---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 25 May 2016 09:38:13 +0000
From: "Urga, Giovanni" <G.Urga(a)city.ac.uk>
To: Tiziano Vargiolu <vargiolu(a)math.unipd.it>
Cc: "Urga, Giovanni" <G.Urga(a)city.ac.uk>
"5th International Conference in Memory of Carlo Giannini, 25 ? 26 Novembre
Caro Tiziano
TI chiedo cortesemente di far circolare la locandina in allegato contenente
il Call for Papers della conferenza 2016 in memoria di Carlo Giannini.
Grazie in anticipo.
Please use both addresses: giovanni.urga(a)unibg.it and g.urga(a)city.ac.uk
Giovanni Urga
Professor of Finance and Econometrics
Faculty of Finance
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ (U.K.)
Director, Centre for Econometric Analysis (CEA@Cass)
Professore di Econometria, Department of Management, Economics and
Quantitative Methods, Bergamo University (Italy)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gianluca Cubadda <gianluca.cubadda(a)uniroma2.it>
Date: 2016-05-30 8:23 GMT+02:00
Subject: I: Selezione per un RTD tipo B in Statistica Economica a Tor
Con preghiera di massima diffusione:
Si informa che ? stato indetta una selezione per il reclutamento di un
ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo B nel Settore concorsuale 13/D2,
Settore scientifico-disciplinare SECS-S/03 - Statistica Economica - presso
il Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza dell'Universit? degli Studi di Roma "Tor
L?attivit? di ricerca prevista dovr? riguardare lo sviluppo e l?impiego di
appropriati metodi statistici per la misurazione e l'analisi dei fenomeni in
ambito economico e finanziario. I principali campi di ricerca del candidato
ideale saranno: la metodologia statistica per dati di grandi dimensioni,
l'analisi e la previsione delle serie storiche economiche e finanziarie.
Il bando, che scade il 13/06/2016, ? disponibile all'indirizzo:
Cordiali saluti,
Gianluca Cubadda
Gianluca Cubadda
Department of Economics and Finance
University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Via Columbia 2, 00133 Rome - Italy
Tel. +39 06 7259 5847
Fax. +39 06 2040219
WEB page: http://directory.uniroma2.it/index.php/chart/dettagliDocente/3916
Car* collegh*,
chi si trovasse dalle parti di Londra potrebbe essere interessato a questo
"Workshop" informale:
Probability, Non-Local Operators and Applications
organizzato da Jozsef Lorinczi e dal sottoscritto che si terra' il 2 e il 3
giugno 2016 presso il dipartimento di matematica dell'Universita' del
Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili al seguente link:
alla voce Forthcoming Events.
Cordiali saluti,
Enrico Scalas
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce a unique opportunity for Research to meet
Sportello Matematico per l’Industria Italiana, with the support of *MI-Net
COST Action*, organizes the *124th European Study Group with Industry*. The
event will take place in Rome from *August 29th to September 2nd 2016*.
European Study Groups with Industry are events with a well-established
tradition <http://www.sportellomatematico.it/lists/lt.php?id=eEhVCUkESV0B>:
enterprises and researchers in Applied Mathematics work and brainstorm
together to solve real industrial problems.
A Study Group represents a great chance for researchers that allows to:
- Work on *cutting-edge* industrial problems,
- Find *new connections* with industrial partners,
- Explore *novel research lines*.
The partecipation to the event is free for Academics. We particularly
encourage Master Students, PhD Students and PostDoctoral Fellows to apply.
Funds are available to support accommodation costs for a limited number of
All the information concerning the Programme of the week, the selected
industrial problems, and the registration procedure will be soon available
on the event website
<http://www.sportellomatematico.it/lists/lt.php?id=eEhVRAFMDF0> .
For any further information feel free to contact the organization team at
esgi2016(a)sportellomatematico.it .
We look forward to seeing you in Rome!
Maurizio Ceseri
Sportello Matematico per l'Industria Italiana
Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo (IAC-CNR)
via dei Taurini 19, 00185 Roma (Italy)
Tel: (+39) 0649270969
Website: sportellomatematico.it
Ricevo e inoltro il messaggio relativo a una borsa di dottorato.
Gli interessati sono pregati di contattare Laurent Miclo entro il 6 giugno
PhD opening
Title: Study of the CSMA-QB access protocol
Keywords: Convergence and long-time behavior of Markov processes,
functional limit theorems, stochastic networks, independent sets
Co-supervision: Laurent Miclo
Institut de Mathematiques de Toulouse, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
Florian Simatos
Departement d’Ingenierie des Systemes Complexes, ISAE–Supaero, Toulouse, et
de Mathematiques de Toulouse, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
Contact: laurent.miclo(a)math.univ-toulouse.fr
Localisation: ISAE–Supaero and Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
Summary of the project
Context. The performance of wireless networks where users share the air as
communication medium is
strongly limited by the electromagnetic interference phenomenon: two users
who are close and communicate
on the same frequency will interfere, which may potentially lead to losing
the information transmitted.
Access protocols are here to mitigate this effect and thus play a key role
in the performance of modern
>From a scientific standpoint, this is a challenging problem that has
attracted considerable attention from
both the computer science and applied probability communities for more than
30 years. Recently, a new
class of access protocols – called adaptive CSMA protocols – has emerged,
and which seems very promising.
These protocols were for instance shown to enjoy the very desirable
property of being maximally stable.
The goal of this project is to advance the state-of-the-art on the
particular adaptive CSMA protocols called
CSMA-QB protocols (where QB stands for Queue-Based), which to date is very
limited. In particular, we
will aim to prove theoretical results that shed light on the achievable
trade-off between throughput and delay.
Probabilistic model. From a technical standpoint, we will study the
following model. Each user of the network
is represented by the node of a graph G, called interference graph, and
such that two neighboring nodes
cannot be active simultaneously. Packets to be transmitted arrrive at each
node over time, and the goal is
to choose which nodes are active at every moment.
CSMA-QB solves this problem in the following manner: when a node is active,
it de-activates at a constant
rate and when it is active and none of its neighbors is, then it activates
at a rate that depends on the number
of packets in its backlog. The dependency is given by a function ψ called
activation function.
The general goal of the thesis is to understand the influence of the
topology G and of the choice of ψ
on the protocol performance. This involves classical probabilistic tools,
and we will in particular study the
mixing time of Glauber dynamic as well as the stochastic averaging
property, both of which play a key role
in the analysis of this protocol.
Lun 13 Giu, ore 15:00
aula: Aula Arzelà - Dipartimento di Matematica
piazza Porta S. Donato, 5, Bologna
Aldo Procacci (Dipartimento di Matematica - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Brasile)
terrà un seminario dal titolo
Convergence of the Mayer and Virial expansions and the Penrose tree-graph identity
organizzato da: Massimo Campanino
Codice Fiscale: 80007010376
scrivo per annunciare che è uscito il quaderno dell'Unione Matematica
Italiana di cui sono autrice:
"Introduzione alla nozione di convergenza stabile e sue varianti",
Quaderni dell'Unione Matematica Italiana,
numero 57 (2016),
ISBN 978-88-96336-22-9
costo 20 euro
Chiunque sia interessato può acquistare il quaderno presso
la segreteria dell'Unione Matematica Italiana
tel.+39 051 243190
Cordiali saluti,
Irene Crimaldi
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
Seventh Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics (ICEEE
The Italian Econometric Association (SIdE) is pleased to announce the
Seventh Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics (ICEEE
2017), which will take place January 25-27, 2017, in Messina, Italy.
Economists, statisticians and econometricians are invited to submit
theoretical and applied papers in all areas of econometrics and
empirical economics.
Invited speakers: Maria Cristina De Nardi (University College London,
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, IFS and NBER), Lucrezia Reichlin
(London Business School).
Conference webpage: http://virgo.unive.it/side/?page_id=1745
Submission of papers is now possible via Easychair: **
(with a limit of one paper per submitter) at
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iceee7th. The deadline for
submission is September 30, 2016. The decision notification date is
November 20, 2016.
Program Committee: Erich Battistin (Queen Mary University of London),
Monica Billio (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice - Chair), Fabio Canova
(BI Norwegian Business School), Roberto Casarin (Ca’ Foscari University
of Venice), Giuseppe Cavaliere (University of Bologna), Massimiliano
Caporin (University of Padua), Valentina Corradi (University of
Warwick), Fulvio Corsi (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Walter
Distaso (Imperial College London and University of Messina), Luca
Fanelli (University of Bologna), Mario Forni (University of Modena and
Reggio Emilia), Raffaella Giacomini (University College London), Tullio
Jappelli (University of Naples “Federico II”), Simone Manganelli
(European Central Bank, Frankfurt), Raffaele Miniaci (University of
Brescia), Chiara Monfardini (University of Bologna), Edoardo Otranto
(University of Messina), Franco Peracchi (University of Rome “Tor
Vergata”), Elena Pesavento (Emory University), Francesco Ravazzolo (Free
University of Bozen), Barbara Rossi (ICREA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra,
Barcelona GSE and CREI), Eduardo Rossi (University of Pavia and European
Commission Joint Research Center), Alessandro Tarozzi (Universitat
Pompeu Fabra and Barcelona GSE).
Local organizing Committee: Walter Distaso (Imperial College and
University of Messina – Chair), Leone Leonida (University of Messina and
King’s College), Dario Maimone Ansaldo Patti (University of Messina)
Prizes: One prize of Euro 1,500 will be awarded to the best conference
paper written by young scientists in Macroeconometrics or Financial
Econometrics (Carlo Giannini Prize, offered by SIdE). One prize of Euro
2,500 will be awarded to the best conference paper written by young
scientists in Theoretical or Applied Microeconometrics (Labour Prize,
offered by LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations).
For eligibility to both prizes, all authors of a paper must be no more
than 4 years past the PhD defense.
Dear all,
I am writing to let you know about the call for *PhD scholarships* at the
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (www.imtlucca.it), specifically the
curriculum in *Economics, Management and Data Science*. This year the
School is offering 34 positions for the Program, and admitted students
- in addition
to free room and board - will also receive a research scholarship which
amounts to approximately €13,600/year. Interested candidates must fill out
the online application form (
https://www.imtlucca.it/phd/prospective/admission) by the deadline of July
13th 2016, 6 pm Italian time.
Best wishes,
Irene Crimaldi
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
*Economics, Management and Data Science (EMDS) curriculum *
*within the 2016/17 PhD program at the IMT School for Advanced Studies
Perspective students should preferably have a master-level background in
economics, management science, physics, mathematics, statistics, computer
science, engineering or in a related field.
Under the Direction of Prof. Massimo Riccaboni, this curriculum provides
participants with a solid knowledge base in analytical methods in economics
and management science. With its multidisciplinary approach, the curriculum
is unique in its deployment of a strong integration of concepts, analytical
foundations, and practical expertise, to educate a new professional élite
with distinctive capabilities in analyzing, visualizing, interpreting, and
managing complex problems in economics and management. Graduates are
trained as future leaders in policy and industry.
Students are involved in the analysis of real world big/high dimensional
data, in collaboration with companies and institutions. The curriculum
relies on distinctive competences at IMT in economics, political economy,
management science and analytics, computer science, applied mathematics,
statistics, network theory, and system engineering/operation research.
Specific fields of study are economic networks and network industries;
healthcare and pharmaceuticals; systemic risk analysis; economics and
finance; political economy; organization, entrepreneurship, and technology;
strategy; marketing science; critical infrastructures; systems modeling and
optimization; stochastic systems; production and operations. Close
associations with a selected set of companies and institutions provide the
opportunity to analyze relevant problems, motivating new analytical
techniques from practical problem solving.
Courses are led by world-renowned researchers and provide students with all
the theoretical skills and advanced tools required for rigorously tackling
a multitude of analysis, design and management problems within the broad
framework of systems analysis in economic, social, scientific,
technological and cultural domains. Specialized faculty and staff create a
network that provides key guidance and support throughout the PhD Program.
Working closely with faculty, both in the classroom and in the development
of research, students reach the highest levels of scholarly achievement.
IMT School PhD graduates will be able to use the skills they acquired
during their studies to recognize and resolve complex problems, to choose
the most appropriate method or instrument to utilize when approaching these
problems, even in disciplines outside of their primary field of research.
All students are based in the recently restored San Francesco complex, a
fully integrated Campus in the historical center of the beautiful Tuscan
city of Lucca. The Campus includes renewed residential facilities, an
on-site canteen, study and living rooms, a state-of-the-art library and
outdoor recreational spaces, which foster a unique cultural, professional
and social environment for our doctoral program. Admitted students, in
addition to free room and board, will also receive a research scholarship
which amounts to approximately €13,600/year. Additional funding for
research stages also will be provided.
The PhD program at the IMT School attracts students from around the world,
providing a truly international environment. English is the official
language of the School. Moreover, all students will have the opportunity to
spend periods abroad at research institutes, laboratories or universities,
both within the Erasmus+ framework and through ad hoc mobility agreements.
Most IMT School PhD Graduates have reached prominent roles in academics,
governmental institutions, public and private companies or professions
across the globe.
To find out more about the School, the admission requirements and how to
apply, please see www.imtlucca.it/phd Find the IMT School on Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube for the latest news.
Si avvisa che in data 17/6/2016, alle ore 15:00,
presso Aula Seminari "Saleri" VI Piano, Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano,
nell'ambito delle iniziative MOX, si svolgerà il seguente seminario:
Matthew Reimher, Department of Statistics, Penn State University
A Geometric Approach to Confidence Regions and Bands for Functional Parameters
Functional data analysis, FDA, is now a well established discipline of statistics, with its core concepts and perspectives in place. Despite this, there are still fundamental statistical questions which have received relatively little attention. One of these is the systematic development of techniques for constructing confidence regions for functional parameters. I will present new work that takes a geometric approach to developing, understanding, and visualizing such regions. Simulations and an application to Fractional Anisotropy will also be presented.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Cordiali saluti,
Laura Sangalli
Laura Maria Sangalli
MOX - Dipartimento di Matematica
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133 Milano - Italy
tel: +39 02 2399 4554
fax: +39 02 2399 4568
email: laura.sangalli(a)polimi.it
url: http://mox.polimi.it/~sangalli