This is a kind reminder that the deadline for applications to the first
session is approaching.
*Doctoral Colloquium on Risk Analytics*
*A joint initiative of Collegio Internazionale Ca’ Foscari CICF (team
leader), IUSS Pavia, IMT Lucca, SISSA Trieste, Scuola di Studi Superiori
Carlo Urbani in Camerino, Scuola di Studi Superiori Giacomo Leopardi in
Macerata, Scuola Superiore F. Rossi in Torino, Scuola Superiore
Universitario Di Toppo Wassermann in Udine*
* Aims and scope*
The Colloquium is an *honor course *for Doctoral students interested in
analytical (both theoretical and applied) methods for the measurement,
management and mitigation of risks, organized in four sessions. The span of
risks considered ranges from standard economic, financial or insurance
risks, to emerging ones, such as environmental, climate and cyber risks.
The approach is in-depth and multidisciplinary, with lectures, assignments
and discussion of the results. *The course is organized into four sessions.*
Students are *PhD candidates from Italian or Foreign Universities*, who
remain affiliated with their Doctoral School. Students may apply for a
session at a time but need to attend the whole session. They may get
credits for the courses taken within the Colloquium.
The maximum number of students per session is 25. *A group of up to 20
students will be offered full refund for travel and lodging expenses*. 5
additional students, including further Doctoral Students, Postdocs, Junior
Faculty, or PhDs working in the industry, can be admitted at their own
San Servolo Island, Venice <>
*When and on what *(see also below)
Four two-weeks sessions on:
1) February, 23 - March, 8, 2025, *Modern risk measurement*;
2) July, 26 - August, 9, 2025, *New challenges on long-run risks*;
3) September, 14 - 27, 2025, *AI for Risk*;
4) January, 18 - 31, 2026, *Networks and risk propagation*.
*Each session offers two courses*. Each course is delivered over 20 hours
over one week (10 days if more), combining frontal teaching, office
hours/discussions, assignments and presentation of research by the students.
Students can apply for the first session starting from *December 20th,
2024* through
the site
Each PhD student will be asked to have a recommendation letter sent from
her/his PhD coordinator.
Acceptance of qualified applicants will be done on a first-in basis.
*Applications for the second, third and fourth session will open one week
after the closing of the previous session.*
*Sessions and Lecturers*
*Session 1: Modern risk measurement *
Week 1: Alfred Muller, U. Siegen, *Measuring and Comparing risks*
Week 2: Hansjorg Albrecher, University of Lausanne, *Emerging Risks for
Actuaries: NatCat Insurance and Climate Change*
*Session 2: New challenges on long-run
risks *
Week 1: Max Croce, U. Bocconi,* Macro FinTech*
Week 2: Fabio Trojani, Swiss Finance Institute and U. Torino, *Model free
pricing and estimation of financial risks *
*Session 3: AI for Risk *
Week 1: Stefano Favaro, U. Torino and CCA, *Predictive uncertainty in
Machine Learning with conformal inference*
Week 2: Christa Cuchiero, U. Vienna, *Concepts of Deep Learning and
Applications to Finance and Risk Management*
*Session 4: Networks and risk
propagation *
Week 1: Remco Hofstad, Eindhoven U. of Technology, *Title* *TBD*
Week 2: Alireza Tazbah-Salehi, Northwestern University, *Title TBD*
*The organizers*: Elisa Luciano (U. Torino), Mavira Mancino (U. Firenze),
Marco Corazza (U. Ca’ Foscari Venezia), Marco Li Calzi (Collegio
Internazionale Ca’ Foscari Venezia)
Gentili colleghi,
Un promemoria per ricordare che la scadenza per sottoporre un abstract alla conferenza Bioinference 2025 si sta avvicinando (entro il 31 gennaio).
Se siete interessati a presentare un contributo potete farlo al seguente link
Cordiali saluti, il comitato organizzatore
Enrico Bibbona
Associate Professor of Statistics
Probability, Statistics and Optimization group
Department of Mathematical Sciences "G. L Lagrange"
Politecnico di Torino
[Immagine che contiene testo, Carattere, schermata, logo Descrizione generata automaticamente]
Dear colleagues,
we are happy to announce the following talk
*Claudio Durastanti* (Univ. Roma La Sapienza)
*Aliasing effects for random fields over the sphere*
*Abstract:** This talk explores aliasing effects that arise during the
reconstruction from discrete samples of spin spherical random fields
defined on the sphere, with a brief discussion of the scalar case. With a
fixed sampling method for obtaining field samples, we identify the location
and intensity of aliases in the frequency domain for the harmonic
coefficients in the Fourier decomposition of the random field and assess
the impact of aliasing errors on the angular power spectrum. Finally, we
show that band-limited spin random fields can be free from aliasing if a
sufficiently large number of samples is taken.*
Date and time: Tuesday* February 4, 14:00-15:00 (Rome time zone)*
Place: *Aula 3014, Dip. Matematica e Applicazioni, Univ. Milano-Bicocca,
Via R. Cozzi 55, Milano*
Webex meeting link:
Meeting number:
2741 907 8097
*This talk is part of the*
*(PMS)^2: Pavia-Milano Seminar series on Probability and Mathematical
*organized jointly by the universities Milano-Bicocca, Pavia and
Nicola Turchi
Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
(English version below)
Si comunica a tutti gli interessati
che è aperto, presso la Luiss University - Roma,
un bando di assegno di ricerca di 2 anni e 7 mesi
di matematica applicata all'economia.
Il titolo dell'assegno è
Impact of the Human Activities on the
Environment and Economic/Financial Decision Making:
Mathematical Models through Stochastic
Si invitano tutti gli interessati a presentare domanda
Alcuni dati e link:
- Il bando è stato emanato con DR n. 416 del 16 dicembre 2024.
-Il bando è pubblico sul sito Luiss alle pagine
di seguito indicate e sul sito MIUR-Euraxess.
sezione Post-Doc
- Le candidature potranno essere inviate fino
alle ore 14 del 14 febbraio 2025 (CET).
- Il link per la presentazione della candidatura
We hereby inform all interested parties that a
call for a 2-year and 7-month research grant in
mathematics applied to economics is open at Luiss University - Rome.
The title of the grant is Impact of the Human
Activities on the Environment and
Economic/Financial Decision Making: Mathematical Models through Stochastic
All interested parties are invited to apply.
Some data and links:
- The call was issued with DR n. 416 of 16 December 2024.
-The call is public on the Luiss website at the
pages indicated below and on the MIUR-Euraxess
website. Post-Doc section
- Applications may be submitted until 2:00 p.m. on 14 February 2025 (CET).
- The link for submitting the application is:;
Cordiali saluti and all the best
Fausto Gozzi
>Claudio Esposito
>Personale docente
>Libera Università Internazionale
>degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli
>Viale Pola, 12 - 00198 Roma
>T +39 06 85225291 F +39 06 8543672 M +39 328 2157106
>Il tuo 5x1000 alla Luiss: C.F. 02508710585
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>e s'intende inviata per scopi lavorativi. Tutte
>le informazioni ivi contenute, compresi
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>esclusivamente confidenziali e riservati secondo
>i termini del vigente D.Lgs. 196/2003 in materia
>di privacy e del Regolamento europeo 679/2016 -
>GDPR. È vietato qualsiasi ulteriore utilizzo non
>autorizzato. Qualora la stessa Le fosse
>pervenuta per errore, La preghiamo di eliminarla
>immediatamente e di darcene tempestiva comunicazione. Grazie.
>This e-mail message is sent by Luiss Guido Carli
>for business purposes. All informations
>contained therein, including any attachments,
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>Content-Type: application/pdf;
> name="2024 416 Bando Assegno Impact of the Human Activities on the"
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>Content-Description: 2024 416 Bando Assegno Impact of the Human Activities on
> the Environment - Prof. Gozzi - Vir-Luiss - D.R. n. 416 del 16-12-2024.pdf
>Content-Disposition: attachment;
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> of the Human Activities on the"
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> size=267069; creation-date="Mon, 16 Dec 2024 13:58:18 GMT";
> modification-date="Mon, 16 Dec 2024 13:59:03 GMT"
Fausto Gozzi
Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza
LUISS - Guido Carli
Viale Romania, 32
00197 Roma
tel 06.85225723 (office)
FAX 06.86506513
e-mail: fgozzi(a)
Dear Colleagues,
This is a reminder that the submission deadline for the 12th General AMaMeF Conference in Verona is approaching.
Abstract submissions are open until January 31st at the following link:
Homepage of the event:
Best Regards,
Alessandro Gnoatto
Prof. Alessandro Gnoatto
Presidente del CdLM "Banca e Finanza"
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche
Università degli Studi di Verona
Via Cantarane 24
37129, Verona, Italy
Room 1.05
Tel: +39 045 802 8537<tel:+390458028537>
E-mail: alessandro.gnoatto(a)<>
View my research on my SSRN Author page:
Dear Colleagues,
This is a reminder that the submission deadline for the XXVI Workshop on
Quantitative Finance (QFW 2025) is quickly approaching. Please submit your
paper or extended abstract (minimum four pages) by February 11, 2025, via
email to qfw2025(a)
For full details, visit the QFW 2025 website:
Best regards,
Andrea Consiglio
Workshop Organizing Committee
QFW 2025
Andrea Consiglio
Università di Palermo
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche.
Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 13
90128 Palermo, Italy
skype: conan_66
Inoltro con piacere questo messaggio di Riccardo Adami circa un
seminario di B. Schlein a Torino. Saluti,
Dario Trevisan
Care amiche, cari amici,
vi segnalo l'inizio di un ciclo di seminari che avranno luogo in vari
dipartimenti universitari di Torino, centrato sulla matematica della
fisica contemporanea, con particolare riferimento alla Meccanica
Quantistica. Giovedí 30 si terrá il primo appuntamento che, come i
successivi, consterá di due parti: una lezione informale aperta da
tenere al mattino ("crash course") e un seminario\colloquium al
pomeriggio. Auspichiamo una partecipazione nutrita anche da parte di
dottorande, dottorandi e studenti magistrali. Il primo speaker sará
Benjamin Schlein, dell'Universitá di Zurigo. Informazioni in calce e
locandina in allegato. Preannuncio che il secondo appuntamento sará
l'11 settembre 2025 con Roberto Longo. Siamo a disposizione per
ulteriori chiarimenti. Con preghiera di diffusione a tutti i
potenziali interessati.
Un saluto cordiale,
Dear All,
We are pleased to announce the launch of the new lecture series
"QuanTO - Quantum Lectures in Torino". This joint initiative is the
result of the scientific cooperation among researchers from the
Departments of Physics and Mathematics of Politecnico di Torino
(DISMA-DISAT) and Università di Torino.
The goal of this series is to bring together physicists and
mathematicians interested in quantum theories through regular meetings
and advanced lectures on current topics by leading experts. We are
particularly committed to engaging students and young researchers with
these fascinating areas. Therefore, to encourage broader
participation, each conference will be preceded by one or more
introductory lectures ("crash course") designed to review the ideas
and techniques necessary to fully appreciate the advanced seminar.
The inaugural event of this series will take place on January 30th,
2025. We are pleased to host Professor Benjamin Schlein from the
University of Zürich on this occasion, who will talk about "Bogoliubov
Theory for Dilute Bose Gases." The schedule is as follows - please
find the event leaflet attached:
- Crash course at Politecnico di Torino, Aula 1D, from 10:00 to 12:00.
- Seminar at the Department of Mathematics "G. Peano" (UniTo), Aula
Magna (2nd floor), from 15:00 to 16:00.
Abstract: In this talk, I am going to review recent progress in the
mathematical understanding of the low-energy properties of dilute
quantum systems. In particular, I am going to present a rigorous
version of Bogoliubov theory and I am going to show how it can be used
to obtain precise estimates for the ground state energy and the
low-energy excitation spectrum and also to approximate the time
evolution of Bose gases in the so-called Gross-Pitaevskii regime.
The seminar will be followed by a coffee break and informal discussions.
No registration is required. Should you have any inquiries, please
feel free to contact us at quanto.lectures(a) Further
information can be found on the webpage of the series:
We kindly ask you to circulate this message to any potential participants.
Best regards,
The Organizing Committee:
Riccardo Adami, Laura Andrianopoli, Andrea Cavaglià, Dario Martelli,
Marco Meineri, Fabrizio Nieri, S. Ivan Trapasso, Mario Trigiante
Prof. Dr. Riccardo Adami
Professor of Mathematical Analysis
DISMA G.L. Lagrange
Politecnico di Torino
Inoltro la seguente PhD call in Francia (Parigi + resto della Francia).
Cordiali saluti, FS
Da: Tamara Grava <grava(a)>
Inviato: giovedì 23 gennaio 2025 19:23
A: SAU FEDERICO <FEDERICO.SAU(a)>; Chiara Franceschini <chiara.franceschini(a)>
Oggetto: Borse cofund
Carissima Chiara e carissimo Federico,
spero tutto bene con voi.
Mattia Cafasso, che forse conoscete, mi chiede di pubblicizzare
questo bando di borse di dottorato co-fund.
Un caro saluto,
Cofund MathPhdInFrance<>
24 PhD fellowships in Mathematical Sciences in France, starting in fall 2025.
Deadline for application is February 14th, 2025.
The main specificity of the programme is the requirement that each PhD thesis is done in co-supervision between a university in the Paris region <> (Île-de-France) and one in a French region outside Île-de-France<>.
Key features of the programme
Here are the main features of the programme :
Co-supervision: each fellow will have two PhD supervisors, one in the Paris region and the other elsewhere in France. The fellow will be enrolled in one of the two universities (a preference can be indicated by the fellow at the time of application at Step 2) and she/he will benefit from the doctoral school and the doctoral training institute of the university in which he/she registers. The fellow will be in close contact with the supervisor and the co-supervisor, and will visit his/her co-supervisor on a regular basis.
3-I secondments mobility: fellows are expected to spend 2 months of mobility (during the 3 years of the PhD).
Full living allowance: fellows will receive a full living allowance slightly superior to the French normalized PhD salary (about 2300 euros gross, which is about 1850 euros per months net, including national health care)
Travel expenses: travel to the co-supervision site will be reimbursed up to 350 euros per month.
In addition, each fellow will benefit from dedicated conferences and workshops, including training sessions for professional insertion, and involved in a « learning by doing » approach.
A detailed presentation of the program is available in the Guide For Applicants.<…>
Timing and main information for the second call (2024-2025)
The selection procedure goes in two steps, see again the guide for applicants for more details:
Step 1 (deadline February 14th, 2025):
Candidates will have to provide documents and fill specific information online, mainly:
Motivation letter.
Recommendation letters (maximum 3 letters).
Curriculum vitae with complete track record.
Master grade certificates (all grades available at the date of submission) and master diploma if already obtained.
A scientific document where applicants describe their research interests, and their ideas for PhD projects if they already have some (maximum 2 pages).
Note that it is not necessary to be already in contact with a French university or supervisor to apply to Step 1. The main criterion is the quality of the candidate, however the personal motivation and research interests/project ideas will also be evaluated.
Applications must be submitted in English
We are pleased to announce the following seminar:
Hugo Lavenant (Bocconi University)
Optimal transport in the 21st century: historical highlights and insights
Optimal transport has grown from a niche mathematical theory into a vibrant
field impacting probability theory, analysis, and geometry, with
applications in economics, machine learning, biology, and other
disciplines. In this presentation, I will highlight key milestones in its
development, illustrating how the addressed questions and the explored
applications have evolved over the years.
Monday February 3, 2025, 11:30-13:00
Luiss University
Viale Romania 32
00197 Roma
Aula Toti
The seminar is intended as an introduction to a new reading group on
Optimal Transport, which will be held at Luiss every Wednesday 10:30-12:00
from February 12 onwards. The main reference will be the book “Optimal
Transport for Applied Mathematicians” by Filippo Santambrogio.
The reading group welcomes researchers and students from game theory,
statistics, machine learning, probability, applied mathematics, economics,
and related fields. Participation is open to all interested individuals,
fostering an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas.
You can obviously attend the seminar without any commitment to take part in
the reading group. Whoever is interested in the reading group is kindly
asked to fill out this form
. Participation is free, but, for logistic reasons, we need a list of
Marta Catalano and Marco Scarsini
Marco Scarsini
Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza
Luiss University
Viale Romania 32
00197 Roma, ITALY
Dear colleagues and readers of the mailing list,
We are happy to announce the upcoming Workshop on Neural Dynamical Systems for Time-Series Data, taking place from April 23 to April 25, 2025, at the University of Vienna and the Wolfgang Pauli Institute.
This workshop will explore advancements in neural dynamical systems, focusing on topics such as neural and controlled differential equations, signature methods and reservoir computing, with applications across finance, biology, and medicine.
The event will feature invited talks, two minicourse sessions, and several contributed talks.
Researchers in the field, particularly PhD students and early-career scientists, are encouraged to submit their work for presentation at the workshop. To apply, please email ndstd25.statistik(a) <> with your name, affiliation, and the title and abstract of your proposed talk by February 28, 2024.
Please visit our website, <>, for further information and a list of confirmed invited speakers.
The organizing committee — Linus Bleistein, Christa Cuchiero, Nina Drobac, Adeline Fermanian, Paul Hager, Olivier Wintenberger — is looking forward to your contribution!
Best regards,
The Organizers