----- Forwarded message from jan.obloj(a)maths.ox.ac.uk -----
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2013 15:05:04 +0000
From: Jan Obloj <jan.obloj(a)maths.ox.ac.uk>
Subject: Postdoc position in Oxford
To: Jan Obloj <jan.obloj(a)maths.ox.ac.uk>
Dear Colleague,
I am writing to let you know about a post-doc opening at Oxford.
This is a 3 year research position to work with me on topics in Robust
Financial Mathematics.
More information can be found on: http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/node/23802 and in
the attached further particulars.
The position is based in the Mathematical and Computational Finance Group at
the Mathematical Institute but also comes with a membership of the Oxford-Man
Successful candidate will have access to a generous travel allowance and other
benefits. An opportunity (but no obligation) to do a limited amount of teaching
will be offered.
I would greatly appreciate if you could advertise this within your group and/or
forward directly to any potential candidates.
Thank you for your help
best regards
Jan Obloj
Mathematical Institute
St John's College
and Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance
University of Oxford
MI, ROQ, Woodstock Road
Oxford OX2 6GG
+44 1865270124
----- End forwarded message -----
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
(scusandomi in anticipo per eventuali ripetizioni)
Il Prof. GEORGE YIN della Wayne State University di Detroit terra' il
seguente seminario il lunedi' 9 dicembre alle ore 11.30 nella sala
riunioni del VII piano, scala B, del Dipartimento di Matematica, via
Trieste 63, Padova:
ABSTRACT: Numerous problems in control and optimization require the
treatment of systems in which continuous dynamics and discrete events
coexist. The discrete component is represented by a random jump process
with a finite state space, and the continuous component is the solution of
a stochastic differential equation. Seemingly similar to diffusions, the
processes have a number of salient features distinctly different from
diffusion processes. After providing motivational examples arising from
wireless communications, identification, finance, singular perturbed
Markovian systems, manufacturing, and consensus controls, we present
necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of unique invariant
measure, stability, stabilization, and numerical solutions of control and
game problems.
Contatto: W. Runggaldier
Tiziano Vargiolu
Dipartimento di Matematica Phone: +39 049 8271383
Universita' di Padova Fax: +39 049 8271428
Via Trieste, 63 E-mail: vargiolu(a)math.unipd.it
I-35121 Padova (Italy) WWW: http://www.math.unipd.it/~vargiolu
NYU Abu Dhabi is currently inviting applications for faculty positions at
all levels for appointment to
its mathematics program. The competitive candidate will have an outstanding
research record, a
commitment to excellence in teaching, and a desire to actively engage in
the development of this
young institution. We encourage applications from candidates in all fields
of mathematics, pure and
Successful candidates will find a congenial research environment that
includes supportive and highly
motivated colleagues, access to significant resources, a competitive
startup package, and broad
opportunities for interdisciplinary research across the different campuses
of the NYU system.
Successful candidates will also have priority access to the NYU Abu Dhabi
High Performance
Computing facilities, including the new Butinah cluster with more than 6400
computing cores and a
peak performance of 70 TFLOPS.
The terms of employment are competitive and include housing and educational
subsidies for children.
Faculty may also spend time at NYU New York and other sites of the global
network, engaging in both
research and teaching opportunities. The appointment may begin as soon as
September 1, 2014, but
candidates can elect to start as late as September 1, 2015.
Applications are due by December 15, 2013. Applications received later will
be reviewed until the
positions are filled. Candidates should submit a curriculum vitae and
statements of research and
teaching interests. To complete the online process, applicants will be
prompted to enter the names and
email addresses of at least three referees. Each referee will be contacted
to upload their reference letter.
Please visit our website at
http://nyuad.nyu.edu/about/careers/faculty-positions.html for instructions
and other information on how to apply. If you have any questions, please
NYU Abu Dhabi is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
This is a reminder of the upcoming
organized by the "de Castro" Statistics Initiative (http://www.carloalberto.org/stats).
The workshop aims at presenting some of the latest advances on
Algebraic Statistics, and will be held on January 10-11, 2014
at Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri.
Deadline for registration: December 15, 2013.
