Si avvisa che in data 01-06-2016, alle ore 14:30 precise,
presso l'Aula Seminari "F. Saleri" VI piano - Dipartimento di
Matematica, Politecnico di Milano,
nell'ambito delle iniziative MOX, si svolgerà il seguente seminario
Adam Kashlak, Cambridge University
Inference on covariance operators via concentration inequalities
Inference on covariance operators is an important part of functional
data analysis. Panaretos, Kraus, and Maddocks (2010) compare covariance
operators for Gaussian process data. Pigoli, Aston, Dryden, and Secchi
(2014) consider a variety of metrics over the space of covariance
operators. In this talk, we propose a novel approach to the analysis of
covariance operators making use of concentration inequalities. First,
non-asymptotic confidence sets are constructed for such operators. Then,
subsequent applications including a k sample test for equality of
covariance, a functional data classifier, and an
expectation-maximization style clustering algorithm are derived and
tested on both simulated and phoneme data.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Cordiali saluti,
Laura Sangalli
Laura Maria Sangalli
MOX - Dipartimento di Matematica
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133 Milano - Italy
tel: +39 02 2399 4554
fax: +39 02 2399 4568
email: laura.sangalli(a)
Per martedi' 31 maggio sono programmati i seguenti seminari nell'area
probabilita'/finanza presso il Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Universita' di
Padova; si svolgeranno nell'aula seminari al VII piano
della Torre B.
Ore 14.30:
Prof. Yuliya Mishura
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Title: Gaussian processes that are generalized quasi-helices and their
We consider several problems for Gaussian processes which are, in some
sense, the generalizations of fractional Brownian motion. Three problems
are considered: the behavior of the maximal functionals, the
representation results and some statistical results. We investigate the
asymptotic behavior of maximal functionals under critical values of the
parameters of the corresponding quasi-helix, give the representations of
the random variables via the integration w.r.t. Gaussian processes and
explain how to construct and investigate unknown drift parameter
estimators in the SDE involving the general Gaussian processes.
Ore 15.30
Prof. Erik Schloegl
University of Technology Sydney
Title: Toward Quantifying Model Risk
Abstract: As a paper by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
put it in 2011, ?The use of models invariably presents model risk, which is the
potential for adverse consequences from decisions based on incorrect or misused
model outputs and reports.? However, there has been surprisingly little
research to date on quantifying this risk, or putting the analysis of this risk
on a more rigorous footing. This presentation discusses four types of model
risk encountered when using models for the pricing and risk management of
derivative financial instruments, and the relationship (and potential
trade-offs) between them. Secondly, we consider how one would go about
implementing the ?relative entropy? approach to model risk suggested by
Glasserman and Xu (2013) in this context, and how this may affect modelling
choices in practice.
Tiziano Vargiolu
Dipartimento di Matematica Phone: +39 049 8271383
Universita' di Padova Fax: +39 049 8271428
Via Trieste, 63 E-mail: vargiolu(a)
I-35121 Padova (Italy) WWW:
Nell'ambito del ciclo di seminari del Dipartimento di Scienze per
l'Economia e l'Impresa (DISEI) dell'Universita' di Firenze:
Martedì 31 Maggio 2016 (campus Novoli, Edificio D6/Aula Bracco) ore 14.00
Luca Spadafora (Banca Popolare di Verona)
terrà un seminario dal titolo
"Jumping Value at Risk: Order Statistics for Risk Modelling"
Tutti gli interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare.
La lista dei seminari Disei è raggiungibile al seguente indirizzo:
We are happy to announce that Torino University and Politecnico from June
19 to June 22, 2017 will host the
*First Italian National Meeting on Probability and Mathematical
Statistics. *
Scientific Committee: Claudia Ceci, Franco Fagnola, Franco Flandoli, Paolo
Dai Pra, Antonio Lijoi,Franco Pellerey and Laura Sacerdote
Scope of the meeting is the scientific exchange between Italian
mathematicians working on the subject in Italy or abroad. We also welcome
talks from foreign researchers working in Italy. The participation is open
to any interested scientist who would like to partecipate.
The conference will include lectures of some "seniors" between us, but the
focus will be mainly on the work of new generations also through some
plenary lectures.
We also plan to reserve a space to discuss the future of our researches in
We decide to call this meeting "First meeting" because it is the first
conference of this type, since 1998 and we hope it will become a habit in
our community.
We plan to prepare a web page for the meeting and we will give more details
on that page.
*Now, please, save the date on your agenda!*
We hope in your collaboration for the success on the initiative.
Claudia Ceci, Franco Fagnola, Franco Flandoli, Paolo Dai Pra, Antonio
Lijoi,Franco Pellerey, Laura Sacerdote
Siamo lieti di annunciare che l'Universita' e il Politecnico di Torino
ospiteranno, dal 19 al 22 Giugno 2017
*Il Primo Convegno Nazionale su Probabilità e Statistica Matematica*
Comitato Scientifico: Claudia Ceci, Franco Fagnola, Franco Flandoli, Paolo
Dai Pra, Antonio Lijoi,Franco Pellerey e Laura Sacerdote
Scopo del Convegno e' favorire lo scambio scientifico tra matematici
italiani che lavorino su questi temi, in Italia o all'estero. Saremo anche
lieti di avere contributi da ricercatori stranieri che lavorino in Italia.
La partecipazione e' aperta a ogni scienziato interessato.
Il Convegno comprendera' conferenze di alcuni tra i più "senoir" tra di noi
ma il fuoco sara' diretto principalmente verso il lavoro delle nuove
generazioni, anche con alcune conferenze plenarie.
Pensiamo di riservare anche spazio a una discussione sul futuro delle
nostre ricerche in Italia.
Abbiamo pensato di chiamare questa conferenza "Prima Conferenza" perche' e'
la prima di questo tipo dal 1998 e speriamo che possa divenire un'abitudine
per la nostra comunita'.
Pensiamo di preparare una pagina web del convegno su cui daremo piu'
*Ora, per favore, segnatevi la data sulla vostra agenda!*
Contiamo sulla vostra collaborazione per il successo dell'iniziativa.
Claudia Ceci, Franco Fagnola, Franco Flandoli, Paolo Dai Pra, Antonio
Lijoi,Franco Pellerey, Laura Sacerdote
*Prof. Laura Sacerdote*
*Chair of Probability and Statistics*
*Program Coordinator of Master's Degree in Stochastics and Data Science*
*Dept. Mathematics "G. Peano" *
*University of TorinoVia Carlo Alberto 1010123 Torino, Italiatel. +39
0116702919fax +39 0116702878
ricevo e inoltro:
The Mathematical Institute at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences at the University of Cologne is inviting applications for a
Professorship (W3) in Applied Mathematics/Stochastics.
The Mathematical Institute aims at enhancing its competence in the field of
probability and statistics. We are looking for candidates with an excellent
reputation in research and teaching in these fields and with a successful
record of third-party funded projects. Applicants should have a proven
record of interdisciplinary research.
The successful candidate is expected to participate in the teaching and
administrative duties of the Mathematical Institute. The teaching duties in
particular include courses in statistics and courses for our programs in
mathematics and business mathematics.
Qualification requirements are in accord with the North Rhine-Westphalia
University Law and include an excellent track record in research (e. g.
habilitation or equivalent qualifications) and teaching.
The University of Cologne is an equal opportunity employer in compliance
with the German disability laws. Women and persons with disabilities are
strongly encouraged to apply.
Applications should include a CV, a complete list of publications, a
teaching and research statement, information on external funding, academic
achievements and honors. Applications should be submitted via the Academic
Job Portal of the University of Cologne (
no later than June 19, 2016 to
Professor Dr. Ansgar Büschges
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
University of Cologne Albertus-Magnus-Platz,
D-50923 Cologne,
E-Mail mnf-berufungen(a)
a pdf-version.
We are searching for outstanding candidates with a strong interest in
machine learning and geosciences to cover 2 PhD student positions to join
the Image and Signal Processing (ISP) group in the *Universitat de
Valencia, Spain,* The positions are funded by an ERC
Consolidator Grant 2015-2020 entitled "Statistical Learning for Earth
Observation Data Analysis" (SEDAL),,
under the direction of* Prof. Gustau Camps-Valls*. More info about the
openings in
*** The project and job description
We aim to develop the next generation of statistical inference methods to
analyze Earth Observation (EO) data. Machine learning models have helped to
monitor land, oceans, and atmosphere through the analysis and estimation of
climate and biophysical parameters. Current approaches, however, cannot
deal efficiently with the particular characteristics of remote sensing
data. We will develop advanced regression (retrieval, model inversion)
methods to improve efficiency, prediction accuracy and uncertainties,
encode physical knowledge about the problem, attain self-explanatory
models, learn graphical causal models to explain the complex interactions
between essential climate variables and observations, and discover hidden
essential drivers and confounding factors in Climate/Geo Sciences.
Highly motivated researchers with a degree/PhD in computer science,
statistics, machine learning, electrical engineering, physics, or
mathematics are encouraged to apply. All candidates should have a solid
understanding and knowledge of machine learning and statistics, and being
particularly interested in remote sensing and geoscience problems. The
theses will be devoted to:
*(PhD1) regression, model inversion and time series analysis, and*
*(PhD2) structure learning, graphical models and causal inference*.
In both cases, good programming skills (Matlab/Python/R/C++), a critical
and organized sense for data analysis, as well as maturity and commitment,
strong communication, presentation and writing skills are a big plus.
*** Application details
- *Deadline: Send your application no later than **June 1st 2016.*
- How? Send me: 2-pages CV, motivation letter, 3 best papers, 3
recommendation letters or contacts
- When? Preferred starting dates: September 2016
- How long? 3 years contract
- How much? Salary according to UV scales including social security, health
insurance benefits, and travel money
- Where? Valencia, Spain, Mediterranean city, nice weather, hike and beach.
Excellent cost-of-living index = 55
*** Contact
- Before applying: Informal inquiries may be addressed to Prof. Dr. Gustau
Camps-Valls, gustau.camps(a)
- Ready to apply? Send your dossier in one single PDF to gustau.camps(a),
subject: SEDAL application
*Postdoctoral Position - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia*
The Department of Management at Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia invites
applications for a postdoctoral fellowship within the research project:
"Interactions in complex economic systems: innovation, contagion and
crises”. The general area of of interest is Decision Sciences, with special
reference to Mathematical Methods for Economics and Finance.
Prospective candidates are expected to have relevant experience on the
research topic, and should preferably be holding a Ph.D. or being close to
receiving one. The research shall be carried out in English.
Duration of contract: 12 months (expected starting date: September 2016).
Deadline: June 20th 2016, 12 a.m. (GMT+2, Rome Time)
Stipend: The research fellowship amounts to 19.367,00 Euros per year,
including taxes and social charges.
Research allowance: 1.500,00 Euros, aimed at covering research costs.
Abstract of the Project: The study of complex economic systems requires
quantitative tools to develop suitable models. Depending on the skills and
preferences of the candidate, different lines of research can be
undertaken. 1. A methodological research related mainly to statistical
mechanics or probability theory (e.g., spatial interaction models and/or
probabilistic cellular automata). 2. An applied line of research related to
diffusion of innovations on social networks. 3. An applied line of research
related to the heterogeneous agents in economics and/or finance (e.g.,
differences in opinion/information in financial markets, dynamics of
populations in social sciences).
All the relevant information for applicants is available in English (link)
<> and in Italian (link
Marco Tolotti
Marco Tolotti, Ph.D.
Department of Management
Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Cannaregio 873 - 30121 Venezia, Italy
Tel: +39 0412346928 - Fax: +39 0412347444
There are still some places available for
* ABS16 *
Applied Bayesian Statistics School
August, 29 - September, 2 2016
Villa del Grumello, Como, Italy
Steve Scott, Senior Economic Analyst at Google, USA
>>>>> <<<<<
June 1st, 2016 is the deadline for reduced-rate registration.
Guido Consonni and Fabrizio Ruggeri
ABS16 Directors
Raffaele Argiento
ABS16 Executive Director
ABS16 Secretariat
School activities: lectures, practical sessions
(supervised by a junior researcher), participants' talks, opportunities for interaction with lecturer and fellow participants.
A detailed course outline is available on the conference webpage.
The School starts on Monday, August 29th, after lunch and ends on Friday, September 2nd, just before lunch. Wednesday afternoon is free.
Accommodation is available either at the Villa guesthouse or in downtown hotels (info on the website). Como can be
easily reached by train from Milan and its airports.
>>>>> <<<<<
[Logo] Università Cattolica investe nel talento, nella ricerca, nella solidarietà.
Puoi farlo anche tu. CF 02133120150<>
There are still some places available for
* ABS16 *
Applied Bayesian Statistics School
August, 29 - September, 2 2016
Villa del Grumello, Como, Italy
Steve Scott, Senior Economic Analyst at Google, USA
>>>>> <<<<<
June 1st, 2016 is the deadline for reduced-rate registration.
Guido Consonni and Fabrizio Ruggeri
ABS16 Directors
Raffaele Argiento
ABS16 Executive Director
ABS16 Secretariat
School activities: lectures, practical sessions
(supervised by a junior researcher), participants' talks, opportunities for interaction with lecturer and fellow participants.
A detailed course outline is available on the conference webpage.
The School starts on Monday, August 29th, after lunch and ends on Friday, September 2nd, just before lunch. Wednesday afternoon is free.
Accommodation is available either at the Villa guesthouse or in downtown hotels (info on the website). Como can be
easily reached by train from Milan and its airports.
>>>>> <<<<<
[Logo] Università Cattolica investe nel talento, nella ricerca, nella solidarietà.
Puoi farlo anche tu. CF 02133120150<>