclusively) graduate students, and
will contribute to the academic administration of the Mathematical
and Computational Finance research group and the wider department.
The Departmental Lecturer will lead independent research projects
or specific areas of research within a broad programme.
The successful candidate will be expected to hold a relevant Ph.D/D.Phil.
He/she will have the ability to carry out research to an international
excellent standard in Mathematical Finance, as evidenced by a strong
publication record and familiarity with the existing literature and research
with sufficient specialist knowledge in the discipline to develop research
projects and methodologies
Applicants should read the job description before writing their
applications. As part of the online application, the applicant will be
required to upload a statement setting out how she or he meets the selection
criteria, a curriculum vitae including details of teaching and other
relevant experience, and the names and contact details of three referees.
The applicant is responsible for asking his or her referees to send their
references by the closing date.
Please direct informal enquiries to the Administrative Assistant (email:
vacancies(a), quoting vacancy reference 124786.
Applications for this vacancy are to be made online. To apply for this post
and for further details, including the job description and selection
criteria, please click on the link below:
Only applications received before 12:00 noon UK time on Monday 19th
September 2016 can be considered.
Committed to equality and valuing diversity.
Miss Nims Damney
Administrative Assistant
Mathematical Institute, Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road
Oxford, OX2 6GG
Tel: 01865 (2) 73518
Dear all,
I would like to remind you of the "*Workshop on Random Processes in
Discrete Structures*", which I am organizing at Warwick together with
Alexandre Stauffer (Bath).
The workshop is about recent advances on random processes on graphs and
other discrete structures, including percolation, voter model, contact
processes and random graphs, and will take place at the *University
of Warwick *from *Tuesday 30th of August *until *Friday 2nd of September
More information (including the list of speakers, details about the
accommodation, and a description of how to reach Warwick campus) can be
found on the official website
Registration is FREE but COMPULSORY (mainly for catering purposes).
If you would like to register to this event, please send an email to
E.Candellero(a) including the subject "Workshop on Random
Processes in Discrete Structures" by **Tuesday 9th of August**.
I'm looking forward to seeing many of you there!
Best regards,
Elisabetta Candellero
Alla pagina…
è stato pubblicato un bando (disponibile in italiano e inglese) per un
assegno di ricerca annuale presso il dipartimento di Matematica
dell'università di Pisa con scadenza il 31 agosto 2016 su
``Studio di fenomeni singolari in problemi deterministici e stocastici''
Per ulteriori informazioni:
Marco Romito romito(a)
A call for a one-year ``assegno di ricerca'' is open, with deadline
August 31, 2016, at the department of Mathematics, Pisa university, on
``Analysis of singular phenomena in deterministic and stochastic
The details of the call (english and italian versions available) can be
found at…
For further information:
Marco Romito romito(a)
*Recent Developments in Probability Theory and Stochastic *
*A Conference in Honor of ENZO ORSINGHER*
*On the Occasion of His 70th Birthday*
*Dep. Statistical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome*
*September 23, 2016*
*Preliminary program*
9:45 Opening
10:00 Aimé Lachal (University of Lyon/ Institute Camille Jordan CNRS)
Some distributions on pseudo-Brownian motion and pseudo-random walk
10:25 Fabio Spizzichino (\Sapienza" University of Rome)
10:50 Marina Santacroce (Turin Polytechnic)
Forward backward semimartingale systems for utility maximization
11:15 Coffee break
11:35 Nikolai Leonenko (Cardiff University)
Fractional Poisson fields and martingales
12:00 Laura Sacerdote (University of Turin)
Generalized nonlinear Yule models
12:25 Stefano Iacus (University of Milan)
12:50 Lunch break
15:00 Ludmila Sakhno (University of Kiev)
15:25 Antonio Di Crescenzo (University of Salerno)
Recent advances on the telegraph process
15:50 Elvira Di Nardo (University of Turin)
Symbolic calculus in probability and mathematical statistics
16:15 Coffee break
16:35 Federico Polito (University of Turin)
The space-fractional Poisson process and extensions
17:00 Personal recollections from Enzo's colleagues
Luisa Beghin
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Fac. Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Informatica e Statistica
"SAPIENZA" Università di Roma
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma
T (+39) 06 49910543 F (+39) 06 4959241
Dear All,
It is with with great pleasure that we would like to announce the conference
"Stochastic Analysis of Dynamical Systems, Stochastic Control and Games"
to be held at the University of Leeds on 24th - 26th of October 2016.
Registration is now open and will close on 30th of September. All necessary
information can be found at
For the list of confirmed speakers please follow the link below
Any queries may be addressed to
Alexander Veretennikov: a.veretennikov(a)
Tiziano De Angelis: t.deangelis(a)
Best regards
Alexander Veretennikov
Tiziano De Angelis