Details about registration and abstract submission can be
found at the workshop webpage
Best regards,
Matteo Ruggiero
Matteo Ruggiero
University of Torino & Collegio Carlo Alberto
Il giorno martedì 3 dicembre alle ore 14.30
presso la aula seminari del Dipartimento di
Statistica e Metodi Quantitativi della Università
di Milano Bicocca, al IV piano dell'edificio U7,
il dott. Giovanni Puccetti della Università di Firenze terrà un seminario su
The Rearrangement Algorithm: a new tool for computing bounds on
risk measures
We introduce a numerical algorithm which allows for the
computation of sharp upper and lower bounds on the
Value-at-Risk or on the Expected Shortfall of
high-dimensional risk portfolios
having fixed marginal distributions. These bounds can be interpreted
as a measure of model uncertainty induced by possible dependence
scenarios. We also illustrate several recent applications of the
algorithm to quantitative risk management and applied probability.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Prof. Fabio Bellini
Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods
University of Milano-Bicocca
Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8, 20126 Milano
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Frederique Bassino <Frederique.Bassino(a)lipn.univ-paris13.fr>
> Subject: [World] One-year postdoc position in combinatorics in Paris
> Date: 26 novembre 2013 14:35:36 GMT+01:00
> To: world(a)alea-research.eu
> One-year Postdoc position at University Paris 13
> in Combinatorics and application to probability and statistical physics.
> A one-year postdoc position in combinatorics at the University Paris
> 13 is available. The position is within the framework of The ALEA
> Sorbonne project, which is funded by the IDEX Universite Sorbonne
> Paris Cité group members of the CALIN team (LIPN Paris 13), the
> Combinatorics and Automata teams (LIAFA Paris Diderot) and the
> Probability et Statistics team (LAGA Paris 13) and deals with discrete
> random structures coming from theoretical computer science,
> probability, or statistical physics.
> Anyone with research interests close to one of the topic above is
> welcome to apply. Applicants should have a PhD at the starting date of the post-doc.
> The successful candidate will be appointed by University Paris 13,
> will join LIPN (University Paris 13) and collaborate with LIAFA
> (University Paris Diderot) and LAGA (University Paris 13). The
> position will begin un September or October 2014.
> Applications, including CV, list of publications, research plan and
> the names of two references including email addresses, should be sent
> before December, 20 to
> Frederique Bassino Frederique.Bassino(a)lipn.univ-paris13.fr
> Sylvie Corteel corteel(a)liafa.univ-paris-diderot.fr
> Philippe Marchal marchal(a)math.univ-paris13.fr
> Later applications will be considered until the position is filled.
> For further information do not hesitate to contact us.
> --
> Frederique Bassino
> LIPN UMR 7030 Tel: +33 1 49 40 40 84
> Universite Paris 13 - CNRS Institut Galilee Bureau A104
> 99, avenue J.-B. Clement
> 93430 Villetaneuse - FRANCE
> _______________________________________________
> World mailing list
> World(a)alea-research.eu
> http://alea-research.eu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/world
A v v i s o d i S e m i n a r i o
Venerdì 29 Novembre, ore 11am
Stanza 34
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Sapienza Università di Roma
(Dip. di Scienze Statistiche, Università degli Studi di Padova)
terrà un seminario dal titolo
tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Maggiori informazioni sui seminari presso il DSS sono
consultabili a quest'indirizzo: http://goo.gl/Y6OQYm
Pierpaolo Brutti - Fulvio De Santis
We consider inference on a vector-valued parameter of interest in a
linear exponential family, in the presence of a finite-dimensional
nuisance parameter. Based on higher order asymptotic theory for
likelihood, we propose a directional test whose p-value is computed
using one-dimensional integration. For discrete responses this extends
the development of Davison et al. (2006), and some of our examples
concern testing in contingency tables. For continuous responses the
work extends the directional test of Cheah et al. (1994). Examples and
simulations illustrate the high accuracy of the method, which we
compare with the usual likelihood ratio test and with an adjusted
version due to Skovgaard (2001). In high-dimensional settings, such as
covariance selection, the approach works essentially perfectly,
whereas its competitors can fail catastrophically. Extensions to
non-linear exponential families and to general models are also
sketched (joint with A.C. Davison, D.A.S. Fraser, N. Reid).
Venerdi' 29 novembre 2013, alle ore 12:00, presso la sala rossa del
Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri (TO), si terra' il seguente seminario:
François CARON (University of Oxford)
In this talk, I will present ongoing work on a Bayesian nonparametric specification for either undirected or multi-edge directed networks, building on the framework of completely random measures. The formulation allows for an unbounded number of nodes in the network, while encouraging a sparse set of interactions. Importantly, as demonstrated empirically, the model captures salient features of real world networks like power-law degree distributions with possible exponential cut-off in the tails. These properties, in addition to sparsity, are determined by three hyperparameters. I will also discuss an approach for scaling computations to large networks.
This is joint work with Emily Fox (University of Washington).
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Il seminario e' organizzato dalla "de Castro" Statistics Initiative
(http://www.carloalberto.org/stats) in collaborazione con il
Collegio Carlo Alberto.
Il programma dei seminari puo' essere consultato alla pagina
Cordiali saluti,
Matteo Ruggiero
Matteo Ruggiero
University of Torino & Collegio Carlo Alberto
*Call for Papers - IWFOS 2014*
*3rd International Workshop on *
*Functional and Operatorial Statistics*
Stresa (Italy) – June 19 – 21, 2014
Web-Site: http://iwfos2014.unipmn.it
Apologies for cross-posting.
Dear Colleagues,
Dear Friends,
We are glad in inviting you to participate in the program of the 3rd
International Workshop on Functional and Operatorial Statistics by
submitting an extended abstract.
We welcome proposals addressing “infinite dimensional statistical problems
or methods” with special emphasis on:
· Statistical modelling for functional variables,
· Functional Data Analysis,
· Operator-based Statistics,
· Background for Statistics in infinite-dimensional spaces.
For this third edition we wish to encourage also contributions in *Machine
Learning* and in *High Dimensional Statistics* in order to further
relations between all these different fields of modern statistics and to
contribute to their future development.
The extended abstracts (from 4 to 6 pages) should be formatted according to
the author guidelines described in the web-site of the workshop and will
have to uploaded using exclusively the dedicated submission form on the
web-site. All the submitted works will be reviewed by experts selected by
the Scientific Program Committee.
The format of the workshop has not parallel sessions, and so a limited
number of oral contributions (around 30) will be accepted. In addition,
some contributions could also be accepted as posters.
*January 15, 2014*
Submission deadline.
*March 31, 2014*
Notification of Acceptance.
*April 15, 2014 *
Revised submission deadline.
For organizing requirements, early submissions are encouraged and any
postponement will not be granted after 15th January 2014.
· *BOENTE* Graciela (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
· *CARDOT* Hervé (University of Bourgogne, France)
· *FERRATY* Frédéric (University of Toulouse, France)
· *van de GEER* Sara (ETH Zentrum, Zürich, Switzerland)
· *GUO* Mengmeng (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,
P.R. China)
· *HALL* Peter (University of Melbourne, Australia)
· *HOERMANN* Siegfried (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique)
· *MARRON* Steve (University of North Carolina, USA)
· *PATEIRO* Beatriz (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
· *SAMWORTH* Richard (University of Cambridge, UK)
· *YAO* Fang (University of Toronto, Canada)
*Scientific Program Committee*
GOIA Aldo (University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy)
VIEU Philippe (University of Toulouse, France)
*Members of the SPC*
ASTON John (University of Warwick, England)
DELAIGLE Aurore (University of Melbourne, Australia)
CUESTA ALBERTOS Juan A. (University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain)
FRAIMAN Ricardo (University of San Andrès, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
HARDLE Wolfgang (Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany)
HUSKOVA Marie (University of Prague, Czech Republic)
van KEILEGOM Ingrid (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium)
KNEIP Alois (University of Bonn, Germany)
GONZALEZ MANTEIGA Wenceslao (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
MÜLLER Hans George (University of California, Davis, USA)
ROMAIN Yves (University of Toulouse, France)
SECCHI Piercesare (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
WANG Naisyin (University of Michigan, USA)
*Organizing Committee*
SALINELLI Ernesto (Chair - University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy)
BONGIORNO Enea Giuseppe (University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy)
FERRATY Frédéric (University of Toulouse, France)
GOIA Aldo (University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy)
SANGALLI Laura (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
SARDA Pascal (University of Toulouse, France)
VANTINI Simone (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
VIGUIER-PLA Sylvie (University of Toulouse, France)
A book of proceedings, containing the accepted oral/poster communications,
will be given at each participant at the registration desk at the congress
This meeting will be the starting point for a Special Issue of the *Journal
of Multivariate Analysis*. Best new advances on the prioritized areas of
the meeting could be submitted to this Special Issue, but a standard full
reviewing process according the standards of JMVA will be made.
Dipartimento di Studi per l’Economia e l’Impresa (Di.S.E.I.)
Università del Piemonte Orientale
Via Perrone, 18 – 28100 Novara (Italy)
fax: +39 0321 375305 - e-mail: iwfos2014(a)unipmn.it
web-site: http://iwfos2014.unipmn.it
Thank you for your attention,
Hoping see you in Stresa,
Sincerely Yours,
On behalf of the organizers,
Aldo Goia
Ernesto Salinelli
Philippe Vieu
IWFOS.2014 Secretary
Dipartimento di Studi per l'Economia e l'Impresa
Università del Piemonte Orientale
Via Perrone, 18 - 28100 Novara (Italy)
web-site: http://iwfos2014.unipmn.it
Aldo Goia
Dipartimento di Studi per l'Economia e l'Impresa
Università del Piemonte Orientale "A. Avogadro"
Via Perrone, 18 - 28100 Novara
Tel. +39 0321 375319 - Fax. +39 0321 375305
Di seguito inoltro l'invito per l' "Aarhus Quant Factory" che si terrá in Danimarca il prossimo Gennaio.
Chiedo gentilmente di diffonderlo a chiunque possa essere interessato. Grazie.
Camilla Pisani
HPCFinance project-Phd student
Aarhus University
Business and Social Sciences
Fuglesangs Allé 4
8210 Aarhus V, Denmark
T: +45 87166015
M: cpisani(a)econ.au.dk
W: http://au.dk/en/ cpisani(a)econ.au.dk
Business and Social Sciences is a broad business school constituting one of four new main academic areas at Aarhus University. Business and Social Sciences is the largest university unit within business and social sciences in Denmark, encompassing a wide range of academic disciplines, outstanding research environments and strong degree programmes.
From: phd.econ [mailto:phd.econ-bounces@maillist.au.dk] On Behalf Of Susanne Christensen
Sent: 20. november 2013 13:29
To: econ.econ(a)maillist.au.dk
Subject: [econphd] [econ] Invitation to Aarhus Quant Factory - week 3, 2014
Dear PhD students, junior faculty and practitioner colleagues,
The Finance Research Group at the Department of Economics and Business, Aarhus University hereby invites you to Aarhus Quant Factory<http://econ.au.dk/research/research-groups/finance-research-group-frg/aarhu…>, a series of events with focus on Quantitative Finance.
Aarhus Quant Factory will take place at the Department of Economics and Business at Aarhus University, Denmark during January 14-17, 2014 and the scientific program will consist of:
· 14 January: Understanding and Managing Model Risk<http://econ.au.dk/research/research-groups/finance-research-group-frg/aarhu…>, Intensive PhD course lectured by Massimo Morini, IMI Bank of Intesa San Paolo.
· 15-16 January: Lectures on Capital requirements, Credit Risk, Collateral and Centralized clearing - How to avoid losing billions in fines while running your CVA calculations on an iPad Mini<http://econ.au.dk/research/research-groups/finance-research-group-frg/aarhu…>, Intensive PhD course lectured by Leif Andersen, Bank of America Merril Lynch, and Jesper Andreasen, Danske Bank.
· 17 January: Aarhus Quant Day<http://econ.au.dk/research/research-groups/finance-research-group-frg/aarhu…>, Symposium featuring talks given by
o Leif Andersen, Bank of America Merril Lynch
o Jesper Andreasen, Danske Bank
o Rama Cont, Imperial College, London.
o Brian Huge, Danske Bank
o Jan Kallsen , Christian Albrechts University, Kiel
o Vladimir Piterbarg, Barclays
o Chris Rogers, University of Cambridge
o Wim Schoutens, Catholic University of Leuven
A detailed program is attached to this email. Please feel free to distribute this invitation.
We look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible.
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Elisa Nicolato
Associate Professor
T: +45 87164998
M: eln(a)asb.dk<mailto:eln@asb.dk>
Thomas Kokholm
Associate Professor
T: +45 87165216
M: thko(a)asb.dk<mailto:thko@asb.dk>
Aarhus University
Business and Social Sciences
Department of Economics and Business
Fuglesangs Allé 4
DK-8210 Aarhus V
venlig hilsen / kind regards
Susanne Christensen
PhD Support
Tel.: +45 8716 5121
Mail: sla(a)asb.dk<mailto:sla@asb.dk>
Department of Economics and Business
Aarhus University
School of Business and Social Sciences
Fuglesangs Allé 4, 2632/L126
8210 Aarhus